6 research outputs found

    南瓜果実の成分に関する研究 : 水分及炭水化物の含量と貯藏中の変化に就て

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    1. 南瓜果実の成分中食味にもつとも関係の深い水分および炭水化物について分析を行い, 果実内の分布と貯蔵中の変化を調べた。2. 水分は貯蔵中次第に減少し, 特に表層と内層において減少率が大である。三層中表層はもつとも水分少く, 内層は中層にくらべて含水量が多いが後期はかつて少くなる。3. 還元糖含量は中層においてもつとも高く, 初期に増加し後漸次減少する。これは呼吸作用に消費されるものと考えられる。4. 非還元糖は内層を除き, 貯蔵中に含量増加する。還元糖との含量比は初期ではほゞ同率であるが貯蔵後期には約3倍となる。1果実中, 表層より内層に向つて含量が低い。5. 澱粉含量は初期急減し, 以後は変化しない。1. Through the analyis of the amounts of water and carbohydrate contained which account mostly for the quality of Cucurbita fruit among its various components, we investigated their distributions in the fruit and their changes during the storage. 2. The amount of water contained decreases gradually, and especially in outer and inner layers of flesh, the percentage of decrease is great. Among three layers of flesh, the amount of water contained is least in the outer layer of flesh and in the inner layer of flesh it more than in the intermediate one, but in spite of which, it becomes less in the later period of the storge. 3. The amount of the reducing sugar contained is greatest in the intermediate layer, increasing in the early period of storage, it decreases gradually afterwards. This is probably due to the consummation of the reducing sugar contained for respiration. 4. Non-reducing sugar increases during the storage except in the inner layer of flesh. Amount ratio of reducing sugar is nearly same in the early period of storage but it becomes in the later period greater by three times. In one fruit, the contained amount decreases as it goes towards inside. 5. The amount of starch contained decreases rapidly in the early period of storage and afterwards it does not change

    南瓜属種間に於ける差異に関する研究 : 第四報 土壤反應が種子発芽並生育に及ぼす影響

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    蔬菜の生育に影響を及ぼす環境要素の中で, 土壤反應と云ふ事は見遁す事の出來ない要素であり, 多くの学者に依り種々の作物により実驗報告されてゐるが, 今日迄南瓜属に係る此の様な実驗は見ないのである。故に筆者は種間の差違を調査檢討する目的と, 現在迄に施行された植物生育と土壤酸度との関係を調査するに当り, 土壤酸度により種子発芽に影響があり其の後の生育にも相当の影響を與へる事を考慮しないで論ずるのは無理と云ふ考へのもとに, 先づ発芽適温を調べ, 酸度の差違が発芽に及ぼす影響, 土壤反應が生育に及ぼす影響の差違を檢し, 土壤反應と葉部組織酸度との関係を調査し生育に於ける土壤反應の限界点を試べたものである。結果I. [table] II. 種間に於ける植物体葉部組織酸度の相違は極めて少いが, 土壤反應がアルカリ性(酸性)になるにともなひ, 植物体内の酸度もアルカリ性(酸性)を呈する。Among many environmental elements which act upon the growth of vegetables, the soil reaction would be the factor not to be disregarded. And so the investigators have conducted experiments on various crops and have given reports of them. But we have not found yet such an experiment of Cucurbita species. Now, if we are to investigate and argue on the intraspecific differences of Cucurbita, and relations between the growth of plant and soil acidity, hither explained, we arrive at the conclusion as follows Results I. [table] II. The intraspeciffc difference between the leave\u27s pH is quite insignificant, but keeping pace with alkarine (acidic) of the soil reaction, the acidity in the plant body itself also shows alkarine (acidic)