1,811 research outputs found

    Finite size scaling of the de Almeida-Thouless instability in random sparse networks

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    We study, in random sparse networks, finite size scaling of the spin glass susceptibility χSG\chi_{\rm SG}, which is a proper measure of the de Almeida-Thouless (AT) instability of spin glass systems. Using a phenomenological argument regarding the band edge behavior of the Hessian eigenvalue distribution, we discuss how χSG\chi_{\rm SG} is evaluated in infinitely large random sparse networks, which are usually identified with Bethe trees, and how it should be corrected in finite systems. In the high temperature region, data of extensive numerical experiments are generally in good agreement with the theoretical values of χSG\chi_{\rm SG} determined from the Bethe tree. In the absence of external fields, the data also show a scaling relation χSG=N1/3F(N1/3TTc/Tc)\chi_{\rm SG}=N^{1/3}F(N^{1/3}|T-T_c|/T_c), which has been conjectured in the literature, where TcT_c is the critical temperature. In the presence of external fields, on the other hand, the numerical data are not consistent with this scaling relation. A numerical analysis of Hessian eigenvalues implies that strong finite size corrections of the lower band edge of the eigenvalue distribution, which seem relevant only in the presence of the fields, are a major source of inconsistency. This may be related to the known difficulty in using only numerical methods to detect the AT instability.Comment: 8 figures, 2 table


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    The mental tracking method of heartbeat perception is a well-validated index of interoceptive awareness, i.e., afferent information arising from within the body. Although it remains unclear that there is a direct association between interoceptive awareness and components of empathy, I investigated whether interoceptive awareness and the perceived finite nature of the lifespan influenced empathy for characters in a cutoff animation that portrayed a family bond. Participants performed a heartbeat perception task and then viewed the video after a finitude salience task, in which they subtracted the years of the historical person’s birth from death. Participants with lower scores on the heartbeat perception task were emotionally moved by the video only after the finitude salience task, whereas participants with higher scores on the heartbeat perception task were moved by the video both before and after the finitude salience task. I conclude that perception of finitude salience allowed people with lower interoceptive awareness to foster empathy

    Studies on the Intramolecular Catalysis Mechanism of N-Phosphoryl Amino Acids by Isotope Labeling Technique

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    在生命体系和前生源化学中,磷酰基迁移过程都发挥着重要作用。为了对生物大分子催化磷酰基迁移的分子机制进行研究,本论文以N-单烷氧基磷酰化氨基酸为化学小分子分子内催化模型,综合运用31PNMR动态跟踪技术、高分辨质谱(HRMS)、ESI-MS/MS多级质谱技术、LC-MS、稳定同位素标记(15N,18O,D)技术等对磷酰基分子内活化分子间迁移反应做了系统研究。 N-单烷氧基磷酰化氨基酸在弱碱性(pH=8.0-9.0)条件下很稳定,而在弱酸性(pH=4.0-5.0)条件下具有很高的反应活性。在pH=4.0-5.0水溶液中,N-单甲氧基磷酰化甘氨酸的N-磷酰基能被C-端氨基酸羧基分子内活化,形成五元...Phosphoryl transfer reaction plays an important role in biological system and prebiotic chemistry. In order to investigate the molecular mechanism of phosphoryl transfer reaction that catalyzed by macromolecules especially for the protein kinases, the N-monoalkyloxyphosphoryl amino acids (N-MAP-AAs) were synthesized and systematically explored as the intramolecular catalysis model to understand th...学位:理学博士院系专业:化学化工学院化学系_有机化学学号:2052007015358

    Study on the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty

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    《不扩散核武器条约》(NuclearNon-proliferationTreaty,简称“NPT”)是核不扩散机制/体系的核心,是在核不扩散领域对《联合国宪章》的重要补充。NPT生效40多年来,有效地阻止了更多新的国家拥有核武器。然而,由于国际政治环境的变化和NPT本身的缺陷,NPT也面临日益严峻且无法回避的挑战。如果NPT不能有效应对这些挑战,其正当性和权威性则会日益遭受侵蚀。NPT是国际社会当前不可或缺的法律文件,然而,条约本身的特征使得其修正极其困难。因此,本文试图分析在不修正的情况下,NPT如何应对面临的挑战,探讨国际社会如何让NPT的生命力和活力得到延续。 论文除导言和结语外,主体...NPT is the centerpiece of nuclear non-proliferation regime/system. It is an important supplement to the United Nations Charter in the field of nuclear non-proliferation. Since its operation for over 40 years, NPT effectively prevents more countries from acquiring nuclear weapons. However, because of the changes of international political environment and its own deficiencies, NPT also encounters in...学位:法学博士院系专业:法学院法律系_国际法学(含国际公法、国际私法、国际经济法)学号:1202005140283

    An Analysis on Investment Value for Comprehensive use of Metallurgical Dust Resources

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    实现清洁生产、提高资源综合利用率是我国钢铁工业发展的重大课题。山西太钢不锈钢股份有限公司(以下简称“太钢”)是世界最大的不锈钢生产企业。在生产过程中,除尘工序收集大量含铁氧化物尘泥、细颗粒尘灰,炼钢工序产生废钢渣、脱硫渣及轧钢铁鳞等。这些废弃物都是不锈钢生产的铁质伴生物,除富含铁元素外,还含有一定量的Cr、Ni等元素。有效处理这些废弃物,可实现循环利用资源、清洁生产,从而降低生产成本。 太钢拟采用OXYCUP(富氧竖炉)工艺,新建冶金除尘灰资源综合利用项目。项目达产后将具备处理碳钢除尘灰32.79万t/a(目前约为22万t/a),不锈钢除尘灰23.22万t/a(目前约为15万t/a)的能力。...Clean production, improve the comprehensive utilization of resources is a major issue for China's steel industry. Shanxi Taiyuan Stainless Steel Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "TISCO") is the world's largest stainless steel manufacturer. Collect a large number of iron oxide dust and mud in the production process, the process of dust, fine particles flue dust, and steel-making process to pro...学位:工商管理硕士院系专业:管理学院高级经理教育中心(EMBA项目)_高级管理人员工商管理硕士(EMBA)学号:X200615615