327 research outputs found

    Mechanism research and far/near field application of asymmetric light reflectance based on LSP

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    随着信息化社会的迅速发展,人们对信息存储容量和传递效率的要求也日益提高。而局域表面等离子体(LSPs)由于具有独特的激发、传播以及局域场增强的特性,使其在光电子器件的微型化和集成化上有显著的优势,应用领域涉及太阳能电池、光电探测器、LED、荧光增强、表面增强拉曼散射、环境传感器、纳米激光器、纳米天线等。我们可以通过改变金属纳米结构的大小、形状以及周围介质环境等因素,在纳米尺度上实现光学信号的有效调控。在绝大多数应用中,LSPs均存在于空气/介质或介质/介质的界面处,因此,对界面附近LSP的行为及其应用研究具有非常重要的意义。本论文工作主要分为以下两个内容: 1、基于LSP效应的非对称反射现象...With the rapid development of information society, people demand for information storage capacity and transmission efficiency also is increasing day by day. Localized Surface Plasmons(LSP) has an obvious advantage in the miniaturized and integrated optoelectronic devices, because of the unique properties of propagation, excitation and localized surface-enhanced electromagnetic field, including sol...学位:理学硕士院系专业:物理科学与技术学院_凝聚态物理学号:1982013115296

    A Research on Fagor Company Production Cost Control

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    现代管理学之父彼得·德鲁克曾今说过:“企业家就是做两件事,一是营销,二是削减成本,其他都可以不做”。企业要在当今日益激烈竞争的市场环境中求得生存和发展,并取得较好的经济效益,成本控制是不可不谈的话题,能否进行有效的成本控制往往决定了企业的存亡,成本控制对每个企业来说都是管理的重点之一。 Fagor公司也面临着激烈的商用制冷设备行业竞争,意识到生产成本控制方面存在一系列的问题,成本控制考核体系也已落后,加强生产成本各个方面的控制和完善成本考核体系已经迫在眉睫,本文从生产成本控制几个基本要素方面针对性地提出了改进的措施,取得了良好的效果。 本文分为五个章节,第一章是绪论部分;第二章介绍了生产成...Peter F. Drucker said: “The entrepreneur is to do two things, first is marketing, and the second is to cut cost, others can not do”. Enterprises want to survive and develop in the increasingly fierce competitive market environment, cost control is a necessary topic for conversation, Cost control is one of the key point of management for every enterprise. Fagor company is also facing fierce compet...学位:工商管理硕士院系专业:管理学院_工商管理硕士(工商管理硕士)学号:1792011115085

    An analysis to Spillover Effects of Foreign Direct Investment:Empirical Evidence from Guangdong Province

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    内生增长理论认为,外商直接投资(ForeignDirectInvestment,FDI)对东道国经济的影响是多方面的。作为资本、技术和管理知识的复合体,与单纯的货币资本相比,FDI具有更强的外部性,能够通过技术和知识的溢出促进东道国技术进步,影响东道国经济的长期增长。上世纪90年代初,我国开始实施“以市场换技术”的引资战略,试图通过开放国内市场来吸引国外先进技术,进而利用FDI的溢出效应提高国内企业的技术水平。该战略实施10多年来,我国成了全球实际利用FDI最多的发展中国家,外资企业在我国也获得了巨大的市场份额。那么,我国引进外资的重要政策目标——获取FDI的溢出效应是否实现了?进一步,又有哪...The theory of endogenous growth hold that Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) can influences the host countries' economy through different ways. As the syntheses of capital, Technology and Management Knowledge, FDI possesses more externality than pure money capital. It can speed up the technical progress of the host countries via technology and knowledge spillover. From the early of 1990s, China a...学位:经济学硕士院系专业:经济学院经济系_世界经济学号:20030904

    Business Mode Innovation of company A —Supply Chain Management

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    摘要 随着中国经济的不断发展,对纸张需求越来越多,中国已成为世界最大的纸张生产国和消费国。因中国缺乏森林资源,故只能依赖从国外进口大量的造纸原料木浆。在木浆的供应各环节中存在着良莠不齐的中间贸易商,竞争激烈、无序。这对拥有丰富进口经验与经营资源的A公司来说是个大好的发展机会,但公司不合时宜的经营机制及竞争的残酷,又使得A公司面临着巨大的挑战。如何突破发展瓶颈,稳定地扩大经营规模,这就需要A公司勇于去创建一套能够真正整合其优质资源的商业模式。 为解决该问题,本文首先对国内外木浆行业进行了深入的调研,并侧重分析了中国木浆市场的供需关系,以此来了解A公司所面临的行业背景。接着运用了波特模型对中国...Abstract With the development of China economy, the need for papers is growing, and China has become the biggest producer and consumer of papers in the world.Due to the lack of forest resources in China, therefore, China can only rely on large amounts of wood pulp raw materials imported from abroad. In each link of the supply of wood pulp, good and bad traders are intermingled, and competition is...学位:工商管理硕士院系专业:管理学院高级经理教育中心(EMBA项目)_高级管理人员工商管理硕士(EMBA)学号:X200815618

    Research on The System of Prior User Right

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    专利先用权对于一个实行一发明一专利原则和先申请原则的专利制度来说,具有非常重要的弥补作用,它不仅能够在一定程度上维护先用人的利益,实现相对的公平,而且更能够保障投资、生产经营等经济活动的稳定性,防止投资的浪费,维护公共的利益。我国虽然是丰富传统技术的“先用国”,但是在先用权制度上却对先用权加以了严格的限制,而且关于先用权的法律规定比较简陋,导致了法律适用的困难和不统一。本文主要从利益平衡理论的角度研究了专利先用权的法理基础,再在分析和借鉴世界各国先用权立法的基础上,结合我国的具体国情,为我国专利先用权制度的进一步完善提出有益的见解。 全文除引言和结语外,正文部分共分为四个部分。 本文第一章...The prior user right is very useful to the patent systems which practice the “one invention, one patent” principle and first-to-file system. It not only protects the benefits of the prior user to relatively realize the fair principle, but also secure the producting and marketing activities. Our country has a great lot of traditional technologies, but our patent law put too many limits on the prior...学位:法律硕士院系专业:法学院法律系_法律硕士(JM)学号:1292006115060

    Geographical Expression of Cultural Center Building:A Case of Culture Center Project in Tongan District, Xiamen City

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    现代建筑的地域性是建筑师普遍关注的问题。通过对厦门同安文化中心项目的总结,从建筑形体构思、建筑细部和材料、建筑环境和内部空间等方面对现代文化中心类建筑的地域性表达进行阐述,目的是在文化中心类型的建筑设计中既表达鲜明的文化性,又适当地体现建筑的地域性,从而将现代的建筑空间与功能,传统文化和地域特色相结合,在满足现代文化建筑功能需求的基础上适当体现地域传统文化。并对地域性的现代文化中心类建筑创作起到一定的借鉴和启发作用。The modern regional architecture is the architect topic of common concern.Through the summary of Xiamen Tongan culture center project, we explore the architectural form conception, construction details, materials, architectural environment, internal space and regional expression of modern cultural center building, so as to express the difference of culture in architecture design of culture center type, and properly make the regional architecture come into reality.Thus the modern architectural space and function, the traditional culture and regional characteristics are combined.So we can not only make the basis to meet the modern cultural architecture on the function demand appropriately refl ected regional traditional culture, but also provide certain reference and inspiration for the modern cultural center buildings creation


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    A forgery detection method in printed materials based on digital watermarking

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    摘要: 提出一种基于数字水印技术的印刷品防伪算法. 在图像打印前, 水印经Arnold置乱后嵌入到原始载体图 像的Hadamard变换域中; 在检测数字水印时, 首先对印刷品扫描图像进行几何矫正, 利用边缘检测、Radon变 换等方法检测图像旋转角度, 将其转正, 用三次内插法对图像重采样, 恢复图像的原始尺寸. 最后从矫正后的 图像中提取水印. 实验结果表明, 这种算法具有较好的安全性、鲁棒性, 在防伪效果上取得了满意的结果.Abstract: The paper p roposed a forgery detection method in p rinted materials based on digital water2 mark. First, the watermark was scrambled by Arnold transform and embedded into the Hadamard do2 main of the image. When extracting watermark, the scan image was firstly rotated to the correct posi2 tion, which rotate angle was detected by edge detecting and Radon transform. The image was secondly restored to the size of original image by the cubic convolution resamp le method and transformed to Hadamard domain for extracting the watermark. After re - scrambling the extracted watermark, the embedded watermark was detected. The results show that the algorithm is security, robust, and effec2 tive on the forgery detection in p rinted materials during the p rinting and scanning p rocess


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