3 research outputs found

    Studies on comparative anatomy, pollen morphology and molecular phylogeny of Desmos s. l. (Annonaceae)

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    广义假鹰爪属Desmoss.l.隶属于番荔枝科Annonaceae,包括假鹰爪属DesmosLour.和皂帽花属DasymaschalonDalle&Harms,具有重要的学术和应用价值。但由于假鹰爪属和皂帽花属分类历史的复杂性及两属性状的相似性,使得两属的关系长期以来存在争议,引起分类的混乱。本研究利用比较解剖学、花粉形态及分子系统学的实验方法,并结合前人的研究成果,首次对假鹰爪属和皂帽花属的关系进行全面的研究和探讨。 对假鹰爪属8种植物和皂帽花属7种植物的叶片进行比较解剖学研究。发现两属存在许多共同特征,但这些特征在番荔枝科植物中普遍存在。两属植物的表皮细胞和晶体类型、油细胞的分布位置及...As a genus of Annonaceae, Desmos s. l. includes Desmos Lour. and Dasymaschalon Dalle & Harms, which both have great academic and practical values. However, complexity of the taxonomic history and similar traits lead to the relationship between the two genera has long been controversial, and has caused taxonomic confusions. Using the experimental methods of comparative anatomy, pollen morphology an...学位:理学硕士院系专业:生命科学学院_植物学学号:2162011115233

    New Materials of Plants in Fujian Province(II)

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    在对福建的丹霞植被进行调查时,发现福建省被子植物分布新纪录6个,分别是:卵叶阴山荠yInSHAnIA PArAdOXA、小花龙芽草AgrIMOnIA nIPPOnICA VAr.OCCIdEnTAlIS、阔柱黄杨buXuS lATISTylA、猫乳rHAMnEllA frAngulOIdES、休宁小花苣苔CHIrITOPSIS XIunIngEnSIS和宜昌苔草CArEX ASCOCETrA。标本存放于厦门大学植物本馆(Au)。During the course of investigating the plants in danxia of Fujian province, Southeast of China, six newly recorded taxa of Angiosperms were found.They are respectively Yinshania paradoxa, Agrimonia nipponica var.occidentalis, Buxus latistyla, Rhamnella franguloides, Chiritopsis xiuningensis and Carex ascocetra.The voucher specimens are deposited in the Herbarium of Xiamen University(AU).上海市绿化和市容管理局项目(G102405

    Rediscovery of Isoetes orientalis, a Rare and Endangered Lycopsida in China

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    东方水韭(ISOETES OrIEnTAlIS H.lIu ET Q.f.WAng)是2005年首次发现于浙江松阳的新种,已被列为我国一级重点保护野生植物.目前,在福建省泰宁峨嵋峰自然保护区发现了东方水韭的2个自然居群,共有300余株,这是在其原产地以外的地方第一次发现该种.该种的再次发现不仅增加了它的分布区范围和种群数,而且对于它的保护及其科学研究也有重要意义,同时还增补福建植物区系一新纪录科、一新纪录属和一新纪录种.Isoetes orientalis was reported as a new species from Songyang county,Zhejiang province in 2005,which is I-class national protection of wild plants.The discovery of Isoetes orientalis in Taining Emei-mountain Nature Reserve was the second time in China,the fist time in Fujian.Two natural populations of I.orientalis,a total of more than 300 strains,were found in Tainning.Meanwhile,a newly recorded family,a newly recorded genus and a newly recorded species are added to the plant flora of Fujian Province.This rediscovery not only increases the distribution and populations of I.orientalis,but also has important significance to the science study and conservation of it.福建泰宁峨嵋峰自然保护区综合科学考察项