42 research outputs found

    Research progress on the Agrobacterium-mediated medicinal microalgae genetic transformation system

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    农杆菌介导的遗传转化具有操作简便,转化率高,可低拷贝和大片段整合外源基因在宿主染色体上等优点,已经在植物中广泛应用。微藻作为一种重要的种质资源,是多种功能活性产物的初级生产者,在药物开发方面极具发展潜能。农杆菌介导的转化体系在部分微藻中获得成功,有效提高了药用活性产物的生产效率,改良了微藻的生理性能,为微藻药用资源的大规模工业化生产奠定了基础。本文综述了微藻来源的药用功能产物及农杆菌转化体系在微藻中的研究现状和影响转化效率的因素,并展望了该技术在药用微藻中的应用前景,为药用微藻资源的基因工程改造提供一定的参考和借鉴意义。Agrobacterium-mediated genetic transformation has been widely used for plants, owing to its merits such as operation simplicity, high efficiency of transformation, and transferring a large segment of foreign DNA with low copy of the transgene(s) into host chromosomes. Microalgae are known as germplasm resources and primary producers of a variety of functionally activated products. It also possesses great potential in the development of pharmaceutical exploitation. Agrobacterium-mediated genetic transformation system has been established successfully in some microalgae. This technology has efficiently increased the productivity of medicinal activated products and improved the physiological performance in microalgae, thus laying foundation for the mass production of medicinally valuable microalgae at large-scale. This paper summarizes the medicinally activated products from microalgae, the research progress on the Agrobacterium-mediated genetic transformation in microalgae as well as the factors affecting transformation efficiency, the application prospect of this technique in medicinal microalgae, and ultimately providing certain reference to the genetic engineering of medicinal microalgae.海洋公益性行业科研专项经费项目(No.201505032);; 厦门南方海洋研究中心项目(No.14GZP021NF21


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    [目的]构建4种食源性致病菌融合毒素基因及重组表达载体,制备六联融合毒素的血清抗体。[方法]采用柔性lInkEr序列(g-g-g-g-S)对目的基因进行串联(HblA-VT1b-SEA-VT2b-bOnTAHC-SEb),构建重组表达质粒PET-22b(+)-f6并在E.COlI bl21中进行表达,将表达蛋白纯化后免疫豚鼠制备血清抗体,利用ElISA和琼脂扩散试验验证抗体的特异性与敏感性。[结果]成功构建了重组表达质粒PET-22b(+)-f6并在E.COlI bl21中成功表达,37℃表达蛋白主要以包涵体形式存在(表达量10.2%),基因序列全长3384bP,编码1127个氨基酸,蛋白分子量为127205,测序结果与设计序列一致性为100%。ElISA和琼脂扩散试验表明,融合毒素f6与4种食源性致病菌有良好的反应原性,与多种非目标菌不反应。[结论]成功构建了多联融合毒素基因的表达质粒及制备了抗血清,为利用融合毒素的方法检测食源性致病菌,进而建立食源性致病菌广谱、快速的检测方法奠定基础。[Objective] To construct toxin including fusion toxin gene from food poisoning bacteria and its recombinant expression vector,and then prepare serum antibody of Six-valent fusion toxin.[Methods] Six gene(HblA—VT1B—SEA— VT2B—BoNTaHc—SEB)fragments were connected by SOE-PCR via linker sequence encoding five amino acids(G-G-G-G-S),the recombination expression plasmid pET-22b(+)-F6 was constructed and expressed in E.coli BL21.The expression proteinum was purified,and the blood serum was prepared by the immune cobaya,The specificity and sensitivity of antibody were verified by the ELISA and agar diffusion reaction.[Results] The fusion gene F6(HblA—VT1B—SEA—VT2B—BoNTaHc—SEB)and re-combinant plasmid pET-22b(+)-F6 was successfully constructed.The most of the 37℃ expression proteinum showed to be cyt-orrhyctes(expreesion amounted to 10.2%).The sequence encoding the mature fusion protein of the F6 toxin gene was 3384bp,encoding 1127 amino acids.The molecular weight of recombinant fusion toxin protein was 127.205 ku.The result of sequencing was consistent with predicted gene sequences.The results of ELISA and agar diffusion reaction demonstrated that fusion gene F6 and other four kinds of food poisoning-born bacteria had favorable reactionogenicity and did not response to many other non-tar-get bacteria.[Conclusion] The expression plasmid of multi-valent fusion toxin was successful constructed and antiserum was prepared,which laid the foundation for establishing broad spectrum and rapid detection method for food poisoning bacteria by utilization of fusion toxin detection methods.国家自然基金资助项目(30671762);厦门市科技计划项目(3502Z20055009


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    分别基于美国陆地卫星(Landsat MSS/TM/ETM+)和中巴资源卫星(CBERS-02B)影像数据,以人工目视解译为主,完成了中国1978~2008年4期(基准年分别为1978,1990,2000和2008年)湿地遥感制图,并进行了大量的室内外验证.在此基础上,对我国湿地现状及近30年来湿地变化进行了初步分析,得到以下主要结论:(ⅰ)截止2008年,中国湿地面积约为324097km2,其中以内陆沼泽(35%)和湖泊湿地(26%)为主.(ⅱ)1978~2008年,中国湿地面积减少了约33%,而人工湿地增加了约122%.过去30年里湿地减少的速度大幅降低,由最初5523km2/a(1978~1990年)降为831km2/a(2000~2008年).(ⅲ)减少的自然湿地(包括滨海湿地和内陆湿地),其类型变化由湿地向非湿地转化的比例逐渐降低.初期(1978~1990年)几乎全部(98%)转换为非湿地;在1990~2000年间减少的自然湿地约有86%转化为非湿地,而在2000~2008年,这一比例下降为77%.(ⅳ)气候变化和农业活动是中国湿地变化的主要驱动因素,湿地变化在中国分为三大不同特征区域,即西部三省/自治区(西藏、新疆和青海)、北部两省/自治区(黑龙江和内蒙古)和其他省市区.其中西部区域尤其是青藏高原,湿地变化的驱动因子以气候增温为主;新疆湿地由于气候增温和农业活动共同作用造成变化不大.北部省/自治区的湿地变化则主要由农业活动引起;而其他省市区的湿地变化几乎完全受控于人类的农业经济活动

    The experimental study on the Agrobacterium-mediated genetic transformation to increase the production of astaxanthin in Chlorella

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    虾青素是一类具有强抗氧化活性的红色酮式类胡萝卜素,因其在人体内有清除自由基和延缓衰老的作用而在食品添加剂、化妆品、保健品和制药领域有很大的应用前景。藻源的虾青素活性最强,其中以雨生红球藻积累虾青素的含量最高,但是雨生红球藻培养周期长、需高光照胁迫、易污染等缺点限制了虾青素的规模化生产。小球藻具有丰富的类胡萝卜素前体,生长速度快,能异养发酵,但目前除了Chlorellazofingiensis能够积累虾青素,Chlorellavulgaris还未有产虾青素的相关研究报道。目前小球藻已经建立了玻璃珠转化、电击转化、基因枪转化和农杆菌介导的遗传转化等转基因方法,通过转基因技术改良小球藻的生理生化性能...Astaxanthin is a kind of red keto-carotenoid which has stronger anti-oxidant activity than other carotenoids. On account of its scavenging free radicals and delaying senescence, astaxanthin has been widely used as feed additive, cosmetics and pharmaceuticals. Astaxanthin, which originates from algae has the best vigour. Among the algae which can accumulated astaxanthin, Haematococcus pluvialis can...学位:理学硕士院系专业:生命科学学院_微生物学学号:2162013115250

    Auto-antibody to Koc in patients with cancers

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    目的:为了探讨恶性肿瘤患者的抗Koc自身抗体,研究其临床意义。方法:在优化重组Koc表达和提纯条件的基础上,以重组Koc为包被抗原,采用所建立的检测IgM、IgG、IgA类抗Koc自身抗体的ELISA技术。结果:发现抗Koc的阳性率与恶性肿瘤的类型有密切关系,以肝癌、直肠癌和肺癌较高,胃癌居中,而食道癌最低,其中后者与健康对照无明显差异。以IgM、IgG、IgA中任一类Ig抗Koc对阳性为抗Koc阳性标本,肝癌、直肠癌和肺癌的阳性率均分别>50.0%,胃癌为25.5%,食道癌为15.8%,均明显较单一阳性率为高。结论:提示Ig类型抗体同步检测对于提高阳性率具有重要意义,抗Koc不失为恶性肿瘤诊断的一个良好新指标。To characterize the auto-antibody against Koc for understanding its clinical significance in patients with can-ceis.Methods: Based on screening conditions on Koc (KH domain containing protein overexpressed in cancer) expression and purification, recombinant Koc was used as coating antigen for establishment of EUSA to detect anti- Koc of classes of IgM, IgG and IgA. Results: The positive rates of anti-Koc were related to types of cancers, showing higher rates in hepatocellular cancer, rectum cancer and lung cancer, middle rates in stomach cancer, and lower rates in esophagus cancer. The last one was not significant, compared with normal control. When positive samples were defined as being positive for anti-Koc in at least one of three classes of Ig, the positive rates of hepatocellular cancer, rectum cancer, lung cancer, stomach cancer, esophagus cancer were 56.7% , 52.8% , 50.0% , 25.5% and 15.8% , respectively. Their positive rates were significantly higher than that of IgM, IgG or IgA anti-Koc in these cancers. Conclusion: Synchrotron detection of IgM, IgG anj IgA is important and anti-Koc is a new valuable marker to diagnosis of tumors.教育部优秀青年骨干教师资助课题;国家自然科学基金资助课题(30080029

    The Feeding Habits of Five Sciaenids Fishes in Louyuan Bay

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    分析了罗源湾五种石首鱼类的食性,结果表明:它们的食物组成比较相似,但主要食物种类各有不同,棘头梅童鱼(COlICHTHySluCIduS(rICHArdSOn))主要食物为磷虾和桡足类;条纹叫姑鱼(JOHnIuSfASCIATuS(CHu,lOETWu))的为毛虾和磷虾;叫姑鱼(J,bElEngErII(CuVIErETVAlEnCIEnnES))的为多毛类;大黄鱼(PSEudOSCIAEnACrOCEA(rICHArdSOn))的为毛虾和鱼类;白姑鱼(ArgyrOSOMuSArgEnTATuS(HOuTTuyn))的为长臂虾和鱼类,五种石首鱼类的胃饱满指数除白姑鱼为65.76%外,其余都在4.58‰~16.12‰之间,摄食强度季节变化比较明显。五种鱼类都属低级肉食性鱼类,营养级为2.3~2.6。篢he present paper deals with Food items and Feeding habits of Five Fishes in sci-aenids(Collichthys lucidus [Richardson]、Johnius belengerii[Cuvier et Valenciennes]、J.Fasciatus [Chu,Lo et Wu]、Pseudosciaena crocea[Richardson]、Argyrosomus argenta-tus[Houttuyn])collected From Louyuan Bay From the period of January 1987 to April1988.The results show that:the main Food organisms are euphausiid and copepod inC;lucidus,sergestid and euphausiid in J,Fasciatus,Polychaete in J,belengerii, sergestidand Fish in P.crocea,palaemon and Fish in A.argentatus.It has been revealed that theseFive Fishes belonging to lower carnivores and their nutrition levels are 2.3-2.6.TheFeeding intensities vary signiFicantly with seasons,and the Full coeFFicients of stomach,except 65.76‰ in A.argenta,are something lower,16.12‰ in C, lucidus,14.53‰ inJ.Fasciatus,5.23‰ in J.belengerii and 7.28‰ in P,crocea


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    甲烷是氢碳比最高的烃,也是一种具有较高燃烧热值的清洁能源。在生物质制备甲烷的方法中,生物质发酵法和生物质合成气发酵法因活性菌的温度敏感性而受到限制。因此,本文介绍了近年来生物质合成气催化制备甲烷的反应机理及相应的催化剂体系研究进展,重点讨论了合成气中CO甲烷化和CO 2甲烷化反应机理,以及催化剂中活性成分、载体、助剂对甲烷化的影响。同时,介绍了反应条件温和的生物质催化水热法,简述了反应路线及近年来的研究现状。最后,从技术的角度对该甲烷化的反应机理和高效、稳定的催化剂研究进行了展望