182 research outputs found

    The Importance and Potential of Westerners studying the Chinese language within Works on mandarin

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    关于语言接触和“新兴语法1 )”

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    The 19th-century Missionary Goncalves and Perceptions of the Chinese Language:The Portuguese Lazarist Church and it’s Linguistic Policy 

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    Goncalves was a Portuguese Lazarist missionary who wrote the first book, 漢字文法 Arte China, published in 1829, to make use of the translated term 文法, or “grammar’. He was an extremely important author and greatly influenced later foreign research in and learning of the Chinese language. Nevertheless, there is very little serious research on him, and this paper addresses the linguistic characteristics of Goncalves’ work, in particular, his perceptions of Mandarin distinguished him from his Western contemporaries, and places him as the forerunner of the connection of Mandarin with Peking


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    Testimony on original botany and Pharmacognostic identification of Morinda officinalis How produced in Fujian province

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    巴戟天是我国著名的“四大南药“之一,由于历代本草遗留下来的问题及各地用药品种和习惯的不同,来源植物涉及5科,11种;其中福建省有3种。为了鉴别闽产巴戟天的正品与代用品,对闽产巴戟天进行本草考证和来源、形态性状、显微结构和理化性质进行鉴别。结果表明:闽产巴戟天的正品与代用品在植物形态和结构方面,药材性状和理化特征方面都存在着差异,这些差异可作为巴戟天品种鉴定的依据。Morinda officinalis How is one of the famous traditional Chinese medicine.Because of original botany and difference of custom in using M.officinalis, there are 11 species, belonging to 5 families, named " Ba Ji Tian" , and 3 species of them in Fujian Province.In order to identify M.officinalis among other succedanea in Fujian Province, we identify it and other succedanea on morphology, pharmaceutical, microscopic and physic-chemical characteristics.The result indicated that there are some differences on the morphological, pharmaceutical, microscopic and physicchemical characteristics between certification and succedanea species.Those differences can be as identifiable index to separate M.officinalis from other imitations

    The Characteristic of Calcium Distribution in Developing Female Gametophyte of Allium tuberosum

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    对韭开花前1 d到开花后2 d的发育胚囊中CA2+分布特征进行研究,结果显示:在开花前1 d游离核胚囊形成细胞,CA2+主要分布在极核周围的细胞质小液泡中,与中央细胞的大液泡形成有关;在开花当天,卵细胞大液泡体中CA2+增多,与其大液泡形成有关;开花后1 d,卵细胞大液泡中钙沉淀颗粒减少,助细胞珠孔段的CA2+增多,合点端较少,呈极性分布;开花后2 d,卵细胞大液泡和中央细胞大液泡珠孔部位CA2+再次明显增加。助细胞珠孔端丝状器中CA2+也增加,一个助细胞退化,呈现接受花粉管状态。韭发育胚囊中CA2+分布特征显示其参与调控胚囊细胞的分化,揭示雌配子体中CA2+分布的时空特征是深入研究胚囊细胞分化的基础。Characteristic of Ca2+ distribution in developing female gametophyte of Allium tuberosum was studied from 1 d before anthesis to 2 d a fter anthesis.At 1 d before anthesis, the nuclear embryo sac differentiates gametophyte cells.Calcium precipitates of young embryo sac were few and mainly located in the small vacuoles surrounding polar nuclei, suggesting Ca2+ relating with the formation of the large vacuole of central cell.At anthesis, the precipitates in large vacuole of egg increased, also suggesting Ca2+ relating with formation of the large vacuole of egg cell.At 1 d after anthesis, the precipitates in egg cell decreased and increased in synergid cells, in which the precipitates displayed polarity distribution: more in the micropyle end of the cell than in the chalazal end.At 2 d after anthesis, the precipitates in the large vacuole of egg and the micropyle part of central cell appeared again.The precipitates in filiform apparatus of both synergids also increased.One synergid cell degenerated, which prepared to accept pollen tube.The characteristic of calcium distribution in developing embryo sac of A.tuberosum suggests that Ca2+ may regulate cell differentiation of embryo sac.Exploring the spatial-temporal feature of Ca2+distribution in developing embryo sac is a base of further study of cell differentiation of embryo sac.国家自然科学基金(31170289); 公益性行业(农业)科研专项课题(200903016

    Comparison of the simulated and LIDAR measured atmospheric density and temperature in transitional flow regime

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    The understanding of the atmosphere in the transitional flow regime is quite limited,due to the limited accuracy of measurement data.In the proposed paper,the atmospheric density and temperature at around 100 km altitude are analyzed,by using numerical simulation,empirical model,satellite data an..

    Response of Photosynthetic Apparatus to Different Irradiance in Flag Leaves of High-Yielding Winter Wheat PH01-35 Grown under Low Light Conditions

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    为了解弱光下生长的小麦叶片在不同光强下PS II和光合电子传递链的工作状态,解释其突然转入强光下时发生光抑制和光破坏的原因,以PH01-35为材料,采用大田人工遮光的方法,测定了小麦旗叶叶绿素含量、光合特性参数及快速光曲线。弱光处理15 d后,旗叶叶绿素含量明显上升,净光合速率、光补偿点、光饱和点、表观量子效率、羧化效率均出现不同程度的下降。与250μMOl M-2 S-1的弱光适应3 H相比,1 200μMOl M-2 S-1的强光适应3 H后,弱光下生长叶片的快速光曲线初始斜率下降幅度较大,曲线下降部分的斜率、最大相对电子传递速率、半饱和光强的上升幅度均小于自然光下生长的叶片,光能利用能力较低,其非光化学猝灭系数nPQ也明显低于自然光下生长的叶片,为自然光下生长叶片的87.5%。弱光下生长的小麦叶片光能吸收能力增强,但较低的光能利用能力和过剩光能耗散能力是其转入自然强光后易发生光抑制甚至光破坏的主要原因。To further explain the mechanism of photoinhibition and light damage in wheat(Triticum aestivum L.) leaves when it was suddenly transferred from low light to high light conditions,the responses of photosynthetic apparatus in shaded leaves of the high-yielding winter wheat line,PH01-35,were examined using chlorophyll fluorescence and gas exchange techniques.After 15-day shading,the chlorophyll content increased greatly,but the net photosynthetic rate(Pn),light compensation point(LCP),light saturation point(LSP),apparent quantum yield(AQY),and carboxylation efficiency(CE) all decreased.Compared with leaves grown in full sunlight,the initial slope(α),decline slope(β),maximum relative electron transport rate(rETRmax),and minimum saturating irradiance(Ek) of rapid light curves in leaves grown in low light were lower when the plant was transferred from low light intensity of 250 μmol m-2 s-1 to high light intensity of 1 200 μmol m-2 s-1.Non photochemical quenching(NPQ) in leaves grown in low light was significantly lower than that in leaves grown in full sunlight,indicating that the ability of light use and thermal energy dissipation was limited in leaves grown in low light.The wheat leaves grown in low light were more suscepti-ble to photoinhibition due to low CO2 assimilation and photoprotective ability,such as xanthophylls cycle-dependent dissipation of excessive energy,despite the better energy absorbability in low light conditions.山东省农业良种工程重大课题(鲁农良种字[2006]6号)资

    Thermodynamic calculation of phase equilibria in Cu-Ni-Sn ternary system

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    [中文文摘]基于Cu-Ni-Sn三元系的相平衡和热力学的实验信息,采用亚正规溶体模型描述液相和fcc相的Gibbs自由能,为了预测该体系中bcc相的A2 B2有序无序转变,bcc相的Gibbs自由能采用双亚点阵模型进行描述。利用CALPHAD(相图计算)方法评估了Cu-Ni-Sn三元系各相的热力学参数,计算的富Cu侧相图和热力学性质与实验数据比较一致。并对该三元系中bcc相的A2 B2有序无序转变及fcc相的溶解度间隙进行了计算。这些计算结果对利用析出强化以及Spinodal分解开发高强度和高导电性的新型Cu基合金的组织设计具有一定的指导意义。[英文文摘]On basis of the phase equilibria and thermodynamic properties of the Cu-Ni-Sn ternary system by experiment,the thermodynamic assessment of the Cu-Ni-Sn ternary system was carried out by the CALPHAD(calculation of phase diagrams) method.The Gibbs free energies of liquid and fcc phases were described by the subregular solution model,and Gibbs free energies of the bcc phase were described by the sublattice model in order to predict the order-disorder phase transition in the bcc phase.A set of parameters parameters describing the Gibbs energies of different phases in this system were optimized by experimental data. The calculated result s agree well the experimental data. The A2/B2 ordering temperature and miscibility gap of the fcc phase can be predicted. These calculated result s provide an effective guide for microst ructure design of the new type Cu base practical materials with high strength and high electric conductivity.国家杰出青年科学基金资助项目(50425101); 教育部科学技术研究重点资助项目(105100)