130 research outputs found


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    本文运用聚类、判别、回归等多种统计方法 ,在“三步走”发展战略的指导下 ,通过对国外 2 0个发达国家和地区首年达到人均GDP4 0 0 0— 50 0 0美元的经济和教育指标关系的研究 ,揭示出我国到本世纪中叶实现人均GDP4 0 0 0— 50 0 0美元时 ,其高等教育发展的模式和主要特征 ,其核心在于为我国高等教育实行可持续发展提供定量化的理论依据和理想目标。最后 ,提出了实现这一目标的政策性建议。国家自然科学基金(79700031);; 国家社会科学基金(00CJL007


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    Trend Prediction of New Rural Old-age Insurance Fund Based on the Real Insurance Rate——A Case Study of Chengyang District in Qingdao

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    随着农村体制改革的深化,迫切需要建立和完善农村保障制度。文章比较了新旧农村养老保险制度的差异,并以青岛市城阳区新型农保制度实行四年来真实的参保率数据为基础,应用生命表、系统仿真等技术对青岛市城阳区总基金发展趋势进行了预测。预测结果表明,基于有限财政责任的理念,青岛市建立新型农村养老保险制度的时机已经成熟。With the reform of rural economy system,it is more and more imminent to perfect the rural social safeguard system in China.Based on the analysis of the old rural old-age insurance system,a new system is explored and exemplified by the data of the real insurance rate of the past four years in Chengyang District of Qingdao.By means of the technique of life table and computer simulation,this article predicts the trend of the total fund in Chengyang,qualitatively analyzes the success of the new rural social old-age insurance system and gives some advice on the aspect of fund survey.国家教育部人文社科重点基地重大项目(06JJD840011);国家社会科学基金重点项目(05BSH049);教育部重大社科项目(08JZD0021


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    The System Simulation of China's Grain,Fresh Water and Energy Demand in the Next 30 Years

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    本文以系统动力学为主要方法,对未来我国的人口总量和经济水平进行了预测,在此基础上对未来粮食、淡水和能源的需求规模进行了仿真,提炼出人口、经济与粮食、淡水和能源需求的关联模式,并进行了灵敏度分析,探讨了为确保粮食、水、能源安全所能采取的有效措施。This paper forecasts chinese population by disintegrate research and economic level in the future;simulates the demand scale of grain、freshwater and energy by system dynamic method,and then refines the correlative model of population and economy to grain、freshwater and energy,processes the sensitivity simulation.At last,it puts forward the effective measures to ensure the grain security,freshwater security and energy security.教育部人文社科重大项目(08JZD0021-D);国家人口和计划生育的十二五规划重点项目“人口、资源、环境约束下的定量分析”;浙江省自然科学基金项目(J20080147)的资


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    Analysis about Market Demand of Training of Logistics Talents in Universities and Colleges

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    作为物流人才的输出机构,高校的培养模式难以满足当前物流市场对人才的需求,本文从分析我国高校物流人才与市场需求的偏离度入手,指出当前高校物流人才培养存在规模小、人才产出率低、人才层次低、人才素质与实际需求脱节等问题。在预测未来几年我国物流专业招生人数的基础上,提出扩大物流专业招生数,尤其物流管理、加工贸易等相关专业;提高物流人才产出效率;建立“物流实训基地“等建议来推动两者的匹配,为物流产业的迅猛发展储备合标准的人才。As the output agency of logistics talents,the cultivating mode of higher education institutions can not meet the demand of the logistics industry.Therefore,after exploring the deviation between logistics talents trained by higher education institutions and the market demand,this paper figures out that there are lots of problems existing in the present cultivation of the logistics talents,such as small student scale,the low output rate of talents,low-level human resources,the disjunction between personnel quality and the actual demand and so on.Based on predicting how many talents are needed in future years,in order to retain the qualified talents for the quickly development of the logistics,it puts forward that higher education institutions must expand the enrollment number of the logistics talents,especially on the major of the logistics management and the processing trade;improve the output rate of logistics talents,and construct the practice training base for the logistics,etc