73 research outputs found

    Seasonal dynamics of nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations,and nutrient resorption efficiencies of Casuarina equisetifolia branchlets in Dongshan County,Fujian

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    对福建东山赤山林场短枝木麻黄纯林小枝中的n和P含量、n∶P比、养分再吸收率的季节动态进行研究。结果表明,随着小枝的成熟和衰老,各季节n和P的含量依次降低,其中衰老小枝中n和P含量分别为(3.97±0.21)~(8.64±0.58)Mg·g-1和(0.04±0.03)~(0.10±0.03)Mg·g-1,基本上表现为n和P的完全再吸收。成熟小枝n∶P比的季节动态介于(18.67±3.24)~(37.98±1.32)之间,均高于16,表明木麻黄的生长受到不同程度的P限制。n、P再吸收率的季节变化分别为(51.02±4.66)%~(63.00±8.61)%和(81.24±5.08)%~(91.78±5.84)%,P再吸收率显著高于n。n和P的再吸收率之间以及成熟叶中n、P含量与二者再吸收率之间没有显著相关性,但在衰老叶中存在显著负相关,表明养分再吸收程度越高,其再吸收率就越高。因此,木麻黄通过小枝衰老过程中的养分再吸收,减少养分的损失,从而适应贫瘠的立地条件。Seasonal dynamics of nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations,N∶P ratios and nutrient resorption efficiency of Casuarina equisetifolia branchlets was studied at Chishan Forestry Center of Dongshan County,Fujian Province,China.The results showed that N and P concentrations were highest in young branchlets and decreased with maturity and senescence.N and P concentrations of senescent branchlets ranged from (3.97±0.21) to (8.64±0.58) mg g-1 and (0.04±0.03) to (0.10±0.03) mg g-1,respectively.N∶P ratios of mature branchlets ((18.67±3.24)--(37.98±1.32)) were all above 16 through the year,showing P was more limiting than N.Nitrogen resorption efficiency (REN) and phosphorus resorption efficiency (REP) were from (51.02±4.66)% to (63.00±8.61)% and from (81.24±5.08)% to (91.78±5.84)% through the year,respectively,and REP was significantly higher than REN.There is no significant correlation between REN and REP.REN is not correlated with either N concentration or N:P ratios in mature branchlets,no correlation was also found between REP and either P concentration or N∶P ratios in mature branchlets.While the significant negative correlation was observed in senescent branchlets.国家“十一五”科技支撑计划资助项目(2006BAD03A14-01);福建省科技重大资助项目(2006NZ0001-2);国家林业局南方山地用材林培育重点实验室资助项

    The Study and Development of an Automatic Sequential Processing System for Postharvest Melon

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    至目前為止,香瓜採後之分級等處理作業尚完全依賴人工作業,尤其分級不夠準確常遭詬病,影響信譽至鉅,且分級後之集貨儲運管理等作業自動化尚付之闕如,本研究即針對香瓜採後分級儲運管理作業自動化系統進行研發,以解決果農及業者之需求。Up to the present,the grading of the post-harvest Melon(Cucumis melo L.) ususally depend on the handing.In this particular method,the grading process is not accurate and affects the quality of the fruit.In this research,an automatic sequential processing system for the postharvest Melon(Cucumis melo L.)will be studied and developed to provide an alternative solution for the farmers and wholesalers

    The Development of a Sorting Machine for Garlic

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    本研究主要在開發一台可供蒜農使用之蒜球大小分級機械,經精確分級後,提升蒜球品質,促進產業升級,增加蒜農收益。In this research, a suitable sorting machine for garlic will be studied and developed to provide an alternative solution for the farmers and wholesalers; after accurate sorting, it can promote the garlic's quality, promote industrial upgrating, and increase the incomes of farmers

    The Development of a Sorting Machine for Pepper

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    至目前為止,青椒採後之分級處理作業尚完全依賴人工,尤其分級不夠準確常遭詬病,影響信譽至鉅,本研究即針對青椒採後分級作業系統進行研發,以解決果 農及業者之需求。Up to the present,the grading of the post-harvest Pepper(Capsicum annuum L.) ususally depend on the handing.In this particular method,the grading process is not accurate and affects the quality of the vegetable.In this research,a sorting machine for the postharvest Pepper(Capsicum annuum L.)will be studied and developed to provide an alternative solution for the farmers and wholesaler

    The Study and Development of a Farm Production Wastes Fertilization Machinery

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    研發完成ㄧ中型密閉式之農產廢棄物堆肥化處理機械系統之前處理系統,包括進料輸送、粗選與輥壓碎裂等設備。1.完成前處理系統,確保堆肥資材之去雜分選、粗碎減積,以利後續發酵之進行。2.提高有機廢棄物之回收率與再利用率。3.提升有機堆肥之製作品質。4.協助推廣與建立各處農業產銷班、合作社或果菜批發市場就地處理廢棄物。To research and development, in order to finish a pre- process system of a medium-sized airtight type farm production wastes fertilization machinery. Including charge-in and sending(Conveyer equipment), primary election, and the roller pressed and cracked equipment, etc. The pre-process system can guarantee to reach the following advantages:1.The impurity of the compost material is separated, broken to pieces thickly, reduce the volume , with the going on of favorable follow-up ferment. 2.Improve the rate of recovery of the organic offal and utilization ratio again.3.Improve the making quality of the organic compost.4.To popularize and setting up all parts of the producing and selling class of agriculture, cooperative society, or the wholesale market of fruits and vegetables deals with the offal on the Locality

    The Study and Development of an Automatic Sequential Processing System for Postharvest Star Fruit

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    至目前為止,楊桃採後之分級等處理作業尚完全依賴人工作業,尤其分級不夠準確常遭詬病,影響信譽至鉅,且分級後之集貨儲運管理等作業自動化尚付之闕如,本研究即針對楊桃採後分級儲運管理作業自動化系統進行研發,以解決果農及業者之需求。Up to the present,the grading of the post-harvest star fruit (Auerrhoa Carambola L.) usually depend on the handing.In this particular method,the grading process is not accurate and affects the quality of the fruit.In this research,an automatic sequential processing system for the postharvest star fruit(Auerrhoa Carambola L.)will be studied and developed to provide an alternative solution for the farmers and wholesalers

    The Study and Development of an Automatic Sequential Processing System for Postharvest Guava

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    至目前為止,番石榴採後之分級等處理作業尚完全依賴人工作業,尤其分級不夠準確常遭詬病,影響信譽至鉅,且分級後之集貨儲運管理等作業自動化尚付之闕如,本研究即針對番石榴採後分級儲運管理作業自動化系統進行研發,以解決果農及業者之需求。Up to the present,the grading of the post-harvest guava(Psidium guajava L.) ususally depend on the handing.In this particular method,the grading process is not accurate andaffects the quality of the fruit.In this research,an automatic sequential processing system for the postharvest guava(Psidium guajava L.)will be studied and developed to provide an alternative solution for the farmers and wholesalers

    The Development of Automatic System of the Seeds Computer Counter

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    本研究以影像處理技術為基礎,建立 魚苗自動計數系統,主要由三部分所組成,包括魚苗進料機構、取像及影像處理裝置及魚苗出料機構。其計數精確率可達91%以上,優於人工計數的85%,其作業速度約為人工計數的22倍,可解決漁民及業者的需求。A counting system using the image processing techniques for fish larva will be developed. The counting system consists of three major parts (1) provide mechanism (2) image grabbing, processing and counting equipment and (3) export mechanism. According to the basic testing results, this machine achieved a rapid recognizing and counting ability. It only reguired three seconds to count 139 fish larvas where are sixty -six seconds needed for manual counting one by one, 22 times of the time spent for the system. It also reached the accuracy of 91% while counting manually had only 85% accuracy. In this research, An automatic counting machine for fish larva will be studied and developed to provide an alternative solution for the fishers and wholesalers