18 research outputs found

    Precision Measuring Platform Design and Implementation for Measurement of Large-size Optical Elements

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    随着光学元件的设计与制造技术的发展,目前光学元件,特别是大尺寸光学元件已经广泛应用在航空、航天、国防等各个行业中,因此对大尺寸光学元件的加工与检测提出了更高的要求,精密检测技术也成为近几十年来世界各国研究的重点。 精密检测技术是精密加工技术发展的基础和先决条件之一,而精密检测平台是实现精密检测的保障。精密检测平台的开发与设计包含了系统结构的设计与完成、系统的调试以及系统误差的检定等诸多方面的内容;开发了光学元件检测系统软件,可以针对不同的光学元件规划不同的检测路径,对检测所得的数据进行分析处理获取元件的实际面形参数,并与给定的元件理论面形参数进行比较,评定光学元件的表面加工质量。 本文针对...With the development of the optical components design and manufacturing technology, optical lens especially large-size optical lens have been widely used in aviation, aerospace, national defense and etc, so the processing and measurement of optical components have become the research focus in today’s word, and this also put forward higher requirements of precision metrical technology. Precisi...学位:工学硕士院系专业:物理与机电工程学院机电工程系_精密仪器及机械学号:1992007115116

    On Power Enhancement and Polarized Light GaN-based Light Emitting Diodes Encompassed with Nanorods

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    自1990年後,p型氮化鎵發展完備,氮化鎵目前廣泛的被應用在發光二極體上。發光二極體具有反應時間短,可靠度高,元件壽命長,低耗電等優點。近幾年來,發光二極體廣泛地應用在液晶螢幕的背光模組。由於氮化鎵與空氣的折射係數差異,其介面處將會發生全反射,並使得光萃取效率降低。另一方面,現今業界將極化片放置於背光源以及液晶螢幕之間藉此達成極化光緣,但極化片將會使通過的光強度降低一半以上。因此,發光二極體仍有許多有趣的議題值得探討,例如,偏極化光緣的達成以及光萃取率的增加。 在本篇文章中,藉由塗佈自組排列的單層二氧化矽奈米小球做為蝕刻遮罩以製作自組性奈米柱陣列,並圍繞於發光二極體方型發光區,這種奈米小球自然微影技術不需增加額外光罩,所以製作成本低廉,為一種非常有發展潛力的奈米結構製作技術。我們證明此種自組排列的奈米柱陣列可以收集發光二極體內被量子井侷限之側向傳遞光。由光強度對電流作圖,可以得知,有20微米、密度為0.21的奈米柱陣列圍繞之氮化鎵發光二極體,其於15毫安培的電流注入下,將會有40%的光強度增加。由於隨機排列的奈米柱造成各向等性的光散射,各角度的光強度皆上升。 延續上個實驗,接下來我們提出一個新穎的低成本方法來提升發光二極體的光極化比例以及光萃取效率-將手指狀的p型發光區圍繞以自然微影製作的自組排列奈米柱陣列;由於奈米柱排列方向垂直於p型極化光的電場振動方向,所以奈米柱陣列對p型極化光的布拉格繞射效果比s型極化光大,故有奈米柱陣列圍繞的發光二極體,其極化比例高於沒有奈米柱陣列圍繞的元件。在發光二極體的正上方量測,有奈米柱陣列圍繞的元件,其p型極化光為s型極化光的1.96倍;若是將00到900的光強度積分起來,將得到p型極化光為s型極化光的1.52倍。Since p-type GaN is well developed in 1990’s, GaN has been widely used in light emitting diodes. There are several advantages such as short response time, good reliability, long life time, and low power consumption for GaN light emitting diodes. In recent year, the demands of light emitting diodes such as backlight module increased dramatically. Since the refraction index is different between GaN and air, total reflection which decreases low external quantum efficiency causes at the interface. On the other hand, the commercial method to get polarized light is place polarizer between the backlight and liquid crystal. This method will leads light intensity decay at least 50% when light passes through the polarizer. Therefore, there are interesting topics of LEDs such as getting a polarized light source and improving the light extraction efficiency. In my thesis, by spin-coating a monolayer of self-aligned SiO2 nanosphere as the etching mask, nanorods array which encompassed with square shape light emitting mesa are fabricated. Since no additional lithography-mask needs by using the nanoparticle natural lithography, it has well potential to fabricate the low-cost nanostructure. We demonstrate a method of utilizing self-assembled nanorods array to collect the laterally propagating guided modes from a light emitting diode (LED). We measure a light intensity enhancement factor of 40% from GaN-based LEDs encompassed with 20μm thick nanorods array which filling factor is 0.21. Such power enhancement is found to be omni-directional due to a broken symmetry from a randomized distribution of the nanorods array placed along the periphery of the LED’s mesa. These observations indicate that the use of nanorods array can efficiently redirect the propagation of the laterally guided modes to the surface normal direction. Continuing from the previous experiment, we provide a noval and low-cost method by using nanorods to get polarized light source and enhance the output power of light emitting diodes-finger shape p-mase encompassed with self-aligned nanorods array by using natural lithography. Since the bragg diffraction of laterally propagated p-polarized mode by nanorods is more efficient than the s-polarized light, the p/s ratio of the device with nanorods is higher than that without rods. The polarization behavior of the light emitting diodes with and without nanorods surrounding the p-mesa is investigated. In my research, the p/s ratio of the LED with nanorods is 1.96 at 90˚, and is 1.52 when the integrating intensity between 0˚ and 90˚ is considered.Table of contents文口試委員審定書誌要bstracthapter.1 Introduction-1 Preface ……………………………………………………………………1-2 Motivation…………..……………….……………………………………3hapter.2 Historical review-1. Nanostructure LEDs devices ………………………………………….....5-2. Polarized LEDs device ……………………………………….……….....7-3. Nanorod fabrication process ……………………………………………10-4. Nanosphere self-align lithography………………………………….......12eference ………….………………………………………………..……….17hapter.3 InGaN/GaN MQW LEDs with square shape mesa encompassed with nanorods array-1. InGaN/GaN MQW LEDs sample structure…………………….….……23-2. Device fabrication process……………………………………..….……25-3. Characteristic discussion………………………………………………..35hapter.4 InGaN/GaN MQW LEDs with finger shape mesa encompassed with nanorods array-1. Device fabrication process……………………………………….….….43-2. Characteristic discussion……………………………………………….49eference ………….……………………………………….………………..54hapter.5 Conclusion 5-1 Conclusion ……………………………………………………………...5

    An Exploration of the Influence Factors on Tourism Experience Memory:A Research Based on Tourism in China

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    随着体验经济时代的带来,旅游体验的重要性也越发凸显。而在旅游结束后,如何让游客对这种体验有深刻和生动的记忆则是尚未被重视的问题,这种关于体验的记忆将会影响旅游者对旅游目的地的满意度以及未来旅游地的选择决策。文章对在中国旅游情景下影响旅游体验记忆的因素进行探索,尝试去填补有关旅游体验记忆两要素再现性和生动性之间关系研究的空白。通过对国内5大旅游城市的问卷调查,共回收有效问卷748份,并利用结构方程模型进行了验证。结果表明:愉悦感、新奇感和参与感对旅游体验记忆的再现性有显著的正向影响,其中,愉悦感的影响最大,新奇感次之,参与感最小;只有特色化对旅游体验记忆的生动性有显著的正向影响;同时,旅游体验记忆的再现性对生动性也有正向显著影响。Tourist experience is more and more important in the tourism industry. Traditional tourism industry, which is merely targeted at providing tourism products, can no longer meet the demand of tourists. It has been known that tourism experience has a significant effect on the satisfaction of tourists. Meanwhile, such experiences will be kept as memory in the mind of tourists, and that memory will have an influence on tourists' future decision.However, there is rare research focus on the exploration of the factors which affect the tourism experience memory. Meanwhile, the relationship between the two dimensions of tourism experience memory, recollection and vividness, is still not clear. This paper tries to explore the factors influencing the formation of tourism experience memory in the context of China tourist,and figure out the relationship between recollection and vividness.Based on the literature review we propose our research model. We choose hedonism, novelty,involvement and local culture as the main factors influencing tourism experience memory. In the meanwhile, we suggest that the recollection of tourism experience memory has a significant on vividness. We collect questionnaires from tourists in five cities and received 748 valid questionnaires. We use structural equation model to conduct our empirical analysis.Conclusions: 1) Hedonism, novelty and involvement have a positive effect on the recollection of tourism experience memory; among them hedonism has the strongest influence. This result indicates that, a tourism experience with strong hedonism, novelty and involvement can make tourist recollect this memory more easily. 2)Local culture has a positive influence on the vividness of the tourism experience memory. Vivid tourism experiences can make the tourism experience memory more vital.3) Recollection of tourism experience memory has a positive influence on vividness. This indicates that a vivid tourism experience memory is based on the recall of the overall tourism process

    <特別寄稿論文> Does education matter? : poverty alleviation through education in China

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    人神经元钾离子通道 α 亚基基因的分子克隆

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    鹰嘴豆孢克鲁维酵母(Kluveromyces cicerisporus Y-179)分泌的糖基化菊粉外切酶经高碘酸钠氧化其分子表面的糖链产生醛基,再共价结合于氨基型固定化载体ZH-HA上,固定化酶活力达到4000U/g湿载体。所制备的固定化酶在pH3.5和70℃温度下表现出最大反应活性,该固定化酶pH稳定性和热稳定性较游离酶明显提高。固定化酶在分批式反应器中重复水解菊粉50批次,活力没有明显损失,表现出良好的工作稳定性


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    鹰嘴豆孢克鲁维酵母(Kluveromyces cicerisporus Y-179)分泌的糖基化菊粉外切酶经高碘酸钠氧化其分子表面的糖链产生醛基,再共价结合于氨基型固定化载体ZH-HA上,固定化酶活力达到4000U/g湿载体。所制备的固定化酶在pH3.5和70℃温度下表现出最大反应活性,该固定化酶pH稳定性和热稳定性较游离酶明显提高。固定化酶在分批式反应器中重复水解菊粉50批次,活力没有明显损失,表现出良好的工作稳定性