30 research outputs found


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    本研究针对航天员健康和空间生命生态支持系统等重大需求,以重力环境对地球生物演化的作用及其规律和空间环境对生命体生理稳态的影响规律及其机理等为科学背景,在细胞这一生命体基本单元层面研究(微)重力影响生命活动的力学-生物学耦合规律, 为解决航天员健康问题和建立空间生命生态支持系统提供必需的科学数据,并形成空间生命科学研究的新概念、新思路和新方法,建立地基综合研究平台。主要研究内容包括三个基本科学问题:1)地球生物如何感知(微)重力信号及其信号的转导?2)地球生物如何适应(微)重力环境?3)从生命科学与生物技术视角如何利用(微)重力环境资源


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    Initial surface fluxes in transient heat conduction

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    Specialized Research Fund for the Doctoral Program of Higher Education [20090121120028, 20100121120026]; National Science Foundation of China [U1232110]In the heat transfer literature, it appears that numerical analyses focusing on surface heat fluxes in the initial phase for transient heat-conduction systems, i.e., q(x) at x = 0 and t = Delta t, have not been sufficiently reported. Due to this scarcity, some results may need to be re-examined for their accuracies or even their validities. The objective of the present study is twofold. First, we have identified two specific cases that may call for the awareness of the heat transfer community. Second, after such identification, we have further developed and proposed a technique, called the surface cubic-spline method, to help improve accuracies of heat-flux solutions. An effort is made to render the implementation of this method easy for interested readers, along with a MATLAB code offered in the appendix for them to directly cut and paste. Finally, some discussions of the second law of thermodynamics are presented, as they are related to transient heat conduction processes, and none of these essential ideas has been adequately reported in the literature. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved


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    Structure studies on hepatitis E virus capsid protein and its underlying neutralization epitope

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    戊型肝炎是由戊型肝炎病毒(Hepatitis E virus,HEV)引起的病毒性肝炎,被证实为人兽共患病,该病症对免疫力低下人群和已有基础性肝病的患者的危害更为显著。戊肝病毒主要通过粪口途径传播,猪是其主要的天然宿主。近年来,关于戊肝病毒的衣壳蛋白及其表位结构的研究取得了重要的进展,对于戊肝病毒的病毒学研究和戊肝疫苗的机制探讨起着重要的指导意义。本文将综述HEV病毒衣壳蛋白的结构研究和中和表位的结构基础,着重说明戊肝病毒中和表位存在型特异性和型交叉两种特征,提示型交叉表位与人兽共患现象的关系。Hepatitis E virus(HEV)is a causative pathogen of hepatitis E,one of the major acute infectious diseases,which has been recently proved as a zoonosis with main virus reservoir in domestic pigs.The virus is mainly spread by fecal-oral route and it's more likely to infect the immunocompromised population and those who have suffered from liver disease.To date,there are numbers progress on the structure of hepatitis E virus capsid proteins and their immune complex with neutralizing monoclonal antibodies.These knowledge advances our understanding on the virology and immunology of hepatitis E virus,and subsequently benefits for the research and development of hepatitis E vaccine.Here,we review the key points in regard to the structure determination and immunologically functional basis of hepatitis E virus capsid protein.The summarized advances might shed lights on the theoretical basis for genotype specificity,cross-genotype feature and their correlation to zoonotic hepatitis E disease

    Tuning the structural, electronic, and magnetic properties of strontium titanate through atomic design: A comparison between oxygen vacancies and nitrogen doping

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    The structural, electronic, and magnetic properties of seven sets of SrTiO2.75 (oxygen vacancies) and SrTiO2.75N0.25 (nitrogen doping) models were investigated by the first principles calculations based on density functional theory. Our results indicated that oxygen vacancies tended to align in a chain sandwiched with Ti atoms, whereas doped nitrogen atoms (substituting oxygen atoms in SrTiO3) preferred other arrangements rather than a chain. In addition, under stable arrangement, SrTiO2.75 showed no magnetism, whereas magnetic moments appeared in other meta-stable SrTiO2.75 configurations as well as in SrTiO 2.75N0.25, which is attributed to the Ti 3d orbitals and nitrogen p orbitals, respectively. Our results suggest a possible route for tuning magnetic and electronic properties of SrTiO3 by atomic design. ? 2012 The American Ceramic Society


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    目的缺氧所致血管炎症反应的分子机制目前尚不清楚。研究表明,O-乙酰氨基葡萄(O-GlcNAc)转移酶(OGT)在炎症反应中可能起着非常重要的调控作用。本研究旨在探讨OGT在缺氧所致血管内皮炎症反应中的作用。方法缺氧模型细胞为暴露于1%O_2或氯化钴(Cobalt,200μg/ml)后的血管内皮细胞。研究发现,缺氧刺激后内皮细胞中缺氧诱导因子-1α(HIF-1α)的蛋白表达迅速上调,相关炎症因子(IL-6、IL-8、MCP-1及E-选择素)在转录及翻译水平上的表达亦显著增加,但OGT的蛋白表达水平则显著下降。反之,当内皮细胞经OGT腺病毒过表达处理后,可有效抵制缺氧所致的炎症反应。进一步研究表明,蛋白酶体抑制剂可逆转缺氧所致的OGT蛋白表达下调,表明蛋白酶体参与了OGT的蛋白降解调控;针对泛素化连接酶β-TrCP1的siRNA干扰可稳定OGT的蛋白表达水平,表明前者可能是介导OGT降解的主要泛素化连接酶。体内实验表明,当小鼠(C57BL/6J)经缺氧处理后,肺组织中的蛋白酶体活性、HIF-1α的蛋白表达水平及炎症反应水平均显著增加,而OGT的蛋白表达水平则明显下调。相反,OGT激活剂葡萄糖胺处理(1 mg/g/d,连续腹腔注射5天)可有效抑制小鼠因缺氧所致的炎症反应。结论上述研究表明,OGT可能是治疗缺氧所致炎症反应的新靶点


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    研究了大规模的城市饮用水源人工湿地运行初期水生植物繁衍特性和改进措施. 建立了嘉兴市石臼漾生态湿地水生维管束植物名录,分析了水生植物的种类、分布面积、群落结构和生物量,目的旨在揭示石臼漾湿地运行初期其水生植物繁衍情况和群落结构特征,探讨水生植被的优化管理措施. 石臼漾湿地现存水生维管束植物共计25 科41 属49 种,远超过初始人工栽植的13 种. 湿地目前以湿生植物( 20 种) 与挺水植物( 17 种) 为主,占湿地植物种类总数的75. 5% . 人工栽植以挺水植物为主,占69. 2% ; 而自然繁衍的以湿生植物为主,占47. 2% . 石臼漾湿地水生植物群落的水平分布属于典型的群丛复合体. 除合萌群落外,其余群落的优势种均系人工栽植,衍生物种呈点缀分布,所占面积份额较小. 湿地不同构造分区因生境不同水生植被存在较大差异. 石臼漾湿地运行初期水生植物生物量采用群丛法计算为167. 7 t. 湿地演替初期植物正朝着多样性较快增加的方向发展,这为日后植物群落结构的稳定性提供了物质基础. 根据石臼漾湿地运行初期水生植物的繁衍特性,提出了水生植物系统优化管理的建议,以期为同类型生态水源地的植被建设提供借鉴