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    对厦门沿海6个代表性站位砂壳纤毛虫进行了为期1年的采集,共分离鉴定了27种砂壳纤毛虫,其中拟铃虫属Tintinnopsis 20种,薄铃虫属Leprotintinnus 3种,类铃虫属Codonellopsis 2种,领细壳虫属Stenosemella 1种以及网纹虫属Favella 1种。对该5属27种砂壳纤毛虫进行形态学描述,并提供了显微照片,其中侧胀拟铃虫Tintinnopsis ventricosoides Meunier,1910为中国新记录种。国家自然科学基金(91751207和41306125);;海洋公益性行业科研专项经费(201505003-3);;中海石油有限公司项目(CNOOCKJ125FZDXM00TJ001-2014,CNOOC-KJ125FZDXM00ZJ001-2014)资助~

    The spatial and temporal distribution of virioplankton and heterotrophic bacteria in the coastal waters of Zhejiang

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    为了解浙江近海海域浮游病毒和异养细菌的时空生态分布,于2014年11月(秋)、2015年1月(冬)、2015年5月(春)和2015年7月(夏)连; 续4个季节采集了浙江近海海域表层海水样品,采用流式细胞仪技术对样品浮游病毒和异养细菌丰度进行了检测,对其时空分布特征及与环境因子的相关性做了分析; 。从水平分布来看,在4个季节中浮游病毒、异养细菌丰度均为宁波、沈家门、岱山等沿岸海域站位的丰度低,远陆海域东极和枸杞站位的丰度高。从季节变化来看; ,浮游病毒、异养细菌丰度的季节分布特征同为夏>春>秋>冬,相关性分析结果表明,春、夏、秋、冬4个季节,浮游病毒丰度与异养细菌丰度均为显著正相关。; 浮游病毒丰度在春、秋、冬季节均与病毒/细菌比值(VBR)显著正相关;夏、秋季节均与盐度显著正相关;春、夏季节均与总磷显著负相关;春季分别于与溶解; 氧、pH、化学耗氧量(COD)显著正相关。异养细菌在春、秋、冬季节均与VBR显著正相关;春、夏季节与溶解氧显著正相关,冬季与溶解氧显著负相关;春; 、夏季节与总磷显著负相关;秋、冬季节均与温度、盐度显著正相关;春、冬季节均与COD显著正相关。In order to investigate the spatial and temporal distribution of; virioplankton and heterotrophic bacteria in the coastal waters of; Zhejiang,the representative samples of sea water were collected in the; coastal waters of Zhejiang for 4 consecutive seasons in November; 2014(Autumn),January 2015(winter),May 2015(spring) and July; 2015(summer). The distribution of virioplankton and heterotrophic; bacteria was studied by flow cytometry,and the correlations between the; abundances of virioplankton,heterotrophic bacteria and environmental; factors were also analyzed. From the horizontal distribution,in the four; seasons low abundance of virioplankton and heterotrophic bacteria was in; the stations of Ningbo,Shenjiamen,Daishan immediate offshore; area;high-abundance was in the stations of Dongji and Gouqi offshore; area. From the seasonal distribution,the abundance of the virioplankton; and heterotrophic bacteria was the same as that of; summer>spring>autumn>winter. The abundance of virioplankton and; heterotrophic bacteria was significantly and positively correlated in; the 4 seasons. The abundance of virioplankton was significantly and; positively correlated with VBR in spring,autumn and winter. The; abundance of virioplankton was significantly and positively correlated; with salinity in summer and autumn. The abundance of virioplankton was; significantly and negatively correlated with TP in spring and summer.; The abundance of virioplankton was significantly and positively; correlated with dissolved oxygen,pH,COD in spring. The heterotrophic; bacteria were significantly and positively correlated with VBR in; spring,autumn and winter. The heterotrophic bacteria were significantly; and positively correlated with dissolved oxygen in spring and summer but; were significantly and negatively correlated with dissolved oxygen in; winter. The heterotrophic bacteria were significantly and negatively; correlated with TP in spring and summer. The heterotrophic bacteria were; significantly and positively correlated with temperature and salinity in; autumn and winter. The heterotrophic bacteria were significantly and; positively correlated with COD in spring and winter.国家海洋局公益性行业科研专

    Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Picophytoplankton in Coastal Waters of Zhejiang

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    【目的】为了解浙江近海海域超微型光合自养浮游生物原绿球藻(Prochlorococcus,; Pro)、聚球藻(Synechococcus,Syn)和超微型真核浮游植物(Picoeukaryotes,Euk)的时空生态分布,【方法】于20; 14年11月(秋)、2015年1月(冬)、2015年5月(春)和2015年7月(夏)连续4个季节采集了浙江近海海域表层海水样品,采用流式细胞仪技; 术对样品超微型光合自养浮游生物丰度进行了检测,并对其时空分布特征及与环境因子的相关性进行了研究。【结果】从水平分布来看,在4个季节中超微型光合自; 养浮游生物丰度均为宁波、沈家门、岱山等沿岸海域站位的丰度低,远陆海域东极和枸杞站位的丰度高。从季节分布来看,原绿球藻的季节分布特征为夏季>秋季; >冬季>春季,聚球藻的季节分布特征为秋季 >冬季 >春季>夏季,超微型真核浮游植物的季节分布特征为夏季>秋季; >春季>冬季。相关性分析表明,春季,原绿球藻、聚球藻、超微型真核浮游植物均与pH显著正相关;秋季,原绿球藻、聚球藻、超微型真核浮游植物均与温度显; 著正相关;冬季,聚球藻、超微型真核浮游植物均与盐度显著正相关。【结论】本文超微型光合自养浮游生物丰度近岸海域明显低于远陆海域,这与近岸海域泥沙含; 量大,水色和透明度低有很大关系。浮游病毒对宿主的裂解也会影响超微型光合自养浮游生物的丰度变化。【Objective】 The preseat paper aims to investigate the spatial and; temporal distribution of picophytoplankton: Prochlorococcus,; Syn-echococcus and Picoeukaryotes in the coastal waters of; Zhejiang.【Method】 The representative samples of sea water in the coastal; waters of Zhejiang were collected for 4 consecutive seasons in November; 2014 (Autumn), January 2015 (winter),May 2015 (spring) and July 2015; (summer). The distributions of picophytoplankton by flow cytometry were; analyzed, and the correlation between the abundances of; picophytoplankton and environmental factors were studied.【Result】 From; the horizontal distribution, in the four seasons, the abundance of; picophytoplankton were low-abundance areas in the stations of; Ningbo,Shenjiamen, Daishan immediate offshore area, high-abundance areas; in the stations of Dongji and Gouqi offshore area. From seasonal; distribution, the abundance of Prochlorococcus was in order of summer >; autumn > winter > spring, the abundance of Synechococcus autumn > winter; > spring > summer; and the abundance of Picoeukaryotes summer > autumn >; spring > winter. Prochlorococcus,Synechococcus and Picoeukaryotes were; significantly positively correlated with pH in the spring.; Prochlorococcus,Synechococcus and Picoeukaryotes were significantly; positively correlated with temperature in autumn. Synechococcus and; Picoeukaryotes were positively correlated with salinity in; winter.【Conclusion】In this study, the abundance of picophytoplankton in; immediate offshore area was significantly lower than that of far; offshore area. The reason was that the sediment content was large,the; water color and transparency was low in immediate offshore area. The; cracking effect of the virioplankton on the host would affect the; abundance of picophytoplankton.国家海洋局公益性行业科研专


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    利用活体观察和蛋白银染色技术对近年来采自青岛、大亚湾、湛江沿岸水体的10个海洋寡毛类纤毛虫种:侧扁急游虫Strombidium apolatum Wilbert&Song, 2005、具头急游虫Strombidium capitatum (Leegaard,1995) Kahl, 1932、广东急游虫Strombidium guangdongense Liu, et al., 2016、拟卡氏急游虫Strombidium paracalkinsi (Lei, et al., 1999) Agatha, 2004、拟楔尾急游虫Strombidium parastylifer Song, et al., 2009、铃木急游虫Strombidium suzukii Song, et al., 2009、束腰旋游虫Spirostrombidium cinctum (Kahl, 1932) Petz, et al.,1995、杨科夫平游虫Parallelostrombidium jankowski (Song, et al., 2009) Song, et al., 2018、卡尔平游虫Parallelostrombidium kahli (Song, et al., 2009) Song, et al., 2018、最小拟盗虫Strombidinopsis minima (Gruber,1884) Song&Bradbury, 1998的形态学开展了比较研究,补充和厘定了有关形态特征、纤毛图式以及性状变异等分类学新信息。国家自然科学基金(41576124、31672279、31702009、31761133001);;\n广州市科技计划项目珠江科技新星(201610010162)资助~

    Microbial processes and mechanisms in carbon sequestration in the ocean

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    在全球气候环境演变的背景下,认识海洋微型生物对碳循环的贡献,需要了解其过程和机制。最近提出的“微型生物碳泵“理论阐释了海洋储碳的一个新机制:微型生物活动把溶解有机碳从活性向惰性转化,从而构成了海洋储碳。这个过程当中,自养与异养细菌、病毒、原生动物等具有不同生理特性微型生物类群扮演着不同的生态角色,本文将围绕微型生物碳泵主线分别论述之。The oceans are full of microorganisms,which play a significant role in global carbon cycle.Microbial carbon sequestration in the ocean,as a cutting-edge scientific issue,receives a great deal attention in the context of global climate change.Based on the microbial carbon pump conceptual framework,microbes are major producers of recalcitrant dissolved organic carbon(RDOC) that can stay in ocean water column for long time storage.Different microbial groups contribute to RDOC carbon pool in different ways.This paper addresses groups such as autotrophic and heterotrophic microorganisms,viruses and protozoa with respect to their various ecological characteristics and specific roles in RDOC formation.国家重大科学研究计划项目(No.2013CB955700); 国家自然科学基金项目(No.91028001;41276131;41176095;40906059); 国家海洋局公益性项目(No.201105021


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    海洋中存在一个巨大的惰性溶解有机碳(rdOC)库,可与大气CO2碳量相媲美.两个碳库之间的交换势必影响气候变化.rdOC可在海洋中保存数千年,构成了海洋储碳的重要机制.探寻rdOC碳库形成机制是认识海洋如何储碳的关键.新近提出的“海洋微型生物碳泵(MICrObIAl CArbOn PuMP,MCP)“理论指出,海洋微型生物是rdOC碳库的主要贡献者.本文从MCP的主动机制和被动机制及其环境调控出发,论述了海洋rdOC的组成与生物来源,rdOC组分的微型生物代谢途径,病毒的裂解过程以及浮游动物活动对rdOC生产的贡献,不同类群微型生物有机碳代谢特征及其生物标记物与碳氢同位素表征,以及MCP的能量代谢特征与储碳效率,并结合MCP储碳的地史证据展望了MCP在增加海洋储碳能力方面的应用前景.国家自然科学基金(批准号:91028001); 国家重大科学计划(编号:2013CB955700); 国家自然科学基金(批准号:91028005;91028011;41172030;41076091); 国家海洋公益性行业科研专项(批准号:201105021)资


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