22 research outputs found


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    在河北泥河湾盆地小长梁遗址东北约600 m处的马圈沟发现一新的哺乳动物化石和旧石器文化层,共采获500多件哺乳动物化石和5件旧石器.经研究有化石21种,其中Allophaiomys deucalion,Borsodia chinensis和Yangia tingi等的存在为年代的确定提供了重要依据.据哺乳动物化石对比分析,旧石器的年代早于1.8 Ma BP,可能达2.0 Ma BP,这是华北最早人类活动证据,当时人类生活于温带干旱稀树草原环境.国家“九五”攀登专项资助项目(95-专-1


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    重庆云阳县巴阳镇巴阳村佘家嘴遗址是三峡工程淹没区内的一处重要古文化遗址,厦门大学考古队于2000 ̄2003年连续四次对该遗址进行发掘,其中2003年度(春季)承担1000平方米的发掘任务。依据2002年度发掘状况及三峡淹没区二期(巴


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    Culture and Environment across the Hangzhou Bay in the Neolithic Age

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    杭州湾两岸新石器时代文化内涵显示 ,杭嘉湖平原和宁绍平原两支不同考古学文化发展阶段相一致 ,发生阶段性变化基本与降温事件吻合 ;两岸新石器时代文化经历“相似趋异渗透趋同”过程 ,它与中全新世海平面变化引起的杭州海湾钱塘江河口湾杭州至湖州古河口湾的形成演变、人类征服自然能力的逐渐增强和两岸文化发展的不平衡等有关The Neolithic culture across the Hangzhou B ay shows that the cultural development in Hangzhou-Jiaxing-Huzhou Plain was similar to that in the Ningbo-S haoxing Plain. They both coincided with the falling down of the temperature. The y underwent the process of similarity to dissimilarity to infiltration to being identical. They were related with the formation of Hangzhou Bay, Qiantang River Delta and the old river delta between Hangzhou and Huzhou resulted from the cha nge of the sea level, as well as the intensifying of human activities and the im balance of cultural development across the Bay.国家社会科学规划基金资助项目 (99BZS0 0 6


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    本文依据元谋盆地西北小河村一带古猿化石地点所产6种小哺乳动物(AnOurOSOrEXSP.,lEPOndAEgEn.ETSP.IndET.,SCIurOTAMIASSP.,MOnOSAulAXSP.,brACHyrHIzOMySblACkI,rHIzOMyIdAEgEn.ETSP.IndET),初步论证了几个合古猿化石地点(8603、8701、8704、8801、9001)的时代均为晚中新世,相当于欧洲TurOlIAn晚期,比禄丰古猿化石地点的时代稍晚.The present paper discusses the age of the kominoid localities of Yuanmou based on the micromammals From these sites.There is only a leFt upper premolar of Anourosores sp.From Loc.8801.It is larger than the corresponding tooth of A.oblonngus Storch & Qiu, 1990 From LuFeng, Yunnan.An indeterminate Leporidae, represent by a Fragment of upper cheek tooth From Loc.8704,is the unique remain of Lagomorpha in the collections.A right M1 or M2 of Sciurotamias sp.is obtained From Loc.8801 and its morphology can be comparable to that of the same species From LuFeng.Monosaulax sp.(Fig.1) is quite common in this collection, represented by a right Fragment of lower jaw with P4-M1, a leFt lower jaw with P4 and 16 isolated teeth From Loc.8603, 8701,8704, 8801 and 9001.The beaver is characterized by its subhyposodont cheek teeth and smooth surFace of incisor in buccal side.Morphologically, it is close to Monosaulax sp.From LuFeng and easy to be distinguished From M.changpeiensis and M.tunguensis of North China by its larger size and higher crown.Six isolated teeth From Loc.8801 and 9001 are assigned to Brachyrhizomys blacki (Fig.2,a--F), based on their dimension and height of crown, absent posterolingual enamel lake on M3,present dishnct buccal curved upper molars and anterior slant lower molars.The Yuanmou Brachyrhizomys is distinguishable From B.of.pilgrimi of LuFeng and Siwalik.and From B.choristos of Siwalik in smaller size, and From B.pen.punjabiensis of Indian subcontinent in much larger size.Compared with B.shansius, the Yuanmou taxon is smaller and lower crowned.It diFFers From the LuFeng B.nagrii in mesolophid being weaker on M2, in having a developed mesolophid and not a combination of protoconid--hypolophid on M3 and From B.tetracharax in smaller size.muck weaker mesolophid on M2 and a developed mesolophid on M3.Size is slightly smaller and check teeth are somewhat narrower with much shorter mesolophid on M2 and poorer inure on M3 in B.micrus than in the Yuanmou Form.In occlusal pattern of M2 and M3 the Yuanmou Brachyrhizomys resembles B.blacki except For its a bit lagger size and more elongated M3 in the latter.A right M2 collected From Loc.8701 (Fig.2, g), diFFers From Brachyrhizomys blacki of Yuanmou and B.tetracharax of LuFeng in larger dimension, higher crown and in having an isolatd mesolophid, which are here interpreted as being more progressive characters than those in B.tetracharax of LuFeng.It is impossible at the moment to place this specimen into any taxon of rhizomyids For the isolated mesolophid.Additionally, the paper describes two Fossil small mammals (Brachyrhizomys sp.and Muridae indet.) From Laoyatang southern Yuanmou basin.The Fossil small mammals collected From the northwest part of the Yuanmou basin seem to Furnish no warrant of diFFerent age For the hominoid sites.An late Miocene age (later than that of LuFeng or equivalent to late Turolian of European Mammalian Age) is assumed For hominoid localities


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    依据台湾浅滩西部、澎湖台地和台中浅滩打捞出来的大量哺乳动物化石的研究结果并结合沉积物特征、海面变化和年代测定资料 ,认为晚玉木冰期台湾海峡曾是陆地 ,至少南部是这样。该时期台湾海峡全为浅海的观点与现有的证据不符There are a hundred and thousand of mammalian fossils salvaged by fishermen from Taiwan shoal, Penghu platform and Taizhong shoal of the Taiwan Straits. Based on the fossil assemblage, chronometric dating, sediment and sea level change, the age of fossils is considered as Late Würm glaciation. The fossils of different areas from the Taiwan Straits display great identity and are similar to those discovered in the Huai river valley rather than in the same latitude. This must have resulted from the Late Würm glaciation when the sea level became so low that the Taiwan Straits was dry land and mammals of that time moved south along the East China Sea continental shelf with the cold wind. It is inconsistent with the existing evidence mentioned above that all the Taiwan Straits had kept a shallow sea environment during Late Würm glaciation.厦门市课题“台湾海峡晚更新世人类与动物化石


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    产自台湾海峡海底的人类右肱骨石化程度高 ;个体大而粗壮 ,三角肌粗隆发育 ,骨干上下两半段不在同一纵轴上 ,形成 6 5°的夹角 ,这些显示不同于新石器时代和现代人的原始性状 ,其演化水平和日本的港川人及欧洲的克罗马农人相当。与人化石一同捞出的哺乳动物化石有古菱齿象、野马、最后鬣狗、达氏四不像鹿等 ,表明其时代为晚更新世晚期In 1998, while fishing in the vast area of the Taiwan Straits from 23°30′—25°00′N and 119°20′—120°30′E, the fishermen of Xiangzhi village, Shishi City, Fujian Province salvaged more than five thousand pieces of fossil mammals,an almost complete fossil human humerus, 1 piece of bone artifact and several pieces of animal skeletons with marks of artificial cutting and scraping marks. This paper is a report of study on the fossil human humerus. The human right humerus is highly petritied. It is brown in color and lacks capitulum and trochlea. The specimen shows no sign of being worn. On the surface of bone there are remains of coral and polychaete attaching to it later. The size and robustness of the bone, the well developed deltoid tuberosity and greater and lesser tubercles and the completely fusion of the physis with the shaft show that it belongs to a male adult. Based on the length of the humerus after restoration, the stature of the individual is estimated as 170—172 cm. According to the coexistent fossil mammals, it may be determined that this fossil human is late Late Pleistocene and belongs to Late Homo sapiens. For convenience sake, it is referred to as “Straits man”. There are some fossil materials of Late Homo sapiens in China. Among them, however, those who have humeri are only “Ordos man” in Inner Mongolia [5] , “Jianping man” in Liaoning [6] and “Dongshan man” in Fujian [7] . There are two pieces of adult male left humeri of “Ordos man” but without description or measurement. Thus comparison is impossible. There remains only 57.9 mm length of the shaft of the right fossil humerus of “Dongshan man”. Therefore it is difficult to make comparison. The common point lies in the similar burying environment. Nevertheless, the extent of the petrification of “Dongshan man” is lower, indicating that the age of “Dongshan man” is later than that of “Straits man”. The comparison of the humerus of “Straits man” with the male humerus of “Jianping man” leads to the conclusion that the extent of petrification of “Jianping man” is lower. The humerus of “Straits man” looks thicker and stronger. And the deltoid tuberosity is well developed. The flexion at mid shaft is outward and the axes of the upper and lower parts are not on the same line. This is what can not be found in “Jianping man”. The sulcus for the radial nerve of “Straits man” is not so well developed as that of “Jianping man”, and the edges on the internal and external sides are not so sharp as theirs. Outside China, the comparable humeri in the stage is that of “Minatogawa man” of Okinawa and German “Obercassel man” who belongs to Cro Magnon. A comparison between the right humerus of “Straits man” and the male humerus of “Minatogawa man” shows that they are similar in the angles between head and shaft. Both have well developed deltoid tuberosity.The flexion at the mid shaft of the two is outward. The axes of upper and lower parts of the shaft make an angle. The angle of male “Minatogawa man” is 8°(Fig.1,A). The difference lies in the shapes of the cross section (Fig.1,B). Comparison between the humerus of “Straits man” and that of “Obercassel man ” shows that they are very much alike. They are similar in the length and thickness as well as the angles between head and shaft. Both have well developed deltoid tuberosity.The flexion at the mid shaft of the two is outward. The angle made by the upper and lower parts of the shaft of “Obercassel man” is 8.4°(Fig.1, A). The sulci for the radial nerves of both specimens are shallow and flat. The cross sections of the shaft are similar in both specimens. The subtle difference lies in the fact that the marginal ridges of the humerus of “Straits man” are duller, while those of “Obercassel man” sharper. The above comparison shows that the humeri of “Straits man” and “Obercassel man” are the most alike in shape. Next comes “Minatogawa man”. It is quite different from that of “Jianping man”. The brawy shaft and t