The Application of Nitrification Inhibitors


硝化作用(Nitrificatinn)係土壤中自營(大部份)與異營(少部份)性微生物之活動,將銨(NH4-)氧化為亞硝酸(NO2-)及硝酸(NO3-)之過程。由於硝化作用之產物帶陰電性,容易移動流失,離開植物根圈,因而減低施肥效應,而其流入水體,能影響水質,更可引起脫硝作用(Denitrification),形成氧化亞氮,污染大氣,破壞臭氧層。因此,抑制硝化作用為土壤與環境氮素管理重要之一環。本文僅就硝化菌種類影響硝化作用之因素及一些硝化抑制劑作一般之介紹。 Nitrification is an important process in nitrogen cycle mediated by mostly chemoautotrophic microorganisms in natural ecoystems. Through this process, the reduced ammonium is oxided to nitrite and nitrate are leached from the soil, aparted from rhizosphere, lowered the N-fertilizer recovery rate, and might deteriorate the water qualities. Furthermore, the process provide the sources for denitrification. The production of niftrousoxide from nitrification-denitrification is blamed by the enironmentalists. In this paper the nitrifers, soil environment affect the activities and the nitrification inhibitors are introduced

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