13 research outputs found


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    梅姬颱風 (2010) 與東北季風之共伴效應於台灣宜蘭縣蘇澳地區帶來了豐沛降雨,高累積雨量造成了台9 線蘇花公路群集性土砂災害,尤其在115.9K 上邊坡更誘發了約210 萬m3 之大規模崩塌土砂災害。本文從現地地質調查、致災機制、水文分析及遙測影像判釋等面向進行討論。由降雨-延時-頻率分析得知近年來誘發重大崩塌事件的雨量皆高於200 年回歸週期,並獲致良好判別致災雨場之I-R 圖降雨臨界線關係(Re+53.5Iave=1,146)。多時期遙測影像判釋指出東澳嶺坡頂之弧型張力裂隙仍有持續溯源發展之趨勢。裸露崩塌地不連續面方位密度分布圖之裂隙位態大致與區域地質構造位態 (N70°W) 相近,顯示本區域崩塌主要仍受地質條件主控。此外,蝕溝溯源侵蝕、剪裂帶分布及凹漥坡型亦為影響研究區崩塌地地貌變遷之重要因子,而前期地震或長延時高強度降雨則為外在促崩因子。Typhoon Megi coupled with the northeastern monsoon induced an extreme rainfall of 939 mm on the Suao area, Yilan County, in eastern Taiwan on October 21st, 2010, causing the Dong-Ao Peak landslide of 2.1 million m3 along the coastal Su-Hua Section of Highway Route 9. This study adopts a geological survey, rainfall data, satellite images, orthophotos, and high-resolution DEM based on airborne laser scanner surveys to quantify the morphological changes before and after landslide events following major rainfall events since 2010. Rainfall frequency analysis indicates the cumulative precipitation triggering landslide events is greater than the 200-year return period. In addition, both the entrainment effect of debris flow and toe erosion on the down-slope is shown to induce regressive sliding failure at the adjacent roadbed. The results suggest that geological factors such as head-cutting erosion and the concave landform shape the landform evolution of the catchment. The occurrence of landslides also depends on antecedent earthquake events and extreme intense rainfalls

    台2線 68K 八斗子滾石災害致災成因初探

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    基隆市北寧路於2013 年8 月31 日下午發生高強度降雨事件 (最高達94.5 mm/hr),並導致台2 線68K+000 處於當日16 時19 分左右發生落石擊毀小客車之意外。本次落石災害之發生區屬於大寮層中段塊狀砂岩,且為逆向坡之型態,現地調查結果顯示本區域具有兩組傾角近乎垂直之節理面,一組走向約略平行於海岸線,另一組走向則約略垂直於海岸線。致災成因可能與長期雨水入滲及風化作用有關,節理裂隙除因風化作用逐漸加大外,節理面上之含鐵質結核亦可能於風化後體積增加,進而加速節理開裂速度。本次落石災害之運動歷程大致可分為傾倒、滾動、墜落、彈跳、滾動等數段歷程,落石運動過程耗時約23 秒,移動路徑上之植被與風化土壤層可能為遲滯落石運動之主因。本文將說明此次災害之地質調查成果,並探討可能之破壞機制,以供未來類似災害之防治對策參考。Several rockfalls caused damages on Highway No.2 during an intensive rainfall on August 31, 2013, in Keelung. One of the rockfalls hit a car and the event was captured by a camera. This study analyzes the mechanism of the rockfall based on the video and field investigation. Two major joints which led to the hazard, one was parallel to the coast and the other was perpendicular to the coast. Both of them were almost vertical and cut the rock into several blocks. Weathering processes may have lead to the extension of joints during the heavy rainfall; the infiltration and the surface runoff took the weathered material away, making the rock unable and ultimately leading to the rockfall. The process of this hazard can be divided into topple, roll, fall, bounce and roll. The rockfall took about 23 seconds in total. This paper focuses on the results of field investigation and the mechanism of the rockfall is also discussed

    Applying Object-Oriented Analysis to Segmentation and Classification of Landslide and Artificial Facilities with Remote Sensing Images

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    對於大範圍的受災情況,利用遙測影像能在短期內獲得大區域災情資料,但藉由傳統人工判釋與數化方法對於廣域影像判釋分類頗為耗時,可能影響即時與快速決策。如何利用自動判釋方法快速進行影像上之地物分類是相當重要的課題:過去常用之自動判釋方法大多採用像元式的分析方法,然而像元式分類法僅藉由光譜分布的差異進行分類,不易呈現地物間之空間關聯性,且分類結果易有雜訊產生,影響分類的精度和結果。 本研究利用物件導向式遙測分析方法,使用福爾摩沙二號衛星在莫拉克颱風事件前後遙測影像做大範圍坡地與河川災害快速判釋。本研究使用災害前後期影像同時進行均質化分割技術,於兩張影像上產生出相同區塊,以解決不同時期影像之地貌分類邊界問題;以區塊為分析單元,依照人工判釋經驗與階層式的邏輯,加入合適之空間特徵資訊(包括形狀、光譜值、坡度、空間關係),訂定規則流程,由單純至複雜的地貌進行十五種分類,建立出系統化之分類程序。 應用於研究區之分類結果,進一步與航照判釋及現地踏勘比對,最後訓練成果由誤差矩陣評估得整體精度達85.2%。研究案例地貌分類結果於研究區域顯示:崩壞比由災前的1.2% 增加為8.9%、河道變遷河段達690處,災後河道面積相對於災前增加40%、受影響之開發地達75%、受影響之房舍達37%(1268處)、受影響之道路達30%。In this study, object-oriented analysis method was applied to interpret landslide and flood disasters before and after Typhoon Morakot with remote sensing images. It is shown that remote sensing images in wide area can be recognized quickly using this method. Two images before and after the disaster were homogeneously segmented to generate the same blocks in order to solve the boundary problem in feature classification. Based on the rules of artificial interpretation, proper information (ex. shape, spectral values, slopes , Spatial relations…etc.) was added to construct hierarchical logic, classifying 15 different kinds of features. The classification results are double checked with aerial photographs and field investigation. The overall accuracy of final training outcome based on the error matrix assessment is about 85.2%. The results show that the landslide ratio increased from 1.2% to 8.9%, blocks features of river channel increased 690 sites, area ratio increasing to 40% compared with the original river channel area, 75% of the developed lands were affected, 37% (1268 sites)of the houses were affected, 30% of the roads were affected


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    中華民國運輸學會第16屆學術論文研討會, 台北, 2001.11.3

    無人載具產製之高精度數值地表模型應用於 樹冠孔隙自動判釋及邊坡土體穩定評估

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    This study establishes a relationship between the density of canopy gaps and slope stability by using a high-resolution digital surface model (DSM) made from images recorded by an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) to semiautomatically estimate canopy gap density. Estimated gap density can be employed to identify potentially unstable slopes. The forested slopes adjacent to Xinzhuang Village in southern Taiwan were used as a case study. The estimated canopy gap density is consistent with that of the field investigation. Where the canopy gap density or slope gradient is low, the slope surface is generally undisturbed. Where canopy gaps are dense, tension cracks and scars are often present, bedrock orientation is more erratic, and gullies are more densely spaced on the slope surface. At the Xinzhuang village, a strongly negative relationship was identified between canopy irregularities detected in the DSM and slope instability. Canopy gap density detected with high-resolution DSM may therefore be a useful reference for preliminary slope hazard mapping.本研究目的旨在建立樹冠孔隙密度與邊坡土體穩定關係,以無人載具拍攝影像所產製之 DSM,以 半自動判釋萃取出樹冠孔隙並分析其密集程度,瞭解邊坡潛在之不穩定區位。本研究以高雄市杉林區新庄里 境內之獅子山周緣坡地為案例,根據樹冠孔隙密度分析成果顯示,樹冠孔隙密度較低之區域,植生林相多為 平整一致或為平地地形;而樹冠孔隙較密集之區域,經比對現場狀況,發現林相多為倒塌紊亂,並存有張力 裂縫及崩崖,露頭量測位態也與區域位態差異甚大;另蝕溝流經之區域,該樹冠孔隙密度也相對較高。顯示 坡體經擾動後與樹冠孔隙密集程度呈負相關,該關聯性可初步提供重點調查及坡體破壞熱點之參考

    應用 UAV 影像建置現地堰塞壩三維模型

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    Landslide and debris flows due to heavy rains or earthquakes may block river flow and create landslide dams. This research applied unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and Image based model (IBM) for aerial surveying and a 3D model reconstruction. This research acquired a few specific distances between recognizable ground points. Those distances were used to find out a suitable scale between the real world and the 3D reconstruction model. The error of one-scale transformation is 1.4963m, and the errors of two-scales transformation on XY and Z dimensions are 0.8760m and 0.2563m, respectively. The Dimensionless Blockage Index (DBI) value of this landslide dam is 5.13 by field surveying and 5.12 by 3D reconstruction model after two-scales transformation, which all show the landslide dam in an unstable situation台灣地區地震、颱風、豪雨不斷,921 地震後山區土質鬆動,復以連年颱風豪雨侵蝕,導致每逢颱風季節,邊坡滑動崩落而形成堰塞湖。堰塞湖潰決造成之土石流與洪水災害往往成為山區洪災之重要成因,因此發展迅速且有效之堰塞湖監測技術,為刻不容緩的重要課題。本研究使用無人載具飛行器 (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle, UAV) 飛行拍照,配合潰壩實驗前所預先佈設之地面控制點,以 IBM 建模的方式重構出三維場景模型,可符合現階段防災測繪工作快速及成本低之要求。本研究利用現地可量測之距離做為尺度轉換之條件,研究所得結果顯示,單尺度轉換後三維模型之誤差為 1.4963 公尺,而雙尺度轉換三維模型精度大為提升,誤差降為平面 0.8760 公尺、高程 0.2563 公尺。進而利用此三維模型資訊計算堰塞湖壩體穩定度 (Dimensionless Blockage Index, DBI),尺度轉換所得壩體穩定度為 5.12,與現地測量所得壩體穩定度 5.13 十分相近,顯示此塞壩呈現不穩定狀態


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    Typhoon Soudelor brought high rainfall intensity in northern Taiwan in August, 2015. From AM 5:00 ~ 7:00, 8th August, the average rainfall intensity exceeded 80 mm/hr and the accumulated rainfall had reached 700 mm, causing regional landslide disasters and leading to the closure of roads from AM 5:00, 8th August. For the purpose of understanding the triggering factors of these landslides, this study makes detailed field investigations and analyzes the geomorphological, geological and rainfall characteristics. These results not only demonstrate the mechanism of landslides but also point out areas where landslides may occur during heavy rainfall events in the future.2015年8月之蘇迪勒颱風於新北市烏來區降下短延時高強度降雨,其中8月8日清晨5點至7點的3個小時,其平均降雨強度高達80 mm/hr,且當時的累積雨量已超過700 mm,致使烏來於清晨5點左右開始發生區域型土砂災害,造成多處道路中斷並使部分聚落無法對外聯繫,為近年來臺灣北部較嚴重區域型山崩災害事件。本文即針對此次災害事件之現場調查成果遴選重要崩塌案例說明災後現況,藉由各案例探討其地形、地質特性,並分析其山崩災害發生機制與蘇迪勒颱風降雨特徵,以利掌握災因並作為其他可能致災區位研判之參考


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    The sediment volume of deep-seated landslide and debris flows triggered by torrential rains often causes loss of lives and property in mountainous areas. For the purpose of understanding the characteristics of rapid mass movement on a watershed scale, this study utilized micro-photography interpretation based on the LiDAR scanning technique to determine unstable landslide zonation. In addition to multi-temporal satellite image interpretation and field investigation, the rapid mass movement process in a gravity deformation area was simulated by adopting the Voellmy-Salm model (RAMMS). The hydrograph variation in a catchment basin is introduced to investigate the detailed dynamic transportation behavior of debris flow such as super-elevation in a curve channel and alluvial fan formation in a valley. Finally, a hazard matrix concept is also proposed to classify the Debris flow hazard. The corresponding results may contribute to identifying the potential influence areas of sediment-disasters in the future.颱風豪雨所誘發山區大規模崩塌或土石流災害,其所挾帶之巨大衝擊力與土砂,常造成下游保全對象生命財產威脅。為瞭解集水區尺度之潛在崩塌地土砂運移特性,本研究以光達掃瞄產製之高精度數值地形進行崩塌地擴大之山崩微地形判釋。整合前期遙測影像比對與地質調查成果,採用 Voellmy-Salm model 為理論基礎之三維土砂運移數值模擬程式 (RAMMS),以圈繪後之潛在重力變形區進行崩塌模擬。本文進一步考慮集水區水文歷線特性,探討邊坡崩積土體轉化為土石流之動態特徵,如河流彎道超高、沖積扇堆積等,最後導入危害矩陣 (hazard matrix) 概念進行危險度分級,以預測邊坡潛在土砂災害之影響範圍


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    The paper presents systematical investigation and assessment methods for a large-scale landslide. The aim of the investigation methods is to understand the regional environment, protected targets, and characteristics of the sliding mass. The purpose of the assessment methods is to estimate the slope stability and influence zone under different scenarios. Taking Xinzhuang village as an example, the paper illustrates how to judge the potential sliding mass, build a hydrogeological conceptual model, and estimate the slope stability and influence zone of a potential large-scale landslide near Xinzhuang. This paper can serve as a reference for other villages with disaster prevention strategies for dealing with large-scale landslides.本文彙整適用於大規模崩塌地的調查與評估方法,其中,調查目的在於瞭解區域環境特性、保全對 象、滑動塊體分布及其量體規模;評估目的在於瞭解潛在滑動塊體現況之穩定性、受地震或豪雨等外在誘因 導致崩塌之關聯性、崩塌土體運移行為及其影響範圍。文中以新庄聚落為例,說明如何進行潛在滑動塊體研 判、水文地質概念模型建置、邊坡穩定分析、及其對新庄聚落之衝擊影響評估等工作,供其他聚落於調查評 估、防災應變或防治規劃時之參考