16 research outputs found

    Studies on the mineral nutrition status of wax-apple (Syzygium Samarangense Merr. et Perry)

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    本試驗目的在於調查與分析 霧葉片的無機營養狀況,以瞭解品種、地區及季節性無 機營養變化的情形,及建立本省 霧葉片無機養分濃度之基本資料.並初步探討 霧 催花前耕作處理,對葉片無機養分含量之影響. 試驗結果顯示,供分析之 霧葉片,以採集熟梢之中間葉片較具代表性,同時葉片無 機養分濃度在不同方位間無顯著差異.綠色種 霧之葉片中各種無機養分濃度均有較 高之趨勢,其中氮、鎂與錳達5%顯著水準.測試氮、磷、鉀、鈣、鎂、鋅等元素濃 度之季節變化,於屏東縣五個地區均有相同的趨勢,而地區間大多有顯著差異.各不 同地區 霧葉片氮、磷及鉀濃度於一月起有上昇之趨勢,而鈣濃度則下降.樹體營養 狀況在12月至1月間最穩定,為 霧葉片分析最適宜之採樣時期.分析九個果園之 霧葉片無機養分,顯示氮、磷及鋅濃度,各果園間差異均不顯著;鉀、鈣、鎂、鐵 及錳濃度則互有不同程度之差異;其中以鈣及鎂濃度各果園間差異較大.同一果園之 4年生及10年生 霧果樹,其葉片無機養分濃度之差異不顯著. 霧催花前各種耕 作處理後2個月,分析 霧葉片無機養分濃度,除鈣之外,其他無機養分影響較小, 環狀剝皮後2個月,鈣濃度減少約40%;遐頭處理後,鈣濃度減少25%;斷根處 理後,鈣濃度減少10%;浸水處理後,鈣濃度減40%;顯示 霧催花前耕作處理 之後有補充樹體鈣肥之需要

    Transformation of Herbicide Resistance Genes

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    殺草劑在現代農業中扮演相當重要的角色,除了提供經濟地控制雜草及提供作物生產之效益之外;有很多殺草劑同時具有高效力殺草的特性,及低動物毒性,且在環境中迅速分解。但是些殺草劑通常缺乏選擇性。利用遺傳工程的技術,在作物導入抗殺草劑基因,使其抗耐殺草劑,不受殺草劑危害,將可突破這種殺草劑使用的限制。因此抗殺草劑基因的研究,將使殺草劑的應用更具效益;對於殺草劑作用的機制,也將有更近一層的認識。在抗殺草劑作物的轉殖研究中,除了許多基因轉移成功的例子之外;更近一步發展出,利用殺草劑最為篩選藥劑,適合用於單、雙子葉植物在基因轉移時的篩選。Herbicides play an important role in modern agriculture. It provides economic weed control and increaes the efficiency of crop production. A number of new herbicides combine high efficiency with lower toxicity to animals and rapid degradation after application. However, they often lack selectivity which limits to their use in growing crops. Advance in genetic engineering promise to expand the possible application of broad-spectrum herbicides by introducing genes for resistance into susceptible crops. Herbicides-resistant trait expressed in transgenic plants has been provided as a delectable marker for plant transformation

    A study of Mineral Deficiency Symptoms of Guava

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    番石榴(Guava)具特殊風味,為本省鮮食及加工之重要熱帶果樹。近年來由國外引進新品種,使品質不斷提升,栽種面積更有與日俱增之趨勢,其 在果樹產業之重要性亦因而提高。但本省有關番石榴營養狀及施肥需求之基本資料仍屬闕如。本試驗利用養液栽培方法,誘發番石榴個別要素缺乏症狀,拍照記錄,以供果農目視診斷之參考。結果如下: (一)缺氮:植株生長不良,由下位葉開始全株黃化。 (二)缺磷:成熟葉片,葉脈之間組織產生紫紅色色素,植株生長減少。 (三)缺鉀:成熟葉片葉緣產生暗棕色壞疽斑點漸向脈間蔓延。 (四)缺鈣:頂梢新葉扭曲變形,並發生葉肉褐化乾枯現象,生長受到抑制。 (五)缺鎂:葉脈間黃化,但主脈附近組織仍維持綠色,嚴重時葉脈間出現壞疽斑點。 (六)缺鐵:新葉黃白化,下位葉葉色正常。 (七)缺硼:生長點停止生長,新葉有不規則褐色壞疽斑點,植株矮化。嚴重時芽體發生壞死。 其他缺鋅、缺錳植株,在試驗期間並未出現明顯之病徵,生長量亦未受影響。葉片分析顯示錳及銅含量仍較對照組為低,缺鋅處理,鋅含量與對照組無顯著差異。Guava, with its unique taste, is an important tropic fruit widely consumed both fresh and processed by people on Taiwan. In recent years, new cultivars were continuously introduced from foreign countries, the jqualities of the fruit were hence vastly improved, which not only brought about a trend of constant expansion of cultivting areas but also elevated its importance among the fruit plants. Despite the promising prospects, our knowledge about the basic needs of the plant, are quite limited. In this study, endeavors are made to induce symptoms of essential element deficiency in guava via water culture. The results are photographed to serve as a convenient aid for farmers in case of visual diagnosis. Yhe data obtained from our investigation are as follows: A.Nitrogen deficiency-Growth of the plant was adversely affected. Yellowing of the leaves began from the lower portion of the seedling and than spreaded to the entire plant. B.Phophorus deficiency-Tissues between the veins of the mature leaves developed purplish red pigments. Growth of the plant was hampered. C.Potassium deficiency-The edges of the leaves in the middle of the plant showed dark brown cankerous spots which graduately invading the area between the veins. D.Calcium deficiency-Distortion and disfiguring of the new leaves at the top of the plant with concurrent browning and wilting of leave tissues were observed. Growth of the plant was retarded. E.Magnesium deficiency-Yellowing in the areas between veins was evident. However, the tissues near the main veins were still quite green. In serious cases, necrosis were also found between veins. F.Iron deficiency-New leaves turned yellowish white in otherwise normal-looking plants. G.Boron deficiency-Fail to generate growth points. New leaves were found dotted with irregular brown cankerous spots. The plant was also dwarfed. Death of the buds would occure when situation worsened. No perceptible symptoms of any sort were detectable in plants subjected to low zinc and manganese treatments. The growth of those plants were normal, leave element analysis indicated that Mn- and Cu- deficient plants contained less amounts of the specified metal ions than the control. On the other hand, the Zn content of the deficient plants and that of the control was about the same

    A Study of Mineral Deficiency Symptoms of Indian jujube

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    印度棗(Indian jujube)為本省之重要熱帶果數,由於生長快速,因此容易發生營養失調。本試驗利用水耕栽培方式,誘導印度棗各項元素缺乏,建立個別要素之失調症狀。並拍照記錄,提供果農目視診斷之參考,適時改進肥培管理。結果如下: (一)缺氮:植株生長受抑制,下部葉片黃化。 (二)缺磷: 植株僵硬(stiffness),側枝生長減少,葉面積小,且葉色較深綠。 (三)缺鉀: 下位葉緣產生黃化,漸次伸展至主脈中間部份,嚴重時葉緣出現壞疽。 (四)缺鈣: 芽體褐化,頂梢萎凋,新葉扭曲焦枯,最後產生嚴重之落葉現象。 (五)缺鎂: 病徵首先出現於下位葉之各主脈間,主脈及葉緣仍維持綠色,嚴重時產生壞疽。 (六)缺鐵: 新梢葉片均勻黃化呈檸檬黃色。 (七)缺硼: 植株頂端停止生長,莖部膨大末期頂梢萎凋,頂葉葉脈黃白化,並產生落葉現象。Indian jujube is one of the important tropical fruits in Taiwan. The extreme rapidity in the growth rate of the tree usually result in nutrient deficiency. In this experiment, water culture was employed to induce the individual symptoms of 7 elements. Photographs were taken, characteristics recorded in order to provide the fruit grower with a simple and effective method of diagnosis of nutrient disorder, and thus the improvement of the orchard management. Result are as follows: 1. Nitrogen deficiency: Plant growth retarded, chlorosis of the lower leaves. 2. Potassium deficiency: Plant affected produces a stiff, upright growth pattern. Other symptoms include reduced growth rate of the side brances, small leaf area and relatively dark green leaves. 3. Potassium deficiency: Chlorosis of the margin of the lower leaves, extended into the areas between main leaf veins. Necrosis of leaf margin in severe cases. 4. Calcium deficiency: Browning of buds. Wilting of shoot tip; new leave twisted and dry, leaves fall in the sever case. 5. Magnisum deficiency: symptom first appeares in the areas betwween the veins of more mature leaves. Necrosis observed in the severe case. 6. Iron deficiency: Yellowing of the new leaves on shoot tip. The distribution of yellow color is rather even. 7. Boron deficiency: Plant growth arested. Stem shorten and expanded. Wilting of shoot tip at a later growth stage and finally leaf falls

    The Cultur Improvement of Yam (Dioscorea spp.) at Ever Spring Farm

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    本研究以根莖類之恆春薯蕷及四種塊莖類山藥品種(系)為試驗材料,利用逢機完全區集設計,統計分析適合推廣栽培於恆春地區之恆春薯蕷栽培法及塊莖類山藥品種,使山藥成為恆春生態農場獨具特色之農產品。茲將試驗結果敘述如次: 恆春薯蕷之種薯沾上草木灰經催芽後種植於人工高畦生長良好,栽培八個月後平均一株根莖重482g,最大根莖重613g,估計每公頃產量10公噸;在人工高畦上實施半遮蔭栽培,對於恆春薯蕷之生長及產量無顯著之影響,但能栽培出較重之最大根莖之趨勢。栽培七個月後平均一株根莖重343g,最大根莖重452g,因株距縮短為25cm,故產量估計增加為15t/ha。 塊莖類山藥以台東地方種、農試品保4號及台農1號表現較佳,但因該農場屬於黏質壤土至黏土,土壤黏重堅硬,產量銳減,平均一株塊莖重僅334g,如能在較輕鬆之砂質壤土種植,產量將可提升。 The purposes of this study were to determine the optimum culture method of Herng-chuen yam, Dioscorea doryophora Hance, and to select the adapted cultivars/lines of D. alata L. at Ever Spring Farm, the south of Taiwan. The results showed that the seedling og Herng-Chuen Yam Derived from the rhizome treated with grass ash, adapted well to hill culture mathod reach 10t/ha. Seedling grown under half shelter showed no significant effect on plant grown under half shelter showed no significant, the yield could reach 15t/ha, with the plant spacing lOOcm×25cm. Cultivating cultivars/lines og tuberous yam, e.g., Taitung local yam, TARI 70W- 04, and Yainung No.1, resulted in slightly higher tuber yield in the field of clay loan to clay, however mean tuber weight only 334g/pl. Higher tuber weight can be obtained when cultibated in sandy loam