4 research outputs found

    ERP Application Empirical Study

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    ERP应用创新的信息技术,是一个组织的整体性管理信息系统。ERP系统中的企业管理模式是成功企业管理模式的反映,在对象创建、行为操作等方面采用了信息技术、网络技术,使得企业处理管理对象及其行为的手段更加先进,使得ERP系统中的管理模式具有了先进性。ERP集成了企业业务流程,提高了企业内部信息的透明度,并可实时获取和产生信息,实现了整个企业的公共数据和信息的共享,为企业决策层提供及时准确的多方位信息,从而起到降低库存、降低成本、提高企业生产率、提高客户的满意度、增加营业收入等作用。虽然ERP具有诸多优势,但是ERP在企业中的成功率不高,许多企业在实施ERP的过程中常常会遇到一些问题,由于其本身能力...As an integrated management information system for the organizations, Enterprise resource planning (ERP) applies advanced information technology and reflects the success model of business management. It is an advanced mode for business management, by utilizing information technology and internet technology in objectives constructing, action handling and so on. ERP integrates the business processes...学位:管理学硕士院系专业:管理学院管理科学系_管理科学与工程学号:20033700

    A Study on the Current Situation and Countermeasure of M Manufacturing Enterprise's Warehouse Management

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    本文主要对M制造企业仓储管理进行实际调查,通过从仓库布局、货物堆放、作业流程、员工专业能力等方面对该制造企业仓储管理的现状进行分析,并结合仓储管理相关的前沿理论和实践成功经验对其存在的问题提出相应的对策,以期提高该企业仓储管理水平。This article investigated M manufacturing enterprise's warehouse management.First, the current situation of the manufacturing enterprise's warehouse management is analyzed from the warehouse layout, goods stacked, operation procedure, employee professional ability, etc.Then corresponding countermeasures for the problems are put forward combined with warehouse management related theory and practice, in order to improve the level of the enterprise logistics warehouse management

    A Probe into The Teaching Reform of The Course of Supply Chain Management

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    本文主要研究了随机需求下两阶段供应链的库存风险分担问题,首先给出随机需求背景下的供应链库存分散决策模型,并以此为基准通过引入订货协调率和追加订货价格两个参数提出了随机需求风险下的库存风险分担模型,最后通过算例来说明库存风险分担模型在供应链库存协调中是有效的。This article studied the inventory coordination of two-stage supply chain under stochastic demands.First,the decentralized decision model under random demands is proposed,then discusses the profit models of sharing inventory risk under adjustable quantity-rate and additional order price trategies in which the supplier partakes part of inventory risk.Finally,a numerical example illustrates that the inventory risk partaking strategy is valid in inventory coordination in supply chain.2013年度“中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助”(项目编号:2013221028)研究成

    A Web-Based Environmental Decision Support System

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    本文基于浏览器/服务器模式开发了基于Web的环境决策支持系统(WEDSS),该系统由前台客户端、中间层及后台数据库等三层构成,其所有操作逻辑和事务逻辑由各层服务器完成。客户端只完成展示逻辑的功能,可大大提高系统的安全性、稳定性、可维护性和可扩展性,降低网络负载,提高与用户的交互能力,客户终端只要安装Web浏览器就能同时使用和参与环境系统的分析。该系统为城市规划者和政府管理人员更好地进行环境决策,解决当今人类居住、商务及工业发展三者之间的需求关系提供了一个有效途径,但由于环境问题和潜在解决方案流程在WEDSS系统中量化表述的难度,环境决策支持系统在推广方面还存在一定困难。The authors describe the development of Environmental Decision Support System based on Spatial Decision Support System(SDSS),which will help planner s and administrators to make right decision.The authors design and implement We b-Based Environmental Decision Support System by using browser-server technology,which will balance competing demands for residential,commercial and industria l development.Especially,it will also contribute to constructing economic acti vities of a harmonious society.But,the authors also point out that there are s ome difficulties for us to popularize WEDSS.国家社会科学研究基金项目《网上交易中信用体系问题研究》(项目编号:05BJY088)的部分研究成