10 research outputs found

    The Prove of State Equation of Ideal Gas

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    给出理想气体的严格定义 ,并从分子运动论、热力学和统计物理等方面给出理想气体状态方程不同的证明方法 .Abstract :This paper refers to the definition of ideal gas and proves the equation of state from the view of kinetic theory , thermodynamics and statistical physics

    On Bothe-Einstein-cohesion

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    阐述玻色—爱因斯坦凝聚的概念,形成的条件,物理性质及其远景.Abstract The paper describes the concept of Bo the-Einstein-cohesion, i ts conditions for formation, physical properties and it 's prospects


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    综述了玻色—爱因斯坦凝聚的由来、概念及其形成条件 ,并介绍了当前国内外玻色—爱因斯坦凝聚研究的动态与进展及其前景展望

    Transf erring Process and Derivation of Transf er Factor

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    将输运过程的三种现象统一起来一次性进行讨论 ,并给出输运系数推导的两种不同方法 ,第二种方法更优之 .Abstract: In this paper, we discus three phenomena in teat transfer and present two different methods, which we think the second one is better, of derivation of t ransfer facto

    Principle and Application of the Entropy

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    从熵的定义、熵的性质、熵与信息论、熵与生命、熵与环境、熵与社会等对熵进行讨论.Abstract:Entropy is one of the important concepts in physics .This paper discusses entropy from definition and character of entropy , entropy and information theory , entropy and life , environment , entropy and society etc

    Discussion on the Definition of Ideal Gas

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    理想气体的定义一直以来是一个有争议的问题,其争议的焦点是U=U(T)(即焦耳定律)是不是独立于理想气体状态方程.文章分析了理想气体状态方程与焦尔定律的关系,认为焦尔定律不是完全独立于理想气体状态方程的,焦尔定律与理想气体状态方程是不等价的.从而得出理想气体的科学定义:严格遵守理想气体状态方程PV=nRT的气体,就是理想气体.Abstract :The definition of "ideal gas"is a disputed question , for whether the equation of state (Joul's law )is self exist .The form of definition of ideal g as is discussed .Three ways of deduction of equation state are discussed in this article

    Negentropy and its Applications

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    Interface reaction and wettability of the Sn--Zn based lead--free solder alloys

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    总结了近年来Sn-Zn基与不同成分基板的界面反应的研究现状,概括了界面反映的主要生成物是Cu6Sn5和Cu5(Zn,Sn)两种化合物.同时总结了提高Sn-Zn基无铅焊料润湿性能所作的工作,指出在添加剂中加入金属有机物可能会成为提高焊料润湿性能的一个途径.Interface reaction between Sn--Zn based lead--free solders and Cu substrate was Discussed, Cu6Sn5 and CuS(Zn, Sn)compound was revealed to formed in the Interface for most Sn--Zn based lead--free solders. Work on the improving the wettability of the Sn--Zn based lead--free solders was summary , and that flux adding metal--organic addition was addressed to be a way improving the wettability of the solder广西科学基金资助项目(0448022

    Experimental investigation on phase equilibria of Ce-Sn-Zn system at 400 ℃

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    The Ce-Sn-Zn alloys were prepared by furnace melting. The isothermal section of the Ce-Sn-Zn system at 400 oC over the whole composition range was established by using X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy dispersive spectrometry (EDS). A new ternary compound, CeSn 2 Zn 2 , was discovered in the present work. This compound adopted CaBe 2 Ge 2 structure type (space group P4/nmm) with the lattice parameters of a=0.4455 (9) nm and c=1.0348 (1) nm. The existence of previously known ternary compounds, CeSnZn and Ce 2 SnZn 3 , were confirmed, too. The maximum solubility of Zn in CeSn 3 was determined to be 12.7 at.%.Project supported by Guangxi Science Foundation (0640040, 2011GXNSFA018030);Foundation of the Guangxi Universities for Nationalities (2010ZD012,2011QD019) for financial suppor

    Effect of Trace Rare Earth La on the Properties of Sn-Zn-Al Based Pb-Free Solder

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    采用真空熔炼技术成功制备Sn-(8.98-x)Zn-0.02Al-xLa(x=0.02~0.12)焊料。采用XRD衍射、DTA、SEM等手段分析了焊料的熔点、显微结构及焊料对Cu基板的润湿性等性能。结果表明,添加适量的稀土元素La能较好地提高Sn-Zn-Al基焊料熔点,改善焊料的铺展能力和组织均匀性。在Sn-(8.98-x)Zn-0.02Al-xLa焊料中,稀土La的最佳添加量为0.04%。The Sn-(8.98-x)Zn-0.02Al-xLa(x=0.02~0.12) solders were prepared by vacuum melting technique.Melting point,microstructure of the solder and its wettability on Cu substrate were analyzed through X-ray diffraction(XRD),DTA(differential thermal analysis),SEM(scanning electron microscope).The results show that proper rare earth La can effectively increase the melting point of Sn-Zn-Al solder,and improve the spreading ability as well as homogeneity of microstructure.With 0.04%La addition,Sn-(9-x)Zn-0.02Al-xLa solders exhibit the desirable comprehensive properties.广西自然科学基金资助项目(0640040,2011GXNSFA018030);广西高校优秀人才资助计划项目;广西教育厅科研项目(2011LX140);广西民族大学科学基金资助项目(2010ZD012,2011QD019,2011MDQN046);广西大学研究生创新项目(105931003069