2,352 research outputs found

    Fabrication of Silicon Based Micro and Nano Devices

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    微纳米材料表现出许多传统材料所不具备的新特性,随着科学技术的不断进步,纳米技术已然成为了最热门的研究领域之一。集成度的提高依赖于微纳米器件的尺寸的进一步缩小,微纳米加工技术的提高是器件尺寸缩小的基础。微纳米加工技术主要可以归为三类:平面工艺、探针工艺以及模型工艺。平面工艺是指利用光刻将图形转移到光刻胶并采用刻蚀或者沉积技术等将图形转移到基片表面形成结构复杂的微纳米器件,主要工艺包括光刻、刻蚀、薄膜沉积等。探针工艺是不仅可以指采用传统探针(扫描电镜探针、原子力显微镜探针)在基片表面加工出微纳米结构,还包括采用聚焦离子束、激光束等在基片表面剥离形成微纳结构。模型工艺是指使用微纳米量级的模具复制出相...Micro-nano structures exhibited lots of novel characters, which traditional materialsdo not have. Nanotechnology has become one of the most popular research areas. The increase of integration level depends on the further miniaturization of the micro-nano devices, The improvement of micro-nano processing technology is the basis for device size reduction. Micro-nano processing technology can be clas...学位:工学硕士院系专业:信息科学与技术学院_微电子学与固体电子学学号:2312014115310

    The Sound of Reading from Canyons——An Anthropological Research on the Educational Structure of Lujiangba Lisu People

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    本文以潞江坝丛岗村老全寨为例详细描述了构成潞江坝傈僳人教育结构的三个主要部分,即以基础义务教育为主导的公立学校、以基督教教育为主导的圣经学校、以及带有基督教色彩的民间民办学校。文章对于这三者的建校缘由、校园建筑样貌与布局、教师群体的背景、学生群体的特征、学校日常生活、教学过程、家庭访问结果、学校所谋求的未来发展以及与社会各界的互动均进行了详细描述。 该教育结构的形成原因一方面受国家政策等外部客观因素的影响,另一方面则是由当地人的教育选择所决定。通过案例分析可得,当地人主动的教育选择对该教育结构的形成起到了主导作用。当地人对于教育以及与教育相关的其他方面的主观认识是第一因素,而国家政策等客观环...This thesis uses LaoQuanZhai Village as an example to describe the three main constituent types of the educational structure of the Lisu people in LuJiangBa. These three types include the public school, which is owned by State, the Bible school which is supplied by church and the private school which is assisted by NGO. I describe many aspects of these schools in detail in this thesis such as the ...学位:法学硕士院系专业:人文学院_民族学学号:1062013115236

    Analysis of the investment value and the factors affecting discount premium of Classification funds

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    分级基金作为一种创新的结构化产品,其投资门槛低,满足了广大普通投资者进行杠杆投资的投资需求。随着2014年6月牛市行情的到来,分级基金的规模和数量也快速增长,已被广大投资者所接触,但对分级基金仍缺乏足够认识,对分级基金的业务规则更是了解甚少,不少投资者在分级基金触发下折时仍大量买入分级B份额,造成巨大损失;国内有不少文献也对分级基金业务规则进行过介绍,但不够具体和系统,中间有不少规则介绍与现有规则存在偏差。 首先本文对分级基金的业务规则做了系统的研究分析,并将上海分级基金与深圳分级基金做了详细的比较;其次结合分级基金的业务规则,深入剖析了分级基金的价值,研究了分级A类份额与分级B类份额的价值...As an innovative structured product, the investment threshold is low, and it meets the demand of the general investors to make the investment. With the arrival of the bull market in June 2014, the scale of the fund is growing rapidly, as well as the number. It has been known by the majority of investors, but still lack of some knowledge to understand the classification fund. Many investors still b...学位:金融硕士院系专业:经济学院_金融硕士学号:1562013115214

    Design and Implementation of Electronic Evidence Integrated Application Platform Based on Data Mining Technology

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    随着计算机和网络技术的快速发展,通过计算机和互联网进行日常沟通已成为人们生活中不可缺少的一部分,很多日常行为的证据或线索不再是以传统物证的方式存在,而是以数字形式存储在计算机或网络中。另外,随着手机、计算机、平板电脑、移动电话、各种数码等通信终端的多样化,以及论坛、微博、电子邮件、即时消息等多种通信产品的出现,每个行为的主体之间的通联方式、沟通媒介多种多样,造成人们的通信行为轨迹分散,信息以片段的形式存在,进入所谓的“大数据时代”。这对电子数据取证提出了更大的挑战。随着各类电子介质的普及,电子数据的存储容量越来越大,并且利用各种计算机、手机、银行卡等载体进行的违法犯罪活动也呈蔓延的趋势。犯罪活...With the rapid development of computer and network technology, through thecomputer and the network of information communication has become a part of social life is the indispensable, a lot of evidence or clues is no longer exist in the traditional evidence, but in digital form and stored in a computer or a network of computers. Also with the diversification of mobile phone, computer, tablet comput...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201223119

    Developing Strategy of China-Netcom Group in Zhejiang Region

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    电信业是近三十年来发展最快的行业之一,并成为拉动世界经济发展的重要动力。我国电信业起步虽晚,但凭借着巨大的国内市场、技术的后发优势和国家政策的扶持,迅速发展成为全球规模最大的电信网之一。近年来,我国电信业的改革不断深入,从邮电分营、政企分开到引入竞争机制、四大电信运营商境外上市,电信业的发展方兴未艾。 浙江网通系中国网络通信有限公司的分支机构,成立于2001年,公司一成立就处于激烈的市场竞争中,2003年起又面临着内部改革重组的难题。本文运用战略管理的基本理论,结合电信业的实际情况,对浙江网通的发展战略进行了深入的研究和探索。 本文分为四章,第一章介绍相关背景,即国内外电信业的现状和浙江网...Being one of the fasted developing industries in the recent 30 years, the telecom industry has been the important motivity to stimulate the world economy. Although the Chinese telecom industry begins relatively late, it has become one of the biggest telecom network in the world by right of gigantic home market, poststatement advantage of technology, and policy support of the country. In recent yea...学位:工商管理硕士院系专业:管理学院_工商管理硕士(工商管理硕士)学号:7544

    Characterization of a Novel Alternatively Spliced Variant from Human FMR1 Gene and Function of Its Encoded Product

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    脆性X智力障碍1基因(fragileXmentalretardation1gene,FMR1)编码一个选择性RNA结合蛋白,称脆性X智力低下蛋白(fragileXmentalretardationprotein,FMRP)。该蛋白表达减少或缺失可导致一种常见的遗传性智力缺陷疾病,称脆性X综合征(fragileXsyndrome,FXS)。FMR1基因的可变剪接与FMRP蛋白表达关系密切。不同的剪接方式会产生不同的转录本,最后导致FMRP蛋白的结构和功能发生改变,且相应的信号通路也受到影响。但对不同剪接异构体的检测及其生理功能仍研究较少。我们在先前的研究中采用克隆-测序技术,从RNA途径分析人F...Fragile X mental retardation 1 gene (FMR1) encodes a selective messenger RNA-binding protein, which is called fragile X mental retardation protein (FMRP). Its absence can cause to a common form of inherited intellectual disability, known as fragile X syndrome (FXS). The alternative splicing of FMR1 gene has a close relationship with FMRP expression. Different ways of splicing will produce differen...学位:医学硕士院系专业:医学院_临床检验诊断学学号:2452014115352

    Design and Implementation of Management System of Inquiry Service for A Dress Company

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    信息科学的迅速发展加快了信息化建设过程,互联网带来的威力已经遍及到工作和生活的每个方面。对于企业来说,不管是传统的国有企业、政府办公单位,无不在推进信息化科技的改革和更新,老旧的办公工具和方式已经满足不了新兴的发展需求。 对于私有化的企业、新兴的科技行业来说,信息化技术对于该企业的重要性不言而喻。依靠信息化技术使得企业更具有竞争力,在科技发展的浪潮占据一席之地。而其中,私有的传统的服装企业公司,在信息化技术应用中更是走到了前头,这突破对于该行业的发展创新是及其不易的,更是非常重要的。跟着科技的浪潮与企业需求,设计了欧太服装公司询单管理系统,用来作为欧太企业日常询单业务与工作使用,极大地方便了...With the accelerating process of information construction in China, the computer and the Internet technology has been applied in various fields of business and life. For the clothing enterprises, the information construction of order management is the inevitable requirement of reform and development. Only in this way can we improve the efficiency of work so as to meet the modern needs of the marke...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201323076

    The Dynamic Analysis of Cash Holdings-An Empirical Study Based on the Shanghai and Shenzhen A-shares of Public Listed Corporations in China

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    企业为何持有现金?这是个颇具争议的问题。以前的学者分析了影响企业 现金持有水平的多种因素,并发展出权衡理论和优序融资理论去解释企业的现 金持有行为。本文选取2005年至2015年中国A股非金融类上市公司为研究样 本,实证分析了公司现金持有的动态特征以及其驱动因素。我们发现,公司现 金持有的动态变化主要基于两种因素:一、公司积极调整其现金持有至目标水 平的行为;二、公司的资金赤字水平。实证结果表明,公司现金持有的调整速 度具有非对称性和非线性,公司面临资金赤字时的减持倾向也显著大于公司面 临资金盈余时的增持倾向;对权衡理论和优序融资理论的检验也表明,动态权 衡理论和优序融资理论均...Why do firms hold cash? This is an arguing question. Previous schoolers analyzed various determinants of firms’ cash holdings and developed trade-off theory and pecking order theory to explain firms’ cash holdings. Selecting the A-shared listed companies in China from 2005 to 2015 as a research sample, this essay empirically studies the dynamic characteristics of cash holdings and its driving fact...学位:经济学硕士院系专业:王亚南经济研究院_西方经济学学号:2772014115274

    Colonization dynamics of periphytic diatoms in coastal water of Qingdao, northern China

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    本研究旨在研究青岛近岸周丛硅藻群集过程的动力学特征。采样地点为青岛奥林匹克帆船中心,采样方法为悬挂载玻片人工基质法。在2014年的5月至6月进行为期一个月的预实验以确定采样策略。结果表明,在设定的1米和3米采样水层,尽管周丛硅藻群落结构相似,但1米水层的物种数高于3米水层。在整个周丛硅藻群集阶段,分类学多样性指数表明了两水层有高度的差异性(差异系数>10%),分类学差异指数、平均分类学差异指数和分类学差异变异指数表明在群集7天以后周丛硅藻群落具有了较高的相似性(差异系数The temporal variations in colonization features of periphytic diatoms were studied in coastal waters of Qingdao, northern China, using glass slides as an artificial substratum. In order to determine an optimal sampling strategy, samples were collected at two depths of 1 m and 3 m, from May to June 2014. Taxon numbers were higher at the depth of 1 m than at 3 m, even though the diatom community st...学位:理学硕士院系专业:海洋与地球学院_海洋生物技术学号:2232013115145

    Effects of Smad4 on the stemness in colon cancer cell and its underlying mechanism in vitro

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    研究背景与意义:结直肠癌(CRC)发生的分子机制尚不十分清楚,其发病原因和病因错综复杂,目前认为是在机体的内因与环境的外因相互作用的结果。近年来有越来越多的证据表明,结直肠癌干细胞的存在可能是导致肿瘤发生进展的重要原因之一。结直肠癌干细胞是肿瘤内非常小部分的细胞亚群,具有自我更新、形成异质性亚群,强耐药性并形成肿瘤的能力,因此它可能是肿瘤发生、耐药、转移和复发等各种恶性行为的源头。很多研究证实,Smad4作为TGF-β超家族信号通路中的关键分子,它的突变与结直肠癌的侵袭和转移密切相关,但是在结直肠癌干性中的调控机制尚不清楚。阐明Smad4对结直肠癌干性的影响及其信号调控机制,探索预防和治疗结直...Background and significance: The molecular mechanism of colon cancer is not very clear and its etiology and risk factors are very complex。Now, it’s thought that, the interaction consist of internal factors in the body and external factors in environment rusluts to the occurrence. In recent years, there is growing evidence that, colon cancer stem cell may be one of the important causes in tumor pro...学位:医学硕士院系专业:医学院_外科学学号:2452014115354