6 research outputs found

    Adaptation and Evolution: Cultural Inheritance of Nonliterate Peoples—a Case of Bouyei People

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    在人类众多民族中,系统地创制出自己文字的少,无文字的民族占多数。我们将人类分为有文字民族和无文字民族,只是强调民族有无文字的区别,就二者的文化传承而言,除了有无文字记载的不同以外,还有许多相同的传承方式。 (一)口语,作为人类文明源头,显而易见是无文字民族文化传承的基本形式。民歌的传唱,即是口语传承的代表之一。布依族民歌《家乡美》、《铜鼓十二则》和《造万物》,分别表现和陈述了布依族村落面貌与生存环境、四季生活与生计模式,及英雄祖先与一体宇宙观等文化信息。(二)事实上,口头语言与实践行为相结合,即具有言传身教特性的实践记忆,是无文字民族文化传承的重要方式。所谓实践记忆(practicememo...Since nonliterate peoples occupy the majority among all human creatures, that we distinguish literate peoples and nonliterate peoples only highlights whether they have characters or not. However, as far as cultural inheritance is concerned, they have much in common. i. Colloquial language is obviously the basic way of cultural inheritance, and folk songs represent its cream. The folk songs of Bou...学位:法学博士院系专业:人文学院人类学研究所_人类学学号:2882006015344

    Ritual Performing and Memory Practicing——a Case Study of the Ritual of Song-ning in a Bouyei Village

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    铜鼓是布依族的神器礼器。布依族送、迎铜鼓的"送宁"仪式,在具体实践展演过程中,产生重大的社会—文化作用:一方面使民族文化在实践记忆中得以唤醒重现和传播继承,另一方面增强了族群的社会记忆和自我认同。实践记忆的情境性和在场性特点,在民族文化的保存再现和传承播布等方面都具有重要的文化意义。Brass drums are the Bouyei people's instruments of deity worshipping.The ritual of song-ning, or the presenting and receiving of brass drums,has cultural significance in performance.On the one hand,it reminds the Bouyei people of their own culture and contributes to its inheritance.On the other hand,ethnic memory and identification is strengthened.The situational and on-the-site practice of invoking memory is conducive to the retention and dissemination of ethnic cultures

    Borrowing,Conversion,and Acculturation;and Grassroots Forces in Cultural Contacts——A comparative study of anthropology on deity worshipping between the Han and the Buyi peoples

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    不同文化之间的接触,总要产生彼此的采借转换、涵化整合之关系,在这一过程中,文化的草根性力量又往往保存着各自深层的文化特性,使每种文化呈显出不同于他文化的价值体系和意义系统。汉族"天地君亲师"神牌反映了中国大传统文化的特征,布依族采借之后,转换为自己深层文化价值和社会结构的祖先崇拜的陈述。这两种文化在涵化整合的同时,都体现了独特的文化个性。文化间的采借转化,涵化整合与草根力量的关系,正是人类文化纷纭多姿、精彩丰富的根源之一。In the process of contact between different cultures,there always come out borrowing,conversion and acculturation.That apart,in this process,the grassroots forces also attempt by all means to retain their own cultural traits.Consequently,differences will never be lost in value and convergence.The importance of "heaven,earth,sovereign,parents and teachers" held by the Han people is an inheritance that reflects the features of traditional Chinese culture.When the Buyi people learned about this,they employed it into their own cultural values and began to worship their own ancestors.When the two cultures were influencing each other,each of them reflected its unique cultural features.The borrowing and conversion between different cultures and the interrelationship between the acculturations and grassroots forces are supported to be the cause to create cultural diversity in the world


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    A Restudy of the Implications of "Ethnic Literature and Historical Data"

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    民族文献应以中国传统文献观丰富的理论为基石,以国家标准局对文献概念定义作准绳,以少数民族文化传承的实存状况为核心,结合民族学学科的具体特点,对民族"文"和"献"作区分又联系的诠释;民族文献是反映民族知识文化的一切载体。它以民族文化、知识、信息为内容,既包括文字文本,也涵盖非文字承载的实物图符、乡贤达能等。其特点主要是口头语言与文字书写互转,文物典章与贤才达能共存,历时性与现时性同在。"Ethnic literature and historical data" should be defined on the basis of the traditional theory of Chinese history literature, the definition given by China State Bureau of Standards,the actual inheritance of minority culture with the disciplinary traits of ethnology and a distinct connection between "ethnic literature" and "historical data"."Ethnic literature and historical data" is the carrier of ethnic knowledge,information and culture that include ethnic texts and extra-texts.Their traits find expression in the transfer between oral language and written language and the coexistence between cultural relics and texts and historical figures with synchronic and diachronic traits