1,988 research outputs found

    Analysis and Design of One CCB Branch Attendance Management System

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    建行某支行设置多个部门,员工数量众多。针对数量庞大的员工群体,员工绩效管理是该行的重要工作之一。其中,考勤管理作为绩效管理的基础环节,发挥着重要的作用。随着该行业务的不断发展,员工管理工作日益复杂化,特别需要更加科学的管理手段来提高工作效率。 本文探讨B/S模式下的员工考勤管理系统的构建以及相关技术。该系统结合面向对象的思想,采用网络技术和数据库技术。网站页面采用Dreamweaver作为开发工具,结合html和CSS样式进行背景布局和设计。Java代码部分采用MyEclipse8.6作为开发工具进行实现。数据库选用的是MySql。系统的主要功能包括个人中心信息、部门信息管理、员工信息管理、...A branch of CCB, which set up many departments, owes a number of employees.Facing employee groups,attendance management plays an important role in performance management.Along with the bank developing, staff management is becoming more and more complicated, scientific management method is especially needed to improve work efficiency. This dissertation discussed the construction and related techno...学位:工学硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201323203

    Design and Implementation of Art Designing Class Manage-ment System for University

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    当今国内社会的经济发展需要,社会对人才的需求在不断发生改变。现代高校教育也在不断的寻找创新教育模式,改变现有的一些新的教育模式受到了社会的接受和肯定。在全国高校当中现今都设立了艺术设计该学科,该学科包括的设计范围有:平面广告设计、包装设计、服装设计、动漫设计、环境艺术设计、室内设计、工业产品设计等等领域。当今人们对审美要求的越来越高,对这方面人才的需求非常严格与兴旺,各个行业几乎都涉及到设计人员的需求。为更好的服务社会发展需求,高校之间对艺术设计专业的学生从各个方面提升素质与专业技能,为以后国内经济发展培养对口专业人才。 通过查阅各种参考资料和文献,对系统的背景、现状等进行分析,然后在学习各...With the development of today's society and economy needs, the demand for talents continues to change. Modern higher education are constantly looking for innovative education model. Some of the new educational model have been the social acceptance and affirmation. Among the National College of Art and Design, now we have established the discipline. The range of the discipline includes print design...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201323163

    Pressurized Solid Reaction Route to Synthesizing Carbonated Hydroxyapatite and Its Adsorption to Mn2+

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    羟基磷灰石因与骨骼、牙齿极其相似,在医学和材料学领域被广泛研究。人体骨骼并不完全等同羟基磷灰石,比如骨骼中碳酸根离子含量在4~8wt%。羟基磷灰石发生碳酸根离子取代,即形成碳酸化羟基磷灰石(CHAp)。CHAp比羟基磷灰石有更高的骨骼再生率和骨传导性。其制备方法很多,最常用的液相法存在外来离子掺杂、有机溶剂残留等问题。本研究提出加压固相法,即采用加压CO2作为碳源,同钙、磷源的固体盐合成CHAp;分析研究CO2嵌入反应机理;将合成的CHAp应用于Mn2+的吸附。 采用CO2介入的加压固相法,考察不同钙源和磷源在加压固相法中的反应效果,以Ca(OH)2(蛋壳)为钙源,以Na2HPO4·12H2...Hydroxylapatite similar to bone and teeth, is widely used in medical and material areas.But biological apatite is not just hydroxylapatite, for example, the carbonate content in bone is about 4–8 wt%. If the replacement of carbonate ions happened, it forms carbonated hydroxyapatite (CHAp). CHAp has higher bone regeneration ratio and bone conductivity. Several techniques have been advanced to synth...学位:工学硕士院系专业:化学化工学院_化学工程学号:2062013115148

    Research on Training System based on the Competency Model of Statistical Civil Servants at the Grass-roots Level——Take the Statistical Civil Servants in S Area B City for example

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    改革开放近四十年来,为更好适应经济社会发展需要,政府综合统计在观念思维和方法制度等方面都发生了深刻变革。在统计系统加快改革发展的背景下,基层统计类公务员被赋予了更高期许,需要具备有更系统的统计知识框架、更全面的统计视野、更透彻的统计分析能力以及统计创新思维。 目前基层统计类公务员的选聘一般由所在地市人社部门统一组织开展,考录采用“统一笔试+结构化面试”来进行,即使到面试环节,面试考官也是从考官库随机抽选。这种统一、标准化的人员选聘方式虽然保证了公平公正公开,但不能有效甄别出适合统计特定岗位需要的人才。因此,打造一支高素质基层统计干部队伍,更多依赖于后期的系统培训。 S区地处B市中心城区,经...In the past 40 years,in order to better fit the needs of economic and social development,it has had deep changes in thinking and method system for our country government comprehensive statistics.Therefore, the statistical civil servants should have higher capacities. They should have more systematic knowledge framework,more comprehensive horizon,more thorough analytical ability and innovative thin...学位:管理学硕士院系专业:管理学院_工商管理硕士(工商管理硕士)学号:1792013115079

    Comparing the Translations of Robinson Crusoe (J. D. Watson\u27s Edition) in Chinese and Japanese

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    The purpose of this paper is to clarify cultural interactions in East Asia by focusing on two versions of translations of Robinson Crusoe with illustrations by J.D. Watson (1832-1892). One was published in 1887 under the title, Shinyaku Robinson hyōryūki (新譯魯敏遜漂流記) ; the translator was Ushiyama Ryōsuke (牛山良助). John Dawson Watson\u27s illustrations were also used in the later Chinese dialect version, which is under the title of Gusulicheng (辜蘇厯程). The Chinese version was a Cantonese version. It was translated by an English missionary with the Chinese name of Yingweilin (英爲霖版), and published in Guangzhou province in 1902. In early modern East Asia, both Japan and China experienced revolutions in writing. These translations were not only a part of those revolutions in each of those countries, but they also constituted a type of cultural interaction between Europe and East Asia, especially Japan and China. By comparing the two works, we can see how they differed from each other, including the translators\u27 revisions to make the work more understandable to a Chinese or Japanese audience. In addition, the translators\u27 purpose also made a big difference the two translated works. The study findings may serve as a basis for research on Robinson Crusoe in early modern East Asia


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    The Design and Implementation of Target Statistics Suite Based on PMS

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    计划统计信息管理套件是云南电网公司为了提高工作效率及统计数据的准确性与时效性,使其统计工作由半手工半信息化状态变成全面信息化管理而开发的一款综合业务平台。计划统计信息管理套件(TargetStatisticsSuite,TSS)以电力营销一体化系统(PowerMarketStudio,PMS)为平台,使用多层结构对其应用进行支持,包含C/S结合三层架构、中间件,Oracle数据库等技术来实现系统结构层之间的“高内聚,低耦合”,保证系统的稳定和高效。从而提高系统对业务处理的准确性、科学性和时效性,保证数据提交的实时性和数据汇总的即时性。计划统计信息管理套件主要包含:批号发行、指标填报、审核、归档...Because the continuous development of the company, there have much more methods and tools to changing and improving the management, the company use much more advanced technology and software to replace the traditional methods and work. TSS(Target Statistics suite) is a comprehensive business platform developed by Yunnan Power Grid Corporation for its statistical work, using the comprehensive infor...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201123037


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    1病例介绍患者,男,69岁,体质量51 kg,身高160 cm,体表面积1.55 m2,既往无药物过敏史。因"确诊霍奇金淋巴瘤3个月余"于2014年12月15日入院。体检:体温36.6℃,脉搏80次·min-1,呼吸20次·min-1,血压:110/70 mm Hg(1 mm Hg=0.133 k Pa),其他各指标无明显异常,于2014年12月29日开始第5次ABVD方案化疗[第1,15天,