34 research outputs found

    Comparison of four promoters for transient expression of RFP reporter gene in cultured Bombyx mori cells (Bm-e-HNU5)

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    以红色荧光蛋白基因(RFP)为报告基因,构建含4种不同启动子的重组表达质粒,用脂质体介导法转染家蚕Bombyxmori细胞(Bm-e-HNU5),观察家蚕细胞质肌动蛋白4基因启动子(A4)、α微管蛋白基因启动子(α-tub)、蚕丝心蛋白重链基因启动子(Fib)和家蚕核型多角体病毒早期即刻蛋白基因启动子(IE)4种启动子调控RFP报告基因在家蚕细胞内的瞬时表达情况。构建的重组表达质粒pDsRed-α-tub、pDsRed-A4、pDsRed-IE和pDsRed-Fib经双酶切和PCR鉴定正确无误。转染和转录实验结果表明,除了pDsRed-A4外,其他3种重组质粒在Bm-e-HNU5细胞中都得到高转染率,α-tub、IE和Fib可依次增强RFP报告基因在家蚕细胞内的瞬时表达活性。The red fluorescent protein reporter gene (RFP) was used to construct recombinant plasmids containing four different promoters, i. e., the cytoplasmic actin4 promoter (A4), α-tubulin promoter (α-tub)from silkworm, the Bombyx mori nuclear polyhedrosis virus immediate early protein promoter (IE) and the fibroin heavy chain gene promoter (Fib), respectively. These recombinant plasmids, i. e., pDsRed-A4,pDsRed-α-tub,pDsRed-Fib and pDsRed-IE, had been constructed successfully by restriction enzyme digestion and PCR analysis, and then were transfected into B. mori cell lines (Bm-e-HNU5) by lipid-mediated method to observe the ability of the four promoters to drive RFP reporter gene transient expression in cells. Transfection and transcription experiments indicated that except pDsRed-A4, the other three kinds of recombinant plasmids all transfected Bm-e-HNU5 obviously. The promoters of α-tub, IE and Fib enhanced the transient expression activity of RFP reporter gene in the Bm-e-HNU5, and their activity strengthened sequentially.国家自然科学基金项目(39870410

    hpcc diagnostic test and results analysis on ibm bladecenter cluster

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    在IBMJS21 Blade Center上进行2次HPCC测试,介绍HPCC的结果分析方法,并采用分层模型AHPCC对HPCC的测试结果进行分析。其目的是通过在高性能机群上执行HPCC测试说明HPCC测试对机群系统的评价和诊断能力。实验发现,在之前的HPL测试结果一直不理想并且无法更进一步发现和解决问题的情况下,采用HPCC测试能够较好地评价系统和诊断系统问题。通过分层模型的评价,能够得到更多关于目标系统的性能参数和发现可能的性能瓶颈,为系统设计及构建积累有价值的经验


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    目的探索芦丁对3T3-L1前脂肪细胞分化的影响。方法采用3T3-L1前脂肪细胞分化模型和油红O染色法,选用罗格列酮作为阳性对照药,观察芦丁对3T3-L1前脂肪细胞分化的作用,于510 nm波长下测定芦丁对脂含量的影响。利用流式细胞仪测定芦丁对分化的脂肪细胞吸收葡萄糖的影响。结果芦丁在0.5μmol/L和1μmol/L两个浓度下均能促进3T3-L1前脂肪细胞分化过程,提高脂含量,并促进了葡萄糖吸收。结论芦丁能够促进3T3-L1前脂肪细胞分化,并促进了分化的脂肪细胞吸收葡萄糖。国家自然科学基金面上项目(81773601);;福建省教育厅2015年第二批高等学校优秀学科(专业)带头人赴海外访学研修资助项目[闽教人(2015)103号];;福建省自然科学基金计划资助项目(项目编号:2015J01065);;福建省卫生系统中青年骨干人才培养项目2015年资助计划基础项目;;厦门市卫计委资助项目(2015-ZQN-JC-45);;厦门市科技局科技计划高校创新项目(3502Z20143026);厦门市科技局科技计划项目(3502Z20144031);;厦门医学院科研项目(Z2013-12,Z2013-25


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    张紧器布置参数(包括张紧器安装位置和安装角)影响多楔带附件驱动(Serpentine Belt Accessory Drive,简称SBAD)系统动力性能。为控制SBAD系统振动,以张紧器布置参数为设计变量,以张紧器有效系数最大、带段横向振动幅值最小为目标建立多目标和单一目标两种优化模型。对一带轮SBAD系统进行优化,通过对比两种优化方案的优化结果和计算过程,指出引入权重系数的单一目标优化法的有效性

    design of dynamic analysis toolkit for parallel computational model parameters

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    The correlates of active aging and its relation with subjective well-being:a community-based study

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    One-step annealing optimizes strength-ductility tradeoff in pearlitic steel wires

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    In this paper, the mechanical properties of a cold-drawn wire (epsilon = 2.43) are modulated by simple annealing and the variation of its microstructure is characterized by transmission electron microscopy (TEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD) and molecular dynamics (MD) simulation. The tensile ductility of the wire can be improved for about three times without compromising its strength when being annealed at 325 degrees C for 10-30 min. It is convinced that solid solution of carbon atoms from decomposed cementite lamellae improve the wire strength at low temperature annealing (up to 250 degrees C) and make the wire strength basically equal the as-drawn state even though cementite lamellae are weakened by cementite recrystallization at 325 degrees C. And reversely the weakening cementite layers lead to the great improvement of wire ductility at this time since it relaxes the restriction to the moving of dislocations. At higher annealing temperature, the wire strength decreases with the growth of cementite and ferrite grains. The appearance of nano-recrystallized cementite grains at a medium annealing temperature may be a critical factor governing the enhanced wire mechanical properties