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    因應 WTO 雲林縣農業之發展策略

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    雲林縣位在台灣的中西部,全縣面積約 12 萬 9 千公頃,耕地面積約 8 萬 1 千公頃,佔全縣總面積 62%,為極重要的農業生產大縣。北臨濁水溪沖積扇,西濱台灣海峽,東接中央山脈,南近北港溪,年平均溫度為攝氏 22.6 度,年降雨量約 2100 公厘,然雨量 80%集中在 5-9月間,雨旱季十分明顯。雲林縣 20 個鄉鎮市中僅斗六市、古坑鄉、林內鄉靠近山地,較近山麓帶者地勢較高,土壤以冲積礫石層為主。而餘85%面積屬於濁水溪及北港溪冲積平原,主要土類有新沖積土、老沖積土及混合沖積土,地區較代表性土系,如牛屎港系有 8800 公頃、山寮系 5300 公頃、中萬甲系 2540 公頃,均屬新成土,二林系 4900 公頃, 則屬弱育土。其中沿海四鄉鎮有麥寮鄉、台西鄉、四湖鄉、口湖鄉,以口湖鄉土壤呈現嚴重鹽分,種植不易,而台西鄉與麥寮鄉也有輕度鹽化的情況

    The Application of Nitrification Inhibitors

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    硝化作用(Nitrificatinn)係土壤中自營(大部份)與異營(少部份)性微生物之活動,將銨(NH4-)氧化為亞硝酸(NO2-)及硝酸(NO3-)之過程。由於硝化作用之產物帶陰電性,容易移動流失,離開植物根圈,因而減低施肥效應,而其流入水體,能影響水質,更可引起脫硝作用(Denitrification),形成氧化亞氮,污染大氣,破壞臭氧層。因此,抑制硝化作用為土壤與環境氮素管理重要之一環。本文僅就硝化菌種類影響硝化作用之因素及一些硝化抑制劑作一般之介紹。 Nitrification is an important process in nitrogen cycle mediated by mostly chemoautotrophic microorganisms in natural ecoystems. Through this process, the reduced ammonium is oxided to nitrite and nitrate are leached from the soil, aparted from rhizosphere, lowered the N-fertilizer recovery rate, and might deteriorate the water qualities. Furthermore, the process provide the sources for denitrification. The production of niftrousoxide from nitrification-denitrification is blamed by the enironmentalists. In this paper the nitrifers, soil environment affect the activities and the nitrification inhibitors are introduced

    Methane production in and emission from paddy soils

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    大氣甲烷濃度之逐漸增加,可能危及全球氣候變遷,已受到嚴重之關切。水田被認為生物性產生甲烷之主要場所之一,其現行栽培管理方式,有利於甲烷之產生與逸釋,引起科學家之研究。 土壤甲烷濃度於旱田浸水後20天顯著增加,最大的甲烷產生速率出現於浸水後40天。植稻水田之甲烷約有95%經由稻株逸釋大氣,最大逸釋率出現於水稻之抽穗開花期。 本文檢討土壤甲烷產生之因素及逸釋途徑,並擬議其控制大氣甲烷濃度之方 法。 The increase of a methane concentration in atmosphere which may affect global changes has received great attention in recent years. Paddy field was recognized as one of the main biogenic sources. Current wet culture of rice in favor of methane production and emission was investigated by many scientists. Soil methane concentration increased significantly 20 days after flooding. The maximum rate of methane production appeared at 40 days after flooding. About 95% of emission methane took the routes via rice plants. The heading and flowering stage had the highest amount of emission methane contributing to the atmosphere. In this paper, the factors affecting methane production in and emission from flooded soils, and how to reduce them were discussed

    The Fertilization of Root Crops in Taiwan

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    甘藷、馬鈴薯及樹薯為台灣重要之根莖作物,其地下塊莖(或根)之肥大現象是由於地上部行光合作用所生之碳水化合物,扣除供給本身維持生命所需之消耗後貯蓄而成,故欲提高塊莖(或根)產量,在生育初期或前期應促進莖蔓發育,中期維持莖蔓同化機能之旺盛,後期則促進地下塊莖(或根)之肥大。故此類作物之施肥方法,旨以配合達成生理週期完全發揮而達最大生產目的。 台灣地區甘藷之施肥量,每公頃氮素用量在30~80公斤,磷酐30~40公斤,氧化鉀120~180公斤,強酸性土壤應施用石灰2,000公斤,以補鈣鎂之不足。葉片診斷可作為追施鉀肥之參考。樹薯之施肥量,每公頃為氮素90公斤,氧化鉀90~120公斤,磷酐75公斤。馬鈴薯在每公頃施用堆肥15公噸下,其化學肥料施用量氮素150~225公斤,磷酐150~200公斤,氧化鉀240~260公斤,其施用法在本文中介紹。 Sweet potato, lrish Potato and Cassava are the three main root crops in Taiwan. The enlargement and dry matter accumulation of roots or tubers depend solely on the net photosynthetic production by the above-ground portion of the plants. In view of the physiological characteristics of the plant at various developmental phases, how to accelerate the early-stage growth, maintain a vigorous mid-stage vegetative development, and enhance the late-stage root or tuber growth is essential to the increase of economic yield. The principle of fertilizer application is to supply the need of plant nutrients at various growth stages. The average rates of fertilizer for sweet potato production in Taiwan are 30-80 kg N/ha, 30-40 kg P2O5/ha, and 120-180 kg K2O/ha. In strongiy acidic soils, the application of 2,000 kg/ha, of calcium carbonate is recommended. Plant leaf diagnoses is useful to determine the potash application at mid-growth stage. For cassava the fertilization of N-P2O5-K2O = 90-75-90 kg/ha is generally used. The recommended fertilization rates for Irish potato, are 150~225 kg N/ha, 150~200 kg P2O5/ha, and 240~260kg K2O/ha in addition to 15 t/ha of compost


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    Effects of Long-term Application of Organic Matter Fertilizer on Fruit and Vegetable Production

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    有機質肥料長久以來就一直被廣泛的使用在果園及蔬菜園上,其施用有機質肥料主要是提供作物生長所需養分及改善土壤理化性質,然各種有機質肥料品牌甚多,其成份如何及在土壤中養分釋放的供應型式及對土壤肥力變化的影響如何,在不同土壤環境下尚待明瞭;另一方面有機質肥料腐熟度不同及土壤pH值、質地、排水等性質不同均影響有機質肥料在土壤中養分的釋放及其有效性。為探討果園及蔬菜園長期施用有機質肥料之效果,經近十年的研究試驗,其主要的成果做綜合性之報告,供為果園及蔬菜園土壤肥培與管理之參考。 一、果園部份 1.葡萄施用稻草堆肥區的產量6,399 kg/ha,糖度16.7˚ Brix最高,比單用化肥區的5,975 kg/ha,15.9˚ Brix增產7%,高出0.5˚ Brix。糖度在處理問為花生粕、大豆粕及腐植酸對稻草堆肥區呈顯著差異,化肥區對稻草堆肥為極顯著差異,顯示稻草堆肥對葡萄品質的改善效果最好。酸度含量各處理均在0.52至0.53g/100ml之間,差異極小。 2.椪柑之春梢非結果枝葉片氮濃度以每年每株施用花生粕10公斤最高,而以每年每株施用花生粕10公斤或洋藷堆肥20~30公斤之產量最高,施用花生粕可降低施肥位置的土壤pH值。晚崙西亞甜橙以每年每株施用有機質肥料5公斤而採用深施的處理最佳,且植株根系有明顯向下生長之趨勢。桶柑以每年每株施用腐植酸2公斤而採用深施的處理之糖度最高,而平均產量以每年每株施用有機質肥料8公斤之處理最高。 3.枇杷每年每株施用12%腐植酸原液40毫升會增加枇杷糖度及酸度,並降低糖酸比。 4.番石榴於幼果期土壤噴灑12%腐植酸液稀釋500倍一次及中果期後以1500倍稀釋液葉面噴施二次之處理,可增加果實果數及提高產量。 5.荔枝以每年每株施用豬糞堆肥40公斤之每株產量為86公斤最高,糖度以每年每株施用乾雞糞30公斤最高。 6.蓮霧每年每株施用豬糞堆肥40公斤,並可提高土壤PH值0.19個單位,有機質含量提高0.09%,鈣提高399ppm,錳提高25ppm;在產量方面,以每年每株施用40公斤之豬糞堆肥為最佳,並可提高0.3˚ Brix。 7.芒果以每年每株施用豬糞堆肥40公斤之每株產量5.44公斤最高,糖度以每年每株施用台肥1號有機質肥料10公斤之17.5˚ Brix最高:施用豬糞堆肥等有機質肥料,可提高土壤pH值、有機質、鈣、鎂等含量及芒果葉片中氮、鈣、鎂等含量。 8.文旦柚果實蔗糖含量以土壤表面撒施每年每株台肥1號有機質肥料16公斤為最高;在產量方面,以每年每株施用台肥1號有機質肥料16公斤深度60公分者之每株45.1公斤為最高。 二、蔬菜園部份 1.除化學肥料外,每公頃分別施用木屑雞糞3公噸/每期作、垃圾堆肥5公噸/每兩作、垃圾堆肥10公噸/每兩作,進行栽培蔬菜試驗。第1作栽培青梗白菜之結果,三個有機質肥料處理區之產量(兩試區之平均值)均比只施用化學肥料之對照區為佳,增產3~27%,第2作之萵苣亦增產29~53%,第3作之菠菜增產18~25%,第4作之萵苣增產11~21%,第5作之芥藍增產24~28%,第6作之青梗白菜增產10~16%,第7作之蘿蔔因受毒素病為害,兩個垃圾堆肥處理區之效果均不明顯,比化肥區減產l~7%,木屑雞糞施用區則增產8%,第8作之結球白菜則增產25.0~33.2%,第9作之蕹菜亦增產33.8~47.6%,第10作之芥藍更增產高達65.1~73.4%。 2.在三要素施用量相同之情況下,每公頃每期作分別施用台肥1號有機質肥料2公噸、台肥腐植酸1公噸、純雞糞2公噸,第1作種植萵苣,第2作則栽培甘藍進行試驗。施用純雞糞區萵苣及甘藍之產量分別比只施化學肥料之對照區增產18.3%及13.3%,施用台肥1號有機質肥料區之萵苣則減產17.0%,甘藍可增產5.6%,施用台肥腐植酸區之萵苣亦減產35.3%,甘藍則增產10.4%。 3.在三要素按推薦量施用之情況下,每公頃每隔一作即施用醱酵豬糞5公噸栽培蔬菜進作試驗。第1作甘藍之產量比只施化學肥料之對照區增產9.2%,第2作青蔥增產25.2%,第3作甘藍增產22.4%,第4作青蔥增產50.5%,第5作甘藍增產7.1%,第6作青蔥增產33.47%,第7作嫩莖萵苣增產63.0%,第8作蘿菜增產21.9%。 4.在總氮素施用量相同之條件下,每公頃每期作分別施用稻草l,562公斤、樹皮堆肥7,510公斤、純雞糞3,000公斤、豬糞2,794公斤、牛糞l,965公斤,連續栽培6作蔬菜(第7作目前仍進行中),第1作青梗白菜之產量,稻草區比只施用化學肥料之對照區增產4%,其餘4個有機質肥料處理區比化肥區減產3~9%,第2作莧菜之結果亦類似,稻草區增產l%,其餘之處理區則減產2~17%,第3作芥藍,豬糞區增產l%,其餘之處理區則減產9~17%,第4作小白菜,稻草區比化肥區減產l%,其餘之處理區則增產4~16%,第5作葉萵苣,五個處理區之產量均較化肥區為佳,以稻草區增產25%最高,其次依序為雞糞區21%,樹皮堆肥區19%,牛糞區11%,豬糞區7%,第6作小白菜,雞糞區增產l%,其餘之處理區則減產l~8%。 The organic matter fertilizer has been widely used in fruit and vegetable production. The main purpose of using organic matter fertilizer is supplying nutrients to the plants, as well as changing the soil structure related to chemical and physical properties. However, it is still unknown what patterns of nutrients releasing are and what impact of soil fertilizeration has been changed after applying these varied organic matter fertilizers. Also, the efficiency of nutrient releasing of nutrients and its availability are depended on fermentation of organic matter, soil pH, soil structure, and irrigation of the land, etc. This paper is a review of recent research on application of organic fertilizers that used in fruit and vegetable production. In hopes this review can attribute some valuable points of soil fertilization for further studies. 1. Orchard (1) Grapes The yield of grapes (6399 kg/ha) and sugar content (16.7 brix) were the highest values when rice straw manure was applied. The yield of rice straw manure treatment was increased 7 % compared with using chemical fertilizer. Also the sugar content increased 0.8 Brix. Treatments of using peanut cake, soybean cake, humic acid were significantly lower than the treatment of straw manure in the content of sugar. The acidity of grapes was ranged between 0.52 and 0.53 g/lOOml, and the difference among treatments were small. (2) Orange The nitrogen content of leaves on the nonfruiting terminals was the highest when using peanut cake 10kg per year. Applying peanut cake 10 kg or mushroom manure 20-30 kg had the highest yield comparing with other treatments.lt showed that organic matter fertilizer 5kg applied deeply was a better technique fertilizer application on orange. Using 2kg humic acid fertilizer in a depth increased the content of sugar of the fruit. The yield was increased when 8kg of organic matter applied. (3) Loquat It increased the sweetness and acidity and decreased the S/TA when using 12 % humic acid original 40 ml to a plant per year. (4) Guava Spraying diluted 12% humic acid (dilution 500 X) on the ground once in the period of young fruiting and 1500 X dilution humic acid to the leaves twice in the period of middle fruiting increased the numbers of fruit. (5) Lichee Using hog manure 40 kg per plant yearly had the highest yield of 86kg/plant. Using 30 kg chicken manure per plant had the highest sweetness. (6)Wax apple Applying 40 kg hog manure to a plant per year increased the pH value 0.19 unit, organic matter content 0.09%, calcium 399 ppm, manganese 25ppm in the soil. It had the highest yield when using 40kg hog manure to a plant per year. (7)Mango Applying 40 kg hog manure to a plant per year had the highest yield of 5.44 kg. The content of sugar was increased when applying No.1 Taiwan organic matter fertilizer 10 kg (17.5 Brix). Applying hog manure and other organic matter manure can increase soil pH, organic matter content, calcium and magnesium content of the soil, and nitrogen, calcium, magnesium content of the leaves. (8) Wentan pomelo In the aspect of cane-sugar content, applying 16 kg of No.1 Taiwan organic fertilizer on the ground surface had the highest value among the treatments. In the aspect of production yield, applying 16 kg No.1 Taiwan Organic fertilizer in a depth of 60 cm had the highest yield of 45.1 kg. 2. Vegetables (1) In addition to chemical fertilizer, odds chicken (3 tons per crop), garbage manure (5 tons, 10 tons in 2 crops) were the treatments of a vegetable production study. The yield of all treatments applying organic matter were significantly higher than chemical fertilizer treatment in the first crop of Chinese cabbage production, increasing 3-27% averagely. In the second crop of lettuce, yield increased 29-53%. Spinach, the third crop, increased 18-25%. Lettuce, the forth crop, increased 11-21%.Chinese kale, the fifth crop, increased 24-28%. Chinese cabbage, the sixth crop, increased 10-16%. The yield of seventh crop radish was not higher in garbage manure treatment. This was probably caused by the viral disease. Chinese cabbage, the eighth crop, increased 25-32%. Water convolvulus, the ninth crop, increased 33.8-47.6%. Chinese kale, the tenth crop, increased 65.1-73.4%. (2) Taiwan organic fertilizer No. 1, humic acid fertilizer and chicken manure were applied in another study based on the same amount of N-P2O5-K2O. Lettuce and cabbage were conducted. The yield of applying chicken manure was increased 18.3% (lettuce) and 13.3% (cabbage). Applying Taiwan organic fertilizer No.1 decreased the 17% yield on lettuce and increased 5.6% on cabbage. Applying humic acid fertilizer decreased 35.3% on lettuce, and increased 10.4 % on cabbage. (3) In an experiment using fermented hog manure (5 tons/acre) showed a significant increase on cabbage, green onion, and lettuce. The percentages of increase are between 7.1% and 63.0%. (4) In another study, rice straw, bark compost manure, chicken manure, hog manure, and cattle manure were applied continuously for six crops (seventh crop is in progress). In the first crop, the yield had been increased 4% when using rice straw manure; however, other treatments had decreased the yield 3-9%. The similar condition had occurred on the second crop. Lettuce, the third crop increased 1% by applying hog manure, other manure decreased the yield from 9 to 17%. Small Pai-tsai the forth crop, rice straw decreased the yield compared with chemical fertilizer; other manure increased the yield from 4 to 16%. The fifth crop, all kinds of manure increased the yield well

    Tug-of-war with Lamentations of Spring :A Study of Yu Kwang-chung’s Time Consciousness

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