Density and biomass of the meiofauna in the eastern sea of Xiamen and Anhai Bay


2007年6月对厦门东海域5个站位和晋江安海湾4个站位进行了小型底栖动物调查,分析了小型底栖动物的类群组成、密度和生物量.结果表明,从这两个海域样品中共鉴定出12个小型底栖动物类群,厦门东海域和安海湾自由生活海洋线虫分别占总数量的84.56%和98.19%.生物量组成和密度组成不同,厦门东海域多毛类(37.80%)、海洋线虫(33.32%)和底栖桡足类(18.64%)共同组成了小型底栖动物的生物量优势类群;安海湾生物量优势类群是由海洋线虫(67.64%)和多毛类(30.46%)组成.厦门东海域小型底栖动物的平均密度为22.67±10.21 Ind/CM2,平均生物量为23.01±10.41μg/CM2;安海湾的平均密度为31.48±45.58 Ind/CM2,平均生物量为18.28±25.69μg/CM2.The meiofauna was investigated in the eastern sea of Xiamen and Anhai Bay in July 2007.The results showed that the meiofauna density in the eastern sea of Xiamen was 22.67±10.21 ind/cm2,the average biomass was 23.01±10.41 μg/cm2.The density in Anhai Bay was 31.48±45.58 ind/cm2 and the average biomass was 18.28±25.69 μg/cm2.A total of 12 groups were recognized in the study and free-living marine nematode was the most dominant group accounting for 84.56% in the eastern sea of Xiamen and 98.19% in Anhai Bay,respectively.Based on the biomass,polychaetes(37.80%),marine nematodes(33.32%) and benthic copepods(18.64%) were the most important groups in the eastern sea of Xiamen while they were marine nematodes(67.64%) and polychaetes(30.46%) in Anhai Bay.福建省908专项资助项目(FJ908-01-01-HS);国家重点基础研究发展规划项目(2005CB422305);国家海洋局第三海洋研究所基本科研业务费专项资金资助项目(海三科2009030

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