86 research outputs found

    Locus of Control belief in high school students; on the relation to expectancy and motives for Learning

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    Locus of Control Scale for high school students was developed and administerd to 667 high school students. Factor analysis found three factors, effort, chance and self-determination. The structure of motives for learning was examined exploratively. By factor anylysis it is found that the motives for learning have three dimensions, ie. task-oriented, approval-oriented and competition-oriented. Regression analysis revealed that expectancy of achievement was affected by these motives for learning directly and by Locus of Control beliefs which were also affected by learning motives. In detail, two Locus of Control scales (effort, self-determination) and one motive scale (ie. task-oriented) were positively related to expectancy, and two motive scales (ie. aproval-oriented and competition-oriented) were negatively related to expectancy. Furthermore, task-oriented scale was positively related to effort and self-determination scales, and oppositely self-determination was relatively lowered when approval-oriented or competetion-oriented motives were high. The effect of the experiences in administration examination to Locus of Control belief was examined and some implications were disccussed

    コウコウセイ ノ ドウキズケ ニオケル バイカイ ヨウイン トシテノ コジンテキ モクヒョウ

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    本研究は個人的目標の認知が達成志向的行動に対して、統制感や自己決定感といった認知様式の変数の効果を媒介する要因であることを検討した。325 名の高校生を対象に統制感、自己決定感、個人的目標および達成志向的行動についての質問紙調査を実施した。個人的目標に関しては、被験者は自由に現在の目標をあげたあと、もっとも重要なものをひとつ選び、その目標の達成可能性、重要性認知、および他の目標との関連性について評定した。 SEM による分析の結果、統制感は目標の重要性認知に正の効果を持ち、さらにそれは目標の関連性を媒介して、達成志向的行動に正の影響を持つことが示された。一方自己決定感は達成期待と正の関連を示すとともに目標の関連性に直接の効果を持った。こうした結果は生徒の動機づけに関して、目標が構造化されることが重要であることを示唆するものである。The study examined the role of personal goals on achievement oriented behaviors that mediated the effect of cognitive style factors, such as perceived control and perceived autonomy. The participants were 325 students at senior high school. A questionnaire on perceived control, perceived autonomy, personal goals and achievement oriented behaviors was administered. As for personal goals, subjects described their several current goals and selected the most important one. Then they estimated their expectancy on the goal attainment and the perceived importance and the relevancy of other goals to the important goal. SEM showed that perceived control had a positive effect on the perceived importance of the goal and furthermore the latter also had a positive effect on the achievement oriented behaviors mediated by the instrumentality of goals. Perceived autonomy showed a positive relationship to the expectancy and also had a direct effect to the instrumentality. The results suggested the important mediating role of personal goals in students’ motivation


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    本研究の目的は中学生のセルフエフィカシーと学習行動の継時的変化を検討することである。通塾する中学3 年生66 名を対象に、6 ヶ月間、1 ヶ月ごとに、セルフエフィカシー、学習行動、模擬試験成績を繰り返し測定した。まず最初に中学生66 名は試験成績の変化パタンによって4 群に分け、生徒の学習行動とセルフエフィカシーなどの動機づけ変数について、その継時的変化を群間で比較した。その結果、時間経過に伴い成績が伸びていくパタンの生徒群が他の3 群に比べると、それぞれの変数においてきわめて特徴的であることが明らかにされた。The purpose of this study was to examine the successive change in learning behaviors and selfefficacy of Japanese junior high-school students. Sixty-six students enrolled in this study were third graders in junior high-school who also went to jukus. Though jukus are private tutoring schools, many of Japanese junior high-school students go to juku after school to prepare for the entrance examination to senior high-school or to supplement the ordinary classes of junior high-school. They were assigned questionnaires and trial examinations every month for six months. Subjects were divided into four groups according to the change patterns indicated by their achievement scores. Learning behaviors, self-efficacy, perceived control, and motivation orientation were compared within the four groups. Results showed that student groups which displayed remarkable progress had a distinctive learning behavior pattern

    ジゼン ノ ドリョクリョウ ト テストゴ ノ ゲンイン キゾク トノ カンケイ ドリョク キゾク ト ウン キゾク ニ ショウテン オ アテテ

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    我々は、事前の努力量と課題遂行後の4 つの原因帰属得点の5 変数の関係を検討するために、実験的研究を行った。実験参加者は大学生47 名であり、彼らに対連合学習課題を課した。50 ペアからなる課題リストを配布し、1 週間後にそのリストから10 ペアを出題するテストを実施した。事前の努力量を測定するために、テスト直前に50 ペアをどれだけ習得しているかを調べた。テスト後、各参加者の得点をフィードバックし、参加者全体の平均点と得点分布も提示した。さらに、成功―失敗と原因帰属を問う質問項目に回答させた。成功群では事前の努力量と努力帰属に有意な正の相関があった。一方、失敗群では事前の努力量と運帰属に有意な正の相関があった。努力帰属と運帰属の相関関係については、成功群ではほとんど関係がなく、失敗群では両者に有意な負の相関があった。事前の努力量が多いのにもかかわらずテスト場面で理不尽な失敗(irrationalfailure)をした者は、その原因を不運に帰属していた。 We did an experimental study to examine the relationships among five variables (the amount of preliminary effort and the scores of four causal attributions after the test session). Fortyseven undergraduate students participated in this experiment and were assigned a pairedassociates learning task. Participants were given a task list including 50 pairs. One week later, they took a test consisting of 10 pairs from the list. Just before the test, they were instructed to write the answer of all pairs to measure the amount of preliminary effort. After the test, they were given their own test score and informed of the average score and the score distribution of all participants. Moreover they rated items in a questionnaire including success-failure and causal attribution. In the success group, there was a significant positive correlation between preliminary effort and effort factor. On the other hand, in the failure group, there was a significant positive correlation between prior effort and luck factor. In the correlation between factors of effort and luck, there was little relation in the success group. However, there was a significant negative correla tion in the failure group. The person who experienced an irrational failure attributed the cause of failure to being unlucky