274 research outputs found

    Peak-Load Pricing Model of Electric Industry

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    目前几乎所有的国家都面临能源匮乏的问题,而我国这样的人口大国,能源缺乏问题则显得更加严重。在这样的背景下研究电力产业的高峰定价问题,有利于电能的充分使用,也有利用国家的长期发展。关于高峰定价的各种具体的模型很多,我们可以将它们分为数理模型跟博弈模型。其中数理模型,笔者又把它们分为古典主义高峰定价模型跟新古典主义高峰定价模型。本文从古典高峰定价的模型出发,引入了新古典主义的关于变动比例的生产成本函数,把古典跟新古典的模型综合在一起建立了一个新的高峰定价数理模型,然后在这个模型中我们还引入了高峰持续的时间与高峰出现的概率。从建立的数理模型出发我们得出了一些重要结论: 1.高峰段要支付边际电量成本...Now a day Almost all of the country face the problem of the shortage of energy sources. It is more serious to China which have the most populations in the world. Research the problem of peak-load pricing of electric industry is more significance under this background. It is more important to the use of electric energy and to development of country. There are many models about peak-load pricing...学位:经济学硕士院系专业:经济学院经济研究所_产业经济学学号:20041602

    The Study Of Xianhou Zhan

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    夏侯湛是西晋初期一位重要的文学家,其人其文都具有鲜明的特点。但是,长期以来涉及到夏侯湛生平事迹及其作品的文章可以说是凤毛麟角,而专门研究夏侯湛的论著更几是空白。本文从基本材料入手,分别对其家世、仕宦、交友、思想以及创作等五个方面进行考证论述。全文结构及主要内容如下:导论部分说明以夏侯湛为研究对象的原因与价值,及本文的研究思路。第一章着重考察夏侯氏家族的仕宦、婚姻、文化等三个方面,由此推及夏侯湛的家世出身。第二章主要就夏侯湛生平中补太子舍人、转尚书郎、出为野王令、及除中书侍郎、出补南阳相等事件的系年问题试做考证,并从政治、思想、家族、性格等四方面讨论夏侯湛仕途失意的原因。第三章考察夏侯湛与潘岳交...Xiahou Zhan was an important writer in initial stage of Xi Jin Dynasty. He and his works are with vivid characters. However, for a long time, there is few papers on Xiahou Zhan himself and his works. The books on his works is almost a blank. In view of the basic historical data, this paper elaborates and remarks the pedigree, his official career, making friends, ideas and works. The whole structur...学位:文学硕士院系专业:人文学院中文系_中国古代文学学号:20020102


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    Treatment of algae bloom water using ·OH based on conventional drinking water process

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    我国水体的富营养化日益严重,水源地出现季节性藻类爆发现象,严重威胁饮用水安全。以厦门市莲坂水厂各工艺段出水为研究对象,采用大气压强电离放电产生羟; 基自由基(·OH),分别对水源水、混凝沉淀出水、砂滤出水进行处理,处理时间为4.5 s。当注入总氧化剂浓度为1.8 mg·; L~(-1)时,高藻浓度从25.3*10~4 cells · mL~(-1)降到800 cells ·; mL~(-1);对混凝沉淀出水注入总氧化剂0.6 mg· L~(-1)、砂滤出水注入0.2 mg·; L~(-1)时,藻细胞都未检出;·OH处理后CODMn、TOC及UV254均有明显降低,砂滤出水三卤甲烷小于8; mug·L~(-1);检测的各项指标均达到国家《生活饮用水卫生标准》(GB; 5479-2006)。因此,·OH可快速有效安全地杀灭高藻,为我国高藻水源地饮用水卫生安全保障提供技术支撑。Due to the increasing eutrophication in China, harmful algae blooms; often occur in water body periodically, which poses serious threats to; drinking water safety. Using a strong ionization discharge technology at; atmosphere pressure, ·OH was used to remove algae bloom. Other; conventional process such as coagulation, sedimentation and sand; filtration were applied respectively in the Lianban Water Plant in; Xiamen (China). The total reaction time required in the three water; processes was only 4.5 s. When the total reactive oxidant (TRO); concentration injected to algae bloom water was 1.8 mg·L~(-1), the algae; content was decreased by ·OH from 25.3*10~4 cells·mL~(-1) to 800; cells·mL~(-1). When the TRO that was injected into coagulation,; sedimentation and sand filtration water achieved 0.6 mg·L~(-1) and 0.2; mg·L~(-1), respectively, the algae contents were not detected (ND) in; treated effluents. At the same time, water quality in CODMn, TOC and; UV254 were decreased and the disinfection by-products(DBPs) such as,; trihalomethanes (THMs) concentration was lower than 8 mug·L~(-1) in; treated effluents. The treated effluent, resulting from this technology,; met the requirement of the National Drinking Water Standards (GB; 5479-2006). Therefore, ·OH was effective and safe to remove freshwater; algae without further treatment being required.国家科技支撑计划项目; 国家重大科研仪器研制项目; 科技部创新人才推进计划重点领域创新团


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    用自行制备的多壁碳纳米管(MWCNTs)作为促进剂,制备一类共沉淀型MWCNTs促进Co-Mo-K氧化物基催化剂.实验发现,该类催化剂对CO加氢生成低碳醇显示出高的转化活性和生成C2~9-醇(尤其辛醇)优良的选择性;在所制备的Co1Mo1K0.05-12%MWCNTs催化剂上,5.0 MPa、563 K、V(H2)/V(CO)/V(N2)=60/30/10、GHSV=8 000 mLSTP.h-1.g-cat.-1的反应条件下,C1~9-醇和DME的时空产率合计达308 mg.h-1.g-cat.-1,是相同反应条件下不含碳纳米管的对应物(Co1Mo1K0.05)上这个值(199 mg.h-1.g-cat.-1)的1.54倍;水煤气变换副反应明显地受到抑制;产物碳链偏离Schulz-Flory分布律;在总醇醚产物中,C2~9-醇+DME的质量百分数合计约占95%,展示其作为油品添加剂或代用合成燃料的潜在应用前景

    Atmospheric-pressure Plasma Interaction with Thymidine in Aqueous Solution

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    胸腺嘧啶(THyMInE)是遗传物质的组成成分之一,为了研究等离子体对遗传胸腺嘧啶(THyMInE)的作用过程,利用大气压等离子体对作为遗传物质的胸腺嘧啶(THyMInE)及对应的胸腺嘧啶脱氧核苷(THyMIdInE)进行处理,为了避免空气对遗传物质的影响,采用水中放电装置进行了相关研究。研究结果表明:不同气体等离子体处理后,胸腺嘧啶脱氧核苷会分解为胸腺嘧啶,且氮气等离子体处理时分解速率快于氩气等离子体处理;另外,空气等离子体与氧气等离子体处理后,胸腺嘧啶脱氧核苷会分解产生两种新产物,分别为胸腺嘧啶+OH和胸腺嘧啶脱氧核苷+OH。该研究对了解大气压等离子体对细菌失活的机制具有一定指导作用,同时对等离子体与生物体作用有着积极的指导意义。The cold atmospheric-pressure plasmas have great application prospects in the fields of biomedicine, such as killing virus, sterilization, cancer cells ablation, and surface treatment of organism tissue, etc.Some reports have indicated that the cold atmospheric-pressure plasmas will modify the genetic material(RNA and DNA) in organism tissue.Thymine is one of the components of genetic material.In this paper, in order to study the effect of plasma on genetic Thymine process, Thymine and Thymidine in the aqueous solution were treated by plasma.In order to avoid the effect of air on experiments, a new discharge device was designed to generate large-area plasma in aqueous media.The results show that,after different gas plasma processing, Thymidine decomposes for thymine; After air plasma and oxygen plasma treatment, Thymidine can produce two new decomposition products: Thymine +OH and Thymidine +OH.The study of DNA degration caused by plasma has certain instruction function in biomedicine.福建省自然基金(2014J01025); 国家自然科学基金(11275261)~


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    利用化学还原沉积法 ,制备一类Ni高度分散 /修饰的多壁碳纳米管基新型材料y %Ni/MWCNT(y %为质量百分数 ) ,并用其作为促进剂 ,制备共沉淀型y %Ni/MWCNT促进的合成气高效合成甲醇Cu ZnO Al2 O3 催化剂 ,Cu6Zn3 Al1 x %(y %Ni/MWCNT) (x %为质量百分数 ) .实验发现 ,Ni对MWCNT的预修饰能明显地提高单纯MWCNT促进的Cu ZnO Al2 O3 催化剂对合成气转化为甲醇的催化活性 .在 2 0MPa ,493K ,V(H2 )∶V(CO)∶V(CO2 )∶V(N2 ) =62∶3 0∶5∶3 ,GHSV =2 70 0mL(STP)·h-1·(g cat .) -1的反应条件下 ,所观测CO转化率达 3 4% ,相应甲醇时空产率为 44 2mg·h-1·(g cat .) -1,分别是非促进的基质催化剂Cu6Zn3 Al1[最佳操作温度 5 13K时为 3 2 0mg·h-1·(g cat.) -1]和单纯MWCNT促进的催化剂Cu6Zn3 Al1 12 5 %MWCNT [最佳操作温度 5 0 3K时为 3 78mg·h-1·(g cat.) -1]的 1 3 8和 1 17倍 .在反应温度≤ 5 0 3K时产物中甲醇的选择性≥ 98% ;当反应温度 >5 0 3K时有可观量CH4的生成 ,其选择性随催化剂中Ni含量及反应温度上升而增加 .为兼获较高的CO转化率及相应甲醇选择性 ,催化剂的组成以Cu6Zn3 Al1 12 5 % ( 8%Ni/MWCNT)为佳 ,反应温度以~ 493K为宜 .结合催化体系的表征 (XRD ,TPR ,TPD)等结果 ,讨论了y %Ni/


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