4 research outputs found

    The Exploration of Enterprise Crisis Communication Strategy and Effect in The New Media Environment on Food Industry--Case Study of Food Safety Crisis

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    现今中国已经进入危机常态化阶段,品牌危机已经近乎成为企业成长的一种必然。同时随着微博等自媒体的蓬勃发展,受众网络口碑正汇聚成为一股强大力量,对企业的危机处理效果产生影响。采用何种危机回应策略才能更有效的应对新媒体环境下的企业危机?如何适应这样复杂的传媒生态,并进行有效的危机管理?这些都成为当下管理者和传播人急需深思的问题。 本文在情境危机沟通理论(SCCT)的视角下,采用案例分析与内容分析法,从宏观与微观两个视角对2012年发生的食品安全危机进行了分析。一方面从宏观角度来探讨37个企业在危机发生后倾向于采取何种危机回应策略;另一方面,从微观的角度选取其中6个个案进行深入分析。最终得出以下结论...Nowadays China has entered the crisis normalized phase, brand crisis has almost become a necessity firm growth.At the same time, along with the vigorous development of the media such as weibo, audience iwom is gathered into a powerful force,have an impact on the effect of corporate crisis management.What are more effective crisis response strategies to cope with the new media environment of enterp...学位:文学硕士院系专业:新闻传播学院_传播学学号:3192011115291

    Impact of body language on the image dissemination of politician:Case study on TV debate of 2012 political leader election in Taiwan

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    本文以2012台湾地区领导人大选电视辩论作为个案,以非言语传播中的身势语为切入点。通过内容分析法分析三位候选人在电视辩论中对手势、姿势、面部表情、眼神和服饰等方面的运用,同时结合通过实验法获得的观众对候选人身势语各方面及其整体形象的评价作为效果评价的标准。研究结果表明候选人电视辩论中手势、姿势、面部表情、眼神的表现及服饰的运用对其整体形象传播效果确实存在重要影响。本文针对上述身势语方面给出了相关建议,以期为候选人提供借鉴,从而有效地运用非言语交际手段辅助辩论发挥、避免消极的身势语。This pattern will choose 2012 Taiwan political leader election TV debate as a case, and the body language of the nonverbal communication as the entry point.The content analysis method is used to analyze the use of the three candidates' gestures, posture, facial expressions, eyes and clothing in the televised debate, combine with the experimental method to obtain evaluation of the candidates' body language of all aspects and the evaluation of its overall image as effect evaluation standards.The research results show that the performance of the candidates' body language in the TV debate does have important influence for its image dissemination, In this paper, we give recommendations on the aspects mentioned above, in order to provide a useful reference for candidates to use non-verbal communication means to asist the performance of their debate effectivelly , and to avoid negative body language .中央高校基本科研业务费专项资助项目(编号2010221085); 福建省社科规划项目“超越制度决定论:两岸互联网政治参与比较研究”(编号2012C103)系列成果之

    EGFR-targeted CAR-T cells are potent and specific in suppressing triple-negative breast cancer both in vitro and in vivo

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    百年校庆之际,药学院刘文教授团队连续在Clinical & Translational Immunology和Cancer Immunology Research杂志上发表论文报道了一种靶向表皮生长因子受体(Epidermal growth factor receptor,EGFR)的新型嵌合抗原受体T细胞(CAR-T细胞)在小鼠肿瘤模型中能有效地抑制三阴性乳腺癌(Triple-negative breast cancer,TNBC),其与表观遗传调控因子CDK7抑制剂联合使用甚至达到治愈效果。三阴性乳腺癌侵袭性强、复发快、预后差,临床上缺乏有效的治疗手段。包括CAR-T治疗在内的免疫治疗已经成为癌症治疗中极具前景的治疗方式之一。研究团队构建了一种靶向EGFR的新型CAR-T细胞,证实了联合CAR-T肿瘤免疫治疗和表观遗传抑制剂能更有效抑制癌症的发生发展和缓解肿瘤免疫治疗引起的耐受,为临床上治疗三阴性乳腺癌提供了一种潜在的方式。 药学院刘文教授为文章的通讯作者,课题组助理教授夏琳、博士生郑早早、硕士生陈宇洁和公共卫生学院博士生刘珺懿为共同第一作者。【Abstract】Objectives: Triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) is well known for its strong invasiveness, rapid recurrence and poor prognosis. Immunotherapy, including chimeric antigen receptor-modified T (CAR-T) cells, has emerged as a promising tool to treat TNBC. The identification of a specific target tumor antigen and the design of an effective CAR are among the many challenges of CAR-T therapy. Methods: We reported that epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) is highly expressed in TNBC and consequently designed an optimal third generation of CAR targeting EGFR. The efficacy of primary T lymphocytes infected with EGFR CAR lentivirus (EGFR CAR-T) against TNBC was evaluated both in vitro and in vivo. The signalling pathways activated in tumor and EGFR CAR-T cells were revealed by RNA sequencing analysis. Results: Third-generation EGFR CAR-T cells exerted potent and specific suppression of TNBC cell growth in vitro, whereas limited cytotoxicity was observed towards normal breast epithelial cells or oestrogen receptor-positive breast cancer cells. This capability was further demonstrated in vivo in a xenograft mouse model, with minimal offtumor cytotoxicity. Mechanistically, in vitro stimulation with TNBC cells induced the expansion of na€ıve-associated EGFR CAR-T cells and enhanced their persistence. Furthermore, EGFR CAR-T cells activated the interferon c, granzyme–perforin–PARP and Fas–FADD–caspase signalling pathways in TNBC cells. Conclusion: We demonstrate that EGFR is a relevant immunotherapeutic target in TNBC, and EGFR CAR-T exhibits potent and specific antitumor activity against TNBC,suggesting the potential of this third-generation EGFR CAR-T as an immunotherapy tool to treat TNBC in the clinic.The work of LX was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (31600748) and Project of XMU Training Program of Innovation and Entrepreneurship for Undergraduates (2019X0959), and the work of Wen Liu was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (81761128015, 81861130370, 31871319 and 91953114), Fujian Province Health Education Joint Research Project (WKJ2016-2-09), Xiamen Science and Technology Project (2017S0091), Xiamen Science and Technology major projects (3502Z20171001-20170302) and Fundamental Research Funds for the Central University (20720190145). 该研究工作也得到了公共卫生学院的夏宁邵教授和罗文新教授的大力支持。该研究工作获得了科技部重点研发计划、国家自然科学基金项目、福建省自然科学基金项目、厦门市科技计划项目、厦门市科技重大专项、中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金等多个项目的经费支持