
New Materials of Plants in Fujian Province(II)


在对福建的丹霞植被进行调查时,发现福建省被子植物分布新纪录6个,分别是:卵叶阴山荠yInSHAnIA PArAdOXA、小花龙芽草AgrIMOnIA nIPPOnICA VAr.OCCIdEnTAlIS、阔柱黄杨buXuS lATISTylA、猫乳rHAMnEllA frAngulOIdES、休宁小花苣苔CHIrITOPSIS XIunIngEnSIS和宜昌苔草CArEX ASCOCETrA。标本存放于厦门大学植物本馆(Au)。During the course of investigating the plants in danxia of Fujian province, Southeast of China, six newly recorded taxa of Angiosperms were found.They are respectively Yinshania paradoxa, Agrimonia nipponica var.occidentalis, Buxus latistyla, Rhamnella franguloides, Chiritopsis xiuningensis and Carex ascocetra.The voucher specimens are deposited in the Herbarium of Xiamen University(AU).上海市绿化和市容管理局项目(G102405

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