37 research outputs found

    Study of Deep-level Fine Structure by Laplace Defect Spectroscopy

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    用Laplace缺陷谱仪 (LDS)实验研究了GaAsP中Fe深受主上空穴发射和AlGaAs中SnDX中心上电子发射引起的非指数瞬态 ,发现它们起因于混晶无序效应。与DLTS的单一谱峰比较 ,LDS谱呈现出多峰结构。由深能级上空穴与电子热发射率随温度关系的直线拟合 ,得到多峰结构各峰谱的激活能 ,认为它们反映杂质深中心与其近邻原子的不同结构。研究表明 ,LDS适用于深能级精细结构的研究。A Laplace defect spectrometer (LDS) is applied to study non exponential transients resulting from hole emission from Fe related deep acceptors in GaAsP and electron emission from Sn related DX centers in AlGaAs. The non exponential transients which bear a relationship to the alloy random effect are investigated under different conditions. Their LDS spectra exhibit several well resolved sharp peaks assigned to the fine structures of the Fe related deep acceptors and the two DX centers, respectively. The activation energies of the fine structures are determined by linear fitting of the slopes of temperature dependences of hole and electron emission rates. The results show that the LDS is useful for investigation of deep level fine structures.国家自然科学基金资助项目 (6 9976 0 2 3) ;; 福建省自然科学基金资助项

    Analysis of genetic effects for grain quality characters in late indica hybrid rice

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    以6个籼型野败三系不育系为母本,5个晚籼恢复系为父本,进行不完全双列杂交设计,对籼型杂交晚稻稻米品质性状的遗传效应进行分析.结果表明:糙米率、精米率、垩白粒率、碱消值和胶稠度等5个性状同时受到种子遗传效应和细胞质遗传效应的控制,但细胞质遗传效应都大于种子遗传效应.整精米率、垩白度和透明度等3个性状只受到种子遗传效应的控制,并且都以种子显性遗传效应为主.直链淀粉含量同时受到种子遗传效应和母体植株遗传效应的控制,但以种子显性遗传效应为主.粒长和长宽比同时受到母体植株加性遗传效应和母体植株显性遗传效应的控制.不育系451A、全丰A、长丰A及恢复系蜀恢527、科恢752、岳恢94是配制优质杂交晚稻组合的优异亲本.Six CMS(Fuyi A etc.) and 5 late-restorers(Minghui 63 etc.) were used in partial diallel crosses to analyse the genetic effects of grain quality characters in late indica hybrid rice,using seed quantitative traits genetic models and analysis methods developed by Zhu Jun in cereal crops.The results showed that the 5 characters were simultaneously controlled by seed genetic effects and cytoplasmic genetic effects in percentage of brown rice,percentage of milled rice,percentage of chalky grain,gelatinization temperature and gel consistency,but the cytoplasmic genetic effects were all higher than the seed genetic effects.The 3 traits were only controlled by seed genetic effects in percentage of head rice,chalkiness and translucency,and the effects were all mainly come from seed dominance genetic effects.Amylose content was controlled by seed genetic effects and maternal genetic effects,but was mainly controlled by seed dominance genetic effects.The 2 traits were simultaneously controlled by maternal additive genetic effects and maternal dominance genetic effects in kernel length and length/breadth ratio.The 6 materials were available parents for breeding late indica hybrid rice combinations with good quality,which included the CMS of 451 A,Quanfeng A and Changfeng A,the restorers of Shuhui 527,Kehui 752 and Yuehui 94.福建省自然科学基金资助项目(B0310020

    Combustion Synthesis and Electrochemical Properties of the Small Hydrofullerene C50H10

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    通讯作者地址: Xie, SY (通讯作者),Xiamen Univ, Coll Chem & Chem Engn, State Key Lab Phys Chem Solid Surfaces, Xiamen 361005, Peoples R China 地址: 1. Xiamen Univ, Coll Chem & Chem Engn, State Key Lab Phys Chem Solid Surfaces, Xiamen 361005, Peoples R China 2. Xiamen Univ, Coll Chem & Chem Engn, Dept Chem, Xiamen 361005, Peoples R China 3. Xiamen Univ, Sch Life Sci, Xiamen 361005, Peoples R China 电子邮件地址: [email protected]; [email protected] hydrofullerene C50H10 is synthesized by low-pressure benzeneoxygen diffusion combustion. The structure of C50H10 is identified through NMR, mass spectrometry, and IR and Raman spectroscopy as a D5h symmetric closed-cage molecule with five pairs of fused pentagons stabilized by ten hydrogen atoms. UV/Vis and fluorescence spectrometric analyses disclose its optical properties as comparable with those of its chloride cousin (C50Cl10). Cyclic and square-wave voltammograms reveal that the first reduction potential of C50H10 is more negative than that of C50Cl10 as well as C60, with implications for the utilization of C50H10 as a promising electron acceptor for photovoltaic applications.973 projects 2011CB935901 NSFC 21031004 21021061 2077310

    Several Questions about Housing Leasehold concerning the Effect of Jus In Rem

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    承认房屋租赁权一定程度的物权化效力是各国的通行做法。我国也有相关立法,但在具体适用时仍需进一步细化。文中就其中争议较大的问题进行了讨论。Most countries accept that housing leasehold has some effect of jus in rem to some degree. There are also some relative regulations in our country in above area, but these regulations need to be made clear in detail so that they will be more applicable in practice. This article discusses several questions bringing about heated controversy


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    Study on the spatial and temporal variation of surface chlorophyll a in Taiwan Strait and its adjacent waters

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    从物理过程和营养输送方面讨论了2006~2007年台湾海峡及其邻近海域表层水叶绿素A含量的时空变化特征及其调控因素.结果表明,台湾海峡表层水体从南至北叶绿素A含量的季节变化存在着明显差异.在北部海区叶绿素A含量平均值以春季居高,冬季最低;中部海区以秋季最高,夏季最低;南部较反常,以冬季最高,夏季最低.浙闽沿岸流、海峡暖流及上升流所造成的营养盐输入方式的差异可能是决定海峡叶绿素A含量季节分布南北差异的关键因素.分析结果还表明,春、夏季叶绿素A含量的分布在南部和北部海域均主要受营养盐限制,秋季叶绿素A含量在南部和北部海域分别主要受到磷酸盐含量和水温的影响,冬季叶绿素A含量在南部和北部海域分别主要受到硝酸盐含量和水温的影响.Spatial and temporal variation of chlorophyll a and their environmental factors in surface water of Taiwan Strait and its adjacent waters is discussed based on the physical process and nutrients transportation in 2006 and 2007.The results showed that seasonal variation of chlorophyll a was different remarkably from the south to the north in Taiwan Strait.The maximum mean of chlorophyll a appeared in spring and the minimum in winter in northern waters,but in the middle waters the maximum mean of chlorophyll a appeared in autumn and the minimum appeared in summer.It was abnormal in the south that the maximum value appeared in winter and the minimum in Summer.The different nutrients transportation of surface water and upwelling water by Zhe-Min along-shore water and Taiwan warm current may control the distribution of chlorophyll a in the southern and northern Taiwan Strait.The analysis also showed that nutrient concentrations was the factor that controlled the distribution of chlorophyll a in spring and summer in the southern and northern Taiwan Strait.In autumn,chlorophyll a contents were mainly influenced by temperature in northern Taiwan Strait while phosphate in southern Taiwan Strait.In winter,chlorophyll a contents were mainly influenced by temperature in northern Taiwan Strait while nitrate in southern Taiwan Strait.国家908专项基金资助项目(908-01-ST06

    Investigation of Laplace DeFect Spectroscopy Method

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    本文讨论了研究半导体缺陷深能级瞬态谱中遇到的多指数分解问题,并使用共轭梯度计算法对瞬态谱进行数值lAPlACE逆变换处理来实现多指数瞬态的分解.结果表明,此方法具有较高的分辨率,而且存储和计算量较小,适用于进行常规的深能级瞬态精细结构测量.The problem of decomposing a multiple exponential transient into its constituent parts in study of deep energy levels in semiconductors is discussed.To deconvolute a multiple exponential transient, conjugate gradient method is used to perForm numerical inverse Laplace transForm by a personal computer.The results show that this method is not only of high resolution, but also requires less memory and calculation, which is sui table For study of Fine structure of deep level transient.国家及福建省自然科学基

    Decomposition of a Multiple Exponential Transient with Conjugate Gradient Method

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    采用共轭梯度法处理半导体深能级研究中遇到的多指数瞬态分解问题,数值计算表明这种方法具有较高的分辨率,可应用于多指数函数分解和电子发射过程的精细结构研究.Conjugate gradient method was used to decompose a multiple exponential transient into its constituent parts.Numerical test shows that this method is of high resolution and can be applied to study Fine structure of the electronic emission process , as well as to decompose multiple exponential Functions in other cases.国家和福建省自然科学基


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    作为大型水利工程,三峡水库于2003年6月开始蓄水,蓄水后库区水环境发生了变化。为了了解三峡水库水生态系统的演替规律,同时为环境保护、渔业资源开发利用以及水环境管理提供理论基础,我们对三峡水库第一阶段蓄水后桡足类的季节变化和空间分布进行了周年季节性研究。在三峡库区江津至茅坪的10个断面共采集到8种桡足类,其中哲水蚤目2种、猛水蚤目1种、剑水蚤目5种,北碚中剑水蚤(Mesocyclops pehpeiensis)、广布中剑水蚤(Mleuckarti)和汤匙华哲水蚤(Sinocalanus dorrii)分布较广。各样点种类数差异不大,但组成上却有不同。桡足类种类组成、空间分布和密度具有明显的季节变化特征,此外密度在水库的纵轴上也表现出明显的梯度分布,越近大坝密度越高