135 research outputs found

    A building block of Antibiotic Ramoplanin A2

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    학위녌묞(석사) -- 서욞대학교대학원 : 공곌대학 화학생묌공학부, 2021.8. 김영규.This paper covers the contents of the synthesis of building block of ramoplanin A2 based on the stereoselectivity of the L-threo-β-hydroxy aspartate. Ramoplanin A2, synthesized by Actinoplanes, is a type of glycolipodepsipeptide and exhibits clinical effects. In particular, ramoplanin A2 plays an effective role in the treatment of vancomycin-resistant E. faecium (VREF) in the gastrointestinal tract by inhibiting the biosynthesis of bacterial cell wall in Gram-positive bacteria. According to the currently published papers, ramoplanin A2 is composed of three key subunits and can be synthesized through coupling reactions and cyclization reactions. Among them, the structure of L-threo-β-hydroxy asparagine is considered to be important in terms of stereochemistry as the backbone of the second key subunit, pentadepsipeptide. In our group, we have studied the stereoselective synthesis of trans-oxazolidine. N-hydroxymethyl-α-amino aldehyde has a stable structure by shifting its equilibrium to hemiacetal and participates in the reaction. Trans-oxazolidine is synthesized through the reaction of N-hydroxymethyl-α-amino aldehyde with phenylsulfonyl-nitromethane, and H-eclipsed formation of transition state enhances the stereoselectivity of trans-oxazolidine structure in the ratio of 20:1. Through this procedure, L-threo-β-hydroxy aspartate was synthesized in a total of 11 steps, 11% from D-serine. This product was synthesized to contain different protection groups on each terminal, which allows selective conversions to other form such as L-threo-β-hydroxy asparagine. Moreover, the possibility of synthesizing ramoplanin A2 was confirmed through Yamaguchi coupling reaction with N-phenylalanine.볞 녌묞은 L-튞레였-β-하읎드록시 아슀파띌진 구조의 입첎선택적 특징을 Ʞ볞윌로 하는 띌몚플띌닌 에읎2의 전구첎의 합성에 ꎀ한 낎용을 닀룚고 있닀. 악티녞플띌넀슀에 의핎 합성되는 띌몚플띌닌 에읎2는 당지질 뎁시펩타읎드의 한 종류로 임상횚곌륌 나타낞닀. 특히 띌몚플띌닌 에읎2는 귞람 양성 박테늬아에서 박테늬아의 섞포벜 생합성을 저핎하여 소화Ʞꎀ에 졎재하는 반윔마읎신 낎성 장구균의 처늬에 횚곌적읞 역할을 한닀. 현재 발표된 녌묞에 따륎멎 띌몚플띌닌 에읎2는 3개의 소닚위첎로 구성되얎 컀플링 반응곌 고늬화 반응을 통핎 합성할 수 있닀고 한닀. ê·ž 쀑 L-튞레였-β-하읎드록시 아슀파띌진 구조는 두 번짞 죌요 소닚위읞 펜타뎁시펩타읎드의 댈대로썚 입첎화학적 잡멎에서 쀑요하게 여겚진닀. 우늬 귞룹은 튞랜슀-옥사졞늬딘 구조륌 형성할 때 음얎날 수 있는 입첎선택적 합성 방법에 대핮 볎고한 평형읎 읎동하여 안정한 구조륌 가지고 반응에 찞여한닀. 튞랜슀-옥사졞늬딘은 N-하읎드록시메틞-α-아믞녞 알데하읎드와 페닐섀포닐나읎튞로메테읞의 반응을 통핎 합성되고, 전읎상태에서의 H-가늬움 형태로 읞한 입첎장애로 읞핎 튞랜슀-옥사졞늬딘의 입첎 선택성읎 20:1의 비윚로 높아진닀. 읎륌 통하여 D-섞늰윌로부터 L-튞레였-β-하읎드록시 아슀팔테읎튞륌 쎝 11닚계, 11%로 합성하였닀. 읎 합성묌은 각 말닚읎 서로 닀륞 종류의 볎혞Ʞ로 볎혞되얎 L-튞레였-β-하읎드록시 아슀파띌진곌 같은 형태로의 선택적 전환읎 용읎하게 합성되었닀. 또한, N-페닐알띌닌곌의 알마구치 컀플링 반응을 통한 뎁시펩타읎드의 형성윌로 띌몚플띌닌 에읎2의 합성 가능성을 확읞하였닀.1. Introduction 1 1.1 Introduction of Depsipeptide 1 1.2 Introduction of Ramoplanin A2 3 1.3 Introduction of building block of Ramoplanin A2 5 1.4 Introduction of N-protected-α-amino aldehyde 8 1.5 Introduction of trans-oxazolidine 10 2. Results and Discussion 13 2.1 Retrosynthesis of building block of Ramoplanin A2 13 2.2 Formation of D-serinal 14 2.3 Formation of stereoselective trans-oxazolidine 16 2.4 Formation of building block for Ramoplanin A2 18 3. Conclusion 21 4. Experimental Details 22 REFERENCES 30 APPENDICES 33 ABSTRACT IN KOREAN 50석

    ELM 플띌슈마 몚사륌 위한 레음걎 플띌슈마의 특성에 대한 연구

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    학위녌묞 (석사)-- 서욞대학교 대학원 : 에너지시슀템공학부, 2013. 2. 황용석.토칎막에서는 H-mode륌 유지하멎서 장시간 욎전하는 것읎 쀑요하지만, 음반적윌로 고옚 플띌슈마 겜계 멎에서의 큰 압력 변화 때묞에 불안정한 현상읞 ELM (Edge Localized mode)읎 발생하게 된닀. 읎렇게 불안정한 ELM에 의한 닀읎버터 (Divertor)의 손상에 대한 연구는 핵융합로의 수명곌 ꎀ렚하여 í•Žê²°í•Žì•Œ 할 쀑요한 곌제 쀑 하나읎닀. Ʞ졎의 ELM 몚사 장치듀은 대멎 재료에 대핮 큰 ì—Ž 부하륌 죌얎 ê·ž 변화륌 ꎀ찰하고 재료륌 선정하는 것을 목적윌로 하였Ʞ 때묞에 싀제로 ELM 플띌슈마의 특성을 잘 재현핎낎Ʞ볎닀는 고출력 에너지륌 만드는 복잡한 형태의 빔 발생 장치읎었닀. 또한 읎러한 몚사 장치륌 대멎 재료 시험에만 제한적윌로 사용하였닀. 읎에 볞 녌묞에서는, ELM곌 유사한 플띌슈마륌 만듀 수 있는 ê°„ë‹ší•œ 형태의 레음걎 (rail gun)을 섀계 및 제작하고, 싀험곌 전산몚사륌 통핎 ITER 크Ʞ에서의 ELM 플띌슈마의 밀도, 읎옚 유동 속도 잡멎에서 유사한 플띌슈마 ì ¯ (plasma jet)에 대한 연구륌 수행하여 향후 닀읎버터에 ELM 플띌슈마가 도달하Ʞ 전에 제얎하는 연구에 Ʞ여하고자 하였닀. 싀험을 위핎 음정한 방향윌로 큰 로렌잠 힘을 발생시킬 수 있는 레음걎 개념을 채택하였닀. ELM 플띌슈마의 특성을 바탕윌로 전극 Ꞟ읎, 방전Ʞ첎의 죌입 시간, 충전 전압, 프로람 ìž¡ì • 위치와 같은 싀험 조걎듀을 변화시킀멎서, ELM곌 유사한 특성을 지닌 플띌슈마륌 발생시킬 수 있는 조걎듀을 고렀하여 ELM 몚사에 적합한 레음걎을 제작하였닀. 진공 환겜에서 각각의 아륎곀곌 수소 Ʞ첎륌 전극 사읎의 공간에 죌입하멎서 높은 펄슀 전압을 전극에 읞가하여 레음 사읎에서 방전을 음윌쌜 고속의 플띌슈마 젯을 만듀 수 있었닀. 레음걎에서 플띌슈마 젯읎 방출되Ʞ 전에 레음을 따띌 읎동하는 아크 플띌슈마 채널에 대한 동적 특성을 확읞하Ʞ 위하여 레음 전극 사읎륌 쎈고속 칎메띌로 진닚하였닀. 방전윌로 발생한 플띌슈마가 덩얎늬의 형태로 전극 사읎륌 가속하여 읎동하는 것을 ꎀ찰할 수 있었고, 읎것윌로 대략적읞 플띌슈마 채널의 욎동 속도륌 추정할 수 있었닀. 전류가 흐륎는 레음곌 전력 시슀템을 하나의 ê°„ë‹ší•œ 회로 형태로 몚덞링하여 몚사한 결곌 플띌슈마 채널의 읎동 거늬와 속도륌 예잡할 수 있었고, 읎는 쎈고속 칎메띌의 진닚 결곌와 유의믞한 수쀀윌로 유사핚을 검슝할 수 있었닀. 또한 전극 안 쪜 뿐만 아니띌 전극에서 분출되는 순간의 플띌슈마 젯의 형태륌 쎈고속 칎메띌륌 통핎 확읞할 수 있었닀. 읎것은 입자 거동을 전산 몚사할 수 있는 OOPIC을 통핎 플띌슈마 젯의 읎동을 몚사하여 비교하였닀. 읎러한 방식윌로 플띌슈마 젯의 형태와 쎈Ʞ 발생곌정을 확읞하였고, 레음걎에서의 고속 플띌슈마륌 잡정하Ʞ 적합한 4쀑 랑뮀얎 탐칚을 제작하여 방전Ʞ첎, 충전전압에 따띌 플띌슈마 젯을 거늬별로 잡정하였닀. 각각의 탐칚윌로 수집되는 신혞륌 처늬하Ʞ 위핎 회로륌 제작하여 탐칚 간 전위찚와 전류에 대한 데읎터륌 받았고, 데읎터륌 바탕윌로 비선형 방정식을 풀얎 플띌슈마 젯의 전자 옚도, 전자 밀도, 읎옚 속도륌 계산하였닀. ELM 플띌슈마의 입자륌 제얎하는 잡멎에서는 ELM곌 유사한 플띌슈마 젯의 밀도, 속도, 크Ʞ가 쀑요한 요소읎닀. 진닚된 아륎곀 플띌슈마 젯의 파띌믞터듀은 싀제 ELM 필띌멘튞 플띌슈마 특성곌 비교했을 때 옚도륌 제왞하고는 큰 찚읎가 없었닀. 특히 플띌슈마 젯의 밀도와 드늬프튞 속도는 각각 m-3와 10 km/s 읎상 정도로 유사한 결곌륌 얻었고, 찚후 플띌슈마 입자륌 전자Ʞ장윌로 제얎한닀는 잡멎에서 뎀을 때 싀험싀 환겜에서 읎 플띌슈마 젯을 사용할 수 있을 것읎닀. 또한 진닚된 수소 플띌슈마 젯의 파띌믞터듀 역시 싀제 ELM 필띌멘튞의 플띌슈마 특성곌 비교했을 때 전자 밀도는 유사하지만 전자 옚도가 상대적윌로 맀우 낮았닀. 귞러나 레음걎의 로렌잠 힘을 읎용하여 플띌슈마 젯의 속도륌 100 km/s 읎상윌로 만듀얎낌 수 있고, 충전 전압을 조절하여 원하는 속도로 올늎 수 있는 것읎 가능핚을 확읞하였닀. 싀험에서의 플띌슈마 속도에 대한 욎동에너지로 싀제 ELM 플띌슈마의 대멎 묌질에 대한 충격 에너지와 유사하게 만드는 것읎 가능할 것읎닀. 읎와 같읎 볞 녌묞에서는 드늬프튞 속도와 에너지 잡멎에서 ELM 플띌슈마에 귌접한 특성을 지닌 플띌슈마륌 레음걎을 읎용하여 만듀 수 있음을 확읞할 수 있었닀. 귞러므로 향후 볞 연구의 싀험 환겜에서 ELM 플띌슈마와 유사한 특성을 가진 플띌슈마 젯을 왞부 전자Ʞ장을 읎용하여 표적에 대한 부하륌 감소시킀는 연구륌 진행하는데 Ʞ쎈가 될 것읎고, 추가적윌로 ê°„ë‹ší•œ 장치로 대멎 재료 시험을 하는데도 활용될 수 있을 것읎닀.Damages of divertor targets by plasma loads during edge localized modes (ELMs) are critical issue in fusion engineering because they reduce the lifetime of the divertor target. In the case of ITER, the plasma load on divertor target during ELM is up to tens of GW/m2 and its duration is approximately a few hundred microseconds. To evaluate the damages of divertor target during ELMs experimentally, various irradiation systems using a pulsed laser or particle beams have been proposed and tested. Among them, a pulsed plasma gun is thought to be suitable to simulate the ELM situation because it can give the particle load as well as the thermal heat load on the divertor target. Therefore, in this thesis, a small-sized rail gun is adopted to simulate the heat loads during ELMs and explore how to relieve the heat loads. The rail gun is designed and fabricated in configuration of two parallel electrodes: the separation between the electrodes is 1 cm wide and the length of the rail is 30 cm long. The rail gun is installed at the top of cylindrical chamber so that the plasma jet is ejected vertically downward from the muzzle of the rail gun. The electrical current is fed to the electrodes by fast discharge of electrical energy stored in low-inductance capacitor. Initiation of discharge is accomplished by fast injection of gas at the breech of the rail using a piezoelectric valve. Argon and hydrogen are used as working gases. Diagnostics of the plasma jet ejected from the muzzle of the rail gun is carried out with a quadruple Langmuir probe and a fast camera. The fast camera is also used to diagnose the formation and motion of the plasma channel between the electrodes, revealing almost linear increase in velocity with time. Dynamic motion of the plasma channel inside the rail is confirmed by a simple equivalent circuit model for parallel-plate rail gun, showing good agreements between the numerical calculation and the experimental observation. The quadruple Langmuir probe is used to measure the spatio-temporal changes for the properties of the plasma jet during the propagation in open space by moving the probe position vertically. With appropriate data processing, it provides the information on the time-dependent plasma properties, i.e. electron density, electron temperature and ion drift velocity, which are critical in studying the ELM-like plasmas. From a lot of experiments conducted using gases with large difference in mass, i.e. hydrogen and argon, it is suggested that the plasma gun developed in this study can be separately applicable for the different topics on researches of ELM plasma: ELM control experiments for argon and heat load tests for hydrogen. The argon plasma jet with ion velocity of 10 km/s is suitable for investigation of the control of ELM-like plasma because the ion drift velocity is similar to the ELM filament velocity approaching to the divertor target. While, the ion drift velocity for the hydrogen plasma jet is much higher up to 120 km/s, so that it is possible to use for simulating the heat load impacting on the divertor surface. The ion drift velocity, or equivalently ion kinetic energy, is easily increased by increasing the length of the rail as well as the discharge current. Therefore, the plasma gun developed and characterized in the present study is expected to be well utilized for the versatile researches on the future experiments on the ELM control and mitigation.Abstract ⅰ Contents ⅳ List of Tables ⅵ List of Figures ⅶ Chapter 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Research motivation and objectives 1 1.2 Thesis outline 4 Chapter 2 Background theory 5 2.1 ELM (Edge Localized Mode) 5 2.2 Rail gun dynamics 8 Chapter 3 Experimental setup 10 3.1 Design requirements 10 3.2 Construction of rail gun system 12 3.2.1 Power supply and gas puffing system 14 3.2.2 Rail gun design 14 3.2.3 Installation of diagnostic tools 18 3.3 Diagnostics 19 3.3.1 Fast camera 19 3.3.2 Quadruple Langmuir probe (QLP) 20 Chapter 4 Characterization of plasma jet 23 4.1 Visualization of the rail gun plasma using fast camera 23 4.1.1 Arc plasma channel inside rail electrodes 23 4.1.2 Plasma jet ejected from rail electrodes 25 4.2 Signal data acquisition using QLP 27 4.3 Plasma jet parameters 30 4.3.1 Calculation of plasma parameters 30 4.3.2 Time varying plasma jet 32 4.3.3 Variation of moving plasma jet characteristics 37 4.4 Correlation of the ELM plasma and experimental results 41 4.4.1 Analysis as the particle 41 4.4.2 Analysis as the energy 43 Chapter 5 Theoretical models for rail gun plasma 45 5.1 Theoretical slug model for the plasma gun 45 5.1.1 Simple system circuit model 45 5.1.2 Motion of an arc plasma channel in modeling 47 5.2 Particle-In-Cell simulation of rail gun plasma jet 49 5.2.1 Simulation setup for PIC simulation 49 5.2.2 Results of the plasma jet motion using PIC simulation 52 Chapter 6 Conclusions and future work 55 Bibliography 57 Abstract in Korean 60Maste

    On the Optimum Cathodic Protection Design of Harbor Steel Piles in Terms of Sea Water Environment Factors and Steel Pile Surface Condition

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    With the rapid development of industry corrosion of steel structures exposed to the severe environment has generated numerous social and economical problems in the economical point of view. Furthermore, it has been revealed that the economical loss by corrosion of steel structures was approximately 2~4% of GNP in the U.S. in 1998. Although in Korea, the percentage of the economical loss by the corrosion was not clearly verified, it was assumed that the loss would be much greater than the U.S’. Therefore a corrosion control is being generally accepted as important issue not only in economical point of view but also in safety reason and those steel structures should be protected by an optimum protection method. And there are many protection methods for steel structureone of them is a cathodic protection including both impressed current method and sacrificial anode method, which are being mainly used for steel structures in marine environment. Recently, the corrosion property of sea water was being changed the increase of environmental contamination, so the optimum protection design should be changed corresponding to some parameters such as degree of contamination, temperature, velocity (flow rate) of sea water and surface condition of steel structure. In this study, the optimum protection design for steel structures in marine environment was investigated with some parameters such as variation of supplied cathodic current density, surface condition of cleaned or rusted and solution state of stirring or no stirring through the simulation technology, followed by both laboratory and field experiment. Chapter. 3.1 is to investigate the optimum protection potential and protection current density with some parameters such as variation of supplied cathodic current density, surface condition of cleaned or rusted and solution state of stirring or no stirring. The corrosion current density of the rusted surface was considerably amall compared to the cleaned one and the cathodic polarization potential of cleaned specimen was more negative than that of the rusted one at the same applied cathodic current density. However the protection potential of cleaned specimen was below -770 mV (SCE), on the other hand its potential of the rusted one was lower than -700 mV (SCE) irrespective of solution stirring condition and in the case of no stirring condition, the protection current density was 100 mA/m2 at both cleaned and rusted specimens, however, it was revealed that the protection current density in stirring condition was about 200 mA/m2 due to increasing of oxygen diffusion on the cathode surface. It is suggested that the optimum protection potential and current density should be controlled by the surface condition of structures as well as solution stirring condition. Chapter 3.2 is to reconfirm the experimental results of chapter 3.1 by field experiment. As the results of chapter 3.2, the consumption rate and producing current of anode in the case of rusted steel pile was much greater than the cleaned steel pile and the applied current density for protection potential (-770 mV (SCE)) was also much larger compared to the cleaned steel pile. Chapter 3.3 is to investigate the variation of anode producing current and cathodic polarization potential of some steel piles in case of their steel piles was protected by sacrificial anode in field experiment. When some steel piles electrically connected with the other adjacent piles which was protected or not by sacrificial anode was being also cathodically protected by sacrificial anode, anode producing current between sacrificial anode and their steel piles was varied with corresponding to whether the other adjacent piles were cathodically protected because anode producing current was consumed to the other adjacent piles for protection or saved due to their steel piles were protected slightly by other anode producing current between sacrifical anode and the other adjacent piles for protection. Therefore it is suggested that life time of sacrificial anode for some steel piles protection can be also varied with increasing or decreasing of anode producing current according to the other adjacent piles’ protection or not. Consequently it is concluded that for the optimum protection design, the surface condition as well as the contamination degree of sea water should be considered to determine some factors such as life time, current efficiency and protection current density.1. 서 ë¡  1 2. 읎론적 배겜 4 2.1 부식의 Ʞ볞읎론 4 2.2 핎수쀑 강 구조묌의 부식특성곌 방식법 19 2.2.1 핎수의 성질 19 2.2.2 강구조묌의 í•Žì–‘ 부식특성 23 2.2.3 핎수쀑 철강구조묌의 부식에 믞치는 영향 읞자 26 2.2.4 핎수쀑 강 파음의 방식법 31 2.3 강구조묌 희생양극 방식섀계상의 묞제점 41 2.3.1 양극 전류횚윚의 묞제점 41 2.3.2 양극발생전류 계산의 묞제점 43 2.3.3 방식전류밀도 값의 묞제점 44 2.3.4 섀계 양극개수 산출의 묞제점 47 2.3.5 등가직겜(D) 계산의 묞제점 47 2.3.6 방식섀계에서 수질의 묞제점 49 2.3.7 í•Žì–‘ 강구조묌 횚윚적읞 방식섀계 적용을 위한 시뮬레읎션 연구 54 3. 연구결곌 및 ê³ ì°° 74 3.1 음극방식의 섀계에 믞치는 핎수 환겜읞자 및 플 방식첎 표멎 상태의 영향 74 3.1.1 연구 배겜 및 목적 74 3.1.2 시험펞 제작 및 싀험방법 74 3.1.3 싀험결곌 및 ê³ ì°° 79 3.1.4 결곌 요앜 124 3.2 강 파음의 표멎상태에 따륞 희생양극소몚량곌 방식 전류밀도변화 125 3.2.1 연구배겜 및 목적 125 3.2.2 대형 싀험조 제작 및 핎상 싀험장 제작 125 3.2.3 싀험방법 127 3.2.4 싀험결곌 및 ê³ ì°° 133 3.2.5 결곌 요앜 141 3.3 음극방식에 의핎 강 파음에 유입한 방식전류가 읞접한 강 파음에 믞치는 영향 142 3.3.1 연구배겜 및 목적 142 3.3.2 싀험 방법 142 3.3.3 싀험 결곌 및 ê³ ì°° 148 3.3.4 결곌 요앜 159 4. 쎝ꎄ ê²°ë¡  160 ì°ž ê³  묞 헌 16

    Clinical Practice Guideline of Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome

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    There is no well-stated practical guideline for mechanically ventilated patients with or without acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). We generate strong (1) and weak (2) grade of recommendations based on high (A), moderate (B) and low (C) grade in the quality of evidence. In patients with ARDS, we recommend low tidal volume ventilation (1A) and prone position if it is not contraindicated (1B) to reduce their mortality. However, we did not support high-frequency oscillatory ventilation (1B) and inhaled nitric oxide (1A) as a standard treatment. We also suggest high positive end-expiratory pressure (2B), extracorporeal membrane oxygenation as a rescue therapy (2C), and neuromuscular blockage for 48 hours after starting mechanical ventilation (2B). The application of recruitment maneuver may reduce mortality (2B), however, the use of systemic steroids cannot reduce mortality (2B). In mechanically ventilated patients, we recommend light sedation (1B) and low tidal volume even without ARDS (1B) and suggest lung protective ventilation strategy during the operation to lower the incidence of lung complications including ARDS (2B). Early tracheostomy in mechanically ventilated patients can be performed only in limited patients (2A). In conclusion, of 12 recommendations, nine were in the management of ARDS, and three for mechanically ventilated patients.ope

    Comparison of self-reported and accelerometer-assessed measurements of physical activity according to socio-demographic characteristics in Korean adults

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    OBJECTIVES: Previous studies have shown relatively low correlations between self-reported and accelerometer-assessed physical activity (PA). However, this association differs by socio-demographic factors, and this relationship has not been fully investigated in the general population. Thus, we investigated the correlation between self-reported and accelerometer-assessed PA and whether it differed by demographic and socioeconomic factors among the Korean general population. METHODS: This cross-sectional study included 623 participants (203 men and 420 women) aged 30 to 64 years, who completed a PA questionnaire and wore a wrist-worn accelerometer on the non-dominant wrist for 7 days. We examined the agreement for metabolic equivalent task minutes per week (MET-min/wk) between the 2 measures and calculated Spearman correlation coefficients according to demographic and socioeconomic factors. RESULTS: The kappa coefficient between tertiles of self-reported and accelerometer-assessed total MET-min/wk was 0.16 in the total population, suggesting overall poor agreement. The correlation coefficient between the 2 measurements was 0.26 (p<0.001) in the total population, and the correlation tended to decrease with increasing age (p for trend <0.001) and depression scores (p for trend <0.001). CONCLUSIONS: We found a low correlation between self-reported and accelerometer-assessed PA among healthy Korean adults, and the correlation decreased with age and depression score. When studying PA using accelerometers and/or questionnaires, age and depression need to be considered, as should differences between self-reported and accelerometer-assessed PA.ope

    Naphthalene-based fluorescent probes for glutathione and their applications in living cells and patients with sepsis

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    Rationale: Among the biothiols-related diseases, sepsis is defined as life-threatening organ dysfunction caused by a dysregulated host response to infection and can result in severe oxidative stress and damage to multiple organs. In this study, we aimed to develop a fluorescence chemosensor that can both detect GSH and further predict sepsis. Methods: In this study, two new naphthalene dialdehyde compounds containing different functional groups were synthesized, and the sensing abilities of these compounds towards biothiols and its applications for prediction of sepsis were investigated. Results: Our study revealed that the newly developed probe 6-methoxynaphthalene-2, 3-dicarbaldehyde (MNDA) has two-photon is capable of detecting GSH in live cells with two-photon microscopy (TPM) under the excitation at a wavelength of 900 nm. Furthermore, two GSH detection probes naphthalene-2,3-dicarboxaldehyde (NDA) and 6-fluoronaphthalene-2,3-dicarbaldehyde (FNDA) not only can detect GSH in living cells, but also showed clinical significance for the diagnosis and prediction of mortality in patients with sepsis. Conclusions: These results open up a promising direction for further medical diagnostic techniques.ope

    Patterns and determinants of COPD-related healthcare utilization by severity of airway obstruction in Korea

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    BACKGROUND: We investigated patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) to analyze patterns and identify determinants of healthcare use, according to the severity of airflow obstruction. We used retrospective cohort data from a combination of the 4th Korea National Health and Nutritional Examination Survey (KNHANES) and Korean National Health Insurance (NHI) claims. METHODS: Demographic and medical claims data were retrospectively analyzed from the 4th KNHANES along with NHI claims. Eligible patients were aged ≥40 years, who underwent complete pulmonary function tests (PFTs), and had at least one inpatient or outpatient claim coded as COPD between January 1, 2007 and December 31, 2010. RESULTS: Among 6,663 eligible participants, 897 (13.5%) had airway obstruction. Self-reported physician-diagnosed COPD comprised only 3%, and there were 870 undiagnosed COPD patients (97%). Self-reported physician-diagnosed asthma made up 3.7%. Of the 897 respondents, 244 (27.2%) used COPD-related healthcare services. The frequency of healthcare visits increased with increasing severity of airway obstruction. After a 3-year follow-up period, 646 (74.2% of those initially undiagnosed) remained undiagnosed and only 224 (25.8%) were diagnosed and treated for COPD. Only 27.5% of the 244 participants with airway obstruction who used COPD-related healthcare underwent PFTs during the study period. The percentage of prescribed medications associated with COPD increased in accordance with the severity of the COPD. Inhaled long-acting anticholinergics were prescribed for 10.9% of patients with moderate airway obstruction and for 52.4% of patients with severe obstruction. Inhaled long-acting β-agonists combined with corticosteroids were prescribed for 50% of patients with severe airway obstruction. Conversely, 44.6% of healthcare users were prescribed oral theophylline for COPD treatment, and 21.7% were also prescribed an oral corticosteroid. The determinants of COPD-associated healthcare use in respondents with obstructive lung disease were advanced age, severe airflow limitation, presence of comorbidities, and self-reported physician diagnosis of COPD. CONCLUSIONS: This study ascertained marked underdiagnosed COPD. Although the percentage of prescribed medication used to treat COPD increased with the severity of the COPD, medications primarily prescribed such as oral theophylline or oral corticosteroids are inappropriate for first-line COPD treatment.ope

    Advantage of Vital Sign Monitoring Using a Wireless Wearable Device for Predicting Septic Shock in Febrile Patients in the Emergency Department: A Machine Learning-Based Analysis

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    Intermittent manual measurement of vital signs may not rapidly predict sepsis development in febrile patients admitted to the emergency department (ED). We aimed to evaluate the predictive performance of a wireless monitoring device that continuously measures heart rate (HR) and respiratory rate (RR) and a machine learning analysis in febrile but stable patients in the ED. We analysed 468 patients (age, ≥18 years; training set, n = 277; validation set, n = 93; test set, n = 98) having fever (temperature &gt;38 °C) and admitted to the isolation care unit of the ED. The AUROC of the fragmented model with device data was 0.858 (95% confidence interval [CI], 0.809-0.908), and that with manual data was 0.841 (95% CI, 0.789-0.893). The AUROC of the accumulated model with device data was 0.861 (95% CI, 0.811-0.910), and that with manual data was 0.853 (95% CI, 0.803-0.903). Fragmented and accumulated models with device data detected clinical deterioration in febrile patients at risk of septic shock 9 h and 5 h 30 min earlier, respectively, than those with manual data. Continuous vital sign monitoring using a wearable device could accurately predict clinical deterioration and reduce the time to recognise potential clinical deterioration in stable ED patients with fever.ope

    Soluble IL-2R Levels Predict in-Hospital Mortality in COVID-19 Patients with Respiratory Failure

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    Acute respiratory distress syndrome is the primary cause of death in patients with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pneumonia. Our study aims to determine the association between serum markers and mortality in COVID-19 patients with respiratory failure. This retrospective study was conducted in a tertiary care hospital in South Korea. Forty-nine patients with COVID-19, who required high flow nasal cannulation or mechanical ventilation from February 2020 to April 2021, were included. Demographic and laboratory data were analyzed at baseline and on Day 7 of admission. We found that serum creatinine, troponin, procalcitonin, and soluble interleukin-2 receptor (sIL-2R) at baseline were more elevated in the non-survivor group, but were not associated with mechanical ventilator use on Day 7. Older age, PaO2/FiO2 ratio, lymphocyte and platelet counts, lactate dehydrogenase, IL-6, C-reactive protein, and sIL-2R on Day 7 were significantly associated with mortality. Delta sIL-2R (Day 7-Day 0) per standard deviation was significantly higher in the non-survivor group (adjusted hazard ratio 3.225, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.151-9.037, p = 0.026). Therefore, sIL-2R could predict mortality in COVID-19 patients with respiratory failure. Its sustained elevation suggests a hyper-inflammatory state, and mirrors the severity of COVID-19 in patients with respiratory failure, thereby warranting further attention.ope

    Optimal timing of initiating continuous renal replacement therapy in septic shock patients with acute kidney injury

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    Acute kidney injury (AKI) in patients with septic shock is associated with high mortality, but the appropriate timing for initiating continuous renal replacement therapy (CRRT) is controversial. We retrospectively enrolled 158 septic shock patients with AKI in the medical intensive care unit (ICU) from July 2016 to April 2018. The time from AKI onset to CRRT initiation was compared according to ICU mortality using Cox proportional hazard, receiver operating characteristic, and Kaplan-Meier survival analyses. At the time of ICU discharge, the mortality rate was 50.6% (n = 80). It took longer to initiate CRRT in non-survivors than in survivors (hazard ratio 1.009; 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.003-1.014; P = 0.002). The cut-off time from AKI onset to CRRT initiation for ICU mortality was 16.5 hours (area under the curve 0.786; 95% CI 0.716-0.856; P < 0.001). The cumulative mortality rate was significantly higher in patients in whom CRRT was initiated beyond 16.5 hours after AKI onset than in those in whom CCRT was initiated within 16.5 hours (log-rank test, P < 0.001). Several clinical situations must be considered to determine the optimal timing of CRRT initiation in these patients. Close observation and CRRT initiation within 16.5 hours after AKI onset may help improve survival.ope
