80 research outputs found

    Diversity of culturable endophytic fungi of common reed ( Phragmites australis) in coastal wetland

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    内生真菌在植物生长以及抵御环境胁迫过程中起着非常重要的生态作用.本研究从黄河三角洲滨海湿地1350个芦苇组织切片中分离得到318株内生真菌,通过对rDNA ITS的分型、测序及系统进化分析,研究了该地区芦苇植株根、茎、叶中可培养内生真菌的种类组成及在不同盐度、不同组织中的分布情况.根据序列相似性(以98%为阈值),共获得12个真菌分类操作单元(OTUs).在门级分类水平上,子囊菌门为绝对优势菌群,在各组织和站位中均有分布.芦苇根组织中分离得到的内生真菌OTU数相对较多,叶组织和茎组织中分离到的OTU数相同,且叶中的OTU在根中均存在.潮上区(低盐区)内生真菌OTU数最多,高潮区次之.根中可培养..


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    利用活体观察和蛋白银染色技术对近年来采自青岛、大亚湾、湛江沿岸水体的10个海洋寡毛类纤毛虫种:侧扁急游虫Strombidium apolatum Wilbert&Song, 2005、具头急游虫Strombidium capitatum (Leegaard,1995) Kahl, 1932、广东急游虫Strombidium guangdongense Liu, et al., 2016、拟卡氏急游虫Strombidium paracalkinsi (Lei, et al., 1999) Agatha, 2004、拟楔尾急游虫Strombidium parastylifer Song, et al., 2009、铃木急游虫Strombidium suzukii Song, et al., 2009、束腰旋游虫Spirostrombidium cinctum (Kahl, 1932) Petz, et al.,1995、杨科夫平游虫Parallelostrombidium jankowski (Song, et al., 2009) Song, et al., 2018、卡尔平游虫Parallelostrombidium kahli (Song, et al., 2009) Song, et al., 2018、最小拟盗虫Strombidinopsis minima (Gruber,1884) Song&Bradbury, 1998的形态学开展了比较研究,补充和厘定了有关形态特征、纤毛图式以及性状变异等分类学新信息。国家自然科学基金(41576124、31672279、31702009、31761133001);;\n广州市科技计划项目珠江科技新星(201610010162)资助~

    The Phylogeny Tree Reconstruction Based on the Usage Frequencyof Codons and Corresponding Complementary Codons

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    为了更深入地了解密码子与互补密码子使用相关的内涵,70个单细胞和多细胞生物被更进一步的分析。结果得到70种细胞生物具有较高的相关系数平均值(0.5101,标准差是0.1389),表明密码子与其互补密码子使用间确实存在正的使用相关联系,进一步地支持了以前的结果。此外,通过对70个单细胞和多细胞生物在基于密码子与互补密码子使用频率差异,以及配对频率的高低信息的分析基础上,绘制进化树,得到的进化树与传统的进化树非常接近。The hypothesis that a codon bias usage is identical to its complementary codon usage preference has been investigated by using the relationship analysis of codons vs their complementary ones among 70 organisms. Significantly positive usage correlations between codons and their complementary ones were found and its implication in biology was also analyzed. The codoncomplementary codon tree was further built, which fairly exhibited the evolutionary relationship of these organisms. The results not only demonstrated the validity of our hypothesis,but also manifested the usefulness of correlation analysis in studying on codon usage pattern and molecular evolutionary mechanisms of organism.ThisworkwassupportedbyagrantfromtheNationalNaturalScienceFoundationofChina(No.60305001)andagrantfromtheScienceandTechnologyMinistryofChina(PreliminaryStudyonFunctionalGenomeSystematics)(No.2001CCA01400)

    Analysis on the characteristics of macrobenthis community in the North-west Daya Bay of South China Bay in spring

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    利用2008年春季在大亚湾西北部海域开展的12个测站的大型底栖动物调查资料,对该海域大型底栖动物的群落特征进行分析。结果表明该海域内大型底栖动物优势种由粗帝汶蛤(TIMOClEA SCAbrA)、波纹巴非蛤(PAPHIA undulATA)、上野蜾蠃蜚(COrOPHIuM uEnOI)、方背鳞虫(lEPIdOnOTuS SQuAMATuS)、刀明樱蛤(MOErEllA CulTEr)和角海蛹(OPHElIA ACuMInATA)等6种组成;可划分为4个群落,群落Ⅱ和群落Ⅰ为主体群落,群落Ⅲ和群落Ⅳ分布区较小,群落间差异较大。大型底栖动物数量上以个体较大的软体动物占优,但群落的组成则以多毛类和甲壳类为主,其组成情况基本上反映了群落的特征。群落Ⅰ以多毛类-甲壳类为表征,群落Ⅱ则以甲壳类-多毛类-软体动物为表征。栖息环境的差异,是造成群落间差异的主要原因;群落多样性水平呈群落Ⅲ>群落Ⅱ>群落Ⅰ>群落Ⅳ,沉积环境的污染状况和人为扰动是影响多样性水平的主要因素;群落整体的稳定性较好,未受到明显的扰动,但分布于航道区域和渔业生产作业区的群落Ⅳ和群落Ⅲ,在航道建设、疏浚和渔业生产的影响下,群落受到一定程度的扰动,稳定性较弱。Based on the data collected from 12 research stations in the North-west Daya Bay,South China Sea in spring 2008,the characteristics of macrobenthis community were examined.The results showed that the dominant macrobenthic species were Timoclea scabra,Paphia undulate,Corophium uenoi,Lepidonotus squamatus,Moerella culter and Ophelia acuminate.The macrobenthos community could be divided into four groups with notable differences.Group Ⅰ and Ⅱ were the dominant groups,while the distribution areas of Groups Ⅲ and Ⅳ were relatively small.Overall,molluscs was dominant in quantity in the macrobenthos community but the community was mainly composed of Annelida and Arthropoda,reflecting the characteristics of the community.The dominant macrobenthic species of group Ⅰ were Timoclea scabra,Nephtys oligobranchia,Theora lata,Sigambra hanaokai,Glycinde gurjanvae,Prionospio malmgreni,Timoclea scabra,Turritella bacillum,Corophium tridentium,Phyllodocidae und.,Nectoneanthes alatopalpis,Ericthonius pugnax,Pseudopythina sp.and Stylochus ijimai.Species belonging to this group distributed in the nearshore area of Aotou Harbor and Nanhai Petrochemicals Basement Group Ⅱ assemblage includes Paphia undulata,Timoclea scabra,Corophium uenoi,Prionospio malmgreni,Sigambra hanaokai,Ophelia acuminata,Mediomastus sp.,Nephtys oligobranchia,Moerella culter,Corophium lamellatum,Paraprionospio pinnata and Prionospio pulchra.These species distributed mainly around the Chunzhou Island where suspended long line culture of oyster was common.The discriminating species for Group Ⅰ were S.hanaokai,N.soligobranchia,P.malmgreni,N.alatopalpis and E.pugnax while group Ⅱ were C.uenoi,P.malmgreni,S.hanaokai,N.oligobranchia,T.scabra,M.sp.,Phyllodocidae und.,P.pinnata,O.acuminata,C.lamellatum,M.culter and Chaetozone sp.Group Ⅲ assemblage were mainly found in the west side of Mabianzhou,where it was a fishing ground for Arthropoda in Daya Bay.Group Ⅳ was distributed in area where main shipping routes passed through,in the east side of area of Group Ⅱ and in between the area of Group Ⅰ and Ⅲ.For each community group,while group Ⅱ Group Ⅰ was dominated by Annelida and Arthropoda while Group Ⅱ was dominated by arthropoda,annelida and mollusca;such difference is mainly because of the difference in habitat conditions.Diversity of macrobentho community was highest in Group Ⅲ,followed by Group Ⅱ,Group Ⅰ and then Group Ⅳ.Poor habitat condition caused by pollution,sedimentation and other human disturbances were the main reasons for the differences in diversity between groups.In general,macrobenthos community in the North-west Daya Bay of South China Sea was stable in spring.However,community structure of Groups Ⅳ and Ⅲ,which distributed in the main navigation route and fishing grounds,were less stable;suggesting the disturbances from maintenance of navigation channel and fishing activities might have reduced community stability.中央级公益性科研院所基本科研业务费专项基金(2007ZD08;2007TS08;2010YD10


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