41 research outputs found


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    国家自然科学基础研究重大课题资助项目G1999043708 号 ;; 国家自然科学基金项目40076034

    Comparative study on growth and reproduction of multi-generations Moina mongolica

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    本文对蒙古裸腹(MOInAMOngOlICAdAdAy)一休眠卵所孵化的孤雌生殖个体进行连续15个世代的培养,最终统计、比较不同世代的生长与生殖。结果表明:(1)蒙古裸腹孤雌生殖雌体的体长与日龄呈正对数相关关系,其平均寿命为8.4±5.5d,87.5%的寿命在两周以内。蒙古裸腹产幼前发育期通常为6~7d;一生平均繁殖1胎,每胎产8.2±4.0只幼体。(2)不同世代蒙古裸腹的平均生殖量和净生殖率(r0)随世代数的增加而呈现出衰退趋势;其生长、繁殖次数、内禀增长能力(rM)、世代平均周期(T)以及增长的周限速率(λ)随世代数的不同而有所波动,但与世代数没有明显的相关性。FiFteen Moina mongolica parthenogenetic generations were continuously cultured and the growth and reproduction in diFFerent generations were investigated.There are two results.1.A posltlve logarithmic regression between the parthenogenetlc Female body length and day is Found, the average longevity of Moina mongolica being 8.4±5.5d, 87.5% in two weeks.The perlod beFore sex mature generally is 6-7d.During its liFe Moina mongolica propagates once,averagely 8.21±4.0larvae per time.2.To the diFFerent generations of Moina mongolica, the trend of the average Fecundity and the net reproductivity is declinable.The growth, lntrinsic rate of increase, generation time and Finite rate of lncrease are diFFerent with diFFerent generations, but without obvious relationship with the number of generations.福建省自然科学基金!C9500

    40 Gbit/s光纤通信系统的光放和色散管理研究

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    Effect studies of some environmental conditions on reproductive conversion of Moina mongolica, a salt water cladocera

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    实验室中 ,以不同种群密度、变温、饥饿、及改变盐度为诱发条件 ,研究蒙古裸腹氵蚤有性生殖和休眠卵的产生规律 .实验结果表明 :种群密度是改变生殖方式和诱导产生休眠卵的最重要条件 .当种群密度在 1 .4个 cm3时 ,种群处于孤雌生殖状态 ;2个 cm3时 ,有少量雄体出现 ,约占 3% ;种群密度达 3.2个 cm3时 ,有性个体比例为1 4.5 % .尔后 ,种群数量急剧下降 ,有性生殖所占比例随之增加 (最高可达 6 0 % ) ,并出现休眠卵 .变温 ( 1 6、1 8和 32℃ )可诱导有性生殖个体出现 ,但仅在 1 6和 1 8℃时发现休眠卵 .饥饿对诱导产生休眠卵有一定影响 ,当培养液中小球藻细胞密度降到5千个 cm3时 ,即可出现雄氵蚤 ,2千个 cm3时 ,可诱导产生休眠卵 ;盐度变化对蒙古裸腹氵蚤生殖方式无显著作用Reproduction conversion and dormant eggs inducement of Moina mongolica were studied under laboratory conditions by controlling population density, temperature variation, starvation and salinity fluctuation. Population density was the most important factor in changing procreation and inducing resting eggs of Moina mongolica among the factors controlled. When population density was 1.4 ind/cm.3, reproduction of the animal was dominated by parthenogenetic individuals. When population density increased to 2 and 3.2 ind/cm.3, male began to appear and occupied the population percentage of 3% and 14.5%, respectively. After then the density declined, sexual individuals (including male and female) increased with maximum 60% and resting eggs were found. Temperature (16, 18 and 32 ℃) played an important role in inducing dormant eggs but only occurred in the experiment group of lower temperature. Starvation was also a factor inducing dormant eggs. When food in environment was sparse, male individual can be found (fed with Chlorella spp.,5×10.3ind/cm.3, cells) and dormant eggs found at food density of 2×10.3 ind/cm.3., cells. The fluctuation of salinity seemed no effect on the reproduction conversion in the present experiments.福建省自然科学基金!资助项目 (C95 0 0 5


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    本文利用共焦显微拉曼系统 ,获得有机乙醇溶剂中吡啶分子吸附在硝酸刻蚀镍电极表面的拉曼光谱 ,与水体系相比谱峰强度有所降低。根据表面拉曼光谱中吡啶分子环呼吸振动峰 ν1向高波数方向移动 (与液态吡啶分子相比 )推测吡啶分子通过氮原子以垂直 (或略微倾斜 )方式作用于镍电极表面 ,且随电位负移其与镍表面的作用逐渐减弱

    Karyologic observation on Moina mongolica, a Cladocera

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    本文对驯养于实验室自然海水中的蒙古裸腹溞(MOInA MOngOlICAdAdAy)染色体进行了分析、研究。结果表明:蒙古裸腹溞染色体数目为n=12, 2n=24。其中10条为中部着丝点染色体,2条为亚中部着丝点染色体,12条为端部着丝点染色体,总臂数nf=36。其核型公式为2n=10M+2SM+12T。本文还与溞属(dAPHnIA)6个种类的染色体形态进行了比较,并对蒙古裸腹溞孤雌生殖与两性生殖及性转化的问题开展了讨论。An karyologic analytical study is carried on the chromosome of Moina mongolica Daday, by means of hot-dropping method, from the population that have been cultured in natural sea water under laboratory conditions.Observed results show that the chromosome number of this species is n=12, 2n=24, and that 10 of these chromosome group metacentric, 2 sub metacentric and 12 telocentric.The karyotypc formula of 2N=10M+2SM+12T is suggest ed.Chromosome morphology among 6 species of Daphnia is compared(Collcerning with aga- mocytogony, sexual reproduction and sexual differentiation of Moina mongoloca are discussed in the present paper


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    本文在共焦显微拉曼系统上 ,利用表面增强拉曼散射效应 ( SERS)初步研究了非水体系中甲醇在粗糙铂电极上的解离吸附过程。结果表明 :甲醇在粗糙铂电极上解离吸附后产生了毒性中间物 CO,在较负的电位区间内 ,H与 CO共吸附于电极表面并影响 CO的吸附行为 ,随电位的正移 ,υPt- C和 υC- O的变化可以用电化学 Stark效应来进行解释


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    利用共焦显微拉曼系统 ,进行了甲醇溶液中硫氰酸根离子 (SCN-)在金电极上吸附行为的表面增强拉曼光谱 (SERS)研究 ,结果表明 :SCN-与电极之间的相互作用非常强烈 ,在整个研究电位范围内都可以检测到其SERS信号。在 - 0 1V~ - 0 6V区间内 ,SCN-主要是以S端吸附在电极表面 ;而在 - 0 7V~ - 1 2V区间内 ,SCN-主要是以N端吸附在电极表


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    根据检测得到的圆柱齿轮齿面点坐标,建立了实测齿面拓扑偏差计算模型;构建三维齿面拓扑偏差图,沿齿宽和齿高方向切片,得到不同位置的齿廓偏差曲线和螺旋线偏差曲线,建立了齿廓偏差和螺旋线偏差的提取方法。将实验检测和分析结果与Gleason 650GMS齿轮测量中心的报告进行对比,验证了该方法的准确性,为齿面精度的全面评价及数字化控制提供了依据

    Experimental studies on filtration rates in four species of suspension feeding bivalves

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    在实验室条件下对厦门海域4种主要养殖贝类,僧帽牡蛎、菲律宾蛤仔、缢蛏和翡翠贻贝的滤水率进行研究.结果表明:(1)这4种贝类的滤水率范围为54~74.8cm3/(g·min),滤水率大小顺序依次为僧帽牡蛎、缢蛏、翡翠贻贝、菲律宾蛤仔;(2)单位体重滤水率与个体大小之间呈负幂函数关系(FR=aWb,FR’=aWb-1),b—1值范围在-0.435 6~-0.392之间;(3)僧帽牡蛎和菲律宾蛤仔对中肋骨条藻的滤水率高于对塔马亚历山大藻和锥状施克里普藻的滤水率;(4)僧帽牡蛎和菲律宾蛤仔滤水率与藻类密度之间呈现负幂函数关系(FR’=aDb-1),其b-1值分别为-0.143和-0.215 2.The filtration rates of four kinds of bivalves that cultivated dominantly around Xiamen waters were measured by using a laboratory flowing system. The experimental results are shown below: (1) Filtration rates 54 -74.8 are measured between among the four bivalves, sequencing decently Saccostrea cucullata > Sinonavacula constricta > Mytilus viridis > Ruditapes philippinarum ; (2) The relationship between filtration rate and individual size shows a negative exponential function ( FR = a.Wb, FR' = aWb-1) , with b - 1 = - 0.435 6 and -0.392; (3) Filtration rates on Skeletonema costatum are much higher than on Alexandrium tamarmsis and Scrippsilla trochoidea ) in Saccostrea cucullata and Ruditapes philippinarum ; (4) FR ' on algal densities is also showed a negative function ( FR' = aDb-1) , with b - 1 = -0.143 and -0.215 2 in Saccostrea cucullata and Ruditapes philippinarum , respectively.国家“九五”自然科学重大项目第四课题资助项目(39790111);; 福建省自然科学基金资助项目(B0110006)