39 research outputs found

    Adaptive management of aquatic germplasm reserves

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    针对我国水产种质资源保护区在现行管理模式下普遍存在的资源难以恢复、保护效果不明显等问题,基于生态系统管理的理念,借鉴国内外有关自然保护区适应性管理研究实践经验,探索水产种质资源保护区的适应性管理。水产种质资源保护区的适应性管理可分为模式建立和反馈两个阶段,包括问题识别、目标制定、方案设计与实施、动态监测、绩效评估、反馈与调整等过程,以全面提升保护区对外界环境变化的不确定性和复杂性的快速反应能力。并以福建长乐西施舌资源增殖保护区为例,分析该保护区的管理现状,探索适应性管理模式的构建与应用。There were some common issues of the current management model in domestic Aquatic Germplasm Reserves( AGRs),such as the difficulty of resources recovery and the insignificant efficiency of protection.An Adaptive Management( AM) framework of AGRs was constructed according to the theoretical researches and practices of Ecosystem-based Management( EBM) and Adaptive Management both in domestic and foreign nature reserves.The AM framework of AGRs could be divided into two stages as model establishment and feedback: the former included problem identification,strategic planning,program design and implementation,while the later comprised of dynamic monitoring,performance evaluation,feedback and adjustment.The practice of AM framework could strongly enhance the rapid response to the uncertainty and complexity of external environment of AGRs.Furthermore,the Changle Xishi Tongue( Coelomactra Antiquata) Resource Enhancement and Protected Area was used as an example to analyse the current situation of management in AGRs and explore the construction and application of adaptive management model.海洋公益性行业科研专项(200905019;201005012


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    Transfers of energy and helicity in helical rotating turbulence

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    Helical rotating turbulence is a chiral and anisotropic flow. The energy and helicity transfers of helical rotating turbulence are studied in this paper. First, we discuss the antisymmetry and conservation of energy and helicity transfers. There are three expressions for helicity transfers due to the commutability of differential operators. The first expression is derived here. The second expression violates antisymmetry, and the third one introduces non-physical effects. The relations of these expressions are discussed in detail, including those about the sum of all triads and partial triads, as well as those about helical wave decomposition. Through direct numerical simulations, we find that helicity can reduce inverse energy cascades. The inhibition is mainly associated with transhelical energy fluxes and the interactions of two-dimensional modes. The inverse cascades of decomposed energy fluxes are related to the two-dimensionalization. For helicity, rotation does not affect the total helicity flux but generally suppresses the decomposed helicity fluxes. Positive homochiral and negative heterochiral helicity fluxes are associated with corresponding positive anisotropic transfers. Notably, the transhelical helicity fluxes increase the amplitudes of both positive and negative helicity, which is related to the chirality polarization

    Multiscale dynamics in streamwise-rotating channel turbulence

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    In this paper the multiscale dynamics of streamwise-rotating channel turbulence is studied through direct numerical simulations. Using the generalized Kolmogorov equation, we find that as rotation becomes stronger, the turbulence in the buffer layer is obviously reduced by the intense spatial turbulent convection. On the contrary, in other layers, the turbulence is strengthened mainly by the modified production peak, the intense spatial turbulent convection and the suppressed forward energy cascades. It is also discovered that under a system rotation, small- and large-scale inclined structures have different angles with the streamwise direction, and the difference is strengthened with increasing rotation rates. The multiscale inclined structures are further confirmed quantitatively through a newly defined angle based on the velocity vector. Through the budget balance of Reynolds stresses and the hairpin vortex model, it is discovered that the Coriolis force and the pressure-velocity correlation are responsible for sustaining the inclined structures. The Coriolis force directly decreases the inclination angles but indirectly induces inclined structures in a more predominant way. The pressure-velocity correlation term is related to the strain rate tensor. Finally, the anisotropic generalized Kolmogorov equation is used to validate the above findings and reveals that the multiscale behaviours of the inclined structures are mainly induced by the mean spanwise velocity gradients

    Effects of the Coriolis force in inhomogeneous rotating turbulence

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    The effects of the Coriolis force in inhomogeneous rotating turbulence are studied in the paper. Linear analyses and numerical simulations both reveal that energy is transported to the slowly rotating fields, and the energy distribution is proportional to omega(-2)(3) (x(3)). The scale energy is almost spatially self-similar, and the inverse cascade is reduced by inhomogeneous rotation. The corresponding evolution equation of the scale energy, i.e., the generalized Kolmogorov equation, is calculated to study the scale transport process in the presence of inhomogeneity. The equation is reduced to twice the energy transport equation at sufficiently large scales, which is verified by numerical results. In addition, the results reveal the dominant role of the corresponding pressure of the Coriolis force in the spatial energy transport. An extra turbulent convention effect in r-space solely in slowly rotating fields is also recognized. It can be associated with the small-scale structures with strong negative vorticity, whose formation mechanism is similar to rotating condensates. Finally, by vortex dynamic analyses, we find that the corresponding pressure of the Coriolis force transports energy by vorticity tube shrinking and thickening. The effects of the Coriolis force can be divided into two components: one is related to the gradient of rotation, and the other is associated with the strength of rotation


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    Helicity distributions and transfer in turbulent channel flows with streamwise rotation

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    Helicity is a quadratic inviscid conservative quantity in three-dimensional turbulent flows and is crucial for turbulent system evolution. Helicity effects have mainly been highlighted over the past few decades to explore the intrinsic mechanism of turbulent flows, while the statistical characteristics of helicity itself are nearly absent in general anisotropic turbulent flows. In this paper, we investigate the helicity statistics in turbulent channel flows with streamwise rotation at moderate rotation numbers (Ro(tau)= 7 .5,15 and 30) and Reynolds numbers (Re-tau = 180 and 395), including their spatial and scale distributions, anisotropy and cross-scale transfer. The appearance of a mean secondary flow in the spanwise direction corresponds to a mean streamwise vorticity, which indicates the presence of a high-helicity distribution. Numerical results reveal a regular helicity profile along the wall-normal direction, and a new peak is found in the near-wall region around y(+) = 6 of the streamwise or spanwise helicity profiles. The inter-scale helicity transfer is analysed by the filtering method, and the numerical consequences reveal that the second channel of the helicity cascade we proposed previously is dominant in contrast to the first channel. The rotation effects are explored by comparing the numerical results obtained under different rotation numbers. With increasing rotation number, more helical structures in the near-wall regions are present, with peaks of helicity profiles and fluxes coming closer to the wall. With a higher Reynolds number, their amplitudes are larger and scale-space transfer is strengthened. These systematic numerical analyses uncover the helicity distributions and transfer in wall-bounded turbulent flows

    Quasi-dynamic subgrid-scale kinetic energy equation model for large-eddy simulation of compressible flows

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    A quasi-dynamic subgrid-scale (SGS) kinetic energy one-equation eddy-viscosity model is introduced in this paper for large-eddy simulation (LES) of compressible flows. With the additional SGS kinetic energy equation, the SGS kinetic energy can be predicted properly. Then, using the dual constraints of SGS kinetic energy and the SGS kinetic energy flux, the eddy-viscosity model can be determined exactly. Taking a similar scheme as the expansion of the SGS stress, other unclosed quantities in the equations to be solved could be well modelled separately. Therefore, with the advance of the equations, all the model coefficients can be determined dynamically. Differing from the classic dynamic procedure, the new methodology needs no test filtering, and thus it could also be called a quasi-dynamic procedure. Using direct numerical simulation of compressible turbulent channel flow, the a priori test shows that the key modelled quantities of the suggested model display high correlations with the real values. In LES of compressible turbulent channel flows of the Mach number being 1.5 and 3.0, the proposed model can precisely predict some important quantities, including the mean velocity, Reynolds stress and turbulent flux, and it can also supply more abundant turbulent structures. For the compressible flat-plate boundary layer, the new model can correctly predict the transition process, mean velocity and turbulence intensities in the turbulent region. The results show that the proposed model has the advantage of scale adaptivity. Finally, the new model is applied to LES of turbulent mixing in spherical converging Richtmyer-Meshkov instability, and the accurate results show that the new model has a good ability for LES of complex fluids