16 research outputs found


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    1临床资料 患者,男,63岁,2016年8月20日因出现双下肢水肿伴尿量减少,茶色尿,就诊于漳州某医院,查血压161/95mm-Hg;尿常规:尿蛋白(+++)、尿潜血(+++)。当时未予治疗,浮肿加重,2016年8月27日转诊我院。体检:T36.4℃,P75次/min,R20次/min,BP170/92mmHg,全身皮肤无黄染、皮疹及出血点,体格检查无其他特殊


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    1病例资料病人,男,45岁,因\"四肢麻木、无力4个月余,加重1个月\"收入解放军第一七五医院。查体:体温36.5℃,脉搏90次/min,呼吸18次/min,血压136/95mm Hg,神志清楚,慢性病病容,行走蹒跚。各心瓣膜区未闻及心脏杂音,肺、腹部查体无明显异常。右手可见一大小约1cm×1cm痛风石,有压痛,四肢肌张力稍减弱,肌力3级,双下肢无浮肿,


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    脓毒血症是因感染导致的一种重度炎症性反应综合征(severe inflammatory response syndrome,SIRS),目前普遍认为脓毒血症并发急性肾衰是因SIRS发生阶段发生氮质产物潴留、代谢性酸中毒,且在病情进展成严重脓毒血症时发生内环境紊乱而致[1]。临床药学服务的要点在于协助医师尽早控制病人的全身感染,保护肾功


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    Inhibitory Kinetics by Lactic Acid on beta-glucosidase from Hypocrea orientalis

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    为探讨糖化共发酵同步进行的过程中发酵产物对纤维素酶活力的影响,研究了乳酸对纤维素酶组分中beta-葡萄糖苷酶(BG)活力的影响.结果显示:乳酸对; BG活力有不同程度的抑制,该作用具有显著的浓度效应,其半抑制浓度IC50=019I{C_{50}} = 019; mol/L;乳酸对BG的抑制类型是可逆的竞争性抑制,抑制常数K1=0.149{K_1} = 0.149; mol/L.应用底物反应动力学方法研究酶抑制动力学,建立了抑制动力学模型,发现乳酸对BG的影响是缓慢可逆失活的过程,底物对其有明显的保护作用,测; 得其正向速率常数k+0{k_{ + 0}}为0.4 L/(mol·min),逆向速率常数k0{k_{ - 0}}min;1{\min ^{ -; 1}}.该结果为纤维素糖化共发酵进程调控提供了理论依据.The kinetics of inhibition of beta-glucosidase purified from Hypocrea; orientalis by lactic acid has been studied.The results show that the; enzyme can be reversiblely inhibited by lactic acid with IC50I{C_{50}} of; 0.19 mol/L, while at low concentration the inhibition of the enzyme is a; slow,competitive type reaction and the inhibition constant (K1{K_1}) is; 0.149 mol/L.The microscopic rate constants for the reactions of lactic; acid with the enzyme have been determined and the values of forward; (k+0{k_{ + 0}}) and reverse (k0{k_{ - 0}}) inhibition constants are 0.4; L/(mol · min) and 0.056 min1{\min ^{ - 1}},respectively.The presence of; the substrate has showed an obvious protective effect on the enzyme; against the inhibition by lactic acid. Our study provides the; theoretical support for lactic acid production industry by simultaneous; saccharification-fermentation of cellulose.国家海洋局海洋公益性项目; 福州大学校人才基


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    Inhibitory Kinetics by Lactic Acid on β-glucosidase from Hypocrea orientalis

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    为探讨糖化共发酵同步进行的过程中发酵产物对纤维素酶活力的影响,研究了乳酸对纤维素酶组分中β-葡萄糖苷酶(BG)活力的影响.结果显示:乳酸对BG活力有不同程度的抑制,该作用具有显著的浓度效应,其半抑制浓度IC50=0.19mol/L;乳酸对BG的抑制类型是可逆的竞争性抑制,抑制常数KI=0.149mol/L.应用底物反应动力学方法研究酶抑制动力学,建立了抑制动力学模型,发现乳酸对BG的影响是缓慢可逆失活的过程,底物对其有明显的保护作用,测得其正向速率常数k+0为0.4L/(mol·min),逆向速率常数k-0为0.056min^-1.该结果为纤维素糖化共发酵进程调控提供了理论依据.The kinetics of inhibition ofβ-glucosidase purified from Hypocrea orientalis by lactic acid has been studied.The results show that the enzyme can be reversiblely inhibited by lactic acid with IC50 of 0.19mol/L,while at low concentration the inhibition of the enzyme is a slow,competitive type reaction and the inhibition constant(KI)is 0.149mol/L.The microscopic rate constants for the reactions of lactic acid with the enzyme have been determined and the values of forward(k+0)and reverse(k-0)inhibition constants are 0.4L/(mol·min)and 0.056min^-1, respectively.The presence of the substrate has showed an obvious protective effect on the enzyme against the inhibition by lactic acid.Our study provides the theoretical support for lactic acid production industry by simultaneous saccharification-fermentation of cellulose.国家海洋局海洋公益性项目(201305015); 福州大学校人才基金(XRC-1551