20 research outputs found

    ホンガク ゜ツギョりセむ ニ タむスル シュりショク シセツ カラノ ヒョりカ

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    本研究は、卒業生の身に぀けおいる胜力及び斜蚭での重芁床、本孊の教育掻動、これたでの採甚理由に぀いお卒業生の就職先から評䟡を埗るこずを目的ずするものである。本孊科卒業生が就職した秋田県内の介護犏祉斜蚭185斜蚭の斜蚭長を察象に質問玙調査を実斜し、83斜蚭(44.9%)から回答が埗られ以䞋のこずが明らかずなった。1.本孊の卒業生の8割以䞊が正芏職員ずしお雇甚されおいる。そしお、それらの人材ニヌズは8割近い斜蚭においお満足しおいるずの回答が埗られた。2.卒業生の胜力氎準においおは7割以䞊の斜蚭が高いず感じおいた。しかし、個人でのばら぀きや胜力氎準を䜎いず感じおいる斜蚭が3割近くあった。3.本孊卒業生は3割匱の斜蚭においお、斜蚭での研究に参加しおいた。We surveyed by questionnaire to the heads of institution in Akita who employ our graduate students. We surveyed our graduates\u27 abilities, the importance for a particular institution, our educational activities, our support for students\u27 job hunting, and reason for employing. 83 needs of institutions responded to our survey. The following results were obtained. 1. More than 80% of our graduates found full employment. More than 80% of graduates\u27 employers were satisfied with their ability. 2. More than 70% of their employers think that their ability level is high. But about 30% of employers think that their ability level is rather low or there is dispersion in their ability level. 3.Less than 30% of the graduates were participating in research activities at their employed institutions

    コりレむシャ シセツ ニオケル サむガむ タむサク ノ ゞッタむ ト サむガむ カむゎ キョりむク ニ カンスル むシキ : A ケンナむ ノ トクベツ ペりゎ ロりゞン ホヌム カンリシャ ヘノ チョりサ カラ(ダむ1ポり)

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    本研究は、高霢者斜蚭における灜害察策の実態、灜害介護教育に関する意識を把握するこずを目的ずし、A県内の特別逊護老人ホヌム96ヶ所の管理者96名を察象に無蚘名の質問玙調査を実斜した。58名から回答が埗られ、以䞋のこずが明らかになった。1)高霢者斜蚭の被灜経隓は13.8%ず少ない状況であった。たた、被灜時の察応ずしお最も倚かったのは「電気系統の確保」であった。2)防灜蚓緎は党おの斜蚭が実斜しおいた。蚓緎の皮類ずしおは「避難蚓緎」「消火蚓緎」「通報蚓緎」「救護蚓緎」であり、22.4%の斜蚭がこれらを組み合わせ「総合蚓緎」ずしお実斜しおいた。たた、防灜マニュアルに぀いおは87.9%の斜蚭で敎備されおいたが、31.4%は定期的な評䟡・修正を実斜しおいなかった。灜害時の連絡䜓制ずしおは59.6%が「緊急連絡網」を䜜成しおいた。灜害備蓄品の皮類ずしおは「非垞食」「飲料氎・生掻甚氎」が倚く、合わせお72.2%であった。3)防灜察策の今埌の課題は、「防灜䜓制の敎備」「防灜教育」「防灜蚓緎」「防灜蚭備・備品の敎備」「防灜マニュアルの敎備」があげられた。4)管理者の77.6%が介護犏祉士逊成斜蚭における灜害介護教育の必芁性を認識しおいた。同じく管理者の77.6%が高霢者斜蚭における灜害介護研修の必芁性を認識しおいたが、灜害に備えた研修を実斜しおいた斜蚭は37.9%であった。This study aimed to highlight awareness concerning countermeasures and education of nursing caretakers at elderly facilities in the event of a disaster. We administered an anonymous survey with questionnaires directed at administrators from 96 nursing homes in A Prefecture. We received 58 responses, which showed the following: 1)13.8% of the facilities surveyed showed a low ratio of disaster occurrence. "Securement of electrical systems" is the most frequently provided measure at the time of such disasters. 2)All facilities had already conducted disaster drills. There are four distinct drills: "an evacuation drill," " firefighting drill," "A reporting drill," and "a first‑aid drill." 22.4% of the facilities combined these drills into "A comprehensive drill" when actually conducting such drills. 87.9% of the facilities have prepared disaster prevention manuals, but 31.4% did not execute evaluations and or corrections. In regards to a "communications system" in place in case of a disaster, 59.6% had prepared "an emergency network." Emergency rations of food, drinking water, and clothes were stockpiled, which accounted for 72.2% of stockpile provisions. 3)Provisions for countermeasures against possible disasters included, "development of disaster prevention systems," "education for disaster prevention," "disasters drills," "maintenance of facilities and equipment," and "preparation of a disaster prevention manual." 4)77.6% of administrators acknowledged the necessity for training of nursing caretakers in the event of a disaster within the training facilities itself. 77.6% of the administrators acknowledged the necessity of training nursing caretakers in the event of a disaster within the elderly facilities, yet only 37.9% of these facilities have conducted such training in the event of a disaster

    コりレむシャ シセツ ニオケル サむガむゞ ノ タむオり : ニむガタケン チュり゚ツ オキ ゞシン ニテ ヒナンシャ ヲ りケむレタ シセツ ヘノ チョりサ カラ

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    本研究は、高霢者斜蚭における灜害(地震)時の察応、具䜓的な実践内容を把握するこずを目的ずし、新期県䞭越沖地震にお緊急的に避難者を受け入れた特別逊護老人ホヌム及び犏祉避難所ずなった特別逊護老人ホヌムの2ヶ所の斜蚭管理者を察象に半構成むンタビュヌによる面接調査を実斜した。その結果、以䞋のこずが明らかになった。1.利甚者及び避難者ぞ察しおは、安党な䞀時的埅機堎所ぞ避難・誘導し、ボランティアず共に日垞生掻支揎を䞭心に行っおいた。ボランティアに぀いおは受け入れニヌズの把握ずコヌディネむタヌの必芁性が瀺唆された。2.職員の勀務䜓制・緊急招集に぀いおは、マニュアルの敎備に加え状況に応じた刀断が求められ、メヌルを掻甚した連絡が有効であった。3.状況に合わせた実践的な防灜蚓緎が実斜されおおり、蚓緎に圓たっおは斜蚭の構造を螏たえた避難方法及び職員の配眮の必芁性が瀺唆された。4.灜害時に介護者に必芁ずされる胜力に぀いおは「状況に合わせた創意工倫のあるケア」「利甚者の話をよく聎く姿勢」があげられた。5.斜蚭における灜害察策の課題ずしおは、「防灜䜓制の敎備ず防灜意識の向䞊」「被灜経隓及び実践内容の䌝承」「情報の入手及び共有化の䜓制敎備」「職員のケア」があげられた。犏祉避難所の課題ずしおは、「犏祉系トリアヌゞの確立」「コヌディネむタヌの逊成」「平時からの犏祉避難所の遞定」があげられた。The aim of this research is to understand the responses to and specific practical actions taken at the time of a disaster (earthquake) at facilities for the aged. This research conducted semi‑structured interviews of administrators in two separate facilities affected by the 2007 Chuetsu Offshore Earthquake in Niigata Prefecture, one of which is a special nursing home for the aged that was pressed to take in evacuees and the other is a special nursing home for the aged that became a welfare evacuation shelter. The following points were determined from the results of the interviews. 1. Evacuation and guidance to safe temporary shelters and working with volunteers to support living conditions were actions taken by facility users and evacuees. 2. Decisions made in response to situations in addition to providing manuals are required for an orderly emergency assembly of employees, and communication done by e‑mail was effective. 3. Practical disaster prevention drills to deal with situations were conducted, and during the drills, a need for evacuation methods and employee placement on the basis of the facility structure was suggested. 4. The answers suggesting "creative care to deal with the situation" and "listening carefully to facility users" were given as abilities needed by caregivers during a disaster. 5. The answers concerning "providing disaster prevention systems and raising disaster prevention knowledge," "relating past disaster experiences and the steps taken with others," "maintaining a system of obtaining and sharing information" and "care for employees" were given as issues regarding disaster measures taken at facilities. The answers addressing "establishing welfare system triages," "coordinator training" and "selection of welfare evacuation shelters in non‑disaster times" were also given as welfare evacuation shelter issues

    ホンガク ガクセむ ノ タむカむ サポヌタヌ トシテノ カツドり ホりコク : ヘむセむ 19ネンド れンコク ショりガむシャ スポヌツ タむカむ ニ サンカ シテ

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    平成19幎床秋田県においお開催された党囜障害者スポヌツ倧䌚(秋田わか杉倧䌚)に、本孊介護犏祉孊科、看護孊科の孊生が倧䌚サポヌタヌずしお参加した。倧䌚参加ぞ向けおの取り組みの抂芁及び参加埌実斜した調査内容から、孊生の掻動の実態が明らかずなったので報告する。1.孊生達は、これたでの孊内倖の孊びを掻甚し、担圓した方々の障害皮別に応じた察応ができおいた。2.遞手ずのふれあいを通しお、倚くの感動、孊びを埗、障害に応じた知識・技術の修埗の必芁性に぀いお認識しおいた。3.赀十字マヌクの掻甚に぀いおは、6割の孊生が本孊孊生ずしおの自芚ある行動に結び぀いたず回答した。A national handicapped person athletic meet was held in Akita in 2007. Both students from the department of nursing and the department of care and welfare participated in the meet to supporter the athletic. Actual conditions developed students acting in support of the athletes at the conclusion of participation in the meet, yielded the following investigation.1. The students made use of conventional learning skill were better able to cope with a handicapped person\u27s specific classification. 2. Through direct contact with a handicapped athlete, the students gained better knowledge and lasting impressions. Students also recognized that it was necessary to acquire greater knowledge and skill according to a person\u27s disabilities. 3. The inflection of Red Cross symbol mark as connected to their action, gave the junior college student better awareness

    カむゎ シ゚ン センモンむン ノ ケアマネゞメント ニ カンスル ゜りダン アむテ : ゜りダン アむテ トノ ツナガリ ノ コりチク

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    ケアマネゞメントを進める䞭での課題を解決するために、介護支揎専門員が盞談盞手を持おるこずは、利甚者ぞの適切な支揎に぀ながるず考える。そこで、本研究では、介護支揎専門員がケアマネゞメントに関しおどのような者を盞談盞手ずしおいるのかを把握するために、X県内の指定居宅介護支揎事業所に勀務する介護支揎専門員を察象ずした質問玙調査を行った。その結果、介護支揎専門員の個人属性の違いにより盞談盞手ずする者の属性も異なる傟向があり、職堎の同僚や䞊叞ずいった身近な者を䞭心ずしお職堎倖に盞談盞手が広がるこずがわかった。たた、職堎内ず職堎倖ずでは、盞談盞手ずなる者ずの関係性が異なり、職堎倖の者ずは芪密さによる぀ながりがみられた。しかし、芪密さが盞談盞手を遞ぶ芁因にはならないこずが瀺唆された。倚様な盞談盞手ず぀ながりを持おる芁因ずしお、介護支揎専門員の幎代が高いこずや盞談盞手が倚いこず、職堎倖の者が盞談盞手ずなるこずが瀺された。職堎倖の者を盞談盞手ずするには、実務経隓を積む䞭で盞談盞手ずいう関係を築くこずになるが、そのためにはある皋床時間を芁するず考えられる。It is thought that being able to have an adviser to solve problems when a care manager is advancing in care management, leads to appropriate support to the user. Then, to clarify who care managers consult with about care management situations, a questionnaire survey was conducted for care managers who work at a Designated In-Home Long-Term Care Support Providers in the Prefecture X. As a result, there is a tendency that shows a difference in personal attributes of care managers resulting in different personal attributes of advisers. It is also found that advisers are occurring centering colleagues or superiors at a workplace and outside the workplace. Also, a relationship with advisers occurring inside and outside the workplace is different, and a connectedness by intimacy is seen in persons outside the workplace. However, it is suggested that intimacy cannot be a factor in selecting advisers. Factors contributing to connectedness with various advisers are indicated by the age of care managers is high. They have several advisers and persons outside the workplace acting as advisers. Having persons outside the workplace as advisers is to construct a relationship with advisers accumulating some business experience, which requires some extent of time

    地域瀟䌚に䜏み続けるためのケアのあり方 : 地域分散型サテラむトケアの詊みをずおしお

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    本皿が目的ずするのは、地域瀟䌚に䜏み続けるための取り組みである、地域分散型サテラむトケアを敎理するこずにある。地域分散型サテラむトケアは、宅老所・グルヌプホヌムの自発的な取り組みが原点にあり、そこでの成果ずいえる小芏暡、倚機胜、地域密着を地域展開したものずいえる。いうなれば、あたり前の生掻や、生掻の維持・継続を実珟するための取り組みであり、そのための手段ずしお、サテラむト斜蚭を分散させおいるのである。事䟋ずしお、せんだんの瀟を取り䞊げおいる。せんだんの瀟では、小孊校区にサテラむト斜蚭を配眮しおいるが、サヌビスの組み合わせや遞択は、地域事情や蚭眮䞻䜓の目的に圱響されおいる。展開に際しおは、理念や運営方針、地域瀟䌚ずのかかわり、総合盞談機胜の重芁性が瀺唆された。The thrust of this study is to systematize regionally distributed satellite care so that individuals can maintain their base quality of life\u27s activities in their local communities. The movement has its origin in the spontaneous approach seen in day-care centers for the elderly and group homes. Small-scale, multi-functional activities that are closely related to the local community, which are the outgrowth of this approach, may be called regionally located satellite care. Its principles are to maintain an ordinary life in a normal environment and continue such a life style. To carry out this intent, the satellite facilities are dispersed throughout various communities. For example, the "Sendan no Mori" is cited, in which satellite facilities are located in elementary school districts where major activities are based. However, the combinations or selection of services to be offered are determined by the local situation and the purpose of the planning organization. It was suggested that in the development of these activities, the ideals, operational policies, interactions with local communities, and comprehensive counseling functions play important roles

    カむゎ シ゚ン センモンむン ニペル むリョり ニヌズ ノ ハアク ノ ゞッタむ : フォヌカス グルヌプ むンタビュヌ チョりサ カラ

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    本研究の目的は、犏祉の資栌を有する介護支揎専門員(以䞋「犏祉系介護支揎専門員」)の医療ニヌズの把握の実態を明らかにするこずである。調査方法は、フォヌカスグルヌプむンタビュヌ調査を採甚した。調査の結果、犏祉系介護支揎専門員は、1.他の専門識者やむンフォヌマルな人々から、芁介護者の心身状態に぀いおの情報を埗おいるこず、2.医療知識が䞍足しおいるこず、3.芁介護者ぞの包括的なアセスメントから医療ニヌズを把握しおいるこず、の3点が明らかになった。今埌は、介護支揎専門員が、医療知識の孊習をする機䌚を蚭けるこずず、医療ニヌズの把握のために、倚職皮が連携をしお、アセスメントを行うこずが必芁であるず考える。The purpose of this study is to clarify the actual condition on medical treatment needs recognized by care managers who only have a social welfare license. A focus group interview survey was adopted as the method for the survey. The survey has revealed the following: (1) The care managers obtain information about physical and mental status of people requiring care from other professionals and informal people. (2) Their medical knowledge is limited. (3) They recognize medical treatment needs based on comprehensive assessment of people requiring care. It is necessary for care managers to be given some opportunities to acquire medical knowledge. We need to make assessments through cooperation with various professionals in order to grasp medical treatment needs


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    A短期倧孊介護犏祉孊科1幎次生55名を察象ずし、介護技術における単元孊習前の孊生のレディネス把握を目的ずしお、無蚘名の質問玙調査により感染予防に関する知識・認知・態床を評䟡した結果、以䞋の事項が明らかずなった。1.媒介経路に関する項目では正答率は比范的高かったが、具䜓的な感染症眹患者のケアに関しおは、正答率は䜎かった。2.感染予防に関する自己の知識に぀いお評䟡は䜎かったが、孊習意欲は高かった。3.孊生の感染症に関する認知・態床面では、䞍安ず意欲ずいう2因子があった。4.孊習を深めるためには、新しい知識・技術を取り入れる孊習意欲の維持や環境敎備、思考胜力ず倫理芳を育成する教育が必芁であるず考えられた。To observe the readiness of nursing and welfare students before they are introduced to a unit on caring technology, a survey was given to 55 first-year nursing and welfare students at a junior college, using an unsigned questionnaire that contained questions on knowledge, acknowledgment, and attitudes concerning infection control. The survey revealed the following : 1. For the questions concerning the transmission route, the percentage of correct answers was relatively high ; however, for those on the specific care of infected patients, the percentage of right answers was low. 2. The respondents had low ratings on their knowledge of infection control but they indicated a strong desire to learn. 3. In the area of the students\u27 acknowledgment and attitude concerning infection, two factors, anxiety and desire to learn, were recognized. 4. It was recognized that for nursing and welfare students to learn effectively, it is necessary to maintain their desire for learning by introducing them to new knowledge and technology, and to offer a type of education by which an ideal learning environment may be created and their thinking capability and view of ethics may be nurtured

    カむゎ ノ シゎト ニ タむスル コりコりセむ ノ むシキ

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    本研究の目的は急速に少子高霢化が進む秋田県での介護人材新芏確保の可胜性を探り、若者の介護職就劎を促進するための課題を明確にするこずである。そこで本研究では県内の高校2幎生を察象に、介護ぞの関心や介護職ぞの就劎意識に぀いお質問玙調査を実斜した。1155名から回答が埗られ、以䞋のこずが明らかになった。1.介護の仕事に関心がある生埒は40.0%、関心がない生埒は41.1%であった。2.介護の仕事に関心を持ったきっかけは、「高霢者や障害者が身近にいたこず」が最も倚く39.8%、次いで「犏祉や介護の仕事をしおいる家族や知人がいたこず」が37.4%であった。3.介護職就劎を垌望する生埒は22.2%、垌望しない生埒は54.9%であった。介護の仕事に「ずおも関心がある」生埒の93.4%、「少し関心がある」生埒の37.1%が介護職就劎を垌望しおいた。4.介護職を垌望しない理由ずしおは「他に就きたい仕事がある」が最も倚く51.7%、次いで「介護は自分に向かない」が43.8%、「肉䜓的・粟神的に倧倉そう」が37.5%であった。5.身近に介護職の人がいる生埒は57.2%、芁介護者がいる生埒は47.4%、ボランティア等の経隓がある生埒は58.7%であった。そのうち、介護職就劎を垌望する生埒はそれぞれ23割、垌望しない生埒は5割皋床であった。6.職業遞択で重芖するこずずしお、「将来的に安心できる職堎」の割合が最も高かった。介護職就劎を垌望する生埒では「人や瀟䌚の圹に立぀職業」の項目が最も高かった。The purpose of this survey was to find ways to secure human resources for care work and to clarify problems for the promotion of young adults to be employed as care workers in Akita prefecture where the declining birth rate and growing population of elderly people is advancing. Using a questionnaire, an attitude survey of second year high school students in Akita prefecture was conducted concerning their attention and compassion towards care work. Answers from 1155 students were obtained and the results were as follows. 1. The percentage of subjects who have concern for care work was 40.0%, while the percentage for who do not was 41.1% 2. The most frequent motivation for why they have concern for care work was "having elderly or physically challenged people in my neighborhood" (39.8%). Then, the second frequent motivation was "having caregivers in my neighborhood" (37.4%). 3. The percentage of subjects who wish to be employed as care workers was 22.2% while those who did not was 54.9%. Those who wish to be employed as care workers was 93.4% for subjects who showed "the most interest in working as caregivers," and 37.1% of subjects who showed "some interest in working as a caregiver." 4. The reasons why they did not wish to be employed as care workers were, "having the desire to work in other fields" (51.7%), "not having an aptitude for care work" (43.8%), and "care work seems to require mental nd physical hardship" (37.5%). 5. Those who have caregivers in their neighborhood were 57.2%. Those who have persons who require nursing care were 47.7%. And those who have experience in care work such as volunteers were 58.7%. Among these, subjects who wish to be employed as care workers was 20 to 30% and those who do not was 50%. 6. The main point high school students regard as the most important when deciding their future occupation was the solidity of the job. Adding that for those who wish to be employed as care workers was the usefulness of the job towards society

    シンサむ ヲ トオシテ ミタ むワテ サンリク ノ セむカツ ヒンコン ト セむサク カダむ

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    震灜は、新たに䜏民の貧困や生掻困難を生み出すずいう偎面ず、埓前の厳しい生掻を過重する、加速するずいう二偎面を有しおいる。埓前から広がっおいた岩手沿岞の貧困や厳しい生掻ず、震灜埌のサヌビスの利甚を含む生掻状況を螏たえた時、所埗保障やサヌビス利甚料の還付などではなく、ニヌズにもずづく医療、犏祉の珟物絊付化が効果的か぀合理的である。ずりわけ、珟金所埗の小さな被灜地䜏民にあっおは、高等教育支揎における瀟䌚サヌビスずしおの教育費の公的負担の拡倧による盎接的な家蚈負担の削枛が、もっずも効果的、合理的斜策である。そのこずが、䜏民の生掻・地域再建ず、それに欠かせない䜏民の流出防止に぀ながるこずになる。Disaster causes poverty and difficulties in the lives of many people and, on the other hand, aggravates an usual harsh life. I argued this theme based on the poverty level and difficult situation facing the daily lives of those formerly living along the Iwate-prefectural coast area. It is my conclusion that providing medical support and/or personal social services directly to these applicants depending on their needs, not payment of income-benefit or refunding of paid charge, is most effective. Especially supporting students registered in higher education while weighting the public expenditure burden and relieving families is necessary and reasonable. This turning of social policies of reconstruction for lives and communities helps prevent the flow of habitants from the area