698 research outputs found

    Applying TALEN and CRISPR/Cas9 Technique to Knock out the PD1 Gene in Human Primary T Lymphocytes

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    过继性细胞免疫治疗(adoptivecellularimmunotherapy)是将患者自体免疫细胞在体外处理,然后筛选并大量扩增具有高度特异性的肿瘤杀伤性免疫效应细胞,再回输到患者体内杀灭肿瘤的一种治疗方法,过继性T细胞治疗是一种很有前景的癌症治疗方法。体内T细胞在进行免疫应答时,T细胞活化需要双重信号的协同作用,分别是抗原呈递信号和协同刺激信号。协同刺激分子通过为淋巴细胞提供正性或负性的调控信号参与机体的免疫调控。肿瘤细胞会利用体内免疫调节过程,表达或分泌的一些分子,对T细胞进行负向调控,抑制T细胞功能,阻止机体免疫系统对肿瘤细胞增殖的监控。其中T细胞上的受体PD-1是对T细胞进行负向调控...Adoptive cellular immunotherapy is a novel and promising strategy for cancer therapy based on autologous immune cells which separated from patients,amplificated and induced to tumor specific immune effector cells in vitro firstly.The activation of T cells in human immune response requires synergistic dual signal,including antigen-presenting signal and costimulatory signal.Costimulatory molecules p...学位:理学硕士院系专业:药学院_化学生物学学号:3232013115338

    Study on the relationship between apoptosis and autophagy in prostate epithelial cells under androgen deprivation

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    实验目的:本实验为研究剥夺雄激素条件下前列腺上皮细胞系BPH-1细胞凋亡与细胞自噬的相互关系、Beclin-1及其裂解片段与细胞凋亡过程的关系,验证在剥夺雄激素的同时抑制细胞自噬是否能够显著的提高BPH-1细胞的凋亡水平。 研究方法:BPH-1细胞传代过夜更换剥夺雄激素培养基培养0、4、8、12、16、20、24小时后提取总蛋白,westernblot检测LC3-II蛋白的表达评价早期细胞自噬水平的变化。剥夺雄激素培养基培养0、4、8、12、24、36、48小时后提取总蛋白,westernblot检测PARP-1蛋白的表达评价细胞凋亡水平的变化。剥夺雄激素培养基培养0、12、16、20、...Objective: This study was research on the relationship between apoptosis and autophagy of prostate epithelial cell line BPH-1 in the condition of androgen deprivation, at the same time, the relationship between the cleavage fragments of Beclin-1 protein and the process of apoptosis was also observed. In addition, This study verified whether inhibition of autophagy can significantly improve the lev...学位:医学硕士院系专业:医学院_外科学学号:2452013115350

    Research and Practice on Fusion of Visual and Audio Perception

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    随着监控系统智能化的快速发展,监控数据在交通、环境、安防等领域发挥着越来越重要的作用。受人类感知模型的启发,利用音频数据与视频数据的互补效应对场景进行感知具有较好地研究价值。然而随之产生的海量监控数据越来越难以检索,这迫使人们寻找更加有效地分析方法,从而将人从重复的劳动中解脱出来。因此,音视频融合感知技术不仅具有重要的理论研究价值,在应用前景上也是大有可为。 本文研究了当前音视频融合感知领域发展的现状,以传统视频监控平台为基础,设计了音视频融合感知的体系结构。立足于音视频内容分析,研究了基于音视频融合感知的暴力场景分析模型。本文主要贡献如下: 1. 以音视频融合感知的监控平台为出发点,设计...With the rapid development of intelligent monitoring system, monitoring data is playing an increasingly important role in traffic, environment, security and the other fields. Inspired by the model of human perception, people use the complementary effect of audio and visual data to percept the scene. And then the huge amount of visual-audio data forces people to look for a more effective way to ana...学位:工学硕士院系专业:信息科学与技术学院_计算机科学与技术学号:2302012115292

    A Study on the Countermeasures to the Financing of Chinese Press and Publication Enterprises

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    文化产业的发展是一国能否参与国际软实力竞争的重要影响因素。近年来,随着数字出版、在线教育、新媒体等出版新业态、新领域的进一步出现,媒体融合和跨界融合趋势明显。另一方面,国家新闻出版广电总局出台了一系列相关政策,对新闻出版企业提出进行体制改革的要求。从而资本运营成为新闻出版业首先要解决的问题。但中国新闻出版企业的融资活动存在着一系列问题,业界人士也开始对融入的资本性质和来源渠道、资金实力和其融资领域、以及资本对出版方向的影响等问题展开研究。因此,从新闻出版从业人员的视角,结合金融学相关理论,对我国新闻出版企业融资对策进行分析研究,显得十分及时和必要。 本文运用定性分析和案例分析相结合的方法,深...The development of the cultural industry is an important influence factor of a country’s international soft power competition. In recent years, along with the development of many new formats and new field layout of publication like digital publication, online education, new media, the tendency of media integration and cross-border integration is clear, the publication industry in China is growing ...学位:经济学硕士院系专业:经济学院_金融学学号:K134228

    Design and Implementation of Multi-screen Interactive System for HD Cloud Platform for Fujian BTNG

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    为了解决传统电视业务单一、传播区域受限的问题,使电视业务运营走向智能化和丰富化,实现手机、PAD和电视的多屏联动,提出了多屏互动系统的设计方案。 本文基于安卓平台和SQL数据库设计并实现了福建广电云平台多屏互动系统,涵盖了直播频道收视、点播媒资收视、时移频道收视、回看频道收视、外交互子系统和Portal门户六个功能模块,重点解决了广电收视业务内容发布渠道受限、传统遥控器使用过程难操作以及广电环境下“互联网+TV”的实现等关键问题。 以软件工程中的瀑布模型为设计主线,论文较为详细的介绍了福建广电云平台多屏互动系统的业务需求、功能需求、非功能需求、系统架构设计、功能设计和数据库设计。并针对直播...In order to solve the problem that traditional TV business is unitary and the propagating region is limited, this dissertation proposed a platform design based on multi-screen interaction. The multi-screen interaction can achieve the linkage of mobile phone, PAD and TV, which makes TV operations more intelligent and variety. This paper is based on the Android platform and SQL database. And the...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201323207

    Study on Linked Data Aggregation of Artwork: Case Study of Xiamen University

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    [目的/意义]从多角度挖掘美术品的价值元素,探讨全方位描述美术品的新方法。[方法/过程]依托厦门大学丰富的美术品资源,运用案例分析、比较分析、相关与预测等研究方法,在既有资源整理的基础上,结合高校实际情况,完善了关联字段,通过测试性展示和对比,圈定了美术品的关联字段及数据来源。[结果/结论]立体呈现了美术品,方便使用者从中读取所需要的资源,并在辅助教学和确定价值方面产生积极意义。[Purpose/significance]The paper is to mine value elements of artwork from many angles, and discuss a new method of describing artwork in all directions. [Method/process]The paper relies on rich artwork resource of Xiamen University, applies methods of case analysis, comparative analysis, correlation and prediction analysis to perfect linked fields combining with actual situation of university on the basis of the existing resources, and confirm artwork's linked fields and data source by test and contrast. [Result/conclusion]The method roundly presents artwork, is convenient for users to read resource that they need, and has a positive significance for instruction assisting and value confirming

    Artemisinin and malaria: Current understandings of drug activation, action, and resistance

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    如能及早确诊并合理救治,疟疾是可以通过抗疟药来治愈的.然而,抗药性疟原虫通常在一种新型药物的大规模使用后的数年内就会出现.随着疟原虫几乎对所有类; 型的抗疟药均产生了不同程度的抗性,青蒿素类药物联合疗法(ACTs)也由此成为治疗疟疾最重要的手段.不幸的是,已有报道称在东南亚地区采用青蒿素或A; CTs治疗后出现了延迟原虫清除的现象,这也让研究者们对青蒿素及其衍生物治疗在未来发生完全失效的可能感到担忧.本文简要综述了青蒿素的药物激活、作用; 机理、药物靶点及可能的抗药性机制等研究的进展;对抗药性的定义、青蒿素组合用药中伴侣药物的选择,以及当前为消除疟疾采取全民用药的努力等问题作了讨论; .与此相关的议题已有大量的研究和文献报道,由于篇幅有限未能逐一列举.此外,本文所讨论的某些问题仍存争议、还需深入的研究方能解答.Malaria is a disease that can be cured with antimalarial drugs if; treated early and appropriately. However, parasites resistant to a new; drug generally emerge within a few years after large-scale applications.; Artemisinin (ART or Qinghaosu) combination therapies (ACTs) have become; the major treatments for malaria after the emergence of parasites; resistant to almost all classes of antimalarial drugs. Parasites with; delayed parasite clearance (DPC) after ART or ACT therapies have also; been reported in Southeast Asia, raising concerns of total failure of; ART and its derivatives. Many classes of antimalarial drugs have been; introduced to successfully treat malaria infections, including; chloroquine, piperaquine, primaquine, mefloquine (MQ), pyrimethamine,; sulfadoxine, ART and derivatives, etc. Regrettably, many of these drugs; have been abandoned by many countries in malaria endemic regions due to; the emergence of drug resistant parasites. According to World Health; Organization, parasite responses to a drug can be classified into four; categories (S, RI, RII, and RIII): Sensitivity (S) to a drug is defined; as clearance of asexual parasitemia within seven days of the first day; of treatment without recrudescence; Resistance RI is defined as; clearance of asexual parasitemia as in sensitive parasites, followed by; recrudescence; RII resistance is indicated by marked reduction of; asexual parasitemia, but no clearance; and RIII resistance shows no; marked reduction of asexual parasitemia. Currently, RII and RIII; resistance to chloroquine, pyrimethamine, and other drugs have been; widely reported; but residence to ART remains largely at R1 level. ART; resistance was initially defined as parasites with half parasite; clearance time (PC1/2)>5 h under a standard ART treatment regimen; (three-day artesunate treatment at 2-4 mg kg-1 d-1). A second; measurement is in vitro ring survival assay (RSA) that was developed; based on the observation that the ring stages of some parasite strains; could survive a short period of ART treatment. Another indicator of; increasing ART tolerance is the elevated rate of recrudescence after ART; or ACT treatments. The generation of highly reactive radicals via; endoperoxide cleavage is critical for ART activation. Both free ferrous; iron and heme have been proposed to be the predominant iron sources for; ART activation. The heme required for ART activation can be derived from; the parasite's heme biosynthesis pathway at the early ring stage and/or; from hemoglobin digestion at later stages. A large number of parasite; molecules have been found to bind or interact with ART, most notably the; Plasmodium falciparum ATPase 6 (PfATP6 or SERCA),; phosphatidylinositol-3-kinase (PfPI3K), chloroquine resistance; transporter (PfCRT), and multiple drug resistance 1 (PfMDR1). Recently,; a gene encoding a parasite Kelch protein (K13) with a six-blade; propeller domain was identified as a potential molecular marker of ART; resistance in vivo (DPC>5 h) and in vitro (RSA). Various antimalarial; drugs such as meflouine and piperaquine have been used as partner drugs; in ACTs. However, parasites resistant to these partner drugs have also; been reported, which may explain the reported slow parasite clearance; after ACT treatment. The success of ACTs in treating malaria infections; has generated optimism and proposals for malaria eradication by mass; drug administration (MDA), and successes have been achieved from several; studies. However, the impact of MDA on malaria transmission in the long; term, especially in low- and moderate-transmission settings, and the; potential consequences of developing drug resistance, requires careful; evaluation. There are a large number of studies and publications on; these related subjects, and it is impossible to include or cite all the; publications in this review. Additionally, some of the issues discussed; here are still being debated, requiring further investigation.国家自然科学基金; 国家外国专家局和教育部111计划; 美国国家过敏和传染病研究所项目资


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    Study on the historical titles of China in the U-shaped line in the South China Sea——Categories and Contents of Historic Evidence

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    南中国海问题自20世纪70年开始一直悬而未决。时至今日,新一轮南中国海争端又起,南中国海问题已经演变成为一个引起整个亚太地区乃至世界关注的地区热点。要解决南中国海问题,首先要明确南海岛礁的主权归属及南中国U形线的法律地位,因此,证明U形线内岛屿主权归我以及水域中相关历史性权利有着重要的现实意义。 目前,国内学者对南海的研究主要分为历史地理研究和法理学研究,而史地研究主要倚重历史学的方法,其对有关南海历史事实的阐述和整理大都是目录式的,一般较少涉及法理依据;法理学是从现今国际法的角度来研究,一般缺乏翔实的史料。而本文主要是从国际法的角度来梳理历史事实,在详细、系统地收集大量资料的基础上对历史事...The South China Sea (SCS) issue has been an unresolved matter since 1970s. Recently the new round of the SCS dispute comes again, and it has developed into a regional hot issue which attracts the attention from the Pacific-Asia regions even the whole world. The key point to the SCS issue is to settle the sovereignty dispute of islands in SCS. Therefore, it is of great practical significance to pro...学位:理学硕士院系专业:海洋与海岸带发展研究院_海洋事务学号:3042008115144

    Design and Implementation of SMMS In Electrical Supply Enterprise

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    对照国电公司的《电力供电企业营销管理信息系统设计规范》,当前供电行业的电力营销系统存在很多不足之处,主要表现在业务流程不规范,各模块比较孤立,没有很好体现相互之间的业务关系,同时随着电力行业不断强调服务意识,提高服务水平,改进服务方式,现有的营销系统也不能满足利用多种技术手段、互联网站以及与电力呼叫中心系统互联互通、支持网银支付等等更多的要求。 电力供电企业营销管理系统采用B/S架构设计,技术路线采用J2EE技术,融合了SOA(面向服务的架构)设计思想,充分利用构件技术,实现功能模块的高度复用。系统采用多层结构体系,服务层采用面向服务架构,各功能模块采用SCA技术规范,实现业务功能的服务组件...Contrast the guodian corp. power marketing management information system design specification ", the current power supply industry power marketing system has many shortcomings, mainly displays in business process is not standard, each module, no good comparative isolated mutual business relations reflect, and at the same time as the electric power industry constantly stressed service consciousness...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X200823019