7 research outputs found

    Preparation and determination of polyclonal antibody to thymosin α1

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    目的 :制备用于检测转胸腺素基因蓝藻表达产物的特异性抗体。方法 :用提纯的小肽 (2 8个氨基酸 )胸腺素α1与牛血清白蛋白偶联后作为抗原 ,采用皮下多点注射免疫的方法免疫大鼠。经过 3个月的免疫 ,获得抗Tα的多克隆抗体。结果 :用间接酶联免疫吸附 (ELISA)方法 ,测得抗体效价超过 40 96。蛋白印迹 (Westernblot)检测结果显示 ,该抗体能特异性地与胸腺素α1抗原产生明显免疫亲和反应。结论 :所制备的抗体具有很好的灵敏性和特异Objective:To prepare specific antibody against Thymosin α1 Methods:Thymosin α1(Tα1,28 peptide) was conjuncted with BSA as immune antigen,rats were immunized and the polycolonal antibody to Tα1 was obtained.Results:With ELISA detection,the titer of antibody was more than 1:4 096;Western blot analysis showed that the antibody can bind with Tα1 specifically.Conclusion:The prepared antibody against Tα1 has good specificity and reactivity and can be used to detect the expression products of transgenic cyanobacteria which expressed Tα1 gene.国家“863”课题资助!(No 819 0 4 0 3


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    Expression of Thymosin α_1 Gene in Spirulina platensis

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    将钝顶螺旋藻 (Spirulinaplatensis)在 2 4℃培养 ,并经 2mmol/LEDTA预处理16~ 2 4h ,以本实验室构建的基因整合平台系统供体质粒 pEUTISI进行超声波转化螺旋藻 ,经筛选获得了具G4 18抗性的转化藻株。通过PCR扩增和Southern杂交证实 ,pEUTISI中目的基因UB Tα1和nptII基因已整合到钝顶螺旋藻染色体上。转化藻株经4 5℃热诱导 4 0min后 ,进行蛋白质SDS PAGE电泳和Westernblot,杂交结果证实 ,外源胸腺素α1基因在螺旋藻中得到有效表达。By ultrasonic transformation, donor plasmid pEUTISI of gene intergration platform system was successfully introduced into Spirulina platensis which had been cultured at 24℃ and treated with 2mmol/L EDTA for 16~24 hours. Screened by G418, the transformants which were integrated the foreign DNA were selected. PCR and southern blotting data show that the foreign DNA including nptII gene and UB-Tα 1 gene has been integrated into Spirulina platensis chromosomal DNA. Further confirmation was tested by SDS-PAGE and western blotting after the transformants were heat shock induced at 45℃ for 40 min. The results proved that the foreign UB-Tα 1 gene has been effectively expressed in transgene Spirulina platensis.86 3计划 ( 86 3- 819- 0 4- 0 3);; 福建省自然科学基金 (B0 2 10 0 0 1)资助项目


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    The Establishment of Production System for Quality and Safety Fruit Products

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    無農藥殘毒之安全農產品是國人健康之保障,也是農產品外銷之重要品質之一。台灣全年都有各種重要水果上市,這是台灣人民的可貴資源,也是台灣農業可以傲視國際之處,因此建立各種水果之安全生產體系是相當重要。本計畫擬於三年中完成印度棗、木瓜、荔枝、番荔枝、楊桃及柑橘等六種重要水果之安全生產體系。各種水果生產都有專則專家組成之研究團隊進行安全生產體系各技術之整合。包括品種及安全種苗之繁殖、合理安全之肥培管理、包括生物控制及農藥控制之安全病蟲害防治等建立各種水果安全生產行事曆。The agricultural products with high quality and no pesticide residue by the appropriate production systems are the guarantee for people's health ware and one of the important properties of products for export. There are wide varieties of fruits on market produced through all year round produced in Taiwan. This is a very gloried resource for Taiwan in economical view and in academic research. Therefore, it is very crucial to establish standard operation processes (SOP) for each fruit tree production to meet the requirement in producing high quality and safety fruits. This project intends to establish the SOP for six fruits which are Indian jujube, papaya, litchi, sweet apple, citrus, and star fruit. The SOP for each fruit production will be conducted by separate research team on safety seedling, appropriate soil management, precision fertilization, proper pesticides use, and post harvest management as well. The SOP will be written on production calendar for farmers easily followed