A短期大学介護福祉学科1年次生55名を対象とし、介護技術における単元学習前の学生のレディネス把握を目的として、無記名の質問紙調査により感染予防に関する知識・認知・態度を評価した結果、以下の事項が明らかとなった。1.媒介経路に関する項目では正答率は比較的高かったが、具体的な感染症罹患者のケアに関しては、正答率は低かった。2.感染予防に関する自己の知識について評価は低かったが、学習意欲は高かった。3.学生の感染症に関する認知・態度面では、不安と意欲という2因子があった。4.学習を深めるためには、新しい知識・技術を取り入れる学習意欲の維持や環境整備、思考能力と倫理観を育成する教育が必要であると考えられた。To observe the readiness of nursing and welfare students before they are introduced to a unit on caring technology, a survey was given to 55 first-year nursing and welfare students at a junior college, using an unsigned questionnaire that contained questions on knowledge, acknowledgment, and attitudes concerning infection control. The survey revealed the following : 1. For the questions concerning the transmission route, the percentage of correct answers was relatively high ; however, for those on the specific care of infected patients, the percentage of right answers was low. 2. The respondents had low ratings on their knowledge of infection control but they indicated a strong desire to learn. 3. In the area of the students\u27 acknowledgment and attitude concerning infection, two factors, anxiety and desire to learn, were recognized. 4. It was recognized that for nursing and welfare students to learn effectively, it is necessary to maintain their desire for learning by introducing them to new knowledge and technology, and to offer a type of education by which an ideal learning environment may be created and their thinking capability and view of ethics may be nurtured