42 research outputs found

    Design and Implementation of Product Marketing Platform Based on B/S

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    随着信息高速公路的建立,Internet的普及,网络技术的迅猛发展,人类社会已经进入了一个信息化社会,电子商务凭借简单、快捷、低成本的通讯方式,随着互联网的发展,以及人们消费观念和生活方式的改变,这种新型的商业模式逐渐融入到了人们的生活当中。 本系统是一个基于Internet,根据B2C的电子商务模式,并根据现有的线上商品营销的现状而设计开发的电子商务平台。它不但可以扩大商家的规模和市场影响力,而且可以减少商家的经营成本,提高工作效率。 本系统采用B/S体系结构,由浏览器、运行PHP的Nginx服务器、MySQL数据库服务器组成,而该系统的客户端WEB设计与实现是以PhpStorm作为开发...With the establishment of the information highway, the popularity of the Internet, the rapid development of network technology, human society has entered a the information society, the electronic commerce with simple, quick, low cost of communication, with the development of the Internet, and people consumption idea and the change of lifestyle, the new business model gradually into the people's li...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_软件工程学号:X201323185

    Salt balance mechanism in mangroves

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    热带、亚热带海岸潮间带的红树林生态系统处于海洋、陆地和大气的动态交界面,作为独特的海陆边缘生态系统在维持海湾河口生态系统的稳定中起着特殊的作用。生长在潮间带高盐环境中的红树植物,经长期的自然选择和进化适应,在生理生化及形态方国家自然科学基金资助项目(30200031);; 福建省自然科学基金资助项目(B0410001

    New Materials of Plants in Fujian Province (Ⅰ)

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    在泉州湾植物调查时,发现福建省被子植物分布新记录5种(含变种),分别是:盐地碱蓬SuAEdA SAlSA、座地猪屎豆CrOTAlArIA nAnA VAr.PATulA、沙地叶下珠PHyllAnTHuS ArEnArIuS、肉叶耳草HEdyOTIS STrIgulOSA和佛欧里画眉草ErAgrOSTIS fAurIEI。标本存放于厦门大学植物标本馆(Au)。During the course of investigating the plants in Quanzhou bay,four newly recorded species and one newly recorded varieties of Angiosperm were found.They are Suaeda salsa,Crotalaria nana var.patula,Phyllanthus arenarius,Hedyotis strigulosa and Eragrostis fauriei.The voucher specimens are deposited in the Herbarium of Xiamen University(AU).海洋公益性行业专项经费项目(200705029、200905009-1

    The growth of Kandelia candel seedlings in mangrove habitats of the Zhangjiang Estuary in Fujian Province,China

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    通过福建漳江口红树林自然保护区内8个样方24个小样方人工种植600个秋茄胚轴,在3a时间内对秋茄胚轴建立、幼苗生长以及环境因子进行定期观测。研究结果表明:林缘空地的秋茄生长状况良好,白骨壤林内最不利于秋茄幼苗的生长。潮位、盐度、底质土壤理化因子不是造成该样地各样方间秋茄幼苗生长差异的主要原因。动物取食、光照状况以及种间竞争是限制秋茄生长的主要环境因子。秋茄胚轴在长根前易于随潮水漂走,底质土壤中白骨壤致密的根系抑制了秋茄胚轴的定植,导致白骨壤林内秋茄幼苗漂走的数量最多。昆虫和螃蟹等动物的取食是导致林内已经固着生长的秋茄幼苗大量死亡的最主要原因,而林外被取食的幼苗个体极少。此后秋茄幼苗能否继续成长,主要取决于幼苗所接受到的光照条件。3a后,在荫蔽的树冠下,秋茄幼苗无法存活;而在林外,秋茄幼苗已经长成幼树。在林外滩涂上迅速生长的互花米草,也将影响秋茄幼苗的更新和生长。 【英文摘要】 To evaluate the establishment and early growth of the mangrove species Kandelia candel in the intertidal zone,and to develop a better understanding of biotic and abiotic factors influencing the regeneration of its seedlings,we conducted a field experiment in Zhangjiang Estuary in Fujian.Different positions along the intertidal gradient were selected from 20 m to 120 m horizontal distance down the shore,including eight sampling sites in the mangrove areas.Equal numbers(75) numbers of mature propagules of K.c...国家自然科学基金资助项目(30200031);; 福建省自然科学基金资助项目(B0410001)~

    Hippocampal Automatic Recognition and 3D Segmentation Based on Active Appearance Model in Brain MR Images for Early Diagnosis ofAlzheimer's Disease

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    目的:研究磁共振(MAgnETIC rESOnAnCE,Mr)脑图像中海马的自动分割方法及海马的形态学分析方法,为阿尔茨海默病(AlzHEIMEr'S dISEASE,Ad)的早期诊断提供依据。方法:对20例Ad患者和60名正常对照者行MrI T1 WI 3d容积扫描,建立海马的三维主动表观模型,并以此模型对每个个体脑部磁共振图像上的海马进行自动识别和三维分割,分别建立正常对照组和Ad组的海马统计形状模型,比较Ad组与正常对照组间海马形状的差异性。结果:海马三维分割方法与手动分割方法在海马体积测量上无统计学差别(P>0.05);Ad患者海马头部发生萎缩(P0.05).Hippocampal head atrophy was found in AD patients(P<0.05).Conclusions: Hippocampal three-dimensional segmentation and automatic identification method based on active appearance model in brain MR image is accurate and reliable;the feature of hippocampal head atrophy can be used as a basis for diagnosis of AD.哈尔滨医科大学研究生创新基金(HCXB2010019);国家自然科学基金(81071219

    Damage to mangroves from extreme cold in early 2008 in southern China

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    通讯作者Author for correspondence (E-mail: [email protected])2008年初,我国南方19个省经历了50年一遇的持续低温雨雪冰冻天气。极端气候对华南沿海各省的红树林区造成不同程度的危害。2008年3月,在我国南方各省红树林区的10个代表性地点,对这次寒害造成的红树植物伤害程度进行了系统的调查。结果表明:冬季低温对红树林的影响极为显著,特别是在低纬度的海南、广西和广东湛江,由于极端低温正值夜间退潮,对红树林的影响更为显著;在纬度较高的福建,本地红树种类秋茄(Kandelia obovata)、桐花树(Aegiceras corniculatum)和白骨壤(Avicennia marina)及引种的木榄(Bruguiera gymnorrhiza)等,由于长期适应于冬季较低的气温或在种植前经过抗寒锻炼,具有较强的抗寒能力。各地主要红树植物中,广布种秋茄、桐花树和白骨壤最为耐寒,其耐寒性均大于红树科的木榄、海莲(Bruguiera sexangula)和红海榄(Rhizophora stylosa)。海桑(Sonneratia caseolaris)对温度的敏感性最强,抗寒能力最低,因此,即使在其原产地海南也受到较为严重的寒害,在纬度更高的引种地出现大面积受害甚至全部死亡,而从孟加拉国引种的无瓣海桑(Sonneratia apetala)却显示出一定的抗寒能力。同一地点的红树植物幼苗的抗寒能力低于大树。此次寒害也造成了苗圃场的种苗大量死亡,成熟的植株提前落花落果,这势必会影响后继一两年内红树林的自然更新和人工造林。因此,在未来红树林造林或人工引种中,一定要考虑到红树植物的抗寒能力。国家自然科学基金(30671646和30700092);厦门大学“闽江学者”启动基

    Futures and Futures Options with Correlated Basis Risk and Interest Rate Risk---Theoretical and Empirical Perspectives

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    [[abstract]]假設基差風險服從修正之布朗橋過程,本文首先推導出在隨機利率下具基差風險之 期貨及期貨選擇權封閉解。布朗橋除了在起迄點的值為已知外,其為類似布朗運動之隨 機過程。在無套利假設下,期貨價格和其標的資產價格於期貨契約到期時將會收斂;換 言之,基差值在此時為零。修正之布朗橋過程可確保基差值在期貨契約到期時為零。然 而傳統之布朗運動的波動度只為存續期間的函數,故本文修正其波動度為具時變的型 態。 本文的第二個目的為以數值模擬方法探討具基差風險之期貨選擇權特性。期貨選擇 權與現貨價格和基差的相關係數及利率和基差的相關係數具正向關係,但和基差起始值 具反向關係。另外,現貨價格和基差相關係數的正負符號會影響基差波動度和期貨買權 價格的關係。最後,本文以S&P 500 期貨買權驗證所推導之期貨選擇權模型。以隨機利 率下的Black 模型為比較模型,預期實證結果將支持期貨買權具基差風險;且,具基差 風險之期貨選擇權應能去除存續期間及價內、外的偏誤。[[abstract]]Assuming the stochastic process of basis to behavior as a modified Brownian bridge process, this article provides the closed-form solutions of futures and futures options with basis risk (FOBR) under stochastic interest rate. Under no arbitrage assumption, the spot price and the futures price will converge at the expiration of the futures contract; this means that the basis is zero at that time. The modified Brownian bridge process ensures the basis to be zero at maturity of futures contract. The FOBR model was empirically tested with daily data of S&P 500 futures and futures call options. Compared with the Black model under stochastic interest rate, the empirical test will be expected to supports the occurrence of basis risk in the futures call options and the FOBR model could outperform the Black model.[[note]]NSC97-2410-H244-01


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    对短时间和长时间盐胁迫下红树植物木榄 (Bruguieragymnorrhiza(L .)Lamk )幼苗的生长、叶片膜脂过氧化作用、叶绿素含量、电解质渗漏率、叶片肉质化程度等与盐胁迫强度之间的关系进行了对比研究。不同的盐胁迫时间下 ,随盐胁迫强度的提高 ,木榄幼苗的生长、叶片超氧化物歧化酶 (SOD)活性、丙二醛 (MDA)含量、肉质化程度S及叶绿素含量等变化趋势相似 ,表明不同盐胁迫时间下红树植物木榄的耐盐机制并没有发生根本改变。但随着盐胁迫时间的延长 ,木榄幼苗发生了一系列适应盐胁迫的变化 ,如木榄幼苗的最适生长盐度由 10g/L提高到 2 0g/L ,叶片电解质渗漏率下降 ,表明在本研究的实验条件下 ,长时间盐胁迫下木榄幼苗表现出对盐胁迫更大的适应性。膜脂过氧化不是盐胁迫下木榄叶片膜损伤的主要原因 【英文摘要】 The aim of the present study was to investigate the effects of severity and duration of the salinity on the growth and leaves membrane lipid peroxidation,antioxidative systems,electrolyte leakage,succulence and chlorophyll content of mangrove Bruguiera gymnorrhiza(L. )Lamk. seedlings. Mature B. gymnorrhiza hypocotyls with similar lengths and fresh weights were cultured hydroponically in sand beds at salinities of 0,10,20,30,40,50g/L under natural photoperiods and mean day/night temperatures of 32/25℃. Tap w...国家自然科学基金资助 (编号 :3 9670 13 5

    Effects of different salinities on the growth and photosynthesis of Derris trifoliata seedlings

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    鱼藤(dErrIS TrIfOlIATA)是红树林常见伴生藤本植物。为了解其对潮间带高盐生境的响应和适应,研究了0~40的盐度对鱼藤幼苗生长、光合和叶绿素荧光的影响。结果表明:1)盐度低于20处理,幼苗生长相对较快;2)随盐度升高,根冠比下降、地下部分生物量受到影响大于地上;3)随盐度升高,净光合速率(Pn)、蒸腾速率(Tr)和气孔导度(gS)呈显著下降趋势;胞间CO_2浓度(CI)先降低后升高,盐度为20时达到最小值;Tr和气孔限制值(lS)与CI趋势相反;PSⅡ实际光化学量子产量显著下降,非光化学淬灭系数趋势与之相反。综上表明,盐胁迫对鱼藤幼苗生长、光合和叶绿素荧光均有影响,盐度越高,抑制越明显;低盐(盐度低于20)利于鱼藤幼苗生长。Derris trifoliata is a vine plant that commonly grows in the edges of mangroves in China.In order to understand its response and adaptability to salt stress in inter-tidal habitats, we manipulated 0~40‰salinities on the seedlings of D.trifoliata, and investigated the growth, photosynthesis and chlorophyll fluorescence of the seedlings.The results showed that D.trifoliata seedlings grew faster under 20‰salinity.The root-shoot ratio declined with the increase of salinity, indicating salt stress had a greater effect on underground biomass than aboveground biomass.Net photosynthetic rate (Pn), transpiration rate (Tr) and stomatal conductance (Gs) decreased significantly with the increase of salinity.Intercellular CO_2 concentration (Ci) decreased first and then increased, with the minimum value occurring under 20‰salinity; while transpiration rate (Tr) and stomatal limitation value (Ls) exhibited a reverse trend.PSⅡactual photochemical quantum yield decreased significantly, while non-photochemical quenching coefficient was opposite.The results suggested that higher salinity inhibited the growth, photosynthesis and chlorophyll fluorescence of D.trifoliata seedlings and that lower salinity (≤20‰) was propitious to the growth of D.trifoliata seedlings.国家自然科学基金项目(30600077);福建省自然科学基金(2006J0146