18 research outputs found

    Valuable Instruments Sharing Management Research in University

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    贵重仪器设备是高等学校履行教育职能和开展科学研究最重要的手段和物质条件,同时也是稀缺的优质公共资源。管好、用好高校贵重仪器设备,充分发挥其使用效益,对提高高校的办学质量和教学科研水平有重要意义。 但是,高校仪器管理水平的发展却相对滞后,存在贵重仪器设备公共服务能力不强、开放共享渠道不畅、低水平重复购置严重、使用效益不理想等问题。科学管理高校贵重仪器设备,提高开放共享程度是当务之急。 通过查阅、分析国内外相关资料和数据,掌握我国高校贵重仪器设备管理与开放共享发展的脉络和历史背景,分析归纳存在的问题,透过高校贵重仪器设备管理问题的表象,通过运用经济学和公共管理学的理论知识,探寻高校贵重仪器设备...Valuable instruments, a kind of rare and high-quality public resource, are basis and important tools for teaching and research tasks of universities. How to properly manage and apply valuable instruments could be an important issue for enhancing both teaching and research levels of universities. Both quality and quantity of valuable instruments rapidly increase, but management still cannot follow...学位:公共管理硕士院系专业:公共事务学院_公共管理硕士学号:1392012115034

    Human-oriented and mechanism innovation to promote the open sharing of large-scale instruments and equipment

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    提出通过加强队伍建设来促进贵重仪器设备的开放共享工作。针对实验工程技术队伍中存在的问题,提出相应的各种举措,从调整职称评价体系、设立专项基金、建立新的激励机制、加强培训、优化人员队伍结构、参与共享平台建设等方面入手,通过实验工程技术人员队伍素质和服务能力的提高,从而提高贵重仪器设备的使用率和开放共享率。This paper puts forward the facilitation of the open sharing for large-scale instruments and equipment by strengthening the technician team 's construction.Corresponding measures are presented to resolve the problems of technician team,including reforming evaluation system,setting up special funds,innovating system,enhancing training,optimizing the structure of the team and building an open-sharing platform.The utilization and open sharing rates of large-scale instruments and equipment will be increased by the improvement of technicians's quality and services capabilities

    Discussion on construction and laboratory qualification verification of public testing platform

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    随着国家教育的创新发展以及“985工程“、“211工程“的建设,各高校迎来前所未有的机遇与挑战,这种形势下,部分高校的公共检测平台建设受到了学校领导的重视而发展迅速,也呈现出各自的特点和成效。结合厦门大学公共检测平台的实际运行经验,对平台的构建、运行及参加实验室资质认定等方面遇到的问题进行探讨。With the innovation development of national education and construction of the"985 Project"and the"211 Project," universities are confronted with new opportunities and challenges.Under this situation,many universities's public testing platforms have already developed quickly and shown their own features and effects.Based on the experience of the public testing platform in Xiamen University,problems of construction,operation and laboratory qualification verification are discussed

    Discussion on whole process online management of valuable instruments and equipment running in colleges and universities

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    提出了一种基于网络通信、数据存储技术及仪器设备工作状态感知采集技术的贵重仪器设备运行管理方案,通过仪器工作状态信息自动采集、传输和数据共享等方式,实现高校贵重仪器设备运行的网上全过程管理,提高贵重仪器设备的运行和管理效率。A management scheme for valuable instruments and equipment based on network communication,data storage technique and equipment working state perceive collection technique is put forward.It can realize the whole process online management of valuable instruments and equipment running through auto-collection,transfer and data sharing of equipment working state.And the efficiency of management will be improved

    Strengthening Argumentation Before Purchasing Expensive Equipments to Exert the Maximum Investment Benefits

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    近几年来,我国大学先进设备的质和量都有大幅度提高。如何管理这些贵重的先进设备并使其投资效益最大化已成为倍受关注的问题。该方法通过采用邀请校外专家参与仪器设备购置前论证、建立院系及学校两级评估体系等措施,保证仪器设备资金投入以满足高水平研究课题的需要。How to manage university's expensive advanced equipments and make the investment benefits maximized is of great concern.Several measures,such as,experts from other universities or outside were invited to took part in pre-purchase argumentation of those equipments,school and university two level evaluation systems and so on,were taken to make sure that the investment could meet the requirement for high level subjects

    Analysis on mechanism of responsibilities,rights and interests of valuable instruments and equipment management in colleges and universities

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    高校的贵重仪器设备管理是一个复杂的系统工程,需要建立一系列机制才能维持和保证它的有效运转。解决贵重仪器设备使用和管理中的机制不健全问题,把贵重仪器设备管理的责任与权利和利益统一起来,构建科学合理的责权利机制系统,对于提高贵重仪器设备管理的效益具有重要意义。The management of valuable instruments and equipments in colleges and universities is the system engineering;a series of managing mechanism should be established to insure it running effectively.Taking into consideration to solve the problem of unsound managing mechanism,the responsibilities,rights and interests should be united together through establishing of scientific and suitable systems.This is very impartment in improving the efficiency of valuable instruments and equipment management

    Discussion on function prolongation of analysis and test center in colleges and universities

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    介绍了高校分析测试中心在发展中的主要举措和初步成效。通过高校分析测试中心发展的3个阶段及其功能定位,探讨了高校分析测试中心在软件建设及服务地方经济建设中的功能拓展。This article describes major initiatives during the development of analysis and test center in Chinese colleges and universities.According to the three stages of development and functional orientation made by the analysis and testing centre of universities,this article researches its function extension on the software development and service functions for the local economic development


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    目的通过实验设计法优化高浓度(10%)静注人免疫球蛋白(human immunoglobulin for intravenous injection, IVIG)的制剂处方。方法采用单因素试验(包括等电点、二级结构、分子大小分布,转变中点温度4个指标)确定IVIG(10%)的pH范围,同时经国外相关数据和产品质量指标选择IVIG的稳定剂甘氨酸和聚山梨酯80的浓度范围,再采用实验设计法优化IVIG的pH及稳定剂浓度。以转变中点温度为指标,通过单因素试验优化IVIG(10%)的离子强度。结果最佳IVIG(10%)制剂处方为聚山梨酯80:80 mg / L,pH:4.5,甘氨酸:0.25 mol / L。最适离子强度为0 mmol / L氯化钠。结论成功优化了IVIG(10%)的制剂处方,可确保制剂的稳定性,提高临床用药安全性


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    目的通过实验设计法优化高浓度(10%)静注人免疫球蛋白(human immunoglobulin for intravenous injection, IVIG)的制剂处方。方法采用单因素试验(包括等电点、二级结构、分子大小分布,转变中点温度4个指标)确定IVIG(10%)的pH范围,同时经国外相关数据和产品质量指标选择IVIG的稳定剂甘氨酸和聚山梨酯80的浓度范围,再采用实验设计法优化IVIG的pH及稳定剂浓度。以转变中点温度为指标,通过单因素试验优化IVIG(10%)的离子强度。结果最佳IVIG(10%)制剂处方为聚山梨酯80:80 mg / L,pH:4.5,甘氨酸:0.25 mol / L。最适离子强度为0 mmol / L氯化钠。结论成功优化了IVIG(10%)的制剂处方,可确保制剂的稳定性,提高临床用药安全性

    Attending qualification verification to improve instrument equipment sharing and using level

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    厦门大学创新仪器设备管理思路和手段,以构建管理体系的方式,将学科平台上的部分大型仪器设备组织起来,按照国际标准的实验室管理体系要求进行管理和运行,提升了仪器设备管理的标准化、规范化水平。通过参加实验室资质认定,不仅提升了仪器设备共享水平,也使仪器设备服务于教学、科研的能力进一步提升。Instrument and Equipment Management office of Xiamen University innovates management ideas and methods to construct instruments and equipment management system.The part on the discipline platform of large-scale instruments and equipment will be organized.Managing and operating according to the international laboratory management system requirement promote standardization of equipment management.By attending laboratory qualification verification,the instruments and equipment sharing level,as well as their services for teaching,scientific research are improved