19 research outputs found

    Investigation on the Performance Characteristics and Optimal Theories of Two Classes of Typical Energy Conversion Systems—Fuel Cells and Internal Combustion Engine Cycles

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    20世纪以来,能量转换技术发展迅速。随着能源问题的日趋突显,寻求合适的新能源及清洁能源成为世界各国关注的焦点,而不断改进热力循环方式以提高能量转换装置的性能则一直是能源技术发展的主要趋势。在这种背景下,以揭示能量转换的内在机制、优化能量系统的工作特性为主要目的各种热力学分析方法应运而生,它对于开拓新型热力循环与系统、提高能源系统的整体性能都是十分有意义的。 燃料电池是氢能利用的主要方式之一。它既适合于作分布式电源,又可组成大容量中心发电站,因此被认为是21世纪首选的高效、节能、环保的发电方式之一。而近一百年来,汽车产业的巨大进步,首先源于内燃机工业强劲发展的推动,同时又促进了内燃机自身的发展...Since the 20th century, the energy conversion technologies have been developedquite quickly. Along with the emergence of the serious energy issue, searching fornew clean proper energy sources have became the focus of attention worldwide and enhancing the performance of the energy conversion devices through theimprovement of thermodynamic cycles has been the main developing trend of theenergy techn...学位:理学博士院系专业:物理与机电工程学院物理学系_理论物理学号:1812005140302

    The Experimental Study on Flow Boiling Heat Transfer of Working Fluid R245fa in Horizontal Tube

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    设计了管内沸腾换热系数及总传热系数测定试验台架,对R245fa工质在内径6 mm水平光管内的流动沸腾换热特性进行试验研究。测试质流密度为50 ~; 150 kg /(m~2·s),工质蒸发温度为50, 60和70℃。结果表明:; 随着工质含汽率的增加,R245fa的流动沸腾换热系数呈先增大后降低趋势。对于304不锈钢套管式换热器,烟气与R245fa工质进行换热的总传热系数; 约在40 ~ 65 W/(m~2·K) 。A bench - scale facility was designed for testing the flow boiling heat; transfer coefficient and the total heat transfer coefficient. The; boiling heat transfer characteristics of the R245fa refrigerant were; studied in a horizontal smooth tube with 6 mm inner diameter. The; parameters investigated were mass flow rate (50 ~ 150 kg /(m~2·s)),; evaporation temperature (50, 60 and 70 ℃). The results showed that the; flow boiling heat transfer coefficient of R245fa increased with the; increase of rate of vapor content, and decreased slightly with the; further increase of rate of vapor content. The total heat transfer; coefficient of the flue gas and the R245fa is about 40 ~ 65 for the 304; stainless steel heat exchanger.国家国际科技合作专项资助项


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    基于生物质多联产的综合能源系统(biomass polygeneration integrated energy system,BPIES)将生物质气化多联产与区域BPIES相结合,不但可提高物质与能量综合梯级转换利用效率,同时还兼具节约能源、提高供能质量、增加经济效益等综合效益,体现了生物质能源技术与区域能源规划的深度融合,有望成为最有效、最洁净的生物质能综合利用技术.基于通用数学建模(the general algebraic modeling system,GAMS)软件,在构建生物质气化多联产各模块机理模型基础上,建立了耦合多种可再生与不可再生能源系统的多层次、高维度数学优化模型,在满足区域能源需求的前提下,从经济、环境、技术及能耗等多方面对系统进行综合评估,并结合案例分析验证模型的可靠性与有效性.结果表明,耦合了化学合成单元的BPIES在满足区域负荷与生产化学产品上起到良好的互补作用,不仅能够实现能源的高效利用,还能同时提高系统经济效益.BPIES在4个典型区域的适用性为大连>上海≈广州>昆明.福建省科技计划高新技术与工业科技引导性项目(2018H0036


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    基于通用数学建模(the general algebraic modeling system,GAMS)软件,针对耦合可再生能源技术的分布式冷热电联供(renewable energy coupled combined cooling,heating and power,RCCHP)系统构建数学模型,并结合上海市某综合区域为案例,选取2项经济性指标和1项环境性指标,对4种情景下RCCHP系统的运行情况进行模拟计算与分析,分析该系统的设备组合、逐时运行策略、经济性与环境性,同时分析了可再生清洁发电技术与能源政策对分布式多联供系统的影响.结果表明,夜间采用电网购电与风力发电互补供应电负荷、白天使用CCHP耦合风力发电联合互补供能是经济性最佳的运行策略,能够抑制可再生能源的波动性并且实现多种电能的完全消纳.与传统分产(separated production,SP)系统相比,RCCHP系统能够极大地降低系统对电网的依赖度,减少耗气量,同时极大地提高系统的环境性,但其较高的初始投资费用限制了其经济性与实用性.福建省科技计划引导性项目(2018H0036

    Feasibility of fuel cell-based CHP systems applied to public buildings

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    模拟基于燃料电池、微型燃气轮机、内燃机的热电联产机组以及传统供能方式为不同气候区的5类公共建筑供能的不同情景,分别采用运行费用节省率、碳减排比率、简单回报期3个指标来分析各种供能情景下的技术、经济与环境可行性。给出了各类供能技术为各地区酒店类建筑供能的全寿命周期的成本,并对比了平准化发电成本。对基于燃料电池的热电联产系统投资回报期进行了投资成本和燃料价格等参数的敏感度分析。结果表明,当初投资下降到现有价格的50%时,该技术具有较强的投资吸引力。Simulates various scenarios of fuel cell-based, micro-gas turbine-based, internal combustion engine-based combined heat and power(CHP) system and conventional system for energy supply to five types of public buildings located in five different climate zones in China. Adopts three indexes of operating cost reduction rate, carbon emission reduction rate and payback period to evaluate the economy and environment of each scenario. Compares the project life cycle cost and levelized cost of electricity for each system in the hotel buildings located in each climate zone. Conducts a sensitivity analysis on the payback period of fuel cell-based CHP systems by two parameters of the capital cost and fuel cost. The results show that the technology has strong investment attractiveness when the initial cost is reduced by 50%.世界银行/全球环境基金项目(编号:1-A-CS-014),国家自然科学基金项目(编号:51206137),厦门大学校长基金项目(编号:20720150111

    A new type of solar-driven ORC-HP combined heat and power coupling system

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    提出了一种新型太阳能平板集热器、有机朗肯循环和热泵循环联合的热电联产系统(SORC-HP),系统分别采用有机工质R245fa和制冷剂R22作为朗肯循环和热泵循环的工作介质。通过流程模拟软件gPROMS对整个联合系统进行模拟仿真,以系统的净功率输出、发电效率和热电联产(CHP)效率为性能指标,分析了6个关键参数对联合系统性能的影响。结果显示:存在最优的导热油流率和制冷剂冷凝温度使系统的CHP效率取得极值。将此系统与传统的太阳能有机朗肯循环系统进行对比,结果表明在太阳辐射度为1000w/m2时,联合系统的CHP效率比普通太阳能ORC系统高3.7%。In this paper, a combined heat and power system which is composed of flat plate solarcollector, organic Rankine cycle (ORC) and heat pump is proposed, organic fluid R245fa andrefrigerant R22 are used respectively as the working fluid of ORC and heat pump cycle. Thecombined system is simulated by process simulation software gPROMS, the effect of six keyparameters on the system performance are analyzed based on net power output, power generationefficiency and CHP efficiency of the system. Results show that there is an optimal flow rate ofheat transfer oil and the condensation temperature of refrigerant which let CHP efficiency getmaximum value. The combined system is compared with the traditional solar organic Rankinecycle, the results show that CHP efficiency of the combined system is 3.7% higher than that ofthe ordinary solar ORC when the solar radiation is 1000 W/m2.厦门大学校长基金项目(20720150111)

    Optimal design and operation of a syngas-fuelled SOFC micro-CHP system for residential applications in different climate zones in China

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    Fuel cell based micro-CHP systems are expected to be one of the most promising technologies for implementation in the residential sector. Since the design and operation of such CHP systems are greatly dependent upon the seasonal atmospheric conditions, it is important to evaluate their performance under difference climate conditions to ensure that it is well matched with the local heat-to-power ratio. The aim of this study is to investigate the optimal design and operation of a syngas-fuelled SOFC micro-CHP system for small households located in five different climate zones in China. The ability of the micro-CHP to cover the heat and electricity demand of a 70 m2 single-family apartment with an average number of occupants of 3 is evaluated. A detailed model of the micro-CHP unit coupled with a hot water storage tank and an auxiliary boiler is developed. System design trade-offs are discussed to determine the optimal match between the energy demand of the household for different climates across China and the energy supply of the micro-CHP during the whole year. Moreover, criteria for sizing the system components of the micro-CHP are specifically addressed. The developed methodology can be applied to different types of residence with different load profiles. ? 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    System architecture design for technology readiness assessment of NPPs' digital instrumentation and control

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    Conference Name:2013 International Conference on Information Engineering, ICIE 2013. Conference Address: Hong Kong, China. Time:November 1, 2013 - November 2, 2013.WIT Transactions on Information and Communication TechnologiesTechnology readiness levels (TRLs) are of great importance to analyzing the risks in system development process. In the present study, TRL is introduced to evaluate the digital instrumentation and control (I&C) system of nuclear power plants (NPPs). The software architecture of the technology readiness assessment (TRA) system is constructed based on work breakdown structure and multiple critical technology elements. The flowchart of the system, architecture of control and automatic analysis system, table structure, and relations of database are presented. The TRA system, which enables not only multiexperts evaluation on the digital I&C system for NPPs but also automatic statistical data analysis, can improve significantly the efficiency of data processing and storage, making the organizing work convenient and flexible with reduced fees of appraisal works. It is expected that the system can be further used in the assessment of other similar important and complex systems. ? 2014 WIT Press