21 research outputs found


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    华裔女性作家汤亭亭第一部真正意义上的小说《引路人孙行者》是其致力于“全球化小说“(glObAlnOVEl)创作的初次实践。通过对于“全球化“文化叙事问题的探讨,汤亭亭借助这一小说来反映全球化语境下文化身份的多元性和流动性,并试图通过个体与群体的重新塑造来探讨走向现代人精神家园的理论与方法,因此,作为其“全球化文学创作“的一个试验,这部小说不仅反映出其全球化小说的理论构想,同时也为全球化语境下文学创作与文学研究提供了一个思路与方法。Tripmaster Monkey,claimed to be Kingston's first novel,is her first literary attempt on creating a global novel.Focusing on the issue of cultural discourse in the context of globalization,Kingston is aiming at catching the tempo of our age,a trend towards globalization characterized by the multiplicity and fluidity of both the personal and the communal identity,and at raising a theoretical method of creating the spiritual home for the modern people by remodeling both the individual and the community.This novel well reflects her theoretical construction of "the global novel" ,and also provides a way for literary creation and research in the context of globalization

    Allegorical Impulse: On Donald Barthelme’s Textual Practice

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    唐纳德•巴塞尔姆以对文学形式的大胆革新和文学经典的创意改写在美国后现代派作家中独树一帜,却也是长期被误读的作家之一,这从国内外学界的研究状况或可略见一斑:就美国评论界而言,巴塞尔姆作品中某主人公的一句话“断裂是我信任的唯一形式”时常被援引为其本人的美学宣言和创作理念,此后一切关乎巴塞尔姆之评论莫不以“碎片”、“形式”、“无深度性”等后现代“御用”字眼为纲,导致评论千篇一律,对其作品的研究则长期停滞不前;在中国,从学界到读者对巴塞尔姆的认知大多仅限于他那部著名的戏仿之作《白雪公主》,各种评论文章皆出于此,另有零星数篇是对其短篇小说的译介,但缺乏对作家全部作品的整体研究。针对这一研究现...Donald Barthelme distinguishes himself in postmodernist American literature by his brilliant experiments with literary forms and his daringly amazing employment of the past literary and cultural sources. Yet he is among the writers who have been misunderstood for long. A statement by one of his characters--“Fragments is the only way I trust”--has been taken by most of the American critics as his m...学位:文学博士院系专业:外文学院英语语言文学系_英语语言文学学号:1202007015387

    Globalization in Maxine Hong Kingston's Tripmaster Monkey:His Fake Book

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    摘要汤亭亭(又名马克辛.洪.金斯顿)是著名的美国华裔女作家,曾以半自传体姐妹篇《女勇士》(1976)和《中国佬》(1980)而轰动文坛。作为一个少数族裔作家,汤亭亭从不认为少数族裔作家及其作品应当被归为特定的一类文学,而指出优秀的作品,即使是出自少数族裔作家之手,亦应在世界文学宝库中占有一席之地。她本人也努力尝试通过全球化写作实践来赋予作品深度和广度,以摆脱少数族裔作家的樊篱。《引路人孙行者:他的即兴曲》(1989)为其第一部小说,书中反映了她在全球化文化背景下对一系列问题的思考,是研究其全球化思想发展趋势的绝好文本。文化属性问题是少数族裔作家在文学创作中决不会忽视的主题。作品里拥有双重乃至多...Synopsis Maxine Hong Kingston, the famous Chinese American woman writer, is best known for her two companion semi-autobiographies The Woman Warrior (1976) and China Men (1980). An ethnic writer as she is, she never thinks that ethnic writers and their works should be confined to a particular category. Instead, she argues that great works by ethnic minority should not be denied a place in t...学位:文学硕士院系专业:外文学院外文系_英语语言文学学号:20030400

    On the Sign System and the Power Structure in "Me and Miss Mandible"

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    《我与曼蒂博小姐》作为唐纳德.巴塞尔姆发表的第一篇短篇小说,为他其后的短篇小说创作在主题上提供了一种范式。该短篇虽有卡夫卡式的荒诞情节,但作者的创作意图和后现代主义倾向决定了该小说的主题并非表现卡夫卡式的荒诞。作者把荒诞的世界当成一个理所当然的事实和背景,在这一框架内探讨铺天盖地的文化、政治符号是如何以极为“自然化“的面貌为人们所接受和认同的,同时揭示在这些符号的背后力求掌控人们思想、行为和价值观念的权力运作。该小说是巴塞尔姆对六十年代美国社会政治和文化现象的一个反应,体现了他针砭时弊的一贯文风。"Me and Miss Mandible",the first short story by Donald Barthelme,initiates the subject recurring in his later literary career.Despite its absurd plot,its subject is by no means Kafkanian due to the author's writing intent and postmodernist inclination.Rather,Barthelme regards the absurdity of world as a taken-for-granted background,against which he explores the overwhelming cultural and political signs that are integrated into people's lives in a much naturalized way,and the power structure beneath that tries to take the collective ways of thinking,behaviors and values in control."Me and Miss Mandible" was written as a literary response to the diverse social,cultural and political conditions in the 1960s America

    Imagery as Narrative:On Michael Joyce's Hypertext Twelve Blue

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    在超文本文学创作里,纸质印刷强加于文学叙事的线性秩序荡然无存,超文本的叙事流取决于辞片(即电子页面)间看似随意却极具隐喻性的意象关联。在《十二蓝》中,蓝色调衍化而成的十二条命运之线时而交集,间或并行,统摄超文本叙事的是一条绵延的,向四方无限发散的意象之河。超文本小说的叙事由此超越了传统二维叙事,形成一种独特的立体网状的叙事结构。In hypertext writing,traditional linear narration of the print literature is replaced by a set of seemingly excursive,yet particularly metaphorical and interrelated images flowing between hypertextual lexias.In Michael Joyce's Twelve Blue,with twelve blue threads of narration/destiny both interweaving and paralleling,the narration of the hypertext is governed by a flowing river of excursive images.Thus a three-dimensional,web-like narrative mode becomes established in hypertext narration,in replacement of the traditional two-dimensional narration


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