615 research outputs found


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    「戦争体験」を活用した平和形成主体育成の可能性 : 「歴史を学ぶ際に期待される行動と目的の組み合わせ」に着目して

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    本稿では戦争体験を中心に展開してきた日本における平和教育の変遷を概観し、学習者による戦争体験の活用の可能性と留意点を米国の歴史教育研究の成果の1つである「歴史を学ぶ際に期待される行動と目的の組み合わせ(スタンス)」を参考にして整理し、戦争体験の活用の射程を示した。戦争体験は様々な形で活用することが可能であるが、学習者が戦争体験の継承者となるだけでなく、平和形成の当事者となれるよう現代の公的議論に寄与する戦争体験の活用を考えていくことが必要であることが明らかとなった。This paper gives an overview of the transition of peace education in Japan, which deal with war experiences, and shows the possibilities of utilizing the experience of war. At that time, referring to "the combinations of purpose and practice in learning history", which is one of the results of history education research in the United States, it was shown that the possibilities and points to keep in mind for learners when utilize the war experience. Although war experiences can be used in various ways, the use of the war experience contributes to modern public debate so that learners can not only be the inheritors of the war experience but also be peacemakers

    Ten cases of Temporomandibular Arthrosis

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    We had 10 cases of temporomandibular arthrosis which were divided into groups: (A) cases in which there was no articular noise, (B) cases in which articular noise occured on one side, and (C) cases in which articular noise occurred on both sides. In all the cases, we examined the maximal aperture measurement and M. K. G., notch and articular noise, and pain in muscles and temporomandibular joints. Using X-ray photography, we also observed the position of the condyl inside the fossa. The results indicate that all these groups have common characteristics. These characteristics may become clearer when more cases are experienced. The important thing in the diagnosis and treatment of temporomandibular arthrosis was thought to be the examination by fixed inspection techniqes, and to cure the arthrosis using treatment plans. By treatments using the 1st to 5th methods, 9 out of 10 cases were completely cured, and in the other one case, the symptons have presently been halted


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     適切な負荷量で筋収縮を行うと筋肥大が生じる。しかし,筋収縮の何が引き金となり,どの細胞内シグナルを経て筋肥大に至るのか解明されていない。一方で,筋肥大や筋萎縮からの回復促進時に筋線維核数が大幅に増加することが知られている。この核数増加には既存の筋線維への筋衛星細胞の取り込みが関与すると考えられるが,成熟後の筋線維において筋衛星細胞が取り込まれるか否かは様々な報告により見解が分かれている。そこで本研究は,初代培養筋管細胞の筋収縮活動モデルを確立し,そのモデルにGreen Fluorescent Protein (GFP)標識した筋衛星細胞を添加・共培養することで,筋管成熟後の筋衛星細胞取り込みを観察した。その結果,筋収縮を行うとGFP 陽性の筋管細胞が多く観察され,刺激下の培養筋管細胞で筋衛星細胞の取り込みが再現できた。このモデルを用いれば,今後筋衛星細胞の取り込みのメカニズムの一端が解明できる

    Small cell carcinoma of the urinary bladder: a case report and review of the Japanese literature

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    3ヵ月前に無症候性肉眼的血尿に気づいた50歳男で, 膀胱左壁の非乳頭状広基性腫瘍を認め, 臨床病期はT3N0M0であった.生検材料の病理診断は小細胞癌であった.最初に行ったシスプラチン-アドリアマイシンの動注術前化学療法は無効であり, 根治的膀胱摘除を行った.腫瘍組織は明らかに均質で, 管状ないし索状に配列した小細胞より成り, pT3bR1L2V0N0であった.電子顕微鏡上, 神経分泌顆粒を持つ小細胞癌と確認された.術後, シスプラチン, エトポシド, 及びイホスファミドより成るアジュバント化学療法を4クール行った.術後26ヵ月に腫瘍再発の証拠なしに生存しているA 50-year-old man presented with asymptomatic gross hematuria which he had first noticed 3 months earlier. Clinical examinations revealed a non-papillary, broad-based tumor on the left lateral wall of the urinary bladder with a clinical stage of T3N0M0. The pathological diagnosis of a transurethral biopsy tissue specimen was small cell carcinoma. Neoadjuvant intraarterial infusion chemotherapy using cisplatin and adriamycin was initially administered but proved to be ineffective. Thus, we performed a radical cystectomy. The tumor tissue was apparently homogenous and composed of small cells arranged in sheets and solid patterns, and was staged to be pT3bR1L2V0N0. An electron microscopic study confirmed small cell carcinoma with neurosecretory granules. Postoperatively, 4 courses of adjuvant chemotherapy consisting of cisplatin, etoposide and ifosfamide were administered. The patient is alive without any evidence of tumor recurrence 26 months after the operation