6 research outputs found

    Design and Schievement of Collection and Management System for Real Estate Transaction Tax-Assessment

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    作为对市地税综合业务处理系统的有益补充,房地产交易税收评估征管系统为广大税务工作人员的个人房产信息登记管理、房产信息交易管理、收费及票据管理提供了基于权限划分、流程化审批和全市数据集中的有效信息化业务处理手段。 通过本项目的开发,力图打破目前各地税部门之间所各自为政,监管模式各不相同的局面,建立规范统一的监管流程,探索一种切实可行的监管模式,把管理思想和监管机制贯穿在信息系统建设思路中,为地方税务行政管理水平提供借鉴。 通过对系统开发的背景和国内外同行业产品的发展现状的分析,提出了项目需要解决的主要问题以及应该达到的目标,采用VisualStudio2010为软件开发工具,以SQLSe...As the beneficial supplement for comprehensive processing system of Kunming Local Taxation, the collection and management system for real estate transaction tax-assessment provides the effective informatization processing methods that based on delineation of power, procedure examination and approval and data concentration throughout city for the vast tax staff in registration management of persona...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201123108


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    针对铜铬合金激光表面改性质量快速无损检测的需求,提出了一种基于机器视觉的检测算法。首先采集试样表面形貌图像,然后使用自适应二值化方法从背景图像中分割视觉显著区域,再基于几何矩提取具有空间变换不变性的连通域形状特征,最后依据激光能量输入定义4种基本改性状态并训练支持向量机,以检测改性质量。使用MATLAB语言实现上述算法,结果表明:本文算法在特征提取及模型训练阶段的耗时约为45 s,检测速度为5*10~6 pixel/s,检测准确率为97.0%。依据检测结果可进行相应的工艺参数优化。所提算法对光照等检测环境不敏感,可以实现激光表面改性质量的快速无损检测,且对工艺参数优化具有一定意义

    Clinical analysis of urolithiasis in Poh Ai Hospital of I-Lan, Taiwan, R.O.C.--a comparative study with urolithiasis in Japan

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    1987年8月よりの3年間余りに台湾省宣蘭県羅東博愛医院泌尿科で尿路結石症と診断され入院および治療を受けた546症例を対象とし, 県地域の年間有病率の推定, 性別年齢別頻度, 部位別頻度, 結石成分, 手術などについて臨床的検討を行い, あわせ日本の尿路結石症と比較した.1)年間有病率は推定人口10万対147であった.年齢別頻度は50歳代にピークがあり, 男女比は2.8:1, 上下比は6:1, また治療法は近年内視鏡手術が急激に増加し, 逆に開放性手術は減少してきている.この様な治療の変遷は, ほぼ日本と同じであった.2)結石成分に関しては日本と同様カルシウム結石が92.3%で最も多かったが, 尿酸結石, 感染結石が少なかった.また小児の結石症例, シスチン結石症例は1例もなかったBetween August 1987 and December 1990, 546 patients were admitted to the department of Urology at the Poh Ai Hospital of I-Lan, Taiwan, R.O.C. for the treatment of urinary stones. These urinary stone cases accounted for 50 to 60% of all urology patients admitted. The incidence of urolithiasis in I-Lan was estimated at 147/100, 000 population in 1990. There were 402 male patients and 144 female patients, The male to female ratio was 2.8: 1. There were 450 upper urinary tract stones (kidney, ureter) in 314 males and 136 females, and 79 lower urinary tract stones (bladder, urethra) in 72 males and 7 females. The ratio of upper to lower urinary tract stones was 6:1. Endourological treatments such as percutaneous nephrolithotripsy and transurethral ureterolithotripsy have increased rapidly in recent years. A summary of the present analysis for composition of 365 stones follows. The most frequent type was calcium-containing stone (92.3%), followed by infection stone (4.7%), then uric acid (UA) stone (3.0%). There were no UA stones found in the female patients. According to urinalysis criteria of more than 10 WBC/HPF (x 400), pyuria was found in 67 cases of 334 metabolic stones (20.1%), and 11 cases of 17 infection stones (67.7%). There were neither pediatric case of stone formation nor cystine stones


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    利用高功率密度激光开展CuCr50合金表面快速熔凝改性实验,研究扫描速度对材料熔凝改性层深度、显微硬度、表面粗糙度以及拉伸和断裂特性的影响。结果表明:随着扫描速度由2000 mm/min增加到8000 mm/min,熔凝层平均深度从(486.2±32.8)μm降至(26.8±13.4)μm,平均硬度值由203 HV提升到250 HV,较基体硬度(85 HV)提升了约3倍;表面粗糙度随着扫描速度的降低而增大;单侧表面激光熔凝处理后材料的屈服强度较未处理材料提升了16.5%~28.0%,基体断裂主要是以沿晶界扩展的沿晶断裂,熔凝层断口呈现出等轴韧窝状的断裂特征。表面改性后CuCr50合金的硬度和强度均有大幅提升,通过改变扫描速度可以获得综合性能较好的激光表面改性效果