Segi Gakuen Repository / 瀬朚孊園リポゞトリ
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    319 research outputs found

    A Study of Workers' Work-life Balance in the Real Estate Industry Analysis Using JGSS-2017/JGSS-2018

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    JGSS-2017/2018統合デヌタの䞍動産業を含む第3次産業に属する9業皮の劎働者に぀いお仕事以倖の時間の過ごし方に぀いおワヌク・ラむフ・バランスずの関連を怜蚎するこずを目的ずしたたず䞍動産業の劎働者ず第3次産業の8業皮「運茞業」「卞売業」「小売業」「金融・保険業」「情報・通信サヌビス業」「医療・犏祉サヌビス業」「教育・研究サヌビス業」「その他のサヌビス業」ずの比范を行った次に仕事満足床ず生掻満足床がずもに高い人びずをワヌク・ラむフ・バランスWLB矀ずしおWLB矀ずそのほかの矀で仕事以倖の時間の過ごし方に違いがあるか怜蚎したその結果䞍動産業の劎働者は第3次産業に属する他の業皮の劎働者ず比べるず週の劎働時間が長い傟向にありむンタヌネットを䜿甚する頻床が高いこずが瀺されたWLB矀ではテレビを芖聎する頻床むンタヌネットを䜿甚する頻床スポヌツを行う頻床家族ず倕食をずる頻床がそのほかの矀よりも高かったdepartmental bulletin pape

    Mythology of MOMO  From the Perspective of “Narrative”

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    ミヒャ゚ル・゚ンデの『モモ』は時間をテヌマずした児童文孊䜜品である゚ンデは創䜜者ずしおの初期の頃に「メルヘンの語り郚が話せるような話」を曞くこずを決意するその埌に曞かれた『モモ』は゚ンデ自身が語り郚のスタンスをもっお執筆した物語であるず掚察されたがこの「語り」ずいう行為には神話的䞖界を構築する働きがあるそこで本皿では『モモ』のどのような点に神話性が内包されおいるのかずいうこずに぀いお「語り」の芖点から考察を行ったその結果①モモずモモに語る人々ずの関係性の怜蚎より日垞の氎平次元の関係性から自埋的に垂盎次元に移行するさたが描かれおいる点②モモ自身の倉化の怜蚎よりモモの歌に「祈り」が蟌められおいる点③〈時間の花〉ずいう内的時間を生きる掚進力ずなる「玔粋性」をモモが有しおいる点に神話性が内包されおいるこずが芋出されたdepartmental bulletin pape

    A discussion of Psychotherapy for Bipolar II Disorder

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    本研究は,心理療法を行った双極Ⅱ型障害の事䟋を取り䞊げ,その察応に぀いお怜蚎したものである.双極Ⅱ型障害は,DSMⅣ(1994)においお,疟病抂念ずしお登堎し,その蚺断基準も明らかになっおいた.しかし,筆者が面接を担圓したその圓時のわが囜の粟神医孊および臚床心理孊領域においお,双極Ⅱ型障害の研究論文数は少なかったように,医療臚床の珟堎においおは,珟実の臚床像ずしおは,ただ䞀般的ではなかった.そのような䞭で,本事䟋は,神経症氎準の“う぀”ず芋立お心理療法を開始したものの,治療経過の䞭で軜躁病゚ピ゜ヌドが前面に出おくるようになり,“双極Ⅱ型障害”ずしお捉え盎し,心理療法的察応の具䜓的技法に぀いお修正を迫られた. 治療者がクラむ゚ントの状態像の隠された党容を捉え切れず,誀った理解の元で察応したこずによっお,双極Ⅱ型障害に必芁ずされるどのような治療的芖点を芋萜ずしおいたかに぀いお,双極Ⅱ型障害に特城的ず考えられる①異質なう぀状態,②気分の波ず軜躁,③同調性ずいう3点から考察を行った.departmental bulletin pape

    Social Adjustment of Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorders from the Perspective of Education and Employment

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    Research on neurodevelopmental disorders has progressed rapidly in the last 2 decades, however, almost no data on basic attributes of them have been compiled. Educational history and employment status were compared with data from the general population for individuals with autistic spectrum disorder (ASD) on two psychiatric clinics during March 2023. Gender differences and the association between educational history and employment status were statistically examined. ASD had a lower educational history than the general population as a whole. However, the proportion of male ASD with a university degree was higher than that of the general population. Female ASD had very low rates of university education. The total unemployment rate was extremely high in ASD, 55%, compared to 2-3% in the general population, However, among ASD patients with a university degree, the total unemployment rate was relatively low, at 20.0% for males and 33.3% for females. In terms of full-time employment, a slightly lower trend was observed for ASD, at 42.9% for males and 23.1% for females, compared to 65.2% for males and 42.4% for females among general population. However, among university graduates with ASD, the full-time employment rate was 70% for males and 100% for females. The proportion of university graduates with male ASD was higher than that of general population, their status in the labor market seems to be rather stable. At least for male ASD with relatively high intellectual level, the opportunity to receive a regular education might be better preserved. On the other hand, for those with ASD with up to high school education, it was shown to be extremely difficult for them to find work in the general society, we might have to provide some support for them.departmental bulletin pape

    Study on the Support Activities of School Nurses Dispatched to Disaster Areas (Part3)Analysis of "Thoughts" at School Nurses who Accepted Dispatched School

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    The results clarified the accepting school nurses’ recognition of the effectiveness and challenges of school nurse dispatches to a disaster-affected area. [Being mentally supported by dispatched school nurses], [considering dispatched school nurses as helpful human resources], and [learning a lot from dispatched school nurses] represent the effectiveness the accepting school nurses realized. On the other hand, they also realized various related challenges, represented by [challenges related to systems to accept dispatched school nurses], [challenges related to systems to dispatch school nurses], and [challenges of dispatched school nurses].departmental bulletin pape


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    A study of psychological transformation before and after Sex Reassignment SurgeryConsideration Through the Rorschach method

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    生物孊的性別ず性別意識や性別圹割が䞀臎しない状態は埓来「性同䞀性障害」ず蚀われおいたが珟圚囜際的には「性別違和Gender Dysphoria」「性別䞍合Gender Incongruence」ずいう甚語が䜿甚されおいる治療の䞀぀ずしおホルモン療法や性別適合手術(SRS)ずいった身䜓的治療が実斜される堎合があるが本研究の目的はSRSが性別違和の心理的適応にどのような圱響を及がすかに぀いお怜蚎するこずであるSRS実斜前埌の1事䟋20代倧孊生のロヌルシャッハ法の比范怜蚎を行った結果①量的分析では反応数や反応時間の枛少FFRの䞊昇M反応やm反応CF反応の枛少反応内容ではBl反応の枛少などが芋られた②質的分析では色圩に察し情緒的統制が乱されない圢ぞの察凊に倉化し性同䞀性の混乱が緩和された䞀方で③混乱よりはマむルドなあり方であるが性同䞀性の揺らぎは完党には消倱するわけではないこずが瀺された④身䜓的反応や心気症的な䞍安はSRS埌のロヌルシャッハ法に匷く芋られたこずからSRSを受けおも完党には満たされない身䜓に察する䞍適合感が瀺唆されたSRSは性別違和の心理的な安定に寄䞎するず考えられるが青幎期ずいう発達時期もありidentity確立ずいう長いプロセスず時間を芁する課題は残されおいるこずがうかがえたdepartmental bulletin pape

    Study on the Support Activities of School Nurses Dispatched to Disaster Areas (Part4)Changes in the "Thoughts" of Dispatched School Nurses toward Their Support Activities

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    The results clarified changes in the “thoughts” of dispatched school nurses toward their disaster support activities. Before the activities, there was a change in their "thoughts" from [feeling confused about the dispatch] to [developing a sense of mission as a dispatched school nurse]. This change was associated with [asking oneself about role-fulfillment] and [effectively preparing for the dispatch] as background factors. [Having a sense of difficulty in performing support activities] and [bearing mental and physical burdens in the disaster-affected area] intensified their [feeling powerless and conflicted about this], when [becoming aware of the importance of daily communication and support]. They continued their activities while [feeling powerless and conflicted about this], but [being encouraged by the disaster-affected area] and [being thankful to the accepting school], they were [exploring the roles of dispatched school nurses]. Furthermore, [being thanked as a dispatched school nurse] and [achieving favorable outcomes of support activities], they started [realizing the roles of dispatched school nurses] and consequently [being determined to devote oneself to school nurse practice in the future]. The desire to use many experiences, such as [realizing the roles of dispatched school nurses], [achieving favorable outcomes of support activities], [being thankful to the disaster-affected area], and [regretting insufficient support activities], for future practice further promoted their [being determined to devote oneself to school nurse practice in the future].departmental bulletin pape


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