20 research outputs found

    The Effects of Temperature and Salinity on Metabolism of Litopenaeus vannamei Postlarvae

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    凡纳滨对虾(Litopenaeusvannamei)是我国主要的养殖虾类之一,具有很重要的经济价值,对该虾的生物学研究已较广泛和深入。单一理化因子对凡纳滨对虾生理生化的影响也已经有较多报道,但多因子交互作用的研究相对较少。本文主要以凡纳滨对虾仔虾为研究对象,研究在温度、盐度突变和适应两种状态下,仔虾代谢率(耗氧率,排氨率),能量代谢底物(氧氮比)以及含水量和比能值的变化,通过比较应激状态和适应状态下其代谢的变化,来探讨仔虾在环境变化过程中应激和适应的可能机理;研究不同温度、盐度条件下仔虾的Na+K+-ATPase和体内游离氨基酸含量的变化,来探讨凡纳滨对虾仔虾在盐度变化过程中可能的渗透调节机制...Litopenaeus vannamei is one of the most important economic shrimp and excellent aquacultural breeds in China. This research mainly studied the effects of temperature and salinity on metabolism of Litopenaeus vannamei postlarvae in 3 aspects: metabolism character(Changes of oxygen consumption, ammonia exertion and metabolic substrate ), changes of Na+K+-ATPase and free amino acids. Litopenaeus vann...学位:理学硕士院系专业:海洋与环境学院海洋学系_海洋生物学学号:20022702

    Seasonal variation and horizontal distribution of zooplankton community in Xinghuawan Bay

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    兴化湾为福建北部最大的海湾,于2006年对该海湾浮游动物群落进行了四季9个站位的调查。共检出浮游动物及幼虫124种,其中春季42种,夏季89种,秋季71种,冬季20种;分属近岸暖温、近岸暖水和广布外海3个生态类群;优势种15种,春季以水母和桡足类占优势,夏季以水母占优势,秋季以水母、桡足类和箭虫占优势,冬季则以桡足类占优势。不同季节兴化湾浮游动物生物量湿重和丰度水平分布特征变化明显,并与温度和盐度呈显著相关。聚类分析显示兴化湾浮游动物群落夏季类群和秋季类群相似度较高;各季节水平分布基本可分为湾口区和湾内区两大类群。与20世纪80年代相比,尽管本次调查浮游动物群落没有表现出显著差异,但随着电厂等大规模工程的投产,兴化湾海域生态系统健康面临着极大威胁,其环境压力需引起持续关注。Xinghuawan Bay is the biggest bay in northern Fujian Province of China.A comprehensive investigation on the population of zooplankton was conducted at 9 stations seasonally in 2006.Total 124 zooplankton species with 10 larvae were identified during the investigation.Among which 42,89,71,and 20 species occurred in spring,summer,autumn,and winter,respectively.All these zooplankton could be divided into three ecotypes,including offshore warm-water group,offshore warm-temperature group and eurytopic group.There were 15 dominant species during sampling period.Among which jellyfish dominated the community in spring,summer and autumn,copepods dominated in spring,autumn and winter,chaetognatha dominated in autumn.Seasonal variations of horizontal distribution of biomass and abundance of zooplankton were significantly correlated with both water temperature and salinity.Community cluster analysis indicated the similarity of the summer and autumn groups of zooplankton,and mouth area group and inner bay group could be divided in all seasons.Although the zooplankton communities in this study had not represented significant difference compared to the pattern in the 1980s,the health of marine ecosystem of Xinghuawan Bay is threatened by increasing economic activities(e.g.power plants) now and should pay more concern.国家专项资助项目(908-ZC-II-04;908-02-04-02);海洋公益性行业科研专项资助项目(200805069;200705015);国家海洋局第二海洋研究所基本科研业务费专项资助项目(JT0806;JG200817);国家海洋局青年基金资助项目(2008113


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    实验观察了不同饵料、池底、密度对锯缘青蟹大眼幼体蜕皮变态率和残杀率的影响.实验结果表明:投喂裸腹蚤时,大眼幼体蜕皮变态率最高,3种池底大眼幼体蜕皮变态率平均为 78.1%,残杀率最低平均为 11.4%;海泥池底大眼幼体蜕皮变态率最高,投喂3种饵料的大眼幼体蜕皮变态率平均为84.8%,残杀率最低平均为7.6%;裸腹蚤是青蟹大眼幼体培育适宜的饵料,而海泥则是大眼幼体变态适宜的池底.不同培育密度对青蟹大眼幼体蜕皮变态率和残杀率的实验结果表明:当大眼幼体的培育密度为3 尾/dm3 时,其蜕皮变态率最高,而残杀率与大眼幼体培育密度的关系不明确. 【英文摘要】 Effects of different dietary,densities and substrata on metamorphosis rate and cannibalistic rate from protozoea 1 (PZ1) to postlarvae 1(PL1) stages of Scylla serrata megalopae were studied in two separate experiments.In the first experiment,three dietary:Monia mongolica,minced meat of Ruditapes philippinaram which filted through mesh and haima 0 shrimp stuff and three substrata:sea mud,sand and cement were investigated.It showed that the metamorphosis rate of megalopae was higher when it was fed Monia mong...国家海洋 863 项目“锯缘青蟹大规模人工育苗技术”(2002AA603013)资

    Spatial niches of dominant zooplankton species in Sanmen Bay,Zhejiang Province of East China

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    生态位与种间竞争、资源利用密切联系,体现了物种在群落中利用资源的能力.为探明三门湾浮游动物分布格局的形成和影响因素,分别采用SHAnnOn公式和PETrAIlIS指数测定了浮游动物优势种生态位宽度和生态位重叠,并通过典范对应分析研究生态位分化状况.结果表明:百陶带箭虫、背针胸刺水蚤、短尾类幼虫等沿岸种的空间生态位较宽,而肥胖软箭虫、中华假磷虾等外海种的空间生态位较窄;具有捕食-被捕食关系的不同类群物种(如箭虫、仔鱼和水母分别与桡足类)有较高的生态位重叠,而同一类群物种(如桡足类及箭虫)间的生态位重叠值较低;浮游动物分布受温度、盐度和叶绿素A的影响较大,受营养盐影响较小.浮游动物空间生态位与生活类型、种间竞争、摄食等多种因素相关.Ecological niche has close relations with inter-species competition and resources utilization,and thus,can be used as an indicator to symbolize the resources utilization capability of certain groups of related species.In this paper,the niche breadth and overlap of the dominant zooplankton species in the Sanmen Bay of Zhejiang were determined by Shannon' s formula and Petraitis index,respectively,and the differentiation of the niche was studied by canonical correspondence analysis(CCA),aiming to approach the distribution features of coastal zooplankton and related affecting factors in the Bay.In the study area,some coastal species such as Zonosagitta bedoti,Centropages dorsispinatus,and brachyuran larvae had wider niche breadth than the pelagic species such as Flaccisagitta enflata and Pseudeuphausia sinica,and the species of different groups with prey-predator relation had a greater niche overlap than those of the same groups without this relation.The CCA analysis showed that the spatial distribution of the zooplankton was more affected by water temperature,salinity,and chlorophyll a content rather than nutrients.The spatial niche of the zooplankton species was correlated with their living habit,inter-species competition,and prey-predator relationship.国家重点基础研究发展计划项目(2010CB428903); 海洋公益性行业科研专项(201305043-3); 浙江省自然科学基金项目(Y5110166); 浙江省海水养殖重点科技创新团队项目(2010R50025); 国家海洋局第二海洋研究所基本科研业务费专项(JG1221;JG1222)资

    The Effects of Acute Changes in Salinity on Respiration and Ammonia Excretion During Litopenaeus vannamei Postlarvae Development

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    凡纳滨对虾是我国沿海虾塘的主养品种,其对低盐和低溶解氧环境具有较强的适应性.本文研究急性盐度变化对凡纳滨对虾仔虾:(a)耐盐力;(b)呼吸和氨氮排泄代谢的影响;(c)涉及代谢底物的呼吸排泄氧氮原子比O/N;(d)培养于各驯化盐度梯度下仔虾的含水量和特定生长率(SGR).实验结果表明:凡纳滨对虾仔虾耐盐力随仔虾生长发育而增强,仔虾的耐盐力可作为虾苗质量或抗逆能力的指标;急性盐度驯化对早期仔虾耗氧率的影响尤为显著,急性驯化盐度梯度下仔虾耗氧率都高于原生存盐度下的,这是仔虾应急的能量消耗;急性盐度驯化对不同日龄与不同盐度梯度下的仔虾氨氮排泄率影响不大;无论是升高的或是降低的急性盐度驯化,仔虾的呼吸与氨氮排泄氧氮原子比(O/N)都高于仔虾原生存盐度下的.凡纳滨对虾仔虾渗透调节的可能机制是:属细胞外渗透调节,首先消耗能量丰富的脂储用于活跃的离子转运.凡纳滨对虾仔虾的含水量随盐度升高而降低;测定的特定生长率表明凡纳滨对虾最适的生长盐度为11~20.The white shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei is a dominating aquaculture species in China.This species is well adapted to environments of low salinity and can tolerate low levels of dissolved oxygen.This study was designed to know the effects of acute changes in salinity on:(a)the resistant ability to salinity changes,(b)the oxygen consumption and ammonia excretion,(c)the metabolic substrate(ON) on the different age of postlarvae,(d) the body water content and specific growth rate(SGR)of postlarvae by culturing in different salinity.The resistance to acute changes in salinity stress is increased with postlarvae developing.And the salinity tolerance of postlarvae can be used by shrimp hatcheries as a quality control procedure and a character of the resistance to abiotic stresses.The effect of acute changes in salinity on oxygen consumption is especially pronounced for the early instar postlarvae.The oxygen consumption under acute changes in salinity is larger than that of postlarvae lived seawater salinity,it is energy expenditure for salinity stress.There was not a significant effect of acute changes in salinity on the ammonia excretion in either postlarvl stages or salinity grads.ON for neither increased salinity acute changes nor reduced salinity acute changes are all higher than that of postlarvae lived seawater salinity.The possible osmoregulation mechanisms of Litopenaeus vannamei postlarvae is an extracellular osmoregulator,which is associated with energy expenditure for active ion transport,involving the degradation of energy-rich compounds such as lipids.The body water content of white shrimp postlarvae is decreased with increased salinity.Specific growth rate of white shrimp postlarvae by culturing in different salinity indicate that the optimal salinity for Litopenaeus vannamei growth is 11~20.海洋系学生科技创新项目(2003-2005)资


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    Effects of Diets,Densities and Substrata on Metamorphosis Rate to Postlarvae of Scylla serrata Megalopae

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    实验观察了不同饵料、池底、密度对锯缘青蟹大眼幼体蜕皮变态率和残杀率的影响.实验结果表明:投喂裸腹蚤时,大眼幼体蜕皮变态率最高,3种池底大眼幼体蜕皮变态率平均为 78.1%,残杀率最低平均为 11.4%;海泥池底大眼幼体蜕皮变态率最高,投喂3种饵料的大眼幼体蜕皮变态率平均为84.8%,残杀率最低平均为7.6%;裸腹蚤是青蟹大眼幼体培育适宜的饵料,而海泥则是大眼幼体变态适宜的池底.不同培育密度对青蟹大眼幼体蜕皮变态率和残杀率的实验结果表明:当大眼幼体的培育密度为3 尾/dm3 时,其蜕皮变态率最高,而残杀率与大眼幼体培育密度的关系不明确. 【英文摘要】 Effects of different dietary,densities and substrata on metamorphosis rate and cannibalistic rate from protozoea 1 (PZ1) to postlarvae 1(PL1) stages of Scylla serrata megalopae were studied in two separate experiments.In the first experiment,three dietary:Monia mongolica,minced meat of Ruditapes philippinaram which filted through mesh and haima 0 shrimp stuff and three substrata:sea mud,sand and cement were investigated.It showed that the metamorphosis rate of megalopae was higher when it was fed Monia mong...国家海洋 863 项目“锯缘青蟹大规模人工育苗技术”(2002AA603013)资


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    从分类群的多样性、寄主植物多样性和地理分布多样性 3个方面系统研究了中国斑蚜科蚜虫的物种多样性。分类群的多样性从亚科、属和种 3个不同阶元进行了描述。寄主植物的多样性体现在 :不同蚜虫类群寄主植物的丰富度 ,其中角斑蚜亚科的寄主最为丰富 ,包括 14个科的植物 ;同类寄主植物上取食蚜虫的多样性 ,其中桦木科植物上有 15个属的蚜虫取食。在地理分布上 ,斑蚜科在中国主要分布在古北界的 4个区和东洋界的 3个区 ,以古北界的成分占优势 ;而且华北区种类最为丰富 ,其次为东北区、华中区、华南区和蒙新区。属的分布类型可分为 12种 ,分别为中国特有分布型、东亚特有分布型、古北界特有分布型、东洋界特有分布型、全北界分布型、全北界和澳洲界共有分布型、古北界和东洋界共有分布型、全北界和东洋界共有分布型、全北界和非洲界共有分布型、古北界、东洋界和非洲界共有分布型、东洋界和澳洲界共有分布型及东洋界、非洲界和澳洲界共有分布型 ,其中以东亚特有分布型为最丰富 ,有 10个属 ;其次为全北界分布型 ,有 7个属 ,同时中国的特有成分也相当高 ,涉及 6个属。纵观整个中国斑蚜科属级阶元的分布类型 ,中国的斑蚜科以全北界成分为主 ,其次为东洋界成分。斑蚜科在中国的地理分布 ,由东向西 ,种类越来越?This paper describes the species diversity of Chinese Drepanosiphidae from the following three aspects: taxa diversity, host plants diversity, and geographical distribution diversity. Taxa diversity is expressed in levels of subfamilies, genera and species. Host plants diversity is expressed in terms of the number of host plants in different aphid groups. The Myzocallidinae had the greatest host plant diversity (14 plant families). Aphid diversity is expressed in terms of the number of aphid species feeding on the same host plants. The plant family Betulaceae is infested by 15 genera of aphids. In terms of geographical distribution, the Drepanosiphidae in China are mainly found in 4 subregions of the Palaearctic Region, and 3 subregions of the Oriental Region. Groups in the Palaearctic Region are distinctly predominant; in addition, species in North China are the most plentiful, relatively fewer species are found in the Northeast, Central China, South China and the Mongolia-Xinjiang subregions. The distribution patterns of genera are segregated into 12 categories, i.e. Chinese endemic distribution pattern, East Asian endemic distribution pattern, Palaearctic Region endemic distribution pattern, Oriental Region endemic distribution pattern, Holearctic region endemic distribution pattern, distribution pattern in Holearctic and Australian Regions, distribution pattern in Palaearctic and Oriental Regions, distribution pattern in Holearctic and Oriental Regions, distribution pattern in Holearctic and African Regions, distribution pattern in Palaearctic, Oriental and African Regions, distribution pattern in Oriental and Australian Regions, and distribution pattern in Oriental, African and Australian Regions. Among them the East Asian endemic distribution pattern is predominant, including up to 10 genera; the second is Holearctic distribution pattern, which have 7 genera; in the meantime, Chinese endemic groups are plentiful, which have 6 genera. On the whole, the species number of Chinese Drepanosiphidae is fewer and fewer from East to West, reaching fewest in Tibetan Plateau. Latitudinally, the species are centered in North China, from where dispersing both northward and southward, in Northeast, South China, and Central China the species numbers are fewer.中国科学院知识创新工程资助 (KSCX2 1 0 6A);; 国家自然科学基金面上项目 (30 2 70 1 71 );; 中国科学院生物分类特别支持费;; 中国科学院知识创新工程领域前沿项目 (KSCX3 IOZ 0 1 )的资