8 research outputs found


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    Applying Computerized Concept Mapping to the Assessment of Knowledge Structure

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    [[abstract]]Concept mapping has been used in many subject domains as a useful strategy for learning and instruction. Recently, many researchers tried to apply concept mapping to the assessment of structural knowledge. In this study we combined computer technology and concept mapping to build a concept mapping based learning and assessment system. In this system we implemented two indices for knowledge-structure assessment: the Closeness index (C) of Goldsmith, Johnson, & Acton (1991), and the revised Novak & Gowin’s (1984) concept mapping scoring rubrics (N-G). Eighty five undergraduates participated in this study. They were asked. to represent their content knowledge about the topic of ‘learning theories’ in educational psychology through the computerized concept mapping system. The results indicated that both the C and N-G indices were significantly different between the students of high- and low achievement groups. In addition, from the results of multiple regression, we found that the C index accounted for a significant amount of the variances of the achievement scores, but the N-G index did not predict significantly over and above the C index. Based on these results, we concluded that concept mapping along with the C and N-G indices can serve as a valid tool for knowledge structure assessment, yet the scoring rubrics could be revised to improve their validitiy.


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    文心蘭切花多數仍利用網室設施栽培,網室內架設自動噴水設備,灌溉及肥灌大多仍採粗放作業。夏季時節,業者每天必須全園噴灌2-3 次,耗費大量水及肥料。本研究改善現有網室設施,增加防雨與內循環風扇,配合肥灌系統進行不同介質與肥料配方,評估簡易防雨設施內文心蘭切花生產,切花品質持續調查中。以文心蘭品種檸檬綠種植於泥炭土測試澆水標準,以目前數據顯示,澆水後盆栽重量百分比不應低於65%,便應該再給水。使用泥炭土下,可在間隔2.6~13.6 天中澆水不至於澆水過度或失水。水分測定儀HH2 測得之含水率和重量含水率約有2:1 趨勢 (HH2 含水率下降20%,則重量含水率下降10%),根據田間病害調查的資料,進一步建立文心蘭在台灣栽培過程中田間常見病害的防治曆


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    The objectives of this project is to investigate marketing channel, marketing cost and consumers'behavior of major imported agricultural products.The scope of this study will focus on five imported fresh fruits ( Apple, Orange, Peach, Pear and Grape ), five imported fresh vegetables ( Onion, Cabbage, Potato, Broccoli and Celery )and imported fresh cut-flowers in this year.Especially, the project will also investigate the marketing channel and marketing cost of fresh fruits imported from mainland China in Taiwan market.In addition, the study will conduct questionnaire surveys on perception of fruit products attributes, and vegetable consumption behavior.The main works of this study include secondary data collection, sampling, questionnaire design, panel deeply interview, pre-test, data analysis, and research reports writing.The project divide into seven subjects conducted by professional researchers from different universities as follows: ( 1 )A Study on Marketing Channel and Marketing Cost of Imported Apple, Orange, Peach, Peer And Grape.( 2 )A Study on Differences in Consumer Perceptions of Product Attributes between Imported and Domestic Fruits.( 3 )A Study on the Production-Marketing Cooperative Organizations of Importing Temperate Fruits and Their Marketing Strategy in Taiwan.( 4 )A Study on Marketing Channel and Marketing Cost of Mainland China's Fruits in Taiwan Markets.( 5 )A Study on Marketing Channel and Marketing Cost of Imported Onion, Cabbage, Potato, Broccoli, and Celery.( 6 )A Study on Consumers'Behavior of Vegetables Purchasing before and after the Nature Disaster.( 7 )A Study on Marketing Channel and Marketing Strategies of Imported Cut Flower.本計畫旨在了解和探討進口重要農產品運銷通路、運銷成本與消費者行為, 本度將針對五種果品( 蘋果、橙類、梨、桃和葡萄 ), 五種蔬菜( 洋蔥、甘藍、馬鈴薯、青花菜和芹菜 ), 和鮮切花, 分別探討其進入國內市場後之運銷通路與運銷成本.另外, 也特別針對現行大陸生鮮水果在台灣市場的運銷通路與運銷成本進行探討分析.此外, 將辦理進口果品與國產果品的屬性認知, 以及災害前後蔬菜消費行為變化, 進行消費者問卷調查.本研究主要工作項目包括次級資料搜集, 抽樣、問卷設計、預試調查進行、深度訪談、資料統計分析, 以及研究報告撰寫.為達成研究目標, 本計畫將分七個細項進行, 分別是: ( 1 )進口蘋果、橙類、桃、梨及葡萄之運銷通路與運銷成本研究.( 2 )進口水果與國產水果屬性之消費者認知差異研究.( 3 )進口溫帶水果產銷合作組織與其在台行銷之研究.( 4 )現有大陸生鮮水果在台灣市場運銷通路與運銷成本之研究.( 5 )進口洋蔥、甘藍、馬鈴薯、青花菜與芹菜運銷通路與運銷成本之研究.( 6 )天然災害前後, 蔬菜消費者之消費行為研究.( 7 )進口切花運銷通路與行銷策略之研究

    The Study of Integtating Agricultural Marketing Channels

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    因應台灣加入WTO後,急於提昇農業的競爭力,而所謂「掌握通路,及掌握了商機」,所以希望加強整合國內現代化與多元化農產運銷通路來拓展國內農業的新發展,尋求農業新契機.本研究主要從國內與國外兩大部分來著手,以達到「知己知彼,百戰百勝」的目的.在國內方面,共有四個主題,分別為: 1. 「以區域整合規劃設立產地生鮮農產品集運中心」:希望配合之前已完成的相關計畫,即已找出北中南東四個最佳物流中心(其規模較集運中心大,且負責轉運區域較大)經營主體,加上透過這計畫,企圖規劃出設立產地生鮮農產品集運中心(主要蒐集當地農產品)的數目、規模及運輸之產品項等,在兩者相輔相成之下,讓國內農產品運銷成為一綿密的網路,讓運銷更順暢、有效率. 2. 「運銷團體辦理夏季保價蔬菜供銷調配可續性之評估研究」:擬從三個角度,分別為:夏季蔬菜貨源掌握的比率、價格波動的程度及經濟福利效果的衡量,評估農民團體辦理夏季保價蔬菜供銷調配可續性之研究,以提供農政單位對於以價差為給付(必須削減之直接給付)基礎的夏季蔬菜保價如何採取因應的措施,及其相關影響層面,進一步作為施政決策的參考. 3. 「國產蔬果及進口蔬果通路競爭策略之比較分析」:希望瞭解進口蔬菜與國產蔬菜,在國內市場上,是否有季節上的互補關係或互競關係?進口蔬菜是否利用國產蔬菜之運銷通路,而與國產蔬菜的通路重疊且互競?在貿易自由化前後,尤其在加入WTO之前後,進口蔬菜之運銷通路是否有重大改變?對國產蔬菜之運銷通路是否有重大衝擊?國產蔬菜和進口蔬菜在運銷通路競爭上,各有什麼競爭優勢?讓台灣在面臨進口蔬菜之競爭威脅之際,比較分析出國產蔬菜和進口蔬菜通路競爭策略,進一步積極掌握國產蔬菜之運銷通路. 4. 「建構整合性農產運銷體系與制度研討會」:擬邀集國內的專家學者,以研討會方式,討論最迫切的議題,進一步提升農民福祉、促進農業發展及確保消費者權益的重要施政設計.國外方面,主要以大陸地區為主要目標,主題為:「大陸地區重要農產品運銷通路資料蒐集」:台灣高品質的農產品絕對有出口大陸的優勢,譬如熱帶水果香蕉、鳳梨等.大陸地區主要在海南島生產,但其品質與台灣生產者相去甚遠,再者就運輸成本(至北京、上海等北方城市)而言,台灣相較於海南島更具競爭力.在WTO的規範下,台灣農產品可以比照歐美日國家直接進口大陸地區,而不須經香港轉口,因此有必要先針對有可能的出口產品(應包括高級漁產品、園藝作物以及加工食品),收集大陸地區在運銷通路方面相關之資訊,除供業者之參考也可提供政府部門政策擬定之參酌.此外,也為讓國內農產品易與國際接軌,所以也將研討一主題為:「國際機場設置農特產品專櫃之誘因研究」:擬針對國際機場設置農特產品專櫃之相關法規及問題加以探討,並提出吸引商家願積極設置並推展農特產品之誘因及建議,以為我國進入WTO之後,台灣農特產品之發展開拓新局.希望透過此計畫讓國內農產品的運銷通路規劃地更為完善,並將農產品順利推向國際舞台."Who controls channel


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    某電廠廠用冷卻水中 ,以加入鉬酸鹽系緩蝕劑的方法來抑制管路的腐蝕,在測緩蝕劑對腐蝕的抑制效果時,卻發設備表面生成的透明泥濘物會加速設備腐蝕。故為延長管路之壽命,本研究的主要目的在分離泥濘物中之微生物,鑑定出其菌名,其試驗防制泥濘物生長之藥劑的效果。結果顯示:廠用冷卻水透明泥濘物中含有桿菌、絲狀菌等微生物菌群,且從透明泥濘物中分離得到6株純種菌株。商用抑制劑P無法抑制廠用冷卻水原水中之菌群及純種菌株生長,而商用抑制劑K、非商用抑制劑N及H可抑制廠用冷卻水原水中的菌群及純種菌株生長,且抑制效果為:非商用抑制劑N>非商用抑制劑H>商用抑制劑K。In the presence, molybdate is added as corrosion inhibitor to the cooling water system of one power plant. Monitoring the inhibitory efficiency of corrosion inhibitor, it was found that the slime generated from the cooling system was accelerating t he corrosion of the cooling system. In order to avoid the corrosion of the cooling system, the main purpose of this research is to isolate and identify the bacterium strains from the slime. The inhibitory efficiency of antimicrobial agents to these strains was examined, in order to find the appropriate type and dosage of the antimicrobial agent. The result showed that the cooling water contains rod-shaped bacteria and filamentous microorganism. Six strains were isolated from the slime of the cooling water system. Commercial antimicrobial agent P could not inhibit the growth of the six strains and the slime of the cooling water system. Commercial antimicrobial agent P and Noncommercial antimicrobial agents N, H could inhibit the growth of the six strains and the slime of the cooling water system. The inhibitory efficiency sequences were noncommercial antimicrobial agents N, noncommercial antimicrobial agents H and commercial antimicrobial agent P

    Assessing Structural Knowledge: A Comparison of Pathfinder and Concept Mapping

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    [[abstract]]徑路搜尋法( Pathfinder )是近年來應用十分廣泛的知識結構測量方法,概念構圖法 ( concept mapping)則是理論基礎十分完備的教學和評量策略。本研究嘗試將概念構圖法中「引出知識」和「表徵知識結構」的步驟、徑路搜尋法中的知識結構評量算則 ( C 指數)以及 Novak & Gowin ( 1984 )的概念構圖計分法等加以結合,設計出概念構圖相似指數( CMC )及 Novak-Gowin 指數(N-G ) 。本研究以 153 名大學生為對象,以教育心理學的「學習理論」為材料,評估概念構圖法的兩個知識結構指數 CMC 及 N-G ,和徑路搜尋法的兩個知識結構指數 PFC 及 PRX ,對學習成就的預測效果、對不同成就學生的區別效果、與各指數的重疊與獨立性。結果有以下的發現: 1.以徑路搜尋法求得的知識結構指數對學習成就的解釋量, PFC 為 36 % , PRX 為 16 % ;以概念構圖法求得的兩個指數對學習成就的解釋量, CMC 為 36 % , N-G 為 23 %。兩種測量方法所提供的知識結構指數具有可接受的預測效度。 2.應用四種知識結構指數,PFC、PRX 、 CMC 及 N-G 來區別不同學習成就的學生時, PRX 並沒有顯著的區別力。但 PFC,CMC 及 N-G等三種指數可以有效地區別不同學習成就的學生,準確性達 80 %。3.藉由不同的引出知識、表徵知識結構和評量知識結構等步驟求出的 PFC,CMC 和 N-G 指數,彼此間具有中度的相關。以淨相關分析排除某一指數的影響效果後,其他兩種指數仍能維持與學習成就的顯著相關。可見以不同方法求得的知識結構指數彼此有其獨立的成份存在,未必為其他指數的成份所能涵括。