38 research outputs found

    Pole-Placement Design for Linear Time-Invariant Multivariable Feedback System by Solving Matrix Diphantine Equation from a Non-Square System of Equation

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    基於穩態系統內部所有信號皆可經由主控矩陣列運算後予以消去的事實,本研究擬針對線性非時變多變量回授系統提出一種改良式的置極法設計。在選定適當的閉迴路極點後,經由Diophantine方程式的求解,設計複雜多變量輸出入(MIMO)系統的程序便可系統化和透明化地進行。為順利求解Diophantine方程式,本研究也一併改良並提出矩陣分式表示式(MFD) 快捷有效的轉換法,以及Diophantine方程式的解析解法,做為兩個重要的設計工具。新的矩陣分式表示式(MFD)轉換法,在合理的範圍內將提供設計者多樣化的因次選擇,直接提高了設計者對系統的掌控性;針對新近提出Diophantine方程式解析解法僅能有效處理方陣系統的侷限性,本研究擬改良相關之矩陣非奇異性(no-singularity)確認演算法則,有效去除包含非方陣系統矩陣內相依項次而快速求解,以大幅降低計算的複雜性與電腦輔助計算的必要性。由於進行方式完全植基於解析法則與矩陣運算,因此未來擴展至線性時變多變量輸出入(MIMO)系統的應用將是可以實現的

    Decoding and Application of Reed Muller codes in Communication Systems

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    近年來由於通訊產業的發達,各種不同的調變或展頻方式不斷的在演變。例如用哈達碼(Hadamard)來展頻可消除使用者之間的干擾,在無線區域網路方面如IEEE802.11b的調變方式使用CCK(Complementary Code Keying)調變,甚至新一代的IEEE802.11g也是有使用CCK-OFDM的調變方式,而CCK與哈達碼都與里得米勒碼有密切的關係,由此可知里得米勒碼在通訊中被廣泛的應用及其重要性。 本文介紹里得米勒碼的背景及其生成矩陣的形式,並以此碼來架構一個可限制PAPR<2的格雷序列,然後舉出三種被應用在里得米勒的解碼方法。然後敘述一個改良型的IEEE802.11b,並根據此編碼的特性簡化其中一種解碼方法,且不影響系統的效率。之後談到將格雷序列應用在16QAM中,但此架構尚無文獻提出解碼的方式,因此本文將以三種解碼方式來模擬此系統效率,做為研究此架構解碼的一個方向。最後將配合一種X4的編碼架構,並利用上述的解碼方法,使得此系統能夠以降低些微編碼率來改善誤碼率。Due to the fast development of communication systems, many modulation schemes and spreading techniques and proposed in recent years. For example, we use the Hadamard spreading code to reduce the multiuser interference in CDMA system, the complementary code keying(CCK) modulation in IEEE802.11b systems, and CCK-OFDM modulation in IEEE802.11g systems. Since the Hadamard codes and complementary code keying is closed related to Reed Muller codes, this motivates us to study the decoding of Reed Muller codes and its application in communication systems. We first introduce three decoding methods of Reed Muller code, i.e., the Reed decoding, the Hadamard decoding, and coset decoding. A modified version of IEEE802.11b is proposed to speed up the transmission rate from 11Mbps to 16.5Mbps. Three modified decoding methods are their applied to the 16.5Mbps system to trade off the performance and decoding complexity. Finally, a new decoding method with the combination of X4 construction using Golay sequences is investigate in 16QAM modulation scheme.目錄 中文摘要 i Abstract ii 目錄 iii 圖例目錄 v 表格目錄 vii 第一章 簡介 1 第二章 里得米勒碼及其解碼方法之簡介 4 2.1 里得米勒碼 4 2.2 格雷互補對 6 2.3 使用里得米勒碼生成格雷互補對 8 2.4 里得解碼方法 9 2.5 哈達瑪解碼方法 12 2.6 一階里得米勒碼部分同位集首的解碼 16 第三章 里得米勒碼在IEEE 802.11b之應用 19 3.1 IEEE802.11簡介 19 3.2 IEEE802.11b的發射端結構 20 3.3 IEEE802.11b的接收端結構 23 3.4 改良型的IEEE 802.11b 25 3.5 改良型IEEE 802.11b的解碼方法 26 第四章 里得米勒碼在正交分頻多工的系統的系統之應用 32 4.1 正交分頻多工的系統的簡介 32 4.2直接總合 33 4.3 X4架構 36 4.4適用於X4架構之解碼 39 4.5 降低16QAM信號序列峰值比的架構 43 4.6 適合16QAM與X4架構下的16QAM的解碼 45 第五章 結論與展望 49 參考文獻 5

    The Study of School Management for Decline of the Birth-Rates in Taipei Junior High School

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    [[abstract]]Abstract The purposes of the study were to understand the junior high schools educators’ points of view about the ideals of school management for decline of the birth-rates in Taipei and provide the suggestions for schools and educational administration. The questionnaire was “The School Management for Decline of the Birth-Rates in Taipei Junior High School”. There were 270 questionnaires distributed and 221 questionnaires had been received; the rate of the received questionnaires reached to 81%. The valid sample was 219, and conclusions are as follows: The decline of the birth-rates to the school management has its positive and negative effects, but can be seen as opportunities for the school. How to respond to the impact of the decline of the birth-rates to the junior high school management? ? Executive leadership dimension:The most important is ”The management of the school development plan provided for in the leadership of the principal”. ? Teaching and evaluation dimension: The most important is &quot;Teachers can design multiple subjects and materials operations,&quot; and &quot;evaluation methods should be diversified in order to decline of the birth-rates after the different needs of the students&quot;. ? Student affairs counseling and dimensions: The most important is &quot;set the activities of the implementation will take into account the impact of reduced class size,&quot; &quot;In response to strengthen and promote the recognition of decline of the birth-rates, counseling groups, individual counseling and counseling approach.&quot; ? Environment equipments and security dimensions: The most important is &quot;idle space can be used to enhance the quality of teaching and research&quot;, &quot;idle space can be used to exchange resources with the community.&quot; ? Professional growth and the dimensions: The most important is &quot;of minority school teachers to understand the strategy and actively cooperate&quot; and &quot;teachers have a clear idea of education, and to be able to adapt to the trend of decline of the birth-rates.&quot; ? Parents and organizations to participate in dimensions: The most important is &quot; decline of the birth-rates promote schools the effective use of resources in the community, parents and schools to develop characteristics&quot; and &quot; decline of the birth-rates promote the development of the parent-teacher associations to promote the development of school affairs jointly &quot;. Taipei junior high school teachers on the decline of the birth-rates schools under the school's response to the operating method, by gender, age, qualification, positions, years of service seniority and the size of the school. Finally, the study has drawn up for the education authorities, schools, the teachers themselves, as well as future research proposals.

    A Study of the Evolution of Strategy and Core Competence during a Corporate Growth under the Dynamic Environment – A Case Study of a Local Pharmaceutical Company

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    策略的目的是在特定的競爭環境中,憑藉企業的特質條件為它創造競爭地位或發展的方向,也就是創造具競爭性的差異優勢,使企業得以順利發展和持續成長。在競爭的環境中,組織能耐常會隨著時間經過而演化;演化的方式會隨著技術本身的特性、外部市場競爭強弱、與內部的組織與管理特性的差異,而有所不同。除此之外,體制環境會影響整個產業內的創新速率,因而對廠商的能耐演化造成影響。但是在環境急速變動的情況下,組織能耐要完全由內部產生不但不可能,而且其速度亦嫌過於緩慢,再加上現代企業的專業分工網絡,企業必須與客戶、供應商、甚至競爭同業合作,以獲得相關的資訊與技術;在企業的發展歷程中,如何有效提升內部經營管理及促進組織之間的知識交流與能耐移轉,便成為組織管理的重要課題。 本研究以一家台灣本土醫藥公司,在台灣生技製藥產業的架構下,創業、轉型、成長的發展歷程,仔細描述影響企業發展的關鍵因素 ─ 企業策略轉變、環境變動、能耐演化,以及企業內部管理提升,彼此之間如何相互配適,並塑造出企業的獨特發展路徑;茲藉由個案公司過去的回顧,描繪其成長的軌跡,作為其未來發展路徑的參考。Under the favorable government policy support and a well-established regulatory environment, there are more and more new start-up companies established in Taiwan biotechnology and pharmaceutical industry in the past dacade. However, most of the new emerging companies are still facing very difficult situation. New drug discovery is one kind of long-term time-consuming and heavily cash-investment-needed business. Besides, Taiwan is a small market in the world. The market potential can not afford to develop a R&D based local pharmaceutical company. However, biotechnology and pharmaceutical industry is a very diversified and versatile industry. Under such circumstances, how does a biotech and pharmaceutical company make use of the limited resources and scarce capital assets to identify the niche market, create a new business model, develop the corporate competence, and construct the internal operation to strengthen the core business and secure a sustainable growth in the industry? Besides, due to the evolution of the modern tools including genomic science, bioinformatics, high-through-put screening machine, and gene therapy, the speed of new drug discovery becomes much faster and much more efficient, but the product life cycle also becomes much shorter. How does a local company play in such a highly competitive, technically professional, and dramatically changed environment? This study tracks the growth path of a local pharmaceutical company to show how the key factors, which are, environmental uncertainty, the development of core competence in the firm, and the choice of a successful strategy by top management and the organization, can be manipulated in the entrepreneurial firm that grows rapidly and formalizes its structure and internal operation. The growth path of the company in the past years could be interpretated as the mutual interactions (dynamic fit) of those key factors. Evenmore, the interaction consequences influence the strategic intent to confront the changing environment, and facilitate the practice of the law and the establishment of a government policy. Besides, in order to improve the whole healthcare system in certain medical care, the company develops a new operation model to run the specific business. Traditionally, most pharmaceutical companies are pursuing market-oriented product management, instead of sales-oriented business management. Nowadays, most multi-national firms are actively involved in disease management to expand the market share of certain disease. However, how to integrate the healthcare system and strengthen individual disease management under the specific healthcare system has become a new operation model of a pharmaceutical company to a specific market segment. The company has to work together and closely with the stakeholders, such as health authorities, medical societies, patient associations, healthcare personnel, and the patients themselves to improve the whole healthcare system and even the policy of the law, regulatory, social, and welfare system in the specific medical care, as well

    Develop of a Non-Invasive Impedance Measuring System for Plant Tissues and Construction of Bionic Models of Plant Tissues Based on Their Dielectric Characteristics

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    生物組織因本身種類不同,其生理結構亦大不相同,當受外界環境因素影響,所呈現之生理反應亦各有不同。傳統上利用切片、粹取等技術或生化感測器量測生物組織生理特性,在發展歷程上仍存在許多之技術瓶頸,如時效、校正、標準品規範、量測不確定度、可靠度以及損傷變異等問題;因此,應用現有成熟之電子電機相關技術,對生物組織進行非破壞式介電物理量之檢測與探討,將提供另一個發展生物管理系統的思維方向。由於生物組織含有大量的水分,因此具有高電導性、高損耗性、高介電常數等介電特性,若施以交變電場並從Cole-Cole Arc之圓心軌跡分析所得之獨具介電特性,便可建立各植物品系之介電模型,而如能以此非侵入式檢測介電特性之方法,提供體組織生命力、含水率、抗病力與新陳代謝等生理狀態之即時資訊,並搭配生物技術工程之管理與經營,則精準地滿足植物之生理機制需求,或選育品系量身定製修補機制的可能都將逐一實踐。本研究之目的在應用電子電路量測技術,製作可攜性植物體組織介電特性量之測裝置,並搭配Cole-Cole Plot 理論建立植物生理特性與介電特性之關係,進而開發非侵入式植物體組織介電參數之即時量測技術與建置以植物介電特性為基礎之仿生模型


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    The developed vacuum-type vegetable seeds drill was used to study the vacuum characteristics and its performance. Testing results showed that the vacuum capacity depended on the cross-section area of outlet vent. Increasing the cross-section本研究係以國內研發完成之多行式蔬菜園真空直播機為對象,針對其真空播種作 業系統進行測試與分析。試驗結果顯示:增加排氣口截面積將可提高播種系統的真空能力; 減小排氣口截面積則將使排氣口風速加快,排氣管路溫度驟增,進而造成能量損失。吸氣口 截面積、分導管開啟數目以及種子吸針數增加時,皆會造成真空能力衰降,其中真空能力與 分導數成平方反比而與吸針數成反比。若單以種子吸針截面觀察:吸針孔徑愈大真空能力衰 降也愈快


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    [[abstract]]研究目的: 本人在修習數學教育課程中,閱讀英國數學教育家R.R.Skemp 博士著之Psychology of Learning Mathematics 一書,及英國國中採用之S.M.P. 中學數學教材(School Mathematics Project) 五冊。深感我國現行國中數學幾何部份之介紹,未能依照學 習心理發展程序,奠定基礎概念,反而淪為邏輯證明之形式記憶。目前雖有新版之 國中數學課程出現,且已發行至第二冊,但幾何部份仍有未臻至善之處。乃著手設′ 計一套較為靈活、注重直觀、便於學生參與的幾何教材。以期盡師大校友一己之力, 如有可取之處,或可有助幾何教學之推展,則本人與有榮焉。 資料來源: ぇ現行國中數學教材幾何部分,及新版國中學數學教材一、二冊。 えR.R.Skemp 博士著之Psychology of Learning Mathematics。 ぉ英國S.M.P. 中學數學教材一至五冊。 おYoung & Yaung 著之Beginner's of Geometry。 研究方法: 根據R.R.Skemp 博士之心理學理論,配合本人擔任國中實習教學經驗,參照現行國中 數學教科書幾何部份的範圍,加以綜合、整理、分析,改編成靈活、直觀,又便於學 生參與之形式。 研究結果: 希望學生由親自動手做的過程中,由宜接皂環境經驗培養其礎的幾何概念,並利月這 些操作,做為聯絡直觀概念穧邏輯論證的橋樑。

    Correlation Establishment between Rice Quality Improvement and Production Management

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    稻米生產品質除品種、土壤肥份等主要因素之外,亦受到生長期間不同階段之環境氣候,如溫度、濕度、日照等多元因素及生產管理的適當與否之影響。本年度研究發展的稻米田間感測伺服器,包括研製與測試溫度、濕度、日照與影像等感測器模組,開發了初步適用的伺服器控制與資料擷取軟體,並在興大北溝農場初步建構稻米生長環境、栽培管理與稻米品質提升等,相關資料擷取記錄之無線感測器網路系統,以探討適當的架構與測試長期使用的功效及限制。研究顯示所發展的系統可對水田生產環境因素與管理,作遠端、長時間、自動化之資料收集。因此為來進一步發展,可作為探討相關於氣象、環境、發育生理指標與稻米品質之關係,發展適當的稻米品質與生產管理關係模式。臺灣位處亞熱帶,受夏季颱風季節影響,每年分兩季栽培,一、二期作生育環境迥然不同,但栽培相同類型品種,生育期間溫度高,日夜溫差不大,日射量不高,穀粒充實速率快而有效充實期相對縮短,終至各期產量與品質皆未臻理想。文獻預估未來臺灣地區更將遭遇夜溫上昇、溫差縮小、日射量下降之不利趨勢,氣象環境是現在及未來臺灣稻作栽培最大的挑戰之一。近年來我國之稻作改良研究多著重於品種之育成,稻作生理之研究相對缺乏。本計畫期望瞭解臺灣良質米產之氣象環境與發育生理指標及品質之關係,以作為現在良質米TGAP操作規劃及擬定因應未來氣候變遷之稻作生產技術之依據。The rice producing quality are influenced by the main factors of the variety of rice and fertile of soil, and also the environmental climate at different growing stages for instance such plural factors as temperature, humidity, sunshine, soil moisture content, etc. and the appropriate production management of paddy field. In this year's research, paddy field-server was developed, which assemble such detecting devices as temperature, humidity, sunshine and real time image, etc. The intermediary and application software was also developed. The paddy field-server cooperate with the software were tested to construct paddy wireless sensing networking in the experimental farm of NCHU for long term, remote and automatic field data collection of rice growth environment, cultivate management and related quality factors. Therefore, in the future, studying the correlation between meteorological, environmental and physiological indicators with the rice quality, the optimal production management model can be built to increase the rice quality of Taiwan. Taiwan locates in the subtropical region, the lowest latitude area where japonica type rice is dominated cultivated, which is a challenge for the cultivation of the rice with good quality. In addition to the trends of global warming are going to be more detrimental for the quality of the rice cultivated in Taiwan. The objective of this study is to: 1. understand the climate characteristics of Taiwan rice cultivation areas; 2. analyze physiological growth pattern and indexes of modern quality rice cultivars; 3. clarify the relationship between quality formation and climate factors. Integrated results of the approach will benefit the design of good agriculture practice of Taiwan quality rice for the present and the coming future. To understand the correlation between climate factors and yield and quality characteristics, a year-round cultivation experiment with 7 transplanting dates were conducted this year. The present results revealed that 7 culture periods were covered with different accumulated heat units and radiation. Growth period with the highest accumulated heat units had the lowest effective panicle number per plant. Panicle weight per plant was decreased along with the increase of accumulation of heat units, suggesting a similar/negative trend between yield and accumulation heat units

    Theory and Comparison of 2-D and 3-D Analyses for Structures

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    本研究是討論在線彈性狀況下,以直接勁度法與結構矩陣為主軸,並使用CAL-90教學軟體做計算上的輔助,分別在多種不同情況條件下執行平面與空間的範例,並以SSTAN結構分析軟體分析及比較其結果,主要歸納如下:1. 使用DSSP與FDSSP兩種方法,無論是平面還是空間的問題,得到的結果誤差趨近於零。2. 用CAL-90計算與SSTAN得到的結果,兩者差異小於0.1%。3. 很可能是因為SSTAN所顯示的位數不足,才會導致誤差。4. 以CAL-90來計算與分析問題時,不可忽略軸向變形。5. 基本上使用CAL-90和SSTAN可以得到相同的結果。This research is discussed under linear condition, mainly uses direct stiffness method and structure matrix and sometimes uses CAL-90 as a minor way of calculation. In many different situation and condition, we use SSTAN, structure analysis software, to compare and prove our outcome. That can be concluded as follow: 1. The difference between DSSP and FDSSP is almost zero whether two dimensional or three dimensional problems. 2. The outcome between CAL-90 and SSTAN is less than 0.1%. 3. The error probably is made by the significant digits of SSTAN. 4. It cannot ignore axial deformation, using CAL-90 to calculate and analysis. 5. There is basically the same solution between CAL-90 and SSTAN.Tables of Contents 摘要 / Abstract in Chinese i Abstract in English ii Tables of Contents iii Tables List v Figures List vi Symbols viii Chapter 1 – Introduction 1 1.1 Preface 1 1.2 Background and Previous Studies 1 1.3 Objectives 2 Chapter 2 – Theoretical Background 3 2.1 Truss Elements 3 2.2 Frame Elements 5 2.3 Elemental Stiffness Matrix 8 2.4 Rotational Matrix 13 2.5 Three-Dimensional Beam Elements (3-D) 21 2.6 Derivation of Location Transformation [aL] 29 Chapter 3 – Direct Stiffness Method in Truss Cases 36 3.1 Direct Stiffness Solution Procedure (DSSP) / [a] 36 3.2 Final Direct Stiffness Solution Procedure (FDSSP) 44 3.3 Three-Dimensional Element / Truss 55 Chapter 4 – Direct Stiffness Method in Beam Cases 69 4.1 Direct Stiffness Solution Procedure (DSSP) / [a] / 5 DOFs 69 4.2 Final Direct Stiffness Solution Procedure (FDSSP) / 5 DOFs 91 4.3 Direct Stiffness Solution Procedure (DSSP) / [a] / 6 DOFs 105 4.4 Final Direct Stiffness Solution Procedure (FDSSP) / 6 DOFs 115 4.5 Three-Dimensional Beam Elements 127 Chapter 5 – Conclusions 140 References 14

    Grain Insect Pests Elimination Using High Air Pressure

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    完成改良高壓殺除穀物蟲害之實驗設備,篩選適用氣體,完成建立成蟲及蟲卵在不同壓力、不同處理時間、不同氣體下的除殺機制,探討米粒中在除殺機制下米質的變化(包括外觀品質、理化性質、NIR光譜變化以及食味變化),以建立妥善之加工處理流程;進而規劃設計商業示範處理之加工設備,並發展可連續運轉的高壓殺米蟲設備。完成發展經濟有效的高處理量穀物蟲害防治方法,不但可以降低蟲害所造成各方面的經濟損失,確保國產穀物品質,提升競爭力,增進產銷收益,更能防制進口穀物害蟲對我國生產環境所帶來的可能衝擊與危害。In this research, the efficient prototype scheme of grain insect pests' elimination by using high air pressure chamber method is improved. The insect killing mechanism correspondent with air pressure, processing time and releasing-rate will be established too. Air solution and evaporate ratios to insect body and correspondent body structure damage with different air under different air pressure will be investigated in this year simultaneously. The proposed insect pest elimination technique applied not only can maintain the domestic grain quality but also increase the grain production and marketing value which promote the competible conditions for domestic agricultural products. Furthermore, increasing the profits of the producers and preventing the invasion of foreign insect pest are also the contributions of this project