9 research outputs found

    Photosynthetic capacity of three common species of macroalgae and the application in coral aquarium

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    利用水下饱和脉冲调制叶绿素荧光仪(dIVIng-PAM)测定了珊瑚养殖水处理中3种常见大型海藻石莼(ulVA lACTuCA)、条浒苔(EnTErOMOrPHA ClATHrATA)和羽状蕨藻(CAulErPA MEXICAnA)光能转化效率(fV/fM),快速光曲线(rlC)相关参数和非光化学淬灭(nPQ)。结果表明:石莼和条浒苔的fV/fM分别为0.808±0.004和0.816±0.009,显著高于羽状蕨藻。最大相对电子传递速率rETrMAX(17.52±2.92和19.59±4.43μMOl E·M-2·S-1)、半饱和光强Ik(53.41±8.18和59.71±13.52μMOl PHOTOnS·M-2·S-1)也明显高于羽状蕨藻(rETrMAX和Ik分别为13.72±5.41μMOl E·M-2·S-1和32.67±14.06μMOl PHOTOnS·M-2·S-1),表明石莼和条浒苔有着比羽状蕨藻更高的光合能力和对强光的耐受能力,光保护能力更强;羽状蕨藻较高的rlC初始斜率α表明其在弱光下拥有更强的光捕获能力,弱光下光合效率更高;随光照的增强(0~373μMOl PHOTOnS·M-2·S-1),羽状蕨藻nPQ的增幅有限(0~0.2),最大值仅为条浒苔和石莼的38.1%和62.5%,表明这种藻类更容易受到强光的抑制。因此,在珊瑚养殖的水处理中,可以根据不同的光照选择适宜的藻种或藻种组合并根据光梯度进行布局,反之也可以根据藻种来选择合适的光源,以达到最佳的处理效率。This study investigated the difference of photosynthetic capacity in three macroalgae species( Ulva lactuca,Enteromorpha clathrata,and Caulerpa mexicana) commonly used for nutrient removal in coral aquariums.The photochemical efficiency( Fv/Fm),parameters relevant to rapid light curve( RLC) and non-photochemical quenching( NPQ) in the macroalgae were measured by underwater saturation pulse modulated chlorophyll fluorometer( Diving-PAM).The results showed that Fv/Fmwas 0.808 ± 0.004 for U.lactuca and 0.816 ± 0.009 for E.clathrata,which were higher than that for C.mexicana.Higher maximum relative electron transfer rates( rETRmax)( 17.52 ±2.92 and 19.59 ±4.43 μmol e·m- 2·s- 1) and half-starved value of light intensities( Ik)( 53.41 ±8.18 and 59.71 ±13.52 μmol photons·m- 2·s- 1) were observed in U.lactuca and E.clathrata than that in C.mexicana( 13.72 ± 5.41 μmol e·m- 2·s- 1for rETRmaxand 32.67 ± 14.06 μmol photons·m- 2·s- 1for Ik),indicating that U.lactuca and E.clathrata have stronger photosynthetic capacities,photo-protection capacities and tolerance to higher intense light than C.mexicana.A significantly lower RLC initial slope α in C.mexicana implied that this algal species has a higher photosynthetic capacity under weak light condition.With increasing the light intensity( 0- 373 μmol photons·m- 2·s- 1),however,C.mexicana had a limited increase of NPQ( 0- 0.2),the maximum of which was equivalent to 38.1% of that in U.lactuca and 62.5% of that in E.clathrata.These results indicate that the photosynthesis of E.clathrata may be more easily limited by intense light.Our study suggests that the selection of algal species for nutrient removal in a coral aquarium should be adapted to the light intensity.Single species or the combination of different species of macroalgae can be selected according to the illumination of the coral aquarium in order to maximize the efficiency of nutrient removal.国家海洋局第三海洋研究所基本科研业务项目(海三科2011033); 厦门海洋研究开发院共建项目; 海洋公益性行业科研项目(201105012)资

    Effects of rhizosphere ventilation on the growth and water use efficiency of tomato

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    为探索适宜作物生长的水气环境,在3种土壤水分水平下,采用50%土壤孔隙率的1.6,1.2,0.8,0.4,0五种通气系数等处理方法,研究了根际通气对盆栽番茄生长指标与根系生长,以及水分利用率的影响。结果表明:适宜的土壤水分与适宜的通气量相结合对番茄生长具有显著的促进作用,通气处理促进了番茄植株的生长,提高了番茄的根系活力和水分利用率,当土壤水分为70%~80%田间持水量,通气系数为0.8时,番茄株高日增长率、茎粗、叶面积指数及叶片叶绿素含量分别比对照提高14.34%、22.39%、23.95%、29.98%;根系活力达最大值〔13.440 mg/(g.h)〕,与未通气处理的〔8.319 mg/(g.h)〕比较,增大了61.55%;番茄水分利用率比对照提高了16.97%

    Bare Life and Sovereignty in <em>Gladiator</em>

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    通过室内试验方法利用Philip和Green-Ampt入渗模型对3种土壤水平一维入渗进行了分析,对Green-Ampt入渗模型的含水率分布进行了修正从而改进二模型参数的互推公式,根据互推参数分别计算累积入渗量,并与实测值进行比较。结果表明,修正模型能很好地反应土壤入渗性能,随着土壤粘性的增加,Philip模型参数吸湿率S和Green-Ampt模型参数kssf都逐渐减小,用Philip模型推求修正的Green-Ampt模型参数k&prime;ss&prime;f具有较高的精度,且对于不同质地土壤的入渗表现出不同程度的正效应,此互推公式可应用于不同土壤水平入渗的试验研究。 更多还原The analyses of one-dimensional soil water infiltration in 3soils were studied through laboratorytesting methods used by Philip and Green-Ampt infiltration model.The moisture content of Green-Amptinfiltration model was adjusted to improve the distribution of two model parameters.According to the pusheach formula,the cumulative infiltration was calculated respectively and was compared with the measuredvalues.The results showed that the modified model can well reflect the soil infiltration properties.The absorption rate(S)of Philip model parameters and Green-Ampt model parameters(kssf)were gradually reduced with the soil viscosity increased.The accuracy of Green-Ampt model parameters(k&prime;ss&prime;f)were highby Philip model modified and showed different degrees of positive effect.It is confirmed that this push eachformula could be used to different levels of soil infiltration studied

    Study on the Characteristics of Echolocation Clicks from Indo-Pacific Humpback Dolphins(Sousa chinensis) in Xiamen

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    对厦门海域中华白海豚的发声及信号特性进行研究,采用高频宽带数据记录系统获取了大量中华白海豚ClICk信号,并利用MATlAb软件和EXCEl 2007对这些信号进行时域和频域分析.结果表明:ClICk信号通常以不同长度的序列形式出现,单个ClICk信号长度分布在(33±4)μS;频谱能量分布广,低频至10kHz,高频达200kHz以上,具有单峰和双峰2种频谱结构,峰值频率、3db带宽和10db带宽分别为(113.3±16.3)、(48.3±14.2)和(113.3±16.4)kHz.中华白海豚ClICk信号双峰的频率分布,为其在海底混响严重的浅海环境准确识别目标提供了保障.The vocalizations and signal characteristics of humpback dolphins(Sousa chinensis) in Xiamen were studied in this paper.A large number of original click signals were obtained by a broad frequency-band recording system.These signals were analysed as waveforms and spectrograms using Matlab tool and Excel 2007.Results of this study indicate that clicks of humpback dolphins occur as trains.The duration of each click trains vary wildly,ranging from a few seconds to tens of seconds,but single click have a short duration around(33±4) μs.The echolocation clicks have a wide range of frequency distribution between 10 kHz and 200 kHz.Click signals have two types of spectrum structure and have an averaged peak frequency of(113.3±16.3) kHz with 3 dB bandwidth of(48.3±14.2) kHz.The 10 dB bandwidth of(113.3±16.4) kHz is also given in the results.Most of the echolocation clicks have a bimodal frequency distribution,which provides a good range resolution capability that should enable dolphins to be able to perform fine target discrimination in a shallow water environment where bottom reverberation can be troublesome.海洋公益性行业科研专项(201105011-3);中国博士后科学基金项目(2011M501082

    Behavioral responses of captive bottlenose dolphins(Tursiops truncatus) to a continuous 20 kHz pure tone

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    将20 kHz连续声信号作为刺激信号,测试了厦门某海湾圈养的两只瓶鼻海豚对该信号的行为变化。通过对比信号发射期与间歇期海豚相对声源的水面距离、露出水面的次数以及水下发出的ClICk定位声信号的数目等变化,判断发射信号对海豚行为的影响。给出了瓶鼻海豚对测试信号产生躲避行为的声压级门限(154±2 db rE 1μPA,rMS),并与鼠海豚的躲避声压门限级进行了对比。结果表明:信号发射期,瓶鼻海豚移离了声源位置,增加了露出水面的次数,水下发出ClICk声信号的次数明显减少。因此,瓶鼻海豚对20kHz连续信号产生了行为改变。Two captive bottlenose dolphins housed in a float cage in a Bay were subjected to a continuous 20 kHz tonal signal.The behavioral responses of dolphins were judged by comparing the surface distances relative to the sound source,number of surfacings,and number of the echolocation clicks production of the dolphins,during test periods and baseline periods.The avoidance threshold sound pressure level(SPL)for a continuous 20 kHz tonal signal for the bottlenose dolphins was estimated to be 154±2 dB(re 1μPa,rms).In addation,the comparison between the avoidance threshold SPL for harbor porpoises to a 50 kHz continuous signal and bottlenose dolphins to a 20 kHz continuous signal was also studied.The results showed that the dolphins moved away from the sound source and came to the surface more frequently during the test periods than the baseline periods,but they produced clicks significantly fewer.Therefore,a continuous 20 kHz tonal signal seems to deter bottlenose dolphins from an area.国家海洋局青年科学基金(2010422);海洋公益性行业科研专项(201105011-3)项目;国家海洋局第三海洋研究所基本科研业务专项(海三科2009010)资

    Experimental study on competitive interaction among reef-building coral Turbinaria peltata,Rhizoclonium sp. and rabbitfish Siganus guttatus

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    本研究通过120 d的室内培养实验研究了盾形陀螺珊瑚(TurbInArIA PElTATA)、根枝藻(rHIzOClOnIuM SP.)和点斑篮子鱼(SIgAnuS guTTATuS)之间的相互作用关系.结果显示,高质量浓度的nO-3(5.00~10.00 Mg/dM3)刺激了丝状绿藻根枝藻在缸内的爆发式生长,在实验27 d时根枝藻在缸壁的面积覆盖率达到90.5%,藻丝长度为10~15 CM.在海藻的胁迫作用下,盾形陀螺珊瑚的PSⅡ最大光化学量子产量(f V/f M)均值逐渐从0.712降至0.626,降幅为10.7%~13.5%.放入4尾4~6 CM长的点斑篮子鱼后,实验缸壁根枝藻的面积覆盖率在2d内从90.5%下降至10.0%.但解除根枝藻胁迫后盾形陀螺珊瑚的f V/f M值并没有明显变化,与对照组的差异也不显著;随着海藻胁迫因子的消除,盾形陀螺珊瑚的f V/f M值逐渐升高,并在第120天时恢复至初始状态.本研究结果从珊瑚光合作用效率的角度验证了啃食者的存在确能缓解富营养化对造礁珊瑚的不利影响,为“下行控制假说“提供了新的证据.A 120 days experiment was conducted in the aquarium to study competitive interaction among reef-building coral Turbinaria peltata,green macroalgae Rhizoclonium sp.and rabbitfish Siganus guttatus.The results showed that high concentration of NO-3( 5.00 ~10.00mg/dm3) stimulated the explosive growth of filamentous Rhizoclonium sp.,which covered 90.5% of aquarium wall on the 27thday.The length of algal filament ranged from 10cm to 15cm.Some polyps of T.peltata were covered by algae or were continuously touched and squeezed by algal filament under the action of water flow.In the meantime,the mean F v / F m gradually declined from 0.712 to 0.626 under the stress.The addition of 4 rabbitfish sharply reduced the coverage of filamentous macroalgae from 90.5 % to 10.0 % level in 2 days,but the F v / F m of T.peltata didn't recover fast.However,as the stress on the algae disappeared,T.peltata F v / F m gradually returned back to initial state on day 120.The study verifies that the grazers indeed alleviate the negative effects of eutrophication on corals and it provides a new evidence for the "top-down control"of herbivores.国家海洋局第三海洋研究所基本科研业务费资助项目(海三科2011033); 国家海洋公益性行业科研专项资助项目(201105012); 厦门海洋研究开发院共建专项资助项

    Density and biomass of the meiofauna in the eastern sea of Xiamen and Anhai Bay

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    2007年6月对厦门东海域5个站位和晋江安海湾4个站位进行了小型底栖动物调查,分析了小型底栖动物的类群组成、密度和生物量.结果表明,从这两个海域样品中共鉴定出12个小型底栖动物类群,厦门东海域和安海湾自由生活海洋线虫分别占总数量的84.56%和98.19%.生物量组成和密度组成不同,厦门东海域多毛类(37.80%)、海洋线虫(33.32%)和底栖桡足类(18.64%)共同组成了小型底栖动物的生物量优势类群;安海湾生物量优势类群是由海洋线虫(67.64%)和多毛类(30.46%)组成.厦门东海域小型底栖动物的平均密度为22.67±10.21 Ind/CM2,平均生物量为23.01±10.41μg/CM2;安海湾的平均密度为31.48±45.58 Ind/CM2,平均生物量为18.28±25.69μg/CM2.The meiofauna was investigated in the eastern sea of Xiamen and Anhai Bay in July 2007.The results showed that the meiofauna density in the eastern sea of Xiamen was 22.67±10.21 ind/cm2,the average biomass was 23.01±10.41 μg/cm2.The density in Anhai Bay was 31.48±45.58 ind/cm2 and the average biomass was 18.28±25.69 μg/cm2.A total of 12 groups were recognized in the study and free-living marine nematode was the most dominant group accounting for 84.56% in the eastern sea of Xiamen and 98.19% in Anhai Bay,respectively.Based on the biomass,polychaetes(37.80%),marine nematodes(33.32%) and benthic copepods(18.64%) were the most important groups in the eastern sea of Xiamen while they were marine nematodes(67.64%) and polychaetes(30.46%) in Anhai Bay.福建省908专项资助项目(FJ908-01-01-HS);国家重点基础研究发展规划项目(2005CB422305);国家海洋局第三海洋研究所基本科研业务费专项资金资助项目(海三科2009030


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    在210MeV的束流能量下,利用重离子熔合蒸发反应146Nd(35Cl,5nγ)176Ir产生具有β+/EC衰变性质的核素176Ir,由氦喷嘴快速带传输系统将反应产物传送到低本底区进行测量.经过实验数据的离线处理分析,对早先发表的176Ir衰变γ跃迁进行确认的同时又发现了3个新能级和10条新的γ射线, 丰富了176Os核的低位激发态能级纲图.并根据典型γ射线的衰变时间谱建议了176Ir核的一个长寿命的低自旋同核异能态