305 research outputs found

    Nutrient requirements and development of formulated diets of mud crab,Scylla sp.

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    【中文摘要】 青蟹属(Scylla)有锯缘青蟹(Scylla serrata),拟穴青蟹(S.paramamosain),紫螯青蟹(S.tranquebarica)和榄绿青蟹(S.olivacea)等4个种。我国以拟穴青蟹占绝对优势,它有个体大、生长快、适应性强、肉味鲜美、营养丰富等特点,已成为具有重要经济价值的海水养殖蟹类之一。随着青蟹人工育苗技术的突破、养殖技术的改进和多种养蟹形式的开发,养蟹业得到了蓬勃发展,其养殖规模不断扩大,产量不断提高,据统计,2004年全国青蟹养殖产量已达10.85万吨。养蟹产业的形成和持续发展必然要走健康养殖的道路,而健康养殖除了供应高质量苗种和保持良好的养殖环境外,必须供应量足质优的饲料,以满足青蟹的营养需求。然而,尽管我国青蟹养殖已有100多年的历史,但对其营养需求研究和配合饲料研发起步较晚,国外的相关研究也较少,故目前市场上尚未生产出能满足其正常生长发育所需营养需求的配合饲料,养蟹所用的饲料主要是天然低质鱼、虾、贝类等。鲜杂鱼等天然生物饵料资源有限,供应不稳定,使用不方便(需要冷冻保存),营养不全面,自身携带病原菌,且投喂后容易腐烂分解,败坏水质,易导致病害蔓延,难以满足日益扩大的养蟹... 【英文摘要】 The mud crab,Scylla sp.,is an important crustacean species farmed on a commercial scale in China.They are polycultured with fish or shrimp,but mud crabs are now monocultured in increasing density to supply the growing market.This trend has made diet development more important.Information on the nutrients required for growth of mud crabs is vital for the formulation of an effective feed.This paper reviews the current knowledge on Scylla sp.nutrition with special reference to developments during the last deca...国家“八六三”计划项目(2002AA603013); 厦门大学高层次人才引进科研启动项目; 厦门大学“九八五”计划科技创新项目“青蟹亲体脂肪酸营养与幼体发育关系研究

    Appl ica tion of Ultraf iltra tion to Pur if ica tion of Cepha lospor in C

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    在水温(27±2)℃、盐度29±2、pH 7.8~8.5、光强1 000 lx的条件下,对来自中国台湾省的体质量为35~45 g的凡纳滨对虾(Litopenaeus vannameiBoone 1931)亲虾的性腺成熟节律和交配进行了为期73 d的繁育实验,样品为1 300对,3个批次。结果表明,雌虾术后卵巢成熟率分4期:Ⅰ期(1~9 d)入池适应术后效应期;Ⅱ期(10~16 d)低成熟率期,Ⅲ期(17~51 d)成熟率渐上升期,Ⅳ(52~73 d)平稳期;雄虾精荚形成率分3期:Ⅰ期(1~12 d)入池适应与术后效应期;Ⅱ期(13~51 d)平缓上升期,Ⅲ期(52~73 d)平稳期。在95%的概率保证程度下,雌亲虾卵巢成熟率为9.73%,波动区间9.14%~11.53%;雄虾精荚形成率6.63%,波动区间5.87%~7.38%;平均交配率为61.43%,波动区间58.85%~64.00%。在繁殖过程中,雌虾卵巢再成熟时间间隔9.68 d,可多次成熟的次数19.49次,雄虾精荚再形成时间15.10 d,可多次形成的次数为12.50次。此外还就影响雌虾卵巢成熟和雄虾精荚形成的因素以及如何提高交配率进行了详细的讨论... 【英文摘要】 Beginning in 1988,Litopenaeus vannamei was introduced into China,and 1998 on a commercial scale.China now has a large and flourishing industry for Litopenaeus vannamei,with Mainland China producing more than 270?000 metric tonnes in 2002,300?000 metric tonnes(71 percent of the country's total shrimp production) in 2003,and 367?500 metric tonnes(78.5 percent of the country's total shrimp production) in 2004,which is higher than the current production of the whole of the Americas.The intensive culture of Lito...福建省自然科学基金项目(B9910003

    Internal Medicine (1)

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    Proteomic Analysis of Rice Cultivar Jiafuzhan in the Responses to Xanthomonas campestris pv.oryzicola Infection

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    作者简介: 陈芳育(1978-) , 男, 讲师。E-mail : cfy307@ sohu. com * 通讯作者(Corresponding author) : 陈亮( 1963-) , 男, 教授, 博士生导师, 研究方向: 细胞与分子生物学。E-mail: chenlg@ xmu. edu. cn[中文文摘]运用双向电泳分析高抗水稻品种“佳辐占”受强毒力细菌性条斑病病原菌侵染2d后的叶片蛋白质组变化,共发现38个蛋白质发生差异表达,其中32个上调,5个下调,1个新增。用MALDI-TOF-MS分析和数据库检索鉴定出其中的33个差异表达蛋白质,并将它们分为4个功能类群,即信号转导相关蛋白、防卫相关蛋白、代谢相关蛋白和蛋白质稳定相关蛋白。这些蛋白分别参与了信号识别、信号传递、抗氧化、糖代谢、细胞壁加固、植保素合成等抗病生理反应。研究表明,水稻对细菌性条斑病病原菌的侵染存在着一个复杂的抗病信号应答和代谢调控网络,其作用机理可以通过差异表达的蛋白质(酶)反映出来,其中差异表达的8个R蛋白和3个PR蛋白可能与水稻对细菌性条斑病的抗病性密切相关。本研究为进一步揭示水稻对细菌性条斑病的抗性机理及相关抗病基因的功能克隆提供了依据。[英文文摘]Rice bacterial leaf streak( BLS) caused by the pathogen Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzicola ( Xooc) is one of the major rice diseases in South China. Here we focus on proteomics as a tool for the discovery of differentially expressed proteins closely related to the disease resistance. The leaves of rice cultivar Jiafuzhan (Oryzae sativa L. ) highly resistant to the disease, were infected by"89773-1- 1" strain of the Xooc with strong pathogenicity. Total proteins were extracted from the leaves sampled at two days after inoculation, and separated by two- dimensional electrophoresis. It was found that there were thirty- eight proteins expressed differentially, of which thirty-two were up-regulated, five down-regulated and one was "new". Of the thirty- eight responsive proteins, thirty-three were identified by MALD-I TOF-MS and database searching.Based on the predicted function, we grouped them into four clusters: signal transduction, defensive responses, substance metabolism and protein stabilization, which were involved in many resistant physiological react ions, including signal recognition and transduction, antioxidant react ion, carbonhydrate metabolism, cel-l wall reinforcement and phytoalexin biosythesis. In turn a complex signal transduct ion and metabolic regulative network in the resistant responses to the infection of Xooc was outlined in this work, and the molecular mechanism was revealed by differentially expressed protein/enzyme patterns during Xooc infection. In this study, eight R proteins and three pathogenesis- related(PR) proteins which might relate closely to the disease-resistance were found. This result provides us the basic information to further reveal the resistant mechanism and conduct functional cloning of the resistan-t related genes in rice to BLS.生物农药与化学生物学教育部重点实验室( 福建农林大学) 开放课题基金项目( KF0411