1,508 research outputs found

    A Research on the market efficiency and solvency——base on the analysis of China's property insurance companies under China Risk Oriented Solvency System

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    随着我国市场经济体制的建立以及不断完善,保险行业在不断发展的同时,其经营中的风险也不断在增加。保险行业作为社会的“稳定器”与经济的“助推器”,具有“稳定”与“助推”两种不同方面的功能。在“稳定”方面,用于衡量保险公司“稳定”功能的指标是偿付能力;在“助推”方面,用于衡量保险公司“助推”功能的指标是市场效率。然而,近几年有许多上市公司在排队申请保险公司设立的许可牌照,这与其“稳定”的功能背道而驰。在此情况下,中国保险监督管理委员会提高了准入门槛,对于业内的一些保险公司的监管力度有所加大。这对于财产保险公司的偿付能力是一个挑战。近几年,在我国经济不景气的大环境下,财产保险公司的市场效率是否有受到一...With the setting-up and improvement of China's market economy system, the insurance industry is developing at the same time. The insurance industry as a "stabilizer" of the society and a "booster" of the economy, with "stability" and "boost" two functions. In terms of the "stability", the ability to measure the "stability" of insurance companies is solvency; in terms of the "boost", the measure of...学位:工商管理硕士院系专业:管理学院_工商管理硕士(工商管理硕士)学号:1792015115168

    Forest development and firewood shortage in Yakushima Island

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    Study on Target Detection Method by Coherent Integration for Frequency Modulation Coded Radar Systems

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    在现代战场上,高速低可侦测性目标以及各种电子干扰手段的出现对雷达的目标探测性能提出了更高的要求。调频编码雷达作为一种新型的高距离分辨率雷达,具有数据利用率高、对雷达瞬时带宽要求不高以及抗干扰性能强的优点。为了增强调频编码雷达对微弱目标的检测能力,进一步研究调频编码雷达的相干积累检测方法具有重要意义。因此,本文主要开展了如下创新工作: (1)针对调频编码雷达,提出了一种基于运动补偿的相干积累检测方法。首先对调频编码雷达的回波信号进行建模,利用最大似然估计(maximumlikelihoodestimation,MLE)对目标的运动参数进行精确估计,同时构造运动参数的似然函数作为分析工具。接着根...In the modern battlefield, with the technology development of electronic jamming and the appearance of high-speed, low-observable targets, the demands for better radar detection performance become more pressing. As a new kind of high range resolution radar, frequency modulation coded radar has advantages such as high data utilization, low instantaneous bandwidth and strong anti-jamming capability....学位:工程硕士院系专业:信息科学与技术学院_工程硕士(电子与通信工程)学号:2332013115326

    Design and Implementation of Official Document Management System of Guizhou Province Transportation

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    公文管理工作是政府部门日常管理过程中的一个重要组成部分之一,在传统的公文处理管理过程中,公文处理方式主要是采用的是邮递或者是直接送达方式来传递各种文件,这样在公文处理过程中不便会使其变得非常复杂、非常繁琐,而且还会使公文处理过程速度慢、容易泄密、容易丢失、使用成本也比较高等问题,在此背景下开发了贵州省交通运输厅公文管理系统。 论文介绍了贵州省交通运输厅公文管理系统的研究背景、项目意义和目前的研究与应用现状,明确了论文研究的内容和主要工作;在业务分析中,论文对系统存在的问题、组织机构、原有业务流程等进行了分析,给出了优化后的业务流程;在功能分析中,论文通过用例分析和用例描述,明确了系统的功能,...Document management work is a government department daily management an important part in the process of one of the traditional process of document processing management, document processing method mainly using sent by post or the direct service to transfer various files, so the inconvenience in the process of document processing will make its become very complex, very complicated, but also can ma...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_软件工程学号:X201223084

    Design and Implementation of Music Literacy Online Learning System for Primary and Secondary Schools

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    近年来,党中央在政策上重视改进和提高中小学生的美育教育,随着《中小学生艺术素质测评办法》的实施、以及“音乐教育正式纳入中高考”等政策的导向和推动,加之日益成熟的互联网在线教育技术,“互联网+音乐教育”迎来了重要的发展时刻。音乐素养是包括乐理知识、节奏训练、视唱练耳、音乐欣赏等方面的音乐综合素质教育,中小学生学习音乐素养不仅可以全面提升自身音乐综合素质,还能增强对音乐的感悟、理解和创造能力,从而对改变音乐学习重“技”轻“艺”的现状有所裨益。 基于以上背景和产品需求,本文着重对音乐素养在线学习系统软件进行需求分析,设计软件架构和数据结构,简述系统实现和测试过程。使用手机端微信小程序架构、服务端J...In recent years, the CPC Central Committee in the policy emphasis on improving the aesthetic education of primary and secondary school students. With the implementation of the "Measures for the Evaluation of Artistic Quality of Primary and Middle School Students" and the orientation and promotion of policies such as "Music Education is formally incorporated into the college entrance examination", ...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201523002

    Broadleaf Tree Plantation by the Fishermen in Yakushima Island

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    Modeling and Analysis of Drug Permeation Mechanism Based on Blood-Brain Barrier

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    由于血脑屏障结构的特殊性,脑内疾病的治疗仍然是临床诊疗的一个难点。一般情况下,病人只能通过口服或注射药物来治疗这类疾病。采用理论分析和数值模拟相结合的方法,在控制药物毒性最小的前提下,研究血管和脑组织中游离药物浓度随时间的变化情况。在比较分析未加入超声和加入超声的两个模型后发现:未加入超声时,毛细血管和脑组织中的游离药物浓度在140 min左右达到平衡状态,且平衡点处的药物浓度很低,达不到治疗效果;而加入超声后,在60-70 s就达到了稳定,同时达到稳态时药物浓度也明显增加。由此可见:加入超声大大减少了服药后大脑组织中药物达到治疗浓度所需的时间,且增加了进入脑组织的药物量。Treatment for the intracerebral diseases has been a challenging issue in clinical diagnosis and treatment. Because of the special brain barrier structure,patients generally treat these diseasesonly through oral or injection drugs. In order to make it clear,this paper theoretically and numerically studies the variation laws of free drug concentration in the vascular and brain tissue given minimizing the toxicity of drugs. After comparing two models without and with ultrasound treatments,we find that at the absence of ultrasound treatment it takes about 140 minutes that the concentration of free drugs in capillary and brain tissue reaches the balance state. In this case,drug concentration is greatly low,which does not achieve an ideal therapeutic effect. Otherwise,it only takes approximately 60 to 70 minutes to reach the balance state with ultrasound treatments and drug concentration significantly increases. That greatly reduces the time taken for drugs to reach therapeutic concentration in brain tissue and increases the amount of drugs entering the brain tissue.疾病防控的数学技术与大数据分析山西省重点实验室资助项目(201705D111006); 山西省动物群发病科技数据服务共享平台项目(201605D121014


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